Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 1414: I’m talking about fun

“You! Kill! Of?”

Yun Wang paused every word.

His face instantly became extremely ugly.

The look in those eyes is almost like eating people.

“Yes, I killed all the seven gods, and I am responsible for this.”

Brother Cheng patted his chest and acted very ‘Responsible’.


The spit stars of King Yun directly spit out angrily.

Fortunately, Brother Cheng flashed so fast, otherwise he would have to spray him all over.

“Speak well and speak well. This is the main place of Tiandan Division. Don’t urinate and defecate anywhere!”

This brother was very dissatisfied and criticized.

“You are also a senior cadre of Tiangong anyhow, don’t you have this quality?”

Wang Yun was almost out of anger by him.

Just you, the black sheep who is doing evil and disturbing the heavens, still have the face to talk to me about quality?

Ah, that’s not right, the focus of the topic now doesn’t seem to be this.


He drew the Dao Sword on the spot.

“If you dare to talk nonsense, don’t blame me for being rude to you!”

This time it was the turn of the three eighth-grade masters sitting behind Brother Cheng to be dissatisfied.

“Wang Yun, you passed.”

“Jiang Cheng is the first seat of my Tiandan Division, and he is highly respected by me. If you shoot him, then you will shoot my Tiandan Division.”

Tianlin Dao Zun coldly threw the bottom line.

“At that time, we can’t guarantee what we will do.”

Although they are only Taoist priests, the words of the eighth-rank emperor alchemy are very important.

Wang Yun could only take the sword back.

This makes Brother Cheng a bit regretful. It’s not impossible to go to war directly.

It just breaks the flowers and plants of Tiandansi.

“You tell me the truth, how do you know that King Shi Wangyi and the others have fallen?”

“What happened at the time?”

“Don’t recruit from the real world?”

Jiang Cheng clearly recognized it just now, but he didn’t believe it at all, just treating it as an insult to his IQ.

“I said, I did it.”

“Only you?”

Yun Wang smiled coldly: “What kind of thing are you responsible for this matter?”

“Who can you kill with your strength?”

“Wang Shi stands in front of you and doesn’t fight back, you won’t be able to shake him.”

“What’s wrong with pretending to be a leader, you dare to pretend to be a murderous case, do you think you can put gold on your face like this? What a fool!”

“I really did it!”

Brother Cheng was also anxious: “Take a horse, why can’t I get my own credit?”

“I want to see who dares to grab my record.”

“It’s really inexplicable, you don’t believe it anymore.”

Wang Yun sneered: “Pee soak and take a picture of yourself, are you qualified to be compared with Daosheng?”

“Okay, I don’t deserve it anymore.”

Brother Cheng said in his heart that I originally admitted it honestly, lest you have trouble finding the murderer everywhere.

Since you don’t believe me life and death, then you go on in vain and look for it slowly.

Yun Wang continued to ask: “What happened that day?”

Brother Cheng’s record was not recognized, and he was very upset, just pretending to be stupid.

“What day?”

“That’s the day King Shi and the others were killed!”

“Oh, that day, I slept late in the morning, and brushed my teeth after getting up. By the way, I discussed my ideals of life with the girl next to me…”

The blood vessels in the forehead of King Yun twitched.

“I didn’t ask you what you did that day, I asked what happened at the scene where they were killed that day!”

“Who was killed?” Brother Cheng continued to pretend to be confused.

Yun Wang was about to slap the table angrily again.

“Wang Shi and King Yi!” His voice squeezed out between his teeth.

“Ah? Are they dead?” Brother Cheng looked surprised.

It seems like I just learned about it.

Wang Yun couldn’t hold back after all, and the table in front of him was directly shattered into powder this time.

His anger couldn’t be restrained at all, and he pointed at Brother Cheng and snarled.

“You better not pretend to be stupid and tell me honestly what happened at that time!”

Jiang Cheng only thought he was guilty of rabies.

Shook his head sympathetically.

“Then you have to ask them yourself, ask me what I am doing, I don’t know.”

Yun Wangxin said that they are all dead, where can I ask?

I couldn’t calculate the scene back then. I searched for countless people on Yuanji Dao, but didn’t find a witness.

“How could you not know, you just said that you knew their death…”

“Did I say it?”

“You clearly said it just now!”

“I don’t remember, is there any evidence?”

Yun Wang said that he had never seen this kind of best in his life.

What you said in person a moment ago, you swallowed it back?

He really has no evidence, after all, he didn’t videotape it on the spot.

“You all heard it!”

So he can only find evidence.

“He clearly said that he knew that King Shi, King Yi and others were killed…”

The other three people in the field waved their hands again and again.

Tianlin Dao Zun’s eyes are perplexed.

“Is it true?”

Tao Heng Dao Zun answered firmly.

“I didn’t hear it at all.”

Beihe Dao Zun smiled and shook his head.

“Yun Wang really likes to joke.”

They originally admired Brother Cheng in five ways. After the alchemy meeting, they became the horses of Brother Cheng.

What Jiang Shouzuo said is what it is.

It doesn’t matter if you reverse black and white.

Wang Yun was blown up on the spot, and he wished that Dansi would kill a seven-in-seven-out day in the dark.

But he can’t do that.

In the end, he could only shake his hands and pointed to the four people present.

“You are good, very good!”

“Seven gods were killed, it is impossible to pass by like this!”

“I will ask you one last time, who killed the seven gods!”

Brother Cheng put away his smile, his eyes drooping slightly, and he took a sip of tea slowly.

That’s why King Yun, who is as black as ink, slanted.

“I have such a weak strength, how do I deserve to enter the scene where the gods are killed? You should ask someone who is qualified to compare with the gods!”

Yun Wang suddenly regretted it.

Be aware that Jiang Cheng is the “only” suspected witness he just discovered by accident.

Very precious.

Even if you dislike this kid anymore, you should first ask for the information you should know, instead of all kinds of cynicism about what you are.

Now that people are offended, it’s hard to ask.

In order to trace the truth that day, he could only soften his tone.

“I was just talking for fun, don’t take it to your heart.”

“It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt.”

Brother Cheng smiled generously and waved his hand.

“I’m talking for fun too.”

“Hahaha, I knew you didn’t make a calculation.”

“Of course, my brother has always had a broad Wang cursed in his heart, give you a stick, you can go to heaven.

Wait, wait for the gambling contract to be completely over in the future, I will make you look good!

On the surface, though, he still smiles pretty well.

“So what happened that day?”

“I didn’t see it.” Brother Cheng spread his hands regretfully.

“What? Didn’t you still say…”

“I’m just talking about it, do you take this seriously too?”

Brother Cheng got up and left the hall, leaving behind a figure waving goodbye.

Throw a word from a distance.

“It’s getting late, our Tiandan Division doesn’t care about food!”

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