Opening Reward 100 Million Lives Chapter 1296: New power

Before fighting Yuan Ke, Jiang Cheng also understood part of Dao Sheng’s abilities.

It is said that a part of the power of heaven can be mobilized.

He has always been weird, where is the Dao Sage in Dao Jue Land?

Here is not affected by the power of heaven at all, what do they do?

And now he finally understands that Daosheng is really not easy.

Yuan Ke Daosheng is not using the power of heaven at this time.

It’s… another mysterious power he created himself.

This power is a bit similar to that of the former main star of the Emperor Sword Star, but it is not exactly the same.

This scene surprised all the sects of Mo Wuzong.

“Isn’t it said that all power is blocked, how can he still use immortal power?”

In fact, not only them, but even Linjing Dao Zun and Ming Jia Dao Zun are at a loss.

For these Dao Venerables, it is also an extremely unfamiliar realm.

“That’s not Xianli.”

Only the Dao Venerable Brahma from the Temple of Heaven knew this.

“It’s Dowon!”

His complexion is very ugly.

Once Jiang Cheng is killed, then Yuan Ke will definitely not let the others go.

“Unless that kid really hides his realm, he will be over this time.”

“What is Dao Yuan?”

The three-eyed tiger curled his lips: “I don’t think Dao Yuan is so powerful.”

Seeing that the ignorant tiger demon had reached this point, he still disagreed, and Fan Lei gave him an angry look.

“You can use that as my power, a brand new power created by Daosheng himself.”

“Even if the Yuanxian world perishes in a certain day, the heavenly Dao and the origin disappear, and the power of the immortal is completely disintegrated, the Dao Yuan belonging to the Dao Sage will still exist.”

In the challenge space in the distance, Dao Yuan from Yuan Ke’s Dao Sage doesn’t seem to have much momentum.

However, there was a deep fear in the eyes of Venerable Fan Lei.

“The attributes of Dao Yuan are different, and they are given by Dao Sheng himself.”

“Before the fight, no one knew what kind of power it was.”

When he said so, everyone present at the same time opened their eyes and said that he was shocked.

Give Dao Yuan attributes by yourself?

What does that mean?

Every attack that the fairy wields is essentially immortal power, but it is transformed into different forms of swordsmanship, fairy magic, demon power, magic element.

No matter the power of the sword, the power of death, the power of destruction, the power of fire… in fact, it is still the power of immortality.

With the same power, you can resist these attacks.

But Daoyuan is different, it belongs to ‘another’ power.

I’m afraid it’s hard to resist using Xianli.

This is also one of the reasons why Daojiezhi did not dare to invade the Heavenly Palace. In addition to the Ten Heavenly Emperors, the Heavenly Palace has hundreds of main stars.

The star power permeated by these main stars is also not part of the immortal power system, but is also an ‘another’ force.

Under Dao Sage, encountering star power will be very disadvantaged.

Van Lei Dao Zun has dealt with many gods, and he has seen different Dao Yuan.

Yuan Ke doesn’t have many Dao Yuan, so it should only be regarded as the bottom among Dao Sages.

If only Dao Yuan is used, he can suppress at most one or two Dao Zun.

But it’s a pity that Jiang Cheng can’t even use Xianli now.

But seeing that in the challenge space, Yuan Ke’s Dao Yuan hit Jiang Zhangmen firmly.

Immediately afterwards, the hit in his chest disappeared out of thin air.

It was a real disappearance, as if it had been forcibly erased.

The location that was knocked out did not return to the heaven and earth circulation, so there was no whereabouts.

Afterwards, he fell without suspense.


It wasn’t until Jiang Cheng really lost his voice that Yuan Ke Daosheng completely let go of his heart.

Jiang Cheng is too evil and evil.

To kill 30 or 40 Taoist priests alone, Yuan Ke couldn’t do it by himself.

Although the advantage was obvious just now, at the moment before the end of the battle, he was actually worried about what magical means Jiang Cheng would offer.

Fortunately, that didn’t happen.

He won!

The Mowu sect outside is like a mourning concubine.

Lin Jing and Ming Jia Dao Zun sat slumped on the ground, a little unbelievable that Jiang Zhangmen was really dead.

Van Lei Dao Zun immediately pulled away and fled the scene.

Jiang Cheng is dead, he doesn’t want to stay here to bury him.

The only one who is still calm is the three-eyed tiger.

He even took advantage of this opportunity to hug the trembling **** and take advantage.

“Don’t be afraid, girl, I will always be with you!”

“Even if I die, I will die before you!”

This is so bold and dry, it’s not his usual style at all.

However, at this time, Yan Ya was in a state of extremely shocked and absent-minded, and there was no time to distinguish the true and false words.

I really let him keep his arms around him and didn’t push away.

The reason why the three-eyed tiger is not worried is simple-there are so many similar scenes.

He didn’t know how many times he saw Jiang Cheng dead in front of him.

Which time didn’t you get alive again and win the battle?

Brother Cheng likes to die deliberately to give the enemy a little confidence, and then come back to life and slap the opponent to death.

Basic operation, calm down.

In the challenge space, Yuan Ke Daosheng who laughed a long way gradually couldn’t laugh.

Because, this challenge space has not disappeared.

And he didn’t get the gift of rules after the victory.

“What is going on?”

“How can the challenge not be over yet?”

He looked around in a panic, this unreasonable situation made him lose his composure.

“This is impossible!”

“I obviously won! He is dead!”

He couldn’t even help but look at the Mowu sect outsiders, trying to get the approval of the ‘audience’.

Also, Linjing and Mingjia, who were still sad and desperate, also fell into consternation.

They wiped their eye sockets, and they were also confused about the situation.

“What happened?”

“Is there anyone on the court?”

“Or to say…Jiang Sect is actually not dead?”

In the challenge space, Brother Cheng heard the system prompt as he wished.

“Ding! The host was killed, and the enemy is being tested and plans are being resurrected.”

“Ding! The host has obtained a thousand wars order and can re-enact the challenge rules.”

When he heard this solution, Brother Cheng was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Actually, he was a bit suspicious just now.

Faced with the invincible magical Dao Yuan, it must be powerless to replace someone else in his position.

But Jiang Cheng has a way.

For example, use system deprivation skills to temporarily deprive Yuan Ke’s Dao Yuan.

At that time, it was a battle between two ordinary people who were proficient in advanced martial arts.

It’s hard to say who will die.

It’s just to deprive Dao Sage and need at least 30 to 40 billion yuan points, which is too wasteful.

He deliberately chose to use the system resurrection to start the hangup.

Hearing that Fan Lei praised that Dao Yuan so much, he felt that it was necessary to give himself a set.

But he is only in the supreme state, and he is still far from the creation of Dao Yuan.

The only shortcut is to count on the system’s resurrection plan to be granted directly.

I was killed by Daoyuan, if you don’t give me a stronger Daoyuan to fight back, can it make sense?

I don’t know, the system seems to have guessed his thoughts, and deliberately created a ‘Order of Thousand Wars’ that he simply didn’t look up to.

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