Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 2224: Seance

“That’s right, I know they will lose.” Yi readily admitted.

Jiang Cheng’s eyes widened.

“Dude, they are your subordinates.”

“What kind of mentality do you ask them to deliver you knowing they will die?”

“You are obsessed with this?”

Yi shook his head and laughed, as if he didn’t think the question was worth asking at all.

“When the Dao of Heaven destroys the world, what is the state of mind?”

This rhetorical question made Jiang Cheng almost speechless.

Yes, the Yuanxian Realm has been destroyed twice.

In other words, Tiandao has reworked the world system twice.

Sounds frivolous, but behind it is actually accompanied by the death of countless creatures.

“For Heavenly Dao, it is the same whether Xuansheng or tempering body, whether human or monster, whether it is cultivating gods or immortals or mortals.”

“They are no different from plants and rocks.”

Yi Shen’s eyes gradually filled with long-lasting vicissitudes.

Jiang Cheng can tell that Yi and Tian Dao are a bit similar, and they are people with no emotions.

The nine major tribes regard him as their mysterious god, but he doesn’t take this identity seriously, so even if there are many dead saints, he doesn’t care.

But thanks to his indifference.

Otherwise, Bai Luozhen and Jin Bo from Xiaoxuanjie would have been wiped out by him long ago.

“Since you are so indifferent, why are you still thinking about conquering the Primordial Immortal Realm?”

Yi shook his head, “Dan indifferent does not mean there is no interest.”

“However, I never actually thought of conquering the Yuanxian Realm, and ruling countless immortals means nothing to me.”

“Then you are still attacking the Heavenly Dao of Yuanxian Realm?”

“If I don’t attack that side, won’t the Swirling Jade People give up?”

Yi’s mouth twitched in a sneer, “She always wanted to get rid of me.”

Jiang Cheng frowned, “So what do you want?”

“You should know what I want, shouldn’t you?”

After holding both hands, Yi looked at the sea of ​​heaven where Yunjuan Yunshu was in the distance from a 45° angle.

“The four of us are different from the rest of the world.”

“They’re stronger for all sorts of purposes, and we’re just getting rid of them.”

Chengge said that he didn’t understand at all.

“What four people, did we know each other before? Get rid of what?”

Yi gave him a surprised look.

“Have you never heard of seances?”

“What seance?”

“It looks like you don’t know anything yet, but that’s okay, you’ll understand one day.”

Cheng Ge can’t laugh or cry.

“Dude, make it clear if you have something to say, why do you have to play dumb?”

As for this topic, Yi seems to be a little secretive.

“I told you in advance that it may disrupt your original luck.”

Brother Cheng’s chest was drawn, and he said loudly: “It doesn’t matter, my debut has always depended on strength, not luck.”


Seeing his proud expression, Yi couldn’t help but smile.

“The seances are a bunch of lunatics trying to create a true god.”

“Making God? What’s the point?”

Yi saw Jiang Cheng’s disapproval.

“The **** they want to create is different from the gods you see so far.”

“The real **** is not bound by any plane, and his way can be equal to the way of heaven, or even stronger.”

Speaking of which, Yi’s expression became unusually serious.

“The so-called righteous gods and partial gods are just slightly stronger creatures.”

“The true God has transcended the meaning of life itself…”

Brother Cheng can hear it in a fog.

The only thing he heard was that the real God was very strong, very strong.

“God can still be created? Since he has that ability, why don’t the seances become gods themselves?”

“They can’t do it themselves.”

“Then why did they create gods?”

Yi shrugged, “If you see them in the future, you can ask them in person.”

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, it seemed that Yi didn’t know everything.

“And then, did they make a real god?”

Yi gave him a rather odd look.

“They created gods four times in total, and the first three failed because they were not perfect.”

Jiang Cheng is about to ask about the fourth one?

Immediately afterwards, he thought of the four people Yi mentioned just now.

