Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 142: No tears in war

Chapter 142 The War Is Full of Tears

Mei Zun’s prison cage is really an unpredictable method.

“I want to move, but I have to move too.” Jun Moxie cursed in his heart, sitting in front of His Majesty Mei with a smile-in the prison cage of heaven and earth, even the muscles on his face could not move.

Bang Bang, another three feet in succession, kicked heavily on the buttocks. In the heart of Jun Moxie, already scolded the sky, almost exploding! Why are you kicking? You old pervert!

But he didn’t know that within His Majesty’s veil, the small mouth was pinching high, and kept mumbling: “I made you still plan to twist my **** every day to play! You rub again! You rub! I Call you to rub! You nasty bastard! Feng Shui turns, see if I don’t play to death! “

While silently thinking, keep kicking your feet, the more you kick the more addictive, the more you kick more addictive, the one saying is one kick, the battle between the snake king and the cold-blooded supreme has not yet begun, Jun Moxie’s **** already is completely round, Swelling, almost transparent.

On the opposite side, Dongfang asked for a closer look, and smiled at ease: “Look, Mo Xie is always smiling. It seems to be a good thing.”

Jun unconsciously looked at it, finally relieved, smiled with relief: “This kid is really blessed and big, this kind of seniors are even favored by him. This is really fortunate for Mo Xie and his family. Fortunately. “

“Yeah, it looks like he’s smiling like he’s smiling so much. It is estimated that Zun Mei gave him a lot of benefits.” Dongfang asked the knife and grinned.

“Nonsense, if I would be very cool, then I am higher than the Supreme Power!” Oriental asked Jian Bai and gave his third brother a glance. Needless to say? How can a young boy be so favored and greeted by a peerless powerhouse?

Why did n’t I have such good luck when I was young? The three brothers were a little jealous. The three of us are closely related to this guy …

They don’t know, Jun Moxie is really “cool” now! It ’s almost “cool” to die, the real pain is about to die, the buttocks can’t be kicked, and the body can’t be twisted. As early as already, it’s green and red, but it’s obviously painful, and it’s even crying on the face. I ca n’t do that …

If you know that Jun Moxie is doing such a “cool” method, I believe that I will never be jealous again …

Jun Moxie clearly felt that within a short period of time, his buttocks had bulged like a balloon, which was doubled! ——And this trend is still developing …

Is this **** still ass? This is directly a hot air balloon. I just sat on the flat floor like this, and slowly I felt like I was sitting on a bench … higher …

It was then that there was movement in the field.

“Extremely cold-blooded, tearless?” The snake king’s voice was unusually crisp and sweet, even with a touch of tenderness, and she blinked her big eyes innocently, very curious and naive. Road.

This expression, this action, is clearly a little girl who knows nothing about the world. After seeing a stranger, she is shy and scared and says hello. Almost bystanders on the sidelines have an impulse in their hearts: go up and touch her head, and praise: the little girl is so good, don’t be afraid, I will buy you candy to eat …

But the tears on the opposite side never dare to think so!

Except for the Heavenly Penalty Beastmaster Supreme Mei, other Beastmaster ’s cultivation is really inferior to the Eight Supreme Masters. The reason why they are on par with the Eight Great Supreme Masters of the mainland is because each of them has an extremely powerful pair. body of! The general blow to them is simply itching!

With the arrogant flesh, even if Xuan Gong is slightly worse, that is enough to keep pace with the Eight Supreme Masters, coupled with the insidious means of being haunted by ghosts, it is also possible to capsize the boat in the gutter today!

Although the little girl in front of her looks fragile and fragile, she is almost a pack of water, pink and tender, but she knows without tears that the body of the little girl is a snake king. !!

Also the most sinister in the forest of punishment!

Her fist hit her, I’m afraid not even the skin will be red, but she gave herself a shot, did she dare to fix it? !!

“Is it the Lord of the Snake King? It’s been a long time!” Tears have no grief, like a foe, a hand turned over, and it’s cold and gleaming, it turned out to be a strange jagged knife! One side is as clear as the autumn water, and it is flashing with people’s cold light. Obviously, it is a sharp weapon that cuts iron like mud. On the other side, it is a canine tooth crisscross and dense serrations. This is a sharp weapon and a murder weapon!

When he saw this weapon, Jun Moxie finally understood. The original reason for tears to appear without grief, in addition to those last resort reasons, there is one of the biggest reasons is his sword! To deal with the thick skin that the mysterious beasts cannot penetrate, it is clear that this sword with no grief is quite destructive! Especially the sawtooth is a wonderful method for the snake king!

