Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 18: Hateful hate!

Chapter Eighteen: Bone Hate!

Han Yanyao told Jun that he had no intention when he was leaving. If Jun had no intention to reach the state of the Supreme Divine Mystery, there might be hope in the matter between the two. At that time, although Jun Wuyi was regarded as a natural talent, he only got Jinxuan intermediate cultivation! It’s too far away from the realm of the Supreme Divine Mystery.

In the following two years, Tianxiang ’s monarch ’s family was defeated. The two brothers Jun ’s unintentional prince, Wang Junmeng, died inexplicably, and Jun Wuyi was also in a battle. Obviously the situation has been determined but it was conspired by others, leading to a big defeat and a lifetime disability, until now!

Mu Xuetong is one of the few people who came with Han Yanyao at that time, and is the only person in the snow and silver city except Han Yanyao who is very unpleasant to see Jun! The two were siblings.

After his physical disability, Jun has no intention of despairing, knowing that he and Yiren will never be together again in this life, time is like an arrow, his fingers are fleeting, and ten years have passed, and he can only meet together in the midnight dream , But did not expect today, actually received the news of Han Yanyao!

At this moment, in Jun’s unintentional mind, it is like turning over the river!

Jun Moxie listened quietly without saying a word. He knew that Jun had no intention of saying these words now, but he did not mean to tell himself. It was because he had been in the bottom of his heart for too long. At this moment, when he suddenly got the news of his lover, he was excited and had a strong desire to tell. What he needs now is, at best, a vent of emotion, just a random listener! And no matter who this audience is, is it understandable or intelligible!

Even if a stone is placed in front of Jun Wuyi at this moment, Jun Wuyi can still say these words completely and completely to this stone!

After all, the depression has been too long for ten years!

The night is as cold as water, and the white mist is like smoke, and the dusty past is so gently spoken from Jun’s unintentional mouth, but it is slowly pressed like a heavy mountain. Time is following with his The story is slowly passing …

“The Jun family finally lost sight of the past; when the second brother of Brother died bizarrely, I was wondering if the Xiao family in Fengxue Silver City were acting secretly? So I launched an investigation immediately; but at that time I Martial arts is low, and Fengxue Silver City is extremely secretive. I ca n’t find anything. In the end, it was my turn. When fighting against the enemy Yutang Empire, the already achieved an overwhelming advantage at that time. Going forward, you can win a great victory! But at that time, a few mysterious cultivation appeared in the Yutang array. It was a terrible master. It led the cavalry into a clash and instantly charged me. Great mess! “

“Then several masters rushed to the army at the same time, all of them were Tianxuan top cultivation! I still remember Chen Ermazi hissing and screaming: ‘Three generals! Come on! Come on!’ Then I saw his red blood. Sprayed in the turquoise blue color, then Qiao Meng, Duan Qilang, and Xiao Sta … All of them were in front of me, one by one died in front of me, they were killed, and before they died , Look at me, just look at me like that, there are only two words in his eyes: Hurry up! Qiao is dying and hugs a person, but he is beaten and his bones are broken, all broken, but just one side. He vomited blood and roared and let me go … “

“I was like a nightmare at that moment! Their blood splattered on my face, wet, fishy, ​​and sticky. That was the blood of my brother …”

Jun unconsciously lowered his head in pain and frowned. When talking about the two words that Chen Ermazi yelled at, Jun’s unintentional voice also grew louder, like a shout, and then went down, like a mumble, Speaking of the last sentence, I couldn’t help but rub it **** my face with my hand, and it seemed to erase the memory. The comrade-in-arms escaped the splattered blood for himself …

“But I was crazy at already at the time. These people, these people were my brothers and brothers who grew up with me. We used to drink, sing, hunt, hunt together, countless times together. Kill the enemy, celebrate the victory together … just a few breaths, just die in front of my eyes! “

“Dead and clean !!! It’s in front of me! That’s my brother! My brother of brothers and feet !!! Without it, there’s no one!” Jun shouted suddenly, like a roar, Suddenly raised his head, and closed his eyes, the corners of his eyes, two huge tears slowly came out …

“For me! For me!”

“I’m desperate, I’m going to kill them! Kill them all! Kill !!!” Jun yelled unconsciously, but sank weakly: “But my martial arts are too low, too low, They grabbed me by themselves, and then poured some medicine into my body, and then dispelled my Tan Tian Xuan Qi, and then closed the meridians of my lower body even more! I did n’t call, I just Looking at them stubbornly, without blinking, although they were all blindfolded, as long as any of them appeared in front of me again, I could recognize them immediately! “

“At that time, I knew that they were the people of Fengxue Silver City! The people who came out of that ghost place were all wearing cold, which was the smell of demons! I always remember that they were torturing me At that time, that kind of pleasant laughter, hehehe … “Jun accidentally turned his eyes red.