As a result, his mouth was opened in an O shape.

“No way, do you mean that the fourth created God is me?”

No wonder this man said he was his classmate the last time we met.

“That’s right.”

Yi smiled self-deprecatingly, “The three of us are all failures. I don’t know if you will be the first successful product or the fourth failure product.”

Jiang Cheng opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

He’s instinctively reluctant to believe that he’s made, that’s too low.


Like a mechanical puppet, with no face.

I have passed through, where is it made?

But in Xuanjie and the opposite Yuanxian Realm, there are no one hundred or eighty who have such configurations as rebirth and transmigration, and it is not a special secret.

“Why do you think I’m the fourth?”

Yi up and down looked at him around, and then smiled slightly: “The gods they created have several distinctive features.”

“The ultimate talent that crosses the ethnic group, the special ability to break the iron law of the cultivation world, and some magical means that other people can’t have.”

“On top of that, there’s the perfect shape.”

“And you happen to fit all of them.”


Hearing the perfect shape, what else can I say?

“Alas, this is really convincing!”

When he said that, he actually thought of another person – Qiu Yuxuan.

The few features just now, this woman seems to fit all.

Her appearance can make many high-level immortals uncontrollable, and her talent is even more speechless.

The Wudao Sword itself is also an extraordinary method.

Is she also one of those four? Or, she is the fourth person, and she is not?

“Who are the other two?”

“The first…”

When Yi said this, he suddenly seemed to sense something, and his eyebrows narrowed slightly.

Then he sighed.

“It seems I can’t tell.”

“Okay, you can leave.”

Before Jiang Cheng could say anything, he waved his hand.

Afterwards, Brother Cheng found himself back outside the canyon and saw Bai Luozhen, Wen Chi, Qiu Yuxuan and others again.


As soon as Chu Ting saw him coming out, he immediately greeted him.

“Friend Jiang, have you ever found a way to go back?”

Jiang Cheng nodded.

“There was originally no way, but with my efforts, I finally found a way back.”

He’s not bragging, it’s because of his knife.

Chu Ting and Fan Qing Guiping were overjoyed at the same time.



“Thank you, fellow Daoist Jiang, you are still amazing!”

The elder brother laughed at them and accepted their praise, and then looked at Qiu Yuxuan and Holy Master Dongfan.

“Prepare for the two of you. You can go now.”

“I will not return to Yuanxian Realm.”

“Here are all the Tian Que Stones and the Blood Sea Seal that I got from my trip to the mysterious world.”

After Qiu Yuxuan finished speaking, she handed a storage ring to Chu Ting.

“You go back to them.”

Later, she handed Jiang Cheng another ring.

“It’s half the harvest.”

City brother opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

He actually didn’t want to ‘bully’ Qiu Yuxuan with that bet for a long time.

But sister Nai He Xuan is too reputable.

“Our cousin, cousin, you’re so outrageous…”

Just as he was about to say no, he discovered the massive treasure in the ring.

The last time Qiu Yuxuan’s sword wiped out most of the elite masters in the Tianrong Department, the harvest is not big.

“However, if I don’t accept it, I will not give you face.”

After speaking, he “reluctantly” took the ring away.

“I’m not going back either.”

After the Holy Master Dongfan finished speaking, he actually handed him the storage ring containing the Tianque Stone and the Void Light.

“I will trouble you to return the illusory lamp to Emperor Xiao.”

It’s not that he doesn’t despise the treasure of heaven.

But this thing is destined to not belong to him, and it is useless to keep it.

Jiang Cheng was slightly taken aback, “Why don’t you go back?”

Dongfan scratched his head and smiled: “I still yearn for happiness and comfort, not suitable for fighting.”

Returning to Xianwuzhou, he still has to face the pressure of those shrines outside, and his life is too late and dangerous.

It’s different in Xuanjie.

