Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 214: We don’t agree!

Chapter 214 We Disagree!

“We are not convinced! The whole fantasy house should not just revolve around you alone! Even if you are the legendary ethereal physique!” Zhan Yushu is clear-spoken, his face is calm, and the analysis of interests is quite in place. His heart was impetuous; it showed that the excitement and scolding he had just made were deliberately pretended to be deliberate.

He not only clearly pointed out the key to the contradiction between the crowd and Jun Moxie, but also step by step through telling, in a very subtle way, slowly … secretly arousing everyone’s emotions!

It is necessary to solicit the resentment in the hearts of these Young Master buddies to the maximum, and then focus on the problem together! If there is only one person, or a force, or not enough to shake the status of the owner of the ethereal physique, but the younger generations of almost all the powers of the magic house are concentrated here, will the high-rise of the fantasy house offend all the pillars of the future for one person? Pillar?

“Some of us are advancing rapidly in the cultivation of mystery; others are resourceful, far-sighted, and strategizing, and they are better than thousands of miles away! Someone is good at music, notation in music, and the world is unique! Someone is good at calculation and arithmetic Tao, there are no two moments; some people are good at chess skills, chess games and never lose; more humane and outstanding, three steps into a poem, export chapters; even if it is a thousand words, that is also worthy! Some people are good at Dan Qing, With a stroke, beautiful mountains and rivers are beautiful; some are good at management, some are good at fighting … “

Zhan Yushu said faster and faster, and his expression became more and more excited. The hall suddenly fell into extreme silence, and all he heard was his voice, and everyone stared at him with both eyes staring brightly. Everyone glowed on his face and had shortness of breath.

Finally …

Zhan Yushu yelled loudly: “Many of these talents, which one is not talented in the world? Which one is not a talent in the world? Which one is not dedicated, looking forward to the favor from their own ancestors? To get what I have been waiting for for a long time, but in the eyes of a real big man, an unworthy job or benefit? “

“Why the moment you come, you haven’t made any effort or done anything at all, but you can get these things we have been waiting for for a long time? Even those things should be delivered to you naturally? You just sit back and enjoy without any effort? Why?!

“Everyone tell me! Are you convinced? Are you willing?” Zhan Yushu asked loudly, facing the crowd.

“We are not convinced! We are not willing!” It is the word of mouth!

The sound is loud and loud, the sound is several miles!

Zhan Yushu’s face at this moment was calm before he disappeared, his voice was exhausted, his eyes turned red.

But Jun Moxie can clearly see the score, this guy is purely pretending to be!

These people he mentioned may have, but the benefits they want to achieve are by no means what Zhan Yushu said, ‘unworthy duties and benefits in the eyes of real big men.’ Status, how can they get some small profits?

But Zhan Yushu’s “generous submissions” are able to arouse the anger of these people to the greatest extent! Let these people have a little bit of complaint in their hearts, slowly expand, and become out of shape; and then become dissatisfied with three points and intensify the hatred value!

Through this conversation, you will push yourself completely to the opposite of these people, and make yourself the target of all people!

Even if you are the owner of the ethereal constitution, if you are really rejected by them, I am afraid that in the future, I can only practice silently. Become a Lone Ranger!

Zhan Yushu’s words and thoughts can be described as ingenious and wonderful, but his actions are destined to fail because he missed a little, something very important!

All of his plans are based on a premise. Based on the empty physique Mo Jun Ye really is just a premise of pure identity.

But Jun Moxie doesn’t care about them at all. With Master cultivation, basically, if you raise your hand, you can destroy all these young talents and future pillars. How can you take them to heart? The ant roared at the dinosaur, shouting a challenge, will the dinosaurs meet? Are you afraid?

Besides, once you reach the goal of colorful colorful fruit, you will naturally retire immediately and get out of the magic house immediately. How can you stay here? Scramble for what are called resources! The real absurdity of the world!

After going out, my brother removed Yi Rong. I ’m still awesome! Evil Lord!

As for you little jealous guys here … lovely! Master Ben is really not interested in taking care of you. If it wasn’t for my ultimate goal, where would I be interested in playing here? How old are you!

