Nightfall Chapter 97: Come and see you

Sangsang doesn’t know how to play chess, so it’s a terrible one. No matter how the old man thinks and responds, he will not be able to get back the situation. As the pawns fall one after another, the situation of the black chess is obviously superior, and he will win in the middle of the game. However, there is no pride on Chen Pipi’s face, and his expression is extremely solemn. Seriously, the temples didn’t even know why the sweat came out, and then they kept dripping down the round face and cheeks.

In contrast, the old man’s expression was calm and relaxed. While drinking the tea that Sangsang had just brought over, he casually dropped the pieces unintentionally, and said with emotion, “I haven’t touched a chess piece in the past 14 years. It’s really strange.”

Listening to the fourteen-year three-character, Chen Pipi wiped the sweat from his face. Although his expression did not show any abnormality, he was groaning and screaming in his heart: “It really is him, it is him!”

The old man looked up at him and smiled and said, “Why did you want to leave before letting you move?”

Chen Pippi respectfully said: “Because you are better than me, I won’t beat you, so I just leave.”

The old man looked at the sweat dripping from his face, smiled and asked: “What are you afraid of?”

Chen Pipi answered honestly: “I am afraid of you.”

The old man shook his head, sighed and said: “I have served Haotian all my life, but I don’t want others to be afraid of me.”

After a moment of silence, Chen Pipi said: “The original intention and the result often cannot correspond.”

The old man looked at him and suddenly said, “Your surname is Chen?”

Chen Pipi replied: “Yes, my name is Chen Pipi.”