As a friend of Jiang Xianzhe, plus the first stage of “achieving merit”, he lived like a duck in water here, chatting and laughing with a group of Xuansheng eight-fold and nine-fold every day.

The nine major tribes outside have been crippled by Jiang Cheng and Qiu Yuxuan, and there are only a dozen or so of Xuansheng Nine Layers left.

With the addition of Arling, the temple has no natural enemies at all, and it is indeed very comfortable.

“That’s fine, as long as you like it.”

“Well, anyway, we won the bet this time, and the two heavenly emperors should be very happy.”

“The bet?”

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, “What bet?”

He realizes vaguely that he may be missing something.

“Huh? Don’t you know?”

Dongfan didn’t have anything to hide, and he quickly reiterated the agreement between the Emperor Xiao and the other eight emperors.

“If I win, the Emperor of War can actually get four pieces of Chaos Golden Chalcedony?” Brother Cheng’s eyes widened.

Such a big thing, I don’t even know it.

He only knew that there was a competition, comparing the number of stones in the sky.

I didn’t know there was a gamble behind it.

I thought that there was only one personal reward for Chaos Gold Chalcedony, and I even thought that it was the Emperor’s own pocket.

It turns out that the wool comes out of the sheep.

“Damn, there are four servings in total, only one for me, do you still have any conscience?”

It took Chu Ting, Fan Qing and Guiping a month to change their profound strength back to immortal strength.

After a grand farewell party, Jiang Cheng took them on the road back to Yuanxian Realm.

These three people are protected by the treasure of heaven, and they are released in the dark, and they did not encounter any setbacks along the way.

Following the blank passage drawn by the knife, they successfully reached the other end.

A strong light flashes ahead.

Then the space was distorted, and the four of them appeared on the ground of Yuanxianjie at the same time.

Before Chu Ting and Fan Qing could sigh with emotion, there were shouts from the surroundings.

“It’s out!”

“Someone came out.”

“Who is it?”

“Isn’t this the seal of the Dao?”

“How come four people came out?”

“I know, isn’t that Chu Ting priest? How did he get out of here?”

As far as Jiangcheng can see, there are at least hundreds of thousands of immortals around.

The cultivation base is uneven, ranging from Taoist saints to partial gods.

At this point these people are all surrounding the pit at the exit, as if it were a treasure.

Actually, this is quite normal.

After Jiang Cheng’s knife slashed into the Primordial Immortal Realm, it also stabbed a bottomless abyss here.

Such a commotion, of course, will alarm many immortals to come to check.

And the first thing they think of is the birth of a treasure.

It’s just similar to the side of the Xuanjie, the abyss here is also very dangerous.

For the time being, few people have been able to explore the opposite side.

Many world gods and partial gods greeted them.

“Chu Ting priest, I don’t know what is inside this abyss?”

“Priest Fanqing, why are you there?”

“What’s with you?”

Fan Qing gave them a cold look.

“Get out of the way.”

She is polite in front of Jiang Cheng, but in front of others, she is a great priest who is above countless others.

Chu Ting and Guiping were not interested in answering either.

There are too many things happening in Xuanjie, and some things involve important secrets, how could they be told to these passersby in public.

Everyone was stared at by her, and quickly turned away.

But then, Jiang Cheng was surrounded.

“This fellow Daoist, why did you walk with the three great priests?”

“Do you know what’s in that abyss?”

“Did you get the treasure inside?”

“Is that treasure Chaotic Chalcedony, or Dao Seal?”

If they were reporters, Jiang Cheng would have no doubt that his face would be covered with microphones.

He was going to tell the truth.

But after thinking about it, it’s not fair to the Xuan clan on the other side.

So like a star holding a press conference, he waved to everyone around him.

“No comment, no comment.”

“All let let…”

The people around didn’t let go.

They didn’t dare to stop Chu Ting and Fan Qing from returning to peace, that’s because these three people were powerful and famous, and they didn’t dare to provoke them.