“… Then, oh, there is no more, since then, I am like this and can no longer stand up; the hatred of the stomach is buried in my heart, I dare not speak out; It is too powerful. If the father knows it, he will revenge desperately, but the monarchs … even if there are a hundred monarchs, they will not be the opponents of Fengxue Silver City! It ’s just to kill more brothers. In the end, even the Jun family has to die together … ”

“My brother, for my sake, died, and I was still alive and healthy; my brothers died for me, and died clean, there was nothing left, and I, even Still living in humiliation, living aggrieved; “Jun smiled unconsciously, his face full of tears:” Until later, my two nephews, for my sake, also died; and I didn’t even die! … Mo Xie, don’t you think that Uncle San is really useless? It’s a real mess? Really **** a waste? “

Jun inadvertently grinned, his chest violently undulating, this hatred like the mountain, like the hatred of the sea, finally at this moment, like a long dyke, decided a mouth, pouring out turbulently.

Jun Moxie has been listening quietly, looking calm and calm; when he heard Jun’s unintentional questioning, he pondered and said slowly: “In that case, it is too easy to want to die; but to live Going down, it ’s too difficult; only death is the behavior of a coward; what can survive under such a blow is the real warrior! “

“Dead, a hundred; but alive, but too much to bear. To be alive and not crazy; third uncle, you are good!”

Jun inadvertently smirked: “Who said that I didn’t want to die? I … I want to die too much ……… But I can’t die, I can’t die! Mo Xie, your grandpa’s three sons, already died two! If I were to die again Dead, your grandpa, he will really collapse! That way, the Jun family is really over … “

Jun Moxie is silent.

These things are too long in Jun ’s unintentional heart. Today, I first met an old man, an enemy and a friend, and brought back memories of his past. Later, he received the token of his former lover, which made his mind more turbulent. Coupled with the fact that his body has just recovered, when Correct is most susceptible to emotions, he has said so much before he knows it.

“In these years, as soon as I closed my eyes, my two elder brothers were asking me: Unintentionally, why don’t you avenge us? As soon as I close my eyes, my brothers are calling me with blood, General Three, Revenge for us! Revenge for us! Revenge for us! “Jun clenched his fist inadvertently, his face gaunt, his body tightening like a bow pulled apart, blood in his palm.

“Even in the dream, I can feel that my brother’s blood is still hot, fresh, and can’t stop flowing in front of my eyes again and again …” Jun inadvertently bent down, covering his face with his hands. Trembling on my shoulders …

Jun Moxie took a deep breath, looked up at the night sky, and suddenly felt a sudden surge of blood in the whole body, and the long-murdering killing blowout generally broke out!

A cold smile: Is it snowy, silver city? Xiao family? Very good, can you do whatever you want? Hehe, for the time being, take you as my goal. On the way to the pinnacle of this world, I don’t mind stepping in by the way!

Now that I am Jun Moxie, I will bear the shame and glory of the monarchy! Feng Xue Silver City Xiao Family? Hum, it only takes a few years of work, Ben Xiejun let your Xiao family not have a mouse!

In the far shadow, Jun Zhantian stood dark and looked at his only son, the only grandson, the old gentleman with mixed feelings.

My third child, do you really understand the suffering in your heart? Fengxue Silver City Xiao Family, why don’t I want to take revenge? Don’t you think you can really hide me from these things without telling you?

Which of the deep seas of blood is not in my heart in these years? But behind us, there are the monarchs, descendants, and followers of tens of thousands! If the Jun family is so savage to fight it out, the Jun family will be secondary, and the political opponents of the Central Government will uproot the entire faction of the Jun family, that is a bloodshed …

Standing quietly for a while, Father Jun disappeared silently into the night breeze.

Only the uncles and nephews are left, sitting and standing in the night breeze, listening to the wind whining, like crying like a cry …

Xiao Se in late autumn floated across Tianxiang City overnight.

Autumn is passing!

In the autumn breeze, Tianxiang City, whose surface is extremely quiet, is secretly covered with waves and waves, surging and surging. There were at least hundreds of rumored birds flapping their wings and flying into the night sky, drawing a beautiful track.

There are also many high-level mysteries who suddenly end their long years of retreat. They walked out of their hiding places one by one, and then shuttled through the streets and alleys of Tianxiang Emperor’s Capital. They listened to any little news, and paid attention. With any abnormal actions. It’s like catching the most due diligence, watching the dark side of Beijing closely.

On the whole continent, in just a few days, many people who received the news were all in a state of excitement, anxious to fly to Tianxiang City in one step.

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