The King of Snakes stood there cowardly and cowardly, with a pitiful taste, and seemed to be surprised to call: “Tear the Supreme, such a terrible weapon, are you so cruel?” Talking, frightened Raised his hand and covered his mouth, it seemed that he was about to turn and run away …

Jun Moxie only has eyes that can be turned up and down. Naturally, he must make good use of it. He can see at a glance that the snake king is looking for this suit. His narrow shoulders and slimness are worn on his body. Comparatively speaking, the sleeves are really too … large, almost hanging to the ground!

Weird! Absolutely weird!

Sure enough, with the words of the snake king, he sighed in tears without sorrow. He turned sideways, and the long knife in his hand cut a cross sword flower quickly, as if two lightnings suddenly intersected in the air. Sound, the two colorful snakes with thick and thin chopsticks were chopped into four sections, twisted painfully on the ground.

“Sure enough, it is the King of Snakes! It is worthy of its reputation as a sinister!” Tears hummed without grief, and his black face was a little pale. Those two poisonous snakes are actually extremely toxic colorful ladies! If bitten, even the supreme strong, even if it is not fatal, will still be paralyzed for a while.

Although it can only paralyze one or two breaths, it is enough for a strong man at the level of the snake king to pose himself in a hundred different poses. What he really wants is … …

“Yeah, they didn’t do anything!” Snake King Xu Xunjiao laughed, “Yeah, what’s that? So scary …” Looking at the snake on the ground, his eyes widened, a pair I’m scared that I look surprised.

Tearless sorrow, the steel knife stood up again, “bang”, and another snake hit the blade. This one comes faster and faster, and it is even more aimed at the throat of tears and grief. The most terrible thing is silence. There is no shadow or reflection in the sun! The snake king’s offense was really invincible, and Qiao Xiaoyan spoke quietly, then already silently killed the killer.

Jun Moxie has a cold spine on his back. Really Correct people can’t look like sea water and can’t fight.

Looking at this little girl who is pure and cute, innocent and innocent, and harmless to humans and animals, who would want to have three poisonous hands against tears without grief in the blink of an eye! It’s typical: the other side is sweetly called elder brother, and the guy quietly digs in the waist! Conscience is badly broken.

The situation has changed again.

The snake king twisted his waist, and his graceful body turned quickly. Suddenly the two sleeves waved out at the same time. Suddenly the situation suddenly changed suddenly, just like two green dragons rushed out of her sleeve. Instantly already As long as seven feet long, it really is omnipresent regardless of distance! During the strong wind roaring, the entire site suddenly turned into a green ocean, completely drowning the cold-blooded Supreme Tears without grief.

This is the real beginning of the strength of the snake king!

This is just the beginning …

The black figure with no sorrow in tears is like a reef exposed from the water in the vast sea. The real mainstay!

A deep whistling, the snake king’s offensive has not stopped, but it is more fierce and abnormal. Suddenly the slender body flew up in the sky, dancing in the green ocean that she waved, just like the fairy fairy of Jiuxiao, stepping on the vast waves of Tianhe, and came into the sky!

Yu hand gently lifted, countless cold stars flickered, and then the cold stars suddenly appeared, and all directions leaked to tears without grief, but the snake king was on the side while spreading cold stars on his hand, It is still a pure and immaculate expression, and it is full of fun, it seems to be doing a game that is never tireless!

It seems completely unexpected that the little bit of cold stars you scattered is enough to poison all the mountains and stones beneath your feet …

Tearless sorrow is finally no longer stuck in place, facing the torrential offensive like the king of snakes, the cold-blooded Supreme finally sacrificed his efforts at the bottom of the box. After a muffled howl, the long knives crisscrossed, and the sword was stunned, with an extremely magnificent majestic force, and a silvery white wave slowly emerged from the center of this turquoise sea. Endless …

At the moment when the vertical and horizontal swords burst into the sky, several Supreme People watching around, at the same time carried the defense of Xuan Gong, and firmly protected their own piece, otherwise, if the sword that made no tears Qi passed through their defenses and rushed into the crowd behind, I am afraid it would cut out a **** alley like a dragon crossing the river! Before you hurt others, you have to pay a lot first!

Tear without sorrow, occupying the right place, rolling up and attacking, but the king of snakes is firmly controlling the air supremacy, a pair of white jade feet are rushing and rushing, and the expression on his face gradually becomes relaxed and playful, and becomes calm, heavy. Between the jade arms waving, Han Xing fell into pieces, and then already became a piece of cold light!

In the field, the fierce and dangerous battle of the soldiers was extremely pleasing to the eye. In the turquoise ocean, a silvery white wave was constantly displayed, and waves of cold light continued to fall in the sky … This is simply Amazing view!

Anyone who sees this scene, even though he knows that there are many killers in it, still looks happy and happy!

This kind of scenery is simply not already.

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