And Jiang Cheng is different.

How dare a Holy Master not answer their questions?

“Who told you to leave?”

“How dare you not give us face?”

“No comment yet? Are you qualified to refuse to answer?”

Jiang Cheng, who was pushing out, stopped.

“Then if you want to know what’s in there, you can go down and see for yourself.”

If everyone around had dared to go down, they would have already gone down.

“What a guts!”

“Are you courting death?”

Jiang Cheng put away his smile and looked around at everyone with a playful look.

“So what? What do you think?”

“What do you want?”

The group led by Jie Jie smiled.

“We suspect that you have obtained treasures that do not belong to you from the abyss.”

“Don’t leave unless we’re frisked.”

Brother Cheng feels that he is getting more and more confused and going back, but someone dares to rob him?

Chu Ting, Fan Qing and Gui Ping, who were about to leave, were shocked when they saw this scene.

These idiots, it’s not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke this killing god.

Are you dying fast enough?

The three rushed back in a hurry.

“Aren’t you going to step back?”

“Young Daoist Jiang is our friend, who would dare to touch him?”

“Blind your dog’s eyes!”

The reason for the three of them to rush out in such a hurry is also to make a good impression in front of the brother.

In their minds, Jiang Cheng’s status as an ordinary holy master is already on the same level as that of a righteous god.

It’s a pity that other people around me don’t have this kind of awareness.

There are also two partial gods in this crowd, and they are not very afraid of them.

“Chu Ting Grand Priest, your words are meaningless.”

“This person is clearly a cultivator, and is incompatible with our cultivators, not to mention your cultivation is not on the same level.”

“How did you become your friend?”

Some people in the crowd are even starting to get smart and open their minds.

“I see, they must have obtained a great treasure from the abyss, but they are just afraid of being stared at, so they deliberately put it on an inconspicuous person!”

“Yes, the treasure is on this Holy Master!”

“Three great priests, we have been waiting here for so many days, even if we don’t share our share, we should take it out to open our eyes, right?”

“That’s right, do you want us to be busy?”

“I said yes, and neither did anyone else!”

“Yes, we don’t!”

Chu Ting and Fan Qing were directly laughed at by them.

“Are you crazy…”

Jiang Cheng directly raised his hand to interrupt the three of them.

“Okay, it’s not your turn to intervene.”

Afterwards, he smiled again and raised **** towards the two strange and partial gods.

“I just came back from there. I’m exhausted and need some supplies.”

“Now there are two paths for you.”

“Either take the initiative to hand over all the treasures and equipment, or be killed by me, and then I will take it myself.”

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly fell silent.

Everyone around looked at each other, then burst into laughter.

“Hahahaha, what are you talking about?”

“Dare to threaten us?”

“Boy, I think you really want to die, and don’t look at your own situation.”

“Three great priests, we can’t blame us, he asked for it by himself.”

Chu Ting, Fan Qing and Gui Ping silently distanced themselves, and there was a trace of sympathy in their eyes.

Then, the scene was filled with the sword light of fishing swords.

When the fire phoenix transformed by the Four Hundred Origin Techniques bloomed in the crowd, everyone was dumbfounded.

The hundreds of world gods and Taoist gods closest to Jiangcheng were swallowed up by the overwhelming fire phoenix before they could open the holy world.

Because “Tai Shang Hua Dao” has temporarily isolated the origin of hundreds of millions of miles around, they have no time to organize an effective defense.

Hundreds of people’s Dao Hearts collapsed almost at the same time, and their immortal bodies were burned to ashes.

And this is not the moment when the Four Hundred Origin Technique really broke out.

For today’s Jiang Cheng, ordinary world gods are already instant cannon fodder.

When the phantom of the fire phoenix disappeared and a little flame shot out, the partial **** on the opposite side finally opened the holy world.

In an instant, that little flame hit the holy world.

