Otherworldly Evil Monarch Chapter 142: Fat weight loss

Chapter 142 Fat Man’s Weight Loss

At the warehouse, this is a huge warehouse built by “Fan Fan” Tang fat man. It is deep in the aristocracy, and the land occupation is not measured. Anyway, it looks like a large playground in Heigou. Tang Yuan’s lifelong dream is to fill this place with silver. He once said: “If one day, all this place is filled with silver, my Tang Yuan will really laugh at Jiuquan …”

Don’t expect that Tang ’s wish of “Smile with Nine Springs” was realized so quickly. And it’s not silver that fills this up, but … gold!

The fat man is going crazy!

When Jun Moxie arrives, he will no longer see Heigu Rongyu, but he will be full of gold and glory! Under the light of not many lights, this place has turned into a golden world! Or, a towering golden mountain!

It’s too dazzling!

This magnificent sight makes Jun Moxie’s eyes full of golden light, as if the cultivation of mystery reaches Jinxuan cultivation!

A strange sound like crying and laughing from far to near, saw a burly figure rushing out of the vault, and then roaring, passing by Jun Moxie’s eyes, as if not seen Cycling all the way, flying around this golden mountain again … and then another circle …

It’s hard for him to run so fast with his thick legs.

Running Correct “money fan” Tang Yuan Tang Da Young Master.

Tang fat man waving his hands frantically, his mouth spitting, his head full of sweat, as if drunk, his eyes wide open in horror, hissing and screaming, “Gold! A lot of gold! He’s spicy next door, all are I earned it! It’s all mine! Gold! His grandma’s! Laozi is developed! Really developed … “

Only in such a short day, the fat Tang Tang who is so big and unwieldy has lost weight, which is very obvious … he lost weight several times at once!

The weight loss effect is very remarkable, but … the nerve seems abnormal …

A day and a night of work, the fat man is always in a state of high concentration. At the beginning, I still remember that I took two trotters to supplement my nutrition, but later, I did n’t even have time to drink saliva …

Even if someone reminded him to drink water, he was cursed impatiently, delaying some money. And then keep busy with your own, full of gold, full of gold, full of body … this can not be full, it is not enough gold, but the amount of gold is too much, and dozens of fat people can be buried in a brain!

Everyone said that it was cramping to count money, but Tang fat man was convulsed by counting money …

Sweating out of n + n body, according to witnesses, Master Tang’s robe was full of saline-alkali circles from the inside to the outside …

In short, Tang Yuan could not help but fall into the design of King and Master. On this day, willingly overdue n times …

According to incomplete statistics, Tang Yuan’s weight loss effect today is at least 50 pounds!

What a terrible number!

Finally, when Tang Yuan sang and danced and passed Jun Moxie’s eyes again and still turned a blind eye, Jun Moxie finally screamed: “Tang Yuan!”

Tang Fatty is just turning a deaf ear and wants to continue to slip through his golden mountain. Jun Moxie’s eyes were fast, and he grabbed a large piece of fat behind his head, and carried him to his side, just like holding a huge cloth bag, then he pierced the ground, full of hands … This time it was not fat Feeling tired, but sweat, a lot of sweat.

Tang Yuan’s gaze was only a blur of fanaticism, and the purr of purring wheezed for a long time. As his body stopped moving, his sweat seemed to melt away like melting snowy mountains.

Looking at the amount of sweat, Jun Moxie was startled! If you sweat like this, it is estimated that already is already dehydrated now, even if it is directly hung. Tang Yuan, this guy has been out for almost a whole day, and can actually practice the 100-meter sprint here! I really have to admire the puppet of this guy, it is really thick!

Sweat came out, Tang Yuan’s consciousness gradually returned, and finally … the eyes suddenly restored focus. Shaking his head, he asked confused: “Three young, you have three heads? What kind of work is this? It’s amazing!”

The sound is actually hoarse …

Jun Moxie is silent. This product is sweating a bit dizzy, it seems that I have to help him a little bit more water, weight loss is a good thing, but to reduce people to a good deal, just …

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuan suddenly leaped up, grabbed Jun Moxie’s shoulders, and didn’t know where the strength came from. He actually raised Jun Daxiao with a sigh, shaking back and forth in the air, like shaking a scarecrow, One side yelled madly: “Wow ha ha … wow haha, I love you three times, I love you more than anyone else in the world, and I want to love you! We are rich this time, la la la la la hum hoo … … Fuck, I have Tang Yuan today! “

Jun Moxie fluttered in the air like a piece of paper, dizzy, while listening to the fat man ’s declaration of “love,” in order to feel the spitting star like a pouring rain, he was overwhelmed, finally overwhelmed, and furious. Shouting: “Fat! You **** fat bunny, hurry me down!”

