Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 1348: Who is the spy

The ground shook violently, as if there was an earthquake.

The sky is like an overturned dye tank, with colorful **** of light colliding indiscriminately.

It looks very beautiful, and because of the special space rules, the buildings inside are not damaged in the slightest, and even the leaves are not falling.

But the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Except for Gong Qing and Jiang Cheng, everyone else panicked.

“Enemy Attack!”

“Someone found this place!”

“They are attacking us!”


“Our hiding place is so secret, how could it leak out?”

“Since the enemy dares to attack blatantly like this, it means that the strength is definitely stronger than us.”

“Our secret realm can’t bear the attack for too long!”

“What to do, what to do?”

Amidst the chaotic screams, Jiang Cheng cheered.


This brother was almost happy when he learned that an enemy was coming.

After all, he was questioned like that just now, and received various unqualified and unworthy comments. Although he didn’t say anything, he must still be a little sad in his heart.

Especially compared with the unparalleled status of Lianxindao, it is even more tears of men and women.

What’s the matter, it’s a **** over there.

Not even the Supreme Palace Master of a small sect is worthy of here?

Gong Qing did not introduce his record, and it is estimated that everyone will not believe it.

He needs a chance to take a shot and give a class to these ignorant female fairies.

Let them see what is called high-end combat power.

Experience how powerful and stalwart Jiang Taishang is!

The enemy attack at this time was nothing short of heaven’s nectar to him.

Then these female fairies will bow down under their jeans one by one, Kazilan’s big eyes staring at her legs, crying and crying, the palace lord, you are great, the gods will take me…

Thinking of that scene, he was a little bit intoxicated.

The idea is very good, the first step is the twists and turns.

In the midst of a panicked crowd, his cheerful expression is too eye-catching.

The girls quietly quieted down, staring at him with scrutiny.

“The Lord of the Supreme Palace.”

Lin Jing Zhizun’s finely crafted face of pink crystal turned black for no apparent reason.

“Can you tell us, why are you suddenly so happy when a powerful enemy is here?”

Xue Yizhi’s body was flying up and down with colorful snowflakes on Monday. She slowly took a step forward and looked hard at Jiang Taishang.

“Is it possible that our ice palace is in danger, but you are in your arms?”

The other doormen around it seemed to have been reminded, and they suddenly realized.

“I see, he is a spy!”

“He was sent by the enemy, so he deliberately got into our place to expose the position of our sect!”

“He has caused us to lose hundreds of people, severely weakened our strength, and now attracts enemies.”

“This person is unknown from the beginning…”

“Too bad!”

“I suggest to take him down immediately!”

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Cheng was about to be besieged.

This brother is so depressed that he wants to vomit blood.

The said that a group of girls hug their thighs and stare at stars. Why hasn’t it started yet?

“Are you watching too many spy war dramas? It’s a pity not to be a screenwriter.”

Fortunately, he also has an absolute fan of Gong Qing.

“It’s not the Supreme Palace Master who leaked it. Don’t be rude to him!”

If Lord Jiang wants to be unfavorable to us, where there is such a complicated trouble, he will destroy the entire Ice Palace directly by shooting.

She came forward to protect her. Although the girls closed their mouths, they were plucking Jiang Tai with their eyes.

Obviously, they are not so easily persuaded.

This reaction made Brother Cheng a little unsatisfied.

So, he finally decided to sacrifice his other housekeeping skill-betting.

“Okay, okay, I’ll come.”

He separated Gong Qing who was about to speak for himself, and came to the women with a smile on his face.

“Are you so sure that I leaked it?”


The girls continued to stare at him one by one.

It’s just that due to Gong Qing’s strong presence, she didn’t dare to say what was in her heart.

“Well, let me show my compassion and give you a great opportunity to bring me down.”

When he said so, the girls really moved.

“What do you mean?” Lin Jing Zhizun asked in a deep voice.

Brother Cheng shrugged: “It’s easy, let’s make a bet.”

“If the group of enemies outside was really attracted by me, then I won’t be the palace master too much.”

As soon as this sentence came out, the women immediately became interested.

They really want Jiang Cheng not to be the palace master, who is two generations higher than them out of thin air. Who can accept it?

However, Xueyi Zhizun disdainfully said: “If you really attracted you, you wouldn’t be the palace master.”

Brother Cheng said that he wanted to lead you into the pit and it was really not easy, so he offered more favorable terms.

“Let’s do it, if I really brought it in, then I will leave you at your disposal, Gong Qing can’t interfere.”

The women looked at each other.

This means that it’s okay for us to take it even if we have a beating?

Now, they can’t help it.

“Are you serious about this?”

Brother Cheng nodded his head: “There is absolutely no falsehood!”

“Well, we bet with you.”

The girls are in high spirits.

“It is clearly you, a spy, thinking that he can bluff us?”

“I’ll see how you excuse me!”

“Sisters, wait to make him look good and see how he climbs on top of us!”

Brother Cheng interrupted the celebrating.

“What if it wasn’t me who brought it?”

Lin Jing Zhizun said solemnly: “What do you say?”

“I don’t make it difficult for you. I will bow to me in the future and say that I am wrong with the palace lord, right?”

The girls thought he was holding a big move.

It’s that simple after doing it for a long time?

Suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

“No problem!”

“We promised!”

“Let’s take a look.”

“The lord of the palace testifies for us!”

“Never let him go wrong!”

Gong Qing was speechless on the side.

She has guessed who leaked it.

Not surprisingly, it should be the people who left the alliance just now.

After a while, everyone came outside.

At first glance, several of the doormen almost passed out of despair.

You can see the top of the mountains, the inner and outer three levels are surrounded by all kinds of monster races.

At a glance, I’m afraid there will be no less than four to fifty thousand!

Just this amount can directly make people desperate.

Even if the strongest of these forty to fifty thousand monster races is only Tianzun, they can smooth the ice palace with only 1,200 people.

Because this is Yun Mi Dao with a lot of people and power.

What’s more, among these monster races with dark clouds overwhelming the city, they can easily feel a terrifying and powerful aura.

Like a mountain like a It’s towering.

Such a lineup made the hearts of all the girls sad.

The gap is too big.

They have no idea how to win.

No, let alone winning, it’s a miracle to escape.

At the forefront, Tansha Dao Zun, who had left the ice palace before, and more than two hundred stone tribesmen were among them.

The women were shocked when they saw them.

“Why are you here?”

“Hahaha, guess what?”

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