The flames quickly flowed out, and Jiang Cheng released his spiritual energy without stopping, hitting the opponent’s sea of ​​consciousness.

Involve the other party’s way, and give the other party no chance to regroup at all.

At the same time, the peak tool path of the fishing sword also pressed up.

Screams and shouts sounded one after another at the scene, with a strong suspicion of life.

“The Four Hundred Origin Techniques!”

“The Peak Emperor!”

“Why is the source isolated?”


“What kind of monster is this…”

Another partial **** reacted not too slowly, and quickly urged the source technique to attack Jiang Cheng.

Chengge’s goal is very clear, first concentrate all the attacks to kill one.

Another partial god’s source attack, he chose to use the rules of the holy world to destroy it, weakening the opponent’s offensive.

As for the other world gods and Taoist gods around, they are still trying to break the blockade of “Tai Shang Hua Dao”.

The original partial **** was in a precarious situation from the beginning.

His holy world was quickly burned by the Four Hundred Source Techniques.

This is also normal.

After all, when Zong Qun fought him, he was beaten out of breath at first.

And Zongqun is the top three priests under the Soul Emperor, and their strength is still higher than the two partial gods in front of them.

When the Four Hundred Origin Techniques came down for the third time, his holy world was finally completely burned.

Before the fishing sword was harvested, his sea of ​​consciousness was also lost at the same time.

Jiang Cheng’s spiritual energy rushed forward, directly strangling his consciousness.

Then non-stop slaughtered the second partial god.

At this time, the other world gods and peak world gods around finally broke the blockade of “Tai Shang Hua Dao”.

It’s just that their origin spells can’t break through the holy realm of rules at all.

Before they could directly collide with the Holy Realm, Jiang Cheng used his spiritual cover to interfere with their offensive.

The fire phoenix appeared again, and hundreds of people were affected, and then “accidentally” were killed.

And the flames

It hit the second partial god.

The whole process is like flowing water.

Chu Ting, Fan Qing, and Gui Ping in the distance looked at this scene without showing any shock.

After all, in the Xuanjie, Jiang Cheng had even used the sword that destroyed the world.

Just the basics for now.

“Young Daoyou Jiang is still restrained.”

“Yeah, maybe the price of that knife is not small, but the appearance can’t tell.”

“Should be.”

“However, the combat power he is showing now is terrifying enough.”

“The 400-layer Origin Technique, I really don’t know how he used it…”

Between them speaking, the second partial **** followed in the footsteps of the first.

Before dying, the man finally regretted it.

This is kicking the iron plate, it’s just rushing into the gate of **** at high speed.

The holy world was crumbling, while he vigorously swung the knife and made a tragic resistance, while screaming and begging for mercy.

“Stop it!”

“I’m going to get out now…”

Before he finished speaking, he was completely annihilated by the phantom of the phoenix that filled the sky.

Another partial **** fell, and everyone around was finally scared.

The partial gods can’t stop them, these world gods and Taoist gods still use their heads to fight Jiang Cheng?

Now they don’t want treasure anymore, they just want to live.



“Forgive me!”

Jiang Cheng once again launched “Tai Shang Hua to temporarily isolate the origin of hundreds of millions of miles around.

The psychic shock covers the thousands fleeing the outermost perimeter.

Slows them down dozens of times.

Afterwards, there was another wave of Four Hundred Origin Techniques.

The sky was like dumplings, and the rustling body fell down.

In this scene, the hearts of the world gods who wanted to escape were heartbroken, and they were almost scared to pee on the spot.

“Whoever escapes will die!”

Jiang Cheng’s voice echoed in the void.

The remaining 100,000 people dared not move their feet any longer, so they could only stop obediently.

There are actually thousands of world gods among them.

As for Brother Cheng, after using the Origin Technique seven times and resisting multiple attacks, his condition is not very good.

Only, now that other people have been killed, how can anyone dare to shoot at him again?

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