Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 161: Depressed “nanny”!

Chapter 161 The depressed ‘nanny’!

“Active and passive … subject and guest transposed … hiss ~~~” Qu Wu took a breath and stared at the circle of war without blinking, saying unbelievably: “How can this be? How is this possible? Really hell? “

The seven evil battle formations in a deadlocked battle are like waves crashing into the sky. As the tides of the sea rise and fall, a wave rises higher than a wave, and that has always formed a weird shape in a narrow range. The seven men in black that roared freely, like a reef on the shore, have remained motionless!

Or it should be said that it is more like an unusually magnificent mountain range surrounded by endless oceans, but there is always a hard pointed corner exposed, and it has never been completely submerged!

But if you take a closer look, you can see that although the Qisha battle array does occupy more than 90% of the offensive, it seems that already is overwhelmed by the opponent and can completely drown the seven-man alliance at any time. Always as Mount Tai! There is no crisis at all; moreover, with the uninterrupted attack of the Qisha Battlefront, the attacks of the seven people of the Seven-Star Battlefront are often necessary to save the enemy, so that only half of the Qisha Battlefront’s attack tactics are used. Have to retract to defend himself …

The opponent does not take advantage of the offense, but just keeps it. It seems to intend to drag on forever … In this way, both sides are attacking the opponent’s key, but they are defending at the same time; This led to the bizarre scene that the seven long swords and seven broad knives have never been touched once since the war began.

But if you take a closer look all the way, you will be shocked to find that the active one is by no means the seven evil battle arrays that are onslaught like the raging waves and waves, but the seven occupying a strange position and forming a strange one. Formation of the seven men in black!

Or should I say this, in the beginning, the onslaught of the Seven Shaba did indeed take the initiative, but when the opponent ’s Seven Star Beidou array slowly unfolded, the situation was flat already; The situation changed, and the initiative fell into the hands of the opponent unknowingly …

It’s just that the opponent never launched an attack, just blindly defending it, so that everyone has an illusion …

So as far as the results are concerned, the process of these three formations is still exactly the same, and they will all be defeated and undefeated, and defeated and defeated. It is exactly the same, nothing new!

Nineteen and fourteen young people looked at Jun Moxie, and he laughed and said, “Boy with the last name, where did your kid get these weird formations? This Young Master guess is passed on to you by your mysterious master. Right? “

These words surprised the three guardians who had just fallen into great shock!

“Brother Fourteen, do you know who his master is? Or, do you actually know his master?” Cheng Yinxiao’s eyes flashed and he asked lightly.

Master Jun Moxie has always been a huge mystery! Even if a person is genius, it is impossible to reach such a level without a teacher! Jun Moxie’s master will inevitably be a shocking figure, but … everyone knows this, but everyone wants to break his head and can’t think of it, and he will make those magical elixir, also Who can train such a miraculous disciple may still be the true owner of these magical formations, which great power is this?

During this period, Tiansheng Palace has analyzed almost all the master data since 3,000 years, but they have been rejected one by one. The endless details of this one are too powerful, and they are so powerful that they are not enough. A matchable person …

Now listening to the tone of Jiuyou and Xiaoshi, it seems as if they knew it. How could the three of them not be curious?

Nineteen and fourteen smiled, wonderingly: “This kid’s master … made me owe a lot of affection, but I just couldn’t find the opportunity to return him. Depressed, let Ben Young Master is depressing existence, you wonder what that person will be … “

The three of them took a sip of air-conditioning: it would make Jiuyou and Xiaosi less owe human feelings to the extent that they could not be repaid … what kind of character would it be? Seeing that Nine You and Fourteen Shakespeare are unknown and obviously do not want to say more, all three are curious.

“The fourteenth brother, the master of this evil monarch … It is unknown how many percent of the fourteenth brother can be. What about my generation?” Qu Wu asked carefully and carefully.

This question, however, made Jiuyou and Fourteen Younger hesitate. Gein saw it in a hurry last time, and he did n’t even understand the level of the bottom of the Jiuxiao First Lord and his strength, but One thing is for sure, never under yourself!

He groaned for a long time before he said, “It’s definitely better than a few of you. As for comparing with me, it’s really hard to say. That person’s strength is unpredictable and bottomless … I’m really not confident. You can beat him! Even if it is a life-and-death fight, endless … I am also not sure that I can kill him! “

Nineteen and fourteen youngsters are telling the big truth. At this point, the three of them heard everything, and what he said was absolutely heartfelt. But because of this, the three guardians changed their colors!

Is Nineteen and Fourteen less confident that existence can be defeated … Doesn’t that mean that this person’s strength may be stronger than Nineteen and Fourteen? Coupled with his alchemy skills, and the magical formations that I see today, what kind of master is this? !!

This, this … Is there such a person in the world? How come we have lived for more than a thousand years and never heard of it?