Jun Moxie still smiled slightly, his face was constant, there was no trace of fluctuations, and he looked at the young people around him steadily. I saw that these young already were excited with redness in their eyes and more A few people even trembled with their bodies. Obviously, they were extremely excited. Looking into Jun Moxie’s eyes, it seemed that they were about to spit fire!

Especially the few people who seem most indignant are not wearing very bright robes. One or two of them are obviously very plain, and their robes are even slightly worn out. Obviously, their families are not very good.

Jun Moxie looked at it at a glance. I am afraid that these are the children of Hanmen who are about to compete with themselves! Only they are the ones who really paid everything in exchange for the approval of the magic house, so they are so angry at the coming of the ethereal physique and plundering ‘resources originally owned by them’! Such dissatisfaction …

Jun Moxie couldn’t help but have some pity in his heart: this bunch of silly forks! Really think you can get what you want without me? You know, this world has never been so unfair! Reality is never a fairy tale! Whoever is whimsical and wants to find justice in this world, is the poorest person!

In fact, the most unfair to you is the person who is now full of indignation but is full of fun and is preparing to go to the theater! When they need them, you have to act as their tools, but when they don’t need them, what do you count?

Their ancestors established their merits and accumulated the current foundation, and they have everything they have before them. They said that Mo Junye earned by natural qualifications for nothing, and why can these second-generation ancestors be better than others, not by ancestors Moe’s care, isn’t it in another sense?

Who is more shameless than anyone? !! If you say that Hanmen’s children want to hate Mo Junye, but they don’t see the second generation ancestors who are beside them? Who is really ignorant? !!

Hanmen scholars can be a county official and a small official; however, as long as they are not founding heroes, how many Hanmen gentlemen throughout the history have become officials of the Xinjiang region and loyal ministers?

Information …

It’s all a huge accumulation from generation to generation …

A person with no background who works hard all his life may be able to climb to the county level. If his son strives for his life and continues his life, then he can use the relationship accumulated by his father’s life to reach a higher level. If the grandson is also furious, work harder, plus the basic connections of grandpa and father, or the governor …

This is the best luck and the smoothest situation … this step can be done!

If you have a grandson again, you will have the opportunity to enter the temple and become the only few of the billions in the whole world … But by then, will it be the so-called Hanmen?

Or from the time you become the grandpa of the county, you are no longer a child of Hanmen!

This is not a hereditary system in the pure sense, but it is a more realistic hereditary system! No matter what kind of social system, this phenomenon can never be changed!

Laozi’s hero is a true man! This is a true truth! However, there must be a premise. If you want your son to become a hero in the future, you must first become a hero yourself!

So this group of Hanmen’s children are concentrated here, and they have been challenged by Zhan Yushu and others to deal with themselves. They are just wishful thinking in their bones! After the event is over, if the ethereal physique is really suppressed as expected, who will remember these people who had fought against the ethereal physique at the beginning?

For Zhan Yushu and others, what a waste of brain cells, if they are unhappy, or if they need to take responsibility for the “empty constitutional death” event, these people are not the best scapegoats for Correct? …

Even if there is no need to replace the scapegoat, even if it is a pleasure to reward these people for a while, then what is truly ‘a job and benefit that is worthless in the eyes of a real big man’! It’s like a person eating in a restaurant, throwing a bone that he doesn’t sting to a wild dog by the road, that’s all!

How can Mo Junye, the darling of the entire misty house, care about the ethereal physique of a generation of heavenly pride? That’s even more trash than trash …

But even such a bone is a rare opportunity for these people!

So, to deal with yourself is to fight against Yushu and others who are not convinced, and see that they are not pleasing to the eye, but it is still related to the future of these people!

So although they have absolutely no hatred with themselves, they still fight to the opposite side of the darling of the fantasy house!

These Young Master buddies who grew up in the home of the nobles have been immersed in the early use of already. They learned already from an early age, how to make others loyal to themselves, contribute to themselves, and how to use others as guns … How to exert the least effort and get the most benefits … even hide completely behind the scenes, and treat everything as a game of applause …

Let others fight for blood and death! I just sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, even if the flames are so high, I can’t burn them at all …

Jun Moxie sighed.

For the sadness of these people, and for the helplessness of this world!

Zhan Yushu is still there, and the emotions of the masses are being instigated more and more fiercely. It is almost like a volcano successfully activated by already, which will erupt at any time …

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