Unfortunately, dad and dad do n’t dare to forcibly earn it, because Tang Yuan ’s body today is obviously overdrawn by already to a very dangerous situation. The spirit of this guy is still in extreme excitement. When a catty cat fell to the ground, he had no doubt that he would pull Tang Fat’s two arms directly …


Jun Moxie fell to the ground, but it was Tang Fatty who reluctantly ended his madness, exhausted all his strength, and sat directly on the ground with one buttock, and then … completely unknown personnel …

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” Sun Xiaomei rushed in panicfully.

“What’s wrong? Physically overdrawn and exhausted, this ‘money fan’!” Jun Moxie said with tears of laughter.

“Why did you lose so much at once?” Sun Xiaomei screamed in pain. “Is this too thin? Can the body bear it?”

Jun Moxie saw that Tang Yuan was lying on the ground, but already was about to come out of his face … Can’t help but be surprised. This effect is too significant.

“Sun Da Young Lady, you get the fat back first; then I’m afraid he still doesn’t want to eat these days … don’t worry, it’s because I’m too tired today and I’m too hungry; it is estimated that there will be five or six days Time has no appetite. And this time is when he really loses weight. Drink thirsty water and eat fast food when you are thirsty. Do n’t let him eat meat. Do n’t touch it at all. He ca n’t stand it now. Greasy. Before he returns to normal, I will give him a life-long treatment to shape and lose weight. “Jun Mo evil monster laughed twice.

“If it doesn’t go down first, who can lose so much a day, who can stand it? Actually … A Yuan is still fat and chubby and looks better …” Sun Xiaomei said hesitantly, Tang Yuan this day Weight loss is too bad, but Sun Xiaomei is really scared. Fat husbands are better than dead husbands. Not …

“Stupid! If you are so indecisive and let him get so fat, he will die, and being overweight is also a serious illness!”

Jun Moxie was furious and yelled, “You ca n’t bear it, I ’ll do the bad guys, come and help the fat man away! Without my order, no one is allowed to visit! Even his father, mother and wife No one can do it! Song injury, you will take care of him specially, if you let him eat a little oil star these days, I will chop your skin! “

Go out angrily.

Sun Xiaomei glanced sadly at the back of Jun Moxie’s departure, and muttered quietly: “How this person is so unfriendly, the ignition is on …”

Speaking squatting and touching Tang Yuan’s face, he whispered distressedly: “Fat, you must stand by it. If you don’t eat meat for a few days, it shouldn’t matter …”

The fat man in a coma burst into a smirk, and his hands were raised unconsciously, the corners of his mouth drained, salivating, and he yelled, “Gold … a lot of gold … a lot of big wives, little wives … Wow Kaka! … “

Sun Xiaomei’s eyes widened and couldn’t believe it, and then she stood up, kicked on the fat man’s ass, kicked Tieqing’s face out, and said, “Come, give me him Pay close attention, Song hurt, if you give him more oil stars, you do n’t need Master Junsan, I will pick your skin first!

Then went away in anger …

Song Hehe laughed and promised to come in again and again, touching his chin with great pride: “Fat, this kid, your kid is finally in the hands of Uncle Song, see how he can fix you! Little young man riding **** around Lao Tzu’s neck … Lao Tzu’s big fish and meat are brought to you every day these days, but I won’t let you touch it … “

Sure enough.

Tang Yuan was lethargic for two days. After getting up, the first thing was to rush to find the latrine; after all, he saved the stock for three days. In terms of the fat horrible meal, who knows how much he saved, he will soon be poisoned. It’s …

After I came back, I fell into the bed with dizziness, and my appetite was a little bit unobtrusive and disgusting; I drank only two small bowls of millet porridge on the first day …

This greatly surprised Sun Xiaomei, a sneak observer: The original Jun Moxie’s theory is actually true? Although Sun Da’s Young Lady was angry, he couldn’t rest assured, so he kept hiding and investigating in the dark. If Tang Yuan apologized to himself, he would steal food for him no matter what.

But Sun Xiaomei’s intentions are doomed to fail; Tang Fat has offended her twice, but in the case of unwillingness, she didn’t know what she said, how could she apologize to her?

The next day, Tang Yuan was still sluggish. He ate some side dishes, drank less millet porridge, and frowned when he saw a bun.

On the third day, Tang Yuan regained some vitality and wanted to eat, so Song Shang carefully cooked a large table, and the two of them were in front of Tang Yuan, and they were anxious for the fat man. Scratching your ears and cheeks, jumping up and down.

But the two masters of Tianxuan easily caught the opportunity to rectify him, how could they easily let go? They were watching in front of him. Tang Fat man jumped for a long time, but he didn’t even stare at the bones, but went on a hunger strike for another day.

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