Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 1705: Flying Star Hall

The Mingzai Domain is separated from the Xiaomang Domain by a full seven domain boundaries, and the front line here is quite tight.

Although the Heavenly Palace only sent one Heavenly Army and three Divine Sovereigns to attack here, this is enough for the major sects of the Ming Dynasty to drink a pot.

And the sects here are more scattered than Xiaomangyu, with many factions and factions.

Facing this critical global war, each faction has its own plans.

“The lottery is drawn!”

“The white sign stays for defense, the black sign makes a round of offense, and the red sign checks the enemy’s situation!”

Successive camps, many places are playing this scene at the same time.

For those sects with Taoist sages, what to do in the next round can be decided through negotiation.

And those who have multiple Dao Venerables sitting in the town, and their strengths are at a higher level, most of them also have some qualifications to decide the task.

For those small and medium-sized sects with only one or two Taoists, or even no Taoists, their fate depends on this lottery.

In the entire Ming Dynasty, such small and medium-sized sects are as many as the sands of the Ganges.

Ming Zaiyu also has an alliance similar to Zhu Xian Palace, which is organized by the ruler of Zongmen Jingqin Xianfu, called Ming Yatian.

However, unlike Zhuxian Palace, only sects above ten Taoist sects in Ming Yatian are eligible to join.

Therefore there are not many members.

At this time, a Taoist-level elder who joined Ming Yatian is presiding over a lottery ceremony for a camp.

“Faced with the attack from the Heavenly Palace, every sect has the obligation to sacrifice their lives to fight!”

“If Mingzai Domain falls, your mountain gates will also be gone!”

He looked down coldly at the heads of the small sects and the patriarchs of the small clans in front of him, like training prisoners.

“Ge Xiangyu’s yesterday may be your tomorrow!”

“So, whoever dares to disobey the result of the lottery will be killed without mercy!”

“Whoever defected from the Mingzai Domain would be the enemy of Mingyatian, all the members of his sect would be cut off, and all the sects of the mountain would be wiped out!”

He pauses deliberately, creating a tense atmosphere.

“I know that many of you want to go to Xiaomangyu now, and consider it a paradise.”

“You can try.”

“Let’s see if you can enter there alive under Ming Yatian’s pursuit.”

As soon as these words came out, the little heads and little patriarchs below were silent.

These days, they really all have the idea of ​​going to Xiaomangyu.

As long as you escape there, you can stay away from the war.

But when they heard the warning threat from the elder Ming Yatian on the stage, many people could only bury their thoughts deeply.

As the leader of this sect, their cultivation base is generally still Taoist and Supreme.

Some of them are even just celestial beings.

Where can you beat Ming Yatian?

The other party really does what they say they do.

“The draw begins now!”

Accompanied by the shouts of two Taoist priests, a cylinder-shaped fairy weapon appeared in the field.

What color can this thing appear, you can’t perceive it with the soul in advance, you can only spell the character.

A well-known head and patriarch, with the mentality of going to the execution ground, moved three steps at a time, forming a long queue.

“Red Frost Sect, Black Sign!”

Scarlet Frost Sect’s head turned pale, as if he had heard bad news.

Others on the side cast sympathetic glances at him.

The one who gets the black lottery will go out with the army the next time they attack.

Everyone knows that attacking Tiangong’s fortress is far more dangerous than staying in one’s own great formation.

This is a sign off.

As he walked out of the line with his head down, with a heavy stride, the second in line also began to twitch.

“Broken Rain Castle, Black Sign!”

It’s another sign, another sad person in this world.

“Zhangyangwu clan, black lottery!”

“The Thousand Blades Family, Black Sign!”

After a full four black signs, a white sign was finally issued.

“To Luo Gong, white sign!”

“Hahahaha, great!”

Compared to the expressions on the faces of those who had just drawn the black lottery like a concubine, the head of Zhiluo Palace jumped up and down, almost dancing on the spot with excitement.

That performance was like hitting the jackpot.

Others cast envious and jealous looks.

The white sign only needs to be defended on the fortress side.

Let’s not talk about the call from Tiangong, there will be preparations in advance, there will be large formations and ban support.

Even if you can’t stand it, there is still a chance to react if you run away.

It is more than ten times safer than the black sign that can only move forward and not backward.

It’s just that the number of black tickets on the scene seems to be much more than the white ones, almost five to one.

After drawing hundreds of sects, only 20 white draws were issued.

Each of these sects is ecstatic, rejoicing at the rhythm of not dying.

“Golden Soul Temple, White Sign!”


The master of the Temple of the Golden Soul, Daoist Yanggong, nodded, not looking as excited as the others.

Instead, he shook his head regretfully and sighed.

“Alas, I originally wanted to take the disciples of this hall to attack the enemy formation and fight in the most dangerous place.”

“However, the four consecutive draws are all white draws.”

“So sad…”

Those in the back who haven’t drawn the lottery are all scolded in their hearts.

“It’s so cheap and good!”

“Che, if the Temple of the Golden Soul hadn’t had some relationship with the Taoist sage of Ming Yatian, how could there be such a good luck?”

There are all immortals, and who is a fool.

Some routines, they can easily see black box operation. “

“No matter how the lottery is drawn, we are all cannon fodder. The lottery is just a show.”

On the surface, the result of the lottery is displayed by the fairy, and it depends entirely on the character.

But in fact, the fairy artifact was provided by Ming Yatian. They really had to make some arrangements in advance, and it was easy and simple.

The lottery ceremony continues.

Under the deterrence of Ming Yatian, no one dared to resist.

After dozens of black and white signs, a different one finally appeared on the scene.

“Feixingtang, red sign!”

Hearing the words “Red Sign”, all the eyes of everyone present gathered.

Falling on the face of Dao Zun Weiheng, the head of Feixing Hall.

Everyone’s eyes are full of sadness.

The man behind Dao Zun Weiheng couldn’t help but pat him on the shoulder.

“Friend Weiheng, my condolences.”

And Dao Zun Weiheng himself trembled slightly, almost unsteady.

He shook his hands and took the red fairy talisman like a concubine, as if he had received a death sentence.

If the black sign is the sign, then the red sign is the sign.

Attack with others, be smart, let others stand in front, and have a chance to survive.

And if you go to the opposite side to spy on intelligence and scout the enemy’s situation, there is a high probability that you won’t be able to come back.

Heavenly Palace is not leaking in this regard, and the spies coming from the opposite side are almost dead.

Those who got the red lottery three times before came back with one out of ten.

This is a no-compromise mission to the death.

Usually thousands of sects draw lots in each camp, and there will only be two red lots.

It can be seen how unfortunate Weiheng Dao Zun is.

Dao Zun Yang, who had just drawn the white lottery, burst into a schadenfreude laugh.

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