No wonder Jun Moxie’s cultivation speed is advancing like flying. It turns out that there is such a master against the sky!

The nineteen and fourteen youngest and resolutely refuse to reveal the specific name of the mysterious man, but it adds to the mystery of Jun Moxie’s master!

Just then, Jun Dashao asked just right: “Senior, do you know my master? Have you met him?”

Nineteen and fourteen young children snorted coldly, saying, “I haven’t seen it before. Your **** master left me a lot of confused accounts. I haven’t figured him out yet! Pretending to be a ghost, it’s mysterious, full of Big clove! This Young Master is very cold! It is even disdainful! Shame and courage! Honestly tell you, this Young Master meets your unfortunate master, it ’s **** mold! Really **** bad luck, **** … “

Nineteen and fourteen youngsters said that it was a bit of resentment, and even a bit of resentment … It was a tone of Yang Bailao being forced into debt …

But when he said that, Jun Moxie knew immediately that this guy seemed to have misunderstood … and he recognized that ‘Jiuxiao First Lord’ as his own master, but he did n’t really understand his own details.

This is a wonderful misunderstanding! This is the legendary “wrong and wrong”, so that everything is crooked!

Through this communication, Master Junda also immediately understood the origin of the grievances of Nineteen and Fourteen.

In fact, since Jiuyou and Fourteen Youngs have tracked Jun Moxie, they are naturally familiar with his fascinating stature. Therefore, he can only think of the mysterious and unpredictable Jiuxiaodi One Lord ‘body.

In addition, Jun Moxie’s age is too light, and cultivation itself is difficult to get into the nine eyes and fourteen young eyes. In the eyes of this lunatic, the “nine Xiao first master” is probably his own. The peerless powerhouse who is even higher at the same level, where can there be only the “Divine” Saint Emperor cultivation? Therefore, Master Junda should be identified as the apprentice of the “mysterious master”!

Actually speaking, if it is calculated according to the convention, this is the most reasonable and logical inference! Generally speaking, if you encounter 1,000 or 10,000 people, you ca n’t run a sect in this way …

But Jun Da Shao is a born freak, and there is no one in Correct!

This wonderful misunderstanding …

Jun Moxie is definitely not going to explain Di … Misunderstanding? Just right! Anyway, that ‘Jiuxiao First Lord’ was a great help to Jiuyou and 14 youngsters that day. This is a huge humanity!

For the lunatics who have reached the extremes, such as Nineteen and Fourteen, it is a very uncomfortable thing to humiliate people …

Although if Jiuyou Fourteen saw “Jiuxiao First Lord”, even if it was to him, he would have to agree with the origin of his “great and crooked” nickname … Jun Moxie is a junior … and he is a benefactor, and he ca n’t watch him being bullied in front of his eyes. No, there is no way to guest a nanny, especially the kid ’s enemy seems to be his own enemy …

So today there is a situation in which Jiuyou and Fourteen Youngs support Jun Moxie … and what is more interesting is that once there is such a misunderstanding, Jiuyou and Fourteen Youngs are ruthless and ruthless. Should …

Taking care of the lack of human feelings, I am still embarrassed to show my strengths, if I do n’t take care of myself, I ca n’t bear it. It seems that I will not be able to look up when I meet ‘Jiuxiao First Lord’ again in the future …

So Nineteen and Fourteenth young children acted as a humiliating sitter today!

Of course, if he knew the truth, if Jun Moxie was the so-called ‘Jiuxiao First Man’, Bao Bao would immediately turn this kid into a pig! But unfortunately, he does n’t know, and he may not know in this life …

Certainly, if Master Grand Master consciously knows his strength already rises to the same level as Jiu You 14 Young Master, he will probably tell him the truth, because at some point, Jun Moxie already will not be afraid of being beaten up. …

Nine quiet and fourteen youngsters are suffocating and reluctant but still powerful … but Jun Moxie is a dark and happy heart, and it is even more determined by Taishan!

During the conversation between the two, the faces of the three guardians became increasingly ugly for no reason, only because of the situation on the field, they were gradually changing to the unfavorable side of the holy place …

Nineteen and Fourteen looked at Qu Do not return, and finally feel better: Qu Do not look back at the moment, where you can find the proud look before, it has already become like the bottom of the pot!

A thousand live earthworms were swallowed, and these earthworms were dug up one by one, oh my! When I think of this bet, I do n’t feel like I’m going to die, and I feel like crying without tears! …

Jun Moxie looked at the field, and a heart raised slightly. The current situation is still the main attack from the side of the Qisha battle formation, and the seven-star Beidou formation composed of the seven players belonging to Cantian Devils Souls has become more and more skilled and natural, and every time it flashes, there is a touch The starlight escaped, and the figure became more and more illusory …

Obviously, the crucial blow to determine winning or losing, life or death is coming soon!

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