Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 241: Magic sword! Royal Sword Skill?

Chapter 241: The Magic Sword! Royal Sword Skill?

“Asshole!” The black mask yelled violently. I never dreamed of it. This frightened kid who couldn’t even speak clearly was actually shocked to say such a sentence, and he hardly believed his ears for a while.

“Kill this kid earlier. Night long dreams!” The person who talked turned out to be Wang Neng!

Jun Moxie turned around: “You are with them?”

Wang Neng turned his face awkwardly, but said coldly: “Mo Jun Ye, in fact, you really shouldn’t come to the misty fantasy house, you are here, everyone is unhappy …”

“I see.” Jun Moxie bowed his head in despair.

“Slow!” Seeing that these people were going to desperately act, Miao Xiaomiao couldn’t bear it anymore, pointed at Xiaodou’s acupuncture point, covered her invisibility cloak with her, and then jumped on her own After coming out, at this moment, a very strange thought suddenly burst into her heart: even if he could or could not marry him as a wife, then it is good to die together today!

So she jumped out recklessly. Standing next to Jun Moxie, his cold eyes stared at the eight people in front of him: “As long as you make way today, I can guarantee that I will not investigate what happened today!”

“Here is Miao Da Young Lady here? Investigate? Investigate what?” The black-faced masked man led with an angry smile: “Who do you think you are? If it is a magic house or your Miao masters gather, you naturally It is the most noble little Princess, and no one dares to offend you! But now it is desolate, and no one can find it here. Do you think that you are still the maniac of the magic palace that you commanded? You came right, just caught After you live, you take it back to dedicate to Young Master, you know, he has been looking forward to you for several years … I can achieve my wish today, I will be very happy to come! “

“Yes, Young Master, is it a clean breeze or a jade tree?” Miao Xiaomiao was not angry when she heard the words, and calmly asked, “Oh, yes, the descendants of the warriors are usually equipped with three bodyguards per person. , There are six of you here, presumably Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu shot together? So, who have you caught me, and who are you going to dedicate? “

The masked man in black emits extremely obscene light, hehe laughed: “Girl Miao, you don’t have to worry about this. When you are undressed and waiting for Lin Xing, you will naturally know us Young Master Who is the Lord … Maybe, when Young Master is tired of playing, we can also taste the taste of the magic Princess. I do n’t know what is different from the sister-in-law in the blue building? Will the woman who is rotten play still Noble as ever? Hahahaha … “

“Shameless! You’re almost dead!” Miao Xiaomiao was furious.

“Yes, they are really dead!” A cold voice sounded, floating in the air, not knowing where it came from. All of a sudden, everyone looked around, but no one could find the master of this voice.

There is no doubt that other masters have come! And is a terrible master!

“It’s too late, do it now, kill them!” A masked man in black yelled and rushed up with his sword.

“Hey, hey …” A sneer sounded, and then the **** glory in the sky was released! A sound of Sword Qi was born.

A shiny, dazzling dazzling magic sword appears suddenly in the air!

Appears in the void in front of Jun Moxie!

This sword is full of glittering cold flames, like the eyes of a **** of death, blinking in the night sky, making people cold from the heart!

This is undoubtedly a strange sword. The brilliance of its body was originally white, but the light shining out, but all the surrounding scenery reflected, turned into an extremely scary blood red!

Although the sword in front of me is just a sword, in the sensations of everyone, it seems like a demon **** who appears in all directions for a long time! It seems that the sword itself is full of heaven and earth, only I have a unique style!

A demon-like sword!

Miao Xiaomiao looked stunned.

When the sword appeared in the air, it was just the spitting air from the sword body that already calmed down all the enemies present!

Miao Xiaomiao has a strange feeling: in front of this sword, thousands of creatures in the world are like ants!

Jianguang flashed, and suddenly changed from stillness to whistling and falling, the speed was extremely fast, but in a flash, Wang Neng and Li Jie behind them did not even make an exclamation, the two good heads Into the sky! There was no blood pouring out of the neck cavity!

But the two corpses have dried up already!

Because only at the moment when the head was cut off, this sword turned out that already absorbed all the blood in their body!

The blood-stained sword is still as glorious as ever, but that sudden killing intention is getting more and more prosperous!


