Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 382: Are you spies?

The more you fly, the higher the concentration of the celestial energy and the power of rules.

After flying for a long time, I still can’t see where the top of the mountain is.

Brother Cheng suspected that he was still at the foot of the mountain.

The concentration of the celestial energy here is no less than that outside the Wuji Cave.

“No wonder these people sharpened their heads and squeezed them here.”

“These immortal emperors in the fairy world really know how to make arrangements!”

Jiyun Wujue and others also saw the reason.

The worlds of Shangxianjie are divided artificially, and the intention to make the border zone so special is very simple.

Let the fairies at the bottom take the initiative to come here to help guard the ‘frontline’.

There is no need to mobilize much. In order to keep the treasures of their cultivation, everyone will fight desperately against the ‘enemy’ of other worlds.

At the mountainside position, they were stopped.


“Who are you?”

“You can have a pass token of Xianmeng!”

Here is the front line after all.

Fortunately, anyone can go to the foot of the mountain.

When you reach the mountainside, you have to confirm your identity and investigate.

As for the Immortal League, it is a joint alliance formed by some of the top forces in the Immortal Realm, and its headquarters is located in the center of the Immortal Realm.

It is the most supreme organization in the fairy world in name.

Pass token?

Of course there are no people like Brother Cheng.

He was wondering if he wanted to kill all the way.

The others were almost frightened by him when they saw the posture, and quickly stopped in front.

Boss, don’t make trouble anymore, let’s collect supernatural powers.

I don’t know how many levels there are.

Surely there will be an emperor on the front line?

What’s more, there are countless immortal formations and prohibitions…

The fairy king of Jiyun quickly took out a token of the Promise Cave Sky from the ring.

This is the spoils picked up after the previous war, and I don’t know which immortal king’s identity card is.

When I saw this token, the faces of the immortals who were blocking the road changed.

The headed man quickly bent over to make a smile.

“It turned out to be the predecessor of the Promise Cave Sky!”

This token is even better than the Xianmeng Pass token.

After all, the Promise Cave Sky is a top force that can rank in the forefront of the immortal world. Isn’t it a trivial matter?

“I don’t know why the predecessors came here, is there a big offensive action?”

Several immortals asked respectfully.

They also wonder.

There are a few immortal cultivators in this group, but the aura on a few of them seems to be magic cultivator and death cultivator.

“Is this something you can inquire?”

The Silent Cloud Immortal King slightly lifted his chin and snorted lightly.

“Hurry up and give way, I missed a major event, but you are asking!”

Several people trembled in fright, and quickly drew off the road.

At the end, they all congratulated the seniors in unison.

A group of people successfully passed the mountainside checkpoint, and later encountered several checkpoints, all of which were easily passed with the token of the Promise Cave.

No way, the news of the extinction over there hasn’t come.

Seeing that these guys are so capable, Brother Cheng is less happy to kill evil.

Besides, the journey is too far away, I don’t know how many battles I have to fight.

As we approached the top of the mountain, the interrogation became stricter.

“Do not go up without a pass token!”

Jiyun is still pretending: “Don’t you dare to give me the face of Promise Cave Heaven?”

“Wuji Cave Sky?”

The Immortal Venerable who was in charge of the interrogation was taken aback, took a few people carefully, and took the token and felt it.

This frowned and said: “The mountain top area is an important place. Any sect must have a warrant.”

“If the senior came in a hurry and forgot to bring it, you can go to the superior for the humble position…”

Jiyun wanted to say something more, Brother Cheng waved his hand.

“Then you go and ask for instructions.”

Anyway, no matter whether he can be fooled or not, he must climb this mountain and enter the demon world.

No one can stop it.

While waiting, Xiaokun, Wujue and others secretly communicated.

“Head Jiang, we may have been exposed.”

“I don’t think the other person’s eyes are right.”

They are all old gangs, and they have seen all kinds of battles.

“It doesn’t matter…”

Brother Cheng shrugged.

Everyone thinks so too, now that they are close to the top of the mountain, it’s a big deal to make a forcible breakthrough.

With the strength of the head of Jiang, such a distance should be assured.

After a while, a quasi-emperor and a dozen immortal kings appeared in front of him, in addition to thousands of immortals.

The leader is the immortal who just went to ‘ask for instructions’.

When he reappeared this time, he was not as quiet as before.

Instead, he immediately pointed at the immortal King Jiyun and others, and shouted hostilely: “It’s them!”

“They are just pretending to be the Wuji Dongtian, plotting bad people!”

“Lord Yuanxu Zhun, please take action and take them down!”

Ah this…

Brother Cheng is a little interested in how it was exposed.

“How do you know we are impersonating?”

The Immortal Zun smiled coldly: “Do you know who I am? I am from the Wuji Cave Tianmen. The identity jade card you just used clearly belongs to my Uncle Suiguang Master!”

Everyone was embarrassed.

This wave of emotional deception has deceived the opponent’s own head, so it’s no wonder that it’s exposed.

“Why did the jade medal of his old man’s identity appear in your hands?”

“Isn’t it time to recruit from reality?”

When the voice of the fairy **** fell, the nearby fairy formation had already been activated.

The thirteen members of Brother Cheng were all locked down.

The dozen or so immortal kings on the opposite side all offered immortal artifacts and immortal treasures.

The cold light, murderous!

Among the group of Jiang Cheng, there are demons and three big corpse kings, who are already suspicious.

As soon as a big battle was about to break out, I saw the Yuan Xu Zhun Emperor who was headed opposite him raised his right hand, stopping everyone.

He ignored Jiang Cheng and the others, but slowly looked at the Immortal Venerable in the Promise Cave Sky, and said lightly: “Are you the principal here?”

The Immortal Venerable was startled, and said instinctively: “It’s not…”

The Emperor Zhunxu’s expression sank: “Then you are ordering me?”

The Immortal Venerable’s complexion changed suddenly, kneeling down and kowtow: “Don’t dare to be a humble post, I just think they are enemies…”

“I think you dare to be very dare!”

Emperor Zhunxu’s voice suddenly turned sharp: “Do it yourself, direct your authority beyond your authority, you are so bold!”

“If everyone is like you, what is the rule?”

After saying that, before the immortal begged for mercy, he slapped him down.

It is naturally easy for the Emperor Zhun to kill a fairy.

The Immortal Venerable fell down without suspense, and there was no more sound.

Other people in the venue did not say anything, especially those fairy kings who took it for granted.

You are a fairy, just report the enemy. In front of the Emperor Zhun and the Immortal King Yitian, how can you be qualified to give orders?

It’s just that the dead Immortal Venerable is from the Promise Cave Sky, and I am afraid that there will be some trouble afterwards.

Just as they surrounded Brother Cheng and the others, and planned to strangle them in one fell swoop, Emperor Zhun Xu made another noise.

“Wait a minute.”

He walked slowly in front of Brother Cheng, Jiyun and the others, and asked.

“Are you really spies from the outside world, are you trying to plot something wrong?”

Xiao Kun releases the breath of the devil, he hehe smiles: “Yes, yes, we are the enemy, what do you want?”

The Shari Demon King is not to be outdone, and deliberately provokes: “We are the enemy, you are quick to take action!”

As the strong devilish energy was exposed, all the immortals present showed a deeper sense of guard.

The Emperor Yuan Xu Zhun also exploded angrily.

“Mad, the **** stinking magic repair!”

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