Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 975: Just play

The two real worlds of Yin and Yang have little interest in strangling the natives of the fairy world.

In the world where the Dao of Heaven exists, slaughtering a large number of creatures for no reason will be entangled in karma.

Only people like Brother Cheng who can’t get rid of the way of heaven don’t care about karma.

Other people don’t dare to be so unrestrained.

Under the premise that there is no practical benefit, the bigwigs of the real world can’t do it.

So, I didn’t give Anji and Jiujue Sect’s sixth-level or higher masters come to help out.

This has also led to a confrontation between the two sides on the barbaric world.

The relationship between Anji Devil Emperor and Jiujue Immortal Emperor is not a harmonious relationship.

At present, Jiujie is still besieging on the barbaric world, while Anji is staying on the demon world to develop.

As for the former celestial and demon world?

There is already a battlefield for the top three real world leaders, and it’s not something they can set foot in.

“Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng! Do you know how long I will wait for you?”

The Devil Emperor Anji was so excited that he was a little overwhelmed.

“For these years, I have been looking forward to it day by day and night by night, just looking forward to your arrival!”

These words pleased Brother Cheng.

“Haha, you are too enthusiastic. When chasing you down, that’s what brother should do.”

“Just keep your gratitude in your heart and remember it silently, you don’t need to welcome me so warmly.”

What this said, those masters of the real world of Yin who didn’t know the truth wanted to complain.

The leader of the fifth stage of the imperial realm and asked with a solemn face: “Who is this person?”

Although he can command this group of people, after all, the realm is not as good as the other party, and Anji still has to give enough respect.

After hearing this, he quickly explained.

“This person is my enemy in the fairy world.”

“He does no evil, he is recognized as the number one demon in the fairy world, and he is extremely arrogant!”


The leader looked at Brother Cheng up and down, and his eyes suddenly became a little surprised.

He discovered that he couldn’t penetrate Jiang Cheng’s realm.

This surprised him slightly.

Could he be better than himself?

Is it impossible?

Didn’t it mean that the strongest in this immortal realm is also Emperor Realm Second Layer?

Isn’t it said that the real world of Yin is here, or the dimension reduction is crushing the Novice Village?

The appearance of a recklessness is already considered a great anomaly.

Has another one come out?

“What strength is this person? He also cultivates in other real worlds all the year round?”

An Ji glanced at Brother Cheng disdainfully when he heard the words: “You think too much, he is just an aboriginal in the fairy world. It’s just that there are more chances for good luck in the past.”

“In front of our Yinzhizhen interface, he is nothing!”


Leading the five layers of the Emperor Realm, let go of his heart a little.

Perhaps it is wearing something that hides the cultivation base.

Their conversation did not avoid Jiang Zhangmen.

Looking at their confident look, Brother Cheng felt a little sympathetic.

“Do you expect to rely on them to regain the ground?”

He sighed with regret: “This time you want to escape again, I’m afraid it’s impossible.”


Anji smiled instead of anger.

“Hahahaha, Jiang Cheng, your ignorance is so ridiculous!”

“Do you think it is still the same era?”

“You frog at the bottom of the well, don’t know what the real world is, right?”

“I don’t know what else is above the emperor realm, right?”

He slowly revealed the third-order real weapon in his hand, and shook it proudly in front of Jiang Cheng.

“Do you recognize what level of treasure this is?”

“You don’t understand anything!”

“You are out of date, know?”

“I thought it would be great to be a ninth-order immortal artifact?”

“To tell you the truth, the Ninth-Order Immortal Artifacts are broken and broken in front of me now!”

He also held back for too many years.

Countless times I have imagined what an exciting crushing scene will be after seeing Jiang Cheng again.

These words are in his heart and have been practiced countless times.


Looking at his excited look, Brother Cheng was embarrassed not to cooperate.

So pretended to admire: “It seems that you have seen a lot of worlds, it’s rare.”

Anji was a little annoyed, this was not the reaction he wanted.

He even felt that he was acting like a jewel in secret.

The other party is too ‘ignorant’, doesn’t know the goods at all, and doesn’t know what everything he owns means.

So, he winked at the five-level master of the Emperor Realm and other real masters.

“You are looting outside to prevent him from escaping!”

“I want to educate him alone!”

Of course, the heart demon must be relieved personally.

After speaking, he shook the weapon in his hand and smiled at Brother Cheng Jiejie.

“Jiang Cheng, I won’t bully you, lest you say that I can’t win.”

“As long as you can hold on to me for half an hour, then I will stop.”

These words actually left a gap.

If I stop, it doesn’t mean that others are also stopping.

But Brother Cheng doesn’t care about this word game anymore.

In order to match the opponent’s pretending rhythm, he really didn’t draw out his own cold sword, but the ice sword used in the fairy world before.

“I can also give you half a quarter of an hour to escape. If you can escape, I can also let you go.”


This time, not only was it dark, but everyone else burst into laughter.

Seeing Jiang Cheng’s weapons, they completely let go of their hearts.

This level is too low, right?

It’s the age of real tools, but you still use fairy tools?

Especially the Devil Emperor Anji almost burst into tears with a laugh.

“Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng, your big words have not changed at all.”

“With this tattered, who gives you the confidence?”

“Give me half an hour to run away?”

He felt a little helpless.

He is so high now that Jiang Cheng can’t understand where he is strong, and he can’t feel fear.

“It’s true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, alas!”

An Ji sighed, and he suddenly felt a little sad.

The biggest enemy I’ve been thinking about is just a joke now.

“Jiang Cheng, come here, I will let you make three moves first.”

“Let you experience what is called a desperate gap.”

In his opinion, Jiang Cheng has at most the second and third level of the emperor realm, and he is now the fourth level of the emperor realm.

The gap between the realm, he wants to break his own defense is difficult.

Once a great enemy, he couldn’t shake himself for a long time, what a humiliation?


Brother Cheng almost spit out water.

“Are you sure you want to play like this?”

“I’m pretty sure.” The Demon Emperor Anji is confident.

He is now flying dragon riding face, just to play!

Play as you like.

“Well then.”

Brother Cheng also sighed.

“You are so I’m not satisfied, I can’t justify it.”

The Devil Emperor Anji couldn’t wait long ago.

“Stop talking nonsense, come on!”

“Really here?”



Brother Cheng swung out the Bingqi Immortal Sword.

Countless ice ridges whizzed out, instantly evacuating other regular breaths around.

The Devil Emperor Anji felt as if he was suddenly stripped and left in the ice and snow.

There are so many teammates around, but they are inexplicably helpless.

He feels something is wrong.

Just about to raise the sword to block it, the whole person flew upside down ahead of time.

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