An indifferent voice does not know where it came from. It is full of the power of soul deterrence. When all the masked people in black hear this voice, they collectively have a sudden unexpected loss of mind!

It was this moment of loss of mind, that demon-like sword swooped down with the smirk of death again, and two black masked men fluttered into the air …

“Magic sword! Royal Sword Skill!”

The masked man in black, headed by a ghost, will run away: “Let’s go!”

Imperial Sword Skill, only when cultivation is above the Holy Emperor, a new break will appear. Only those who reach the level of the Lord will master the ultimate Apex Sword Taoism!

There are several gaps in the Xuanqi cultivation, which is entirely caused by the first sloppy intention of Jiuyou at that time … (No wonder I …)

In Fantasy House, there are no more than five people who can master such ultimate killing skills!

Any one of these five people can’t cope with these masked men in black. His Holiness cultivation, in front of Royal Sword Skill, is simply vulnerable! Not even the ability to fight!

But they want to leave now, but it is already too late!

The ending is doomed!

Divine Sword once again sends out a fierce sword slamming, flying through the air, dragging behind a blood-red light curtain! Suddenly left, suddenly right, smart and overbearing. All human beings, no matter how clever, are gray in front of the speed of this sword …

Jianguang flashed again, and two masked men in black fell to the ground.

The two people who have just fallen to the ground, one is running east and the other is running west, but they both fell to the ground at the same time, lost their skulls at the same time, and turned into dead bodies …

It’s a flash again, and the furthest running person falls down slowly. Make a loud noise.

Then the sword hovered in the air, flying to the head of the black masked man, shaking in front of his eyes. Glittering cold light!

The meaning is obvious: go back!

Among the six honorable masters sent by the two brothers of the warring family, the only masked man in black is still engraved. It is also the man who previously played and played with Master Junda. He looked around, along with Wang Neng and Li. Jay and his five companions, seven of them, turned into grotesque corpses, and then looked at this weird sword like a demon, and shivered trembling! At this moment, the perseverance of the Lord’s sturdy state is nothing but nothing!

From beginning to end, the owner of this peerless magic sword did not show up! All the process is just controlled by remote control of this sword, and only that sword has caused the horrible and appalling results now!

He has no doubt, as long as he reveals any meaning of resistance, this sword will penetrate his body at the next moment, and turn himself into a corpse like his friends.

He was trembling, step by step retreats, eyes full of fear, and suddenly yelled: “Who are you? Who are you?” The voice was hoarse like a dying person, full of hopelessness, almost Neighing hysterically!

But no one answered.

Only when he was retreats, the sword followed him step by step, always maintaining the position of three inches in front of his eyes, so that he always felt a kind of cold that penetrated into the bone marrow!

The sword light flickered. At this moment, the black masked man named Captain could clearly feel that it was the sword itself that conveyed a sense of ridicule! Seems to mock his cowardice!

But there is nothing he can do!

Under the threat of such a magic sword, he has lost all his fighting spirit!

This is the disadvantage of the big family.

Jun Moxie sighed heartily when he looked at this master-level master with no fighting spirit. This person’s qualifications are quite extraordinary, and even his mind is considerable, but compared with those masters who have grown up in the fierce battle, life and death fight, it is always a lot less fortitude!

Although this person has the power of the lord, he is very different compared to the actual masters of the same strength. When facing irresistible masters, those masters who have established themselves in the real life and death However, the first idea is whether you can take the strong one in front of you for your own use, and the second idea is, if you ca n’t use it for yourself, can you use it? The third idea, if the first two methods are not feasible, can we concentrate our strength to completely destroy this person and never threaten it? The last idea is to save lives and escape at all costs!

Even the worst, even life-threatening is not available, and you can choose to die vigorously!

I would rather be killed than scared to death!

Even if you are killed, your blood will collapse!

This is what the people in Jianghu should have!

But in front of this master who owns the power of His Holiness, although his cultivation has reached a certain level of already, he has no such fighting spirit and determination at all! Now he doesn’t even have the thought of running away, only the surrender of surrender and the desire to survive!

This is a long-term aftermath of pampering: they simply don’t have the spirit that Jianghu people should have!

People like this are only suitable for home care and nursing homes. already is no longer suitable for breaking into rivers and lakes!

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