Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 1907: Anger blessing

Because there are more than 30,000 enemies around, and several Taoist gods, Jiang Cheng just wants to fight quickly.

As soon as you come up, you will start the tactical mode of two-on-one.

Not only the magic realm of immortal power and spiritual will, but also the power of turbidity and the power of heaven are also in both internal and external directions, and at the same time came the icing on the cake.

【First release on this site, fastest update】

Aside from the power to shake the sky and the second holy power, as well as the unconventional perfect swordsmanship, this is his ultimate attack method.

Sui Chong Dao God is only a first-level Dao God, not as good as the last Yijia Dao God.

He thought that he would do it himself, not to mention immediately beheading Jiang Cheng, at least he would be able to push him down, and then everyone would be able to run over him in a hurry.

However, just after the war, the situation slipped to the other extreme.


His roar came to an abrupt end.

Because it only took a few seconds, Jiang Cheng interrupted his Daohai.

Successfully killed him.


“How is this possible?”

The other immortals screamed in surprise, especially the Taoist gods, whose faces were full of disbelief.

Jiang Cheng didn’t use his own way at all, and there was no Dao sea to surround him.

Even if he is amazing, he can leapfrog the challenge, which is too fast, right?

And in the few seconds they were stunned…


Jie Quejian broke into the body smoothly, and the mighty power wreaked havoc in the body of Shaan Chong Dao God.

In an instant, it took all his life away.

The dignified Taoist **** has fallen.

Jiang Cheng didn’t have time to collect the spoils, so he fell into the crowd again.

The remaining Taoists and Supremes of Shihan City have re-encircled.

Because the scene was so chaotic, these people didn’t even realize that their city lord was dead.

They are still immersed in the emotions of the Taoist being killed and the city lord leading everyone to take revenge.


“Kill him!”

The fierce battle broke out again.


Looking at the fallen figures, looking at Jiang Cheng who was rushing everywhere in the crowd, many people gasped.

They couldn’t believe their eyes.

Not long ago, they regarded Jiang Cheng as an over-the-top clown.

Feeling that the army is crossing the border, it can easily grind him to **** like weeds on the road.

Who knows, the battle situation will turn out like this.

“What kind of monster is this…?”

Someone muttered to himself.

Someone’s eyes were dull.

Someone looked lost.

“It’s so easy to kill Dao God, it shouldn’t be…”

“Is it Qiu Yuxuan? Could it be that Qiu Yuxuan has transformed into a man?”

“No, this is not Qiu Yuxuan!”

“She is still in the Xingyou Dynasty, and she can’t stand so many people at the same time.”

“Qiu Yuxuan needs the assistance of people from the Celestial Clan in battle, and this person doesn’t seem to need that at all…”

“Who is he?”

“How could such a person suddenly appear?”

Xiao Kun and other dozens of old acquaintances have quietly exited the stage.

They, who had a lot of confidence in Brother Cheng, were still frightened by this inhuman combat power.

The top sect led by Taoshen, defeated alone, how can this be done by human beings?

As expected of the head of Jiang!

The prestige remains the same.

Let’s follow his instructions and stay away, so as not to be taken away by a wave.

After these people crossed over, most of the realms were not high.

Only two are Taoist gods.

Naturally, these two would not attack Jiang Cheng, and they were also quietly retreating at this time.

But the other three first-level Taoist gods and one middle-level Taoist **** did not retreat.

“Can’t sit back and watch!”

“We must work together to eradicate this person, otherwise it will be a big problem!”

“Can’t let another Qiu Yuxuan exist!”

“Come on!”

“All together!”

The four Taoist gods were divided into four directions, east, west, northwest, and attacked Jiang Cheng at the same time.

At the same time, the more than 20,000 sectarians behind them, as well as the other 3,000 elite masters from other sects, also launched an attack on Jiang Cheng!

At this moment, the sky is falling apart, the sun and the moon are dim, and the stable space is shaking violently and screaming.

In the far back, the three princes and four generals of the Celestial Clan all looked in this direction in astonishment.

“What happened?”

“Over there, is the direction of the immortal enemy army coming?”

“Did they encounter any strong enemy, why did they fight in advance?”

“Why are you fighting so hard?”

“Could it be that friendly forces from other war zones around come to support?”

“Impossible, they also have their own defense tasks, how can such a big operation not be notified in advance?”

“Who else could there be? It’s not an immortal strife, right?”

Duanjing King and Chang Rong King are both confused.

And around the hundreds of thousands of Celestial Clan, there are also buzzing discussions.

“I remember that man went to fight against the immortal army just now, wouldn’t it be him?”

“What are you kidding, he can survive until now?”

“And what is his virtue and ability, can he get such a big attack?”

“I bet that the opposite immortal clan will definitely encounter a legion stronger than us!”

“Either I have met a powerhouse at the level of the Moon Shadow Emperor and the National Teacher, or I wouldn’t have been like this, and it hasn’t stopped until now.”

Listening to their discussion, King Jinying secretly sighed.

He knew that this was Jiang Cheng fighting against the other side.

Because he had seen it twice before.

It’s just that this time the enemy is several times stronger than before…

Don’t say it’s Jiang Cheng, even if it’s the Moon Shadow Emperor, he can’t stand it alone, right?

He guessed right.

Jiang Cheng alone really can’t stand it.

Before being able to withstand the siege of so many sages, I used the soul of heaven to interfere with the opponent, and at the same time, the power of turbidity was used as a barrier to eliminate the attack, and the power of heaven and earth was used to contain it.

Even so, in the end his turbid power was pierced and he was slightly injured.

This approach, after all, has its limits.

At this time, he was facing four Taoist gods, nearly three hundred Taoist saints, and more than 23,000 Taoist Supremes.

With such a lineup, even the high-level Taoist gods from the Immortal Race would not be able to carry it alone.

Jiang Cheng can’t either.

A wave of more than 20,000 people gathered fire, and after only three seconds, he really died with nothing left.

The killing this time was also expected by Brother Cheng.

He knew he couldn’t stand it.

The system beep finally sounded.

“Ding! The host was killed. The enemy’s strength is being tested and a resurrection plan is being arranged.”

“Ding! The host gains five minutes of anger blessing.”


What anger?

Jiang Cheng quickly thought of something, and suddenly felt a little powerless to complain.

Is it possible to give an anger progress bar, and when it is full, it can be enlarged?

That doesn’t seem to work.

Faced with the concentrated fire output of more than 20,000 people, I have no chance to accumulate anger at all, and I will be killed again.

“Ding! The host is resurrected.”

At the moment when he came to life, Jiang Cheng immediately turned invisible.

Because of this resurrection position, it is too dangerous.

Surrounded by more than 20,000 big men, as soon as they appear, they will be beaten by the group.

He’s afraid he won’t be able to hold on to the moment he hangs up.

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