Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 2106: Weakness

Chapter 2106 flaws

“It depends on who the chaotic silver chalcedony finally recognizes as the master.”

Chang Ling answered Jiang Cheng’s question.

“The major sects form this encirclement, on the one hand, to block the gap and prevent the silver chalcedony from escaping.”

“On the other hand, they do not interfere with each other, and each has his own abilities.”

Only the Holy Realm can barely stop that wisp of chaotic energy.

As for Daohai, it is a supplement to the holy world.

In case it breaks through the blockade of the holy world, you can use Daohai to delay it, so that other holy masters can block it back with the holy world again.

Because of the need for temporary team formation and sincere cooperation, all major sects and ethnic groups have temporarily let go of their grievances.

Before capturing the Chaos Silver Chalcedony, every Holy Lord and Taoist present was useful.

No one would take a shot at anyone at this time.

As for the outermost Dao saints and Dao Zuns, they are looking forward to the breaking of the encirclement inside.

In that case, the silver chalcedony is in a panic, and maybe it will rush directly to himself and recognize himself as the master.

Basically, it’s the mentality of a pie in the sky.

After figuring out the situation, Brother Cheng naturally followed suit and released his own high-level Taoist Daohai.

“This kind of collective activity, I, Jiang, must help the field!”

Seeing this, Wu Shan and Chang Yang next to him hurriedly shrank their holy world to make room for this brother.

This move immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the two adjacent sects.

“What do you mean?”

“To have a Taoist **** standing in the front row, and there is no Holy Master behind it, is equivalent to revealing a flaw!”

“You are from Feixianmen, right? Can you be more serious?”

“If the Chaos Qi machine can rush out of that flaw, then Feixianmen will be a sinner, waiting to be attacked by the crowd!”

“I recognize that Taoist god. He is Jiang Cheng. He was the one who was taken into the floating sea a while ago.”

“What about him? There is a gap between Daohai and the Holy Realm. He doesn’t deserve to be in that position at all!”

Wu Shan and others disapprove of their dissatisfaction.

“What is the flaw? How can my master be compared to an ordinary Holy Master?”

“With the addition of his old man, the encirclement has been qualitatively improved, and it has become impregnable immediately!”

“You should be lucky!”

“That’s right, that’s right, the head of Jiang changed the precarious situation of the entire encirclement by himself, which can be regarded as a pivotal key entry.”

They had a great time here.

The surrounding sects screamed in anger.

“You Feixianmen are disregarding the overall situation and acting recklessly!”

“If I had known, I should have excluded you this time from joining.”

“Wait for us, after this opportunity is over, make sure you look good.”

“Don’t think I don’t know, the Heaven Shaking Palace is not your backer at all, and then there is a way to hide in the floating sea!”

One after another, the spiritual senses swept over the people of Feixianmen unscrupulously, especially Cheng Ge, who got the most attention.

Dozens of them came from the Holy Land of Yura.

“Here it is!”

Sect Master Wutang’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Wusheng and others are like piranhas who smell blood, and their killing intent and hatred cannot be completely concealed.

“The kid is finally here!”

“The hateful thing, I thought he would hide in the floating sea for the rest of his life.”

Thinking that they saw Jiang Cheng last time, but he was intimidated by him, and finally had to greet him in a low voice, they were going to explode.

During this period of time, they were looking for the chaotic silver chalcedony together, and what they wanted to find was this enemy.

If he doesn’t get rid of him, there may be a problem with Dao Xin.

“Are you going now? I can’t wait!”

“Take him down, take him back and pry out “Vientiane Rotation”, and then smash him into ten thousand pieces!”

“It’s cheap to kill him, it’s hard to understand the hatred in my heart!”

“Waiting for one more day is torment!”

During this time, Jiang Cheng has been in retreat and taking medicine.

When the disciples of Feixianmen appeared, they wanted revenge.

However, the encirclement was already formed at the time, and I didn’t want to startle the snake, so I endured it.


Wutang hastily stopped them.

“Now is not the time to shoot!”

“If there is a big fight at this time, there will be two huge gaps in the encirclement, and we will be angry.”

“Also, Chaos Silver Chalcedony should have been ours.”

When he said this, the other Holy Masters could only continue to endure.

I plan to wait until the silver chalcedony is over before attacking the entire Feixianmen.

Jiang Cheng felt clearly about their killing intent.

“Looks like they’ve made up their minds this time.”

“Brother is running out of pills and profound crystals recently.”

In order not to destroy the encirclement, he didn’t make a move in advance.

The two sides maintained restraint like this, waiting for the chance of silver chalcedony to end.

One after another, the shouting continues.

The wisp of chaotic energy was erratic, sometimes nearby, and sometimes at the other end of the distance.

It doesn’t rip and destroy the Holy Realm like an attack, but its ramming shocks the Dao Heart.

And every time the Dao Heart is shaken, it will cause a big blow to the ordinary Holy Master.

This task is not easy for them.

Jiang Cheng also learned to focus on them at first, looking left and right following the shouting, but after a few minutes, he got bored.

“When will this be around?”

“Just bump into me once.”

Perhaps his voice was heard by Silver Chalcedony, or maybe he finally discovered his flaw. After only three minutes, his Daohai changed.

“Here it is!”

Jiang Cheng didn’t even notice that there was something in Daohai.

But he felt Daohai’s unprovoked surging.

The chaotic silver chalcedony is really like a slippery fish, traversing his domain at will.

There was a slight wave of waves along with it.

In ordinary battles, that wisp of fluctuations wouldn’t even count as an itch, and wouldn’t have any effect at all.

But the chaotic qi machine is too special, like an electric shock, even if it’s just ordinary contact, it is enough to shake the deep Dao heart.

His body shook as a result.

Wu Shan and Chang Yang on the side also exclaimed when they saw this.

“It rushed into Master’s Dao Sea!”

“Can’t let him run away!”

They instinctively opened the holy world, wanting to cover the Daohai of Jiangcheng, and help block it.

This is also a normal operation for everyone present.

Silver chalcedony rushes into the sacred world of anyone around, and everyone around will help to resist.

But Wu Shan and the others had just started to gain momentum and then stopped again.

Because this is the omnipotent Jiang Feixianmen has been attacked by powerful enemies so many times, every time he let others back, and fought the enemy alone.

And an easy win every time.

Over time, everyone got used to this rhythm.

In addition, Brother Cheng didn’t say to help me, so they felt that they shouldn’t have to worry about it this time.

Just as they stopped, the chaotic silver chalcedony successfully penetrated the Daohai of Jiangcheng.

(End of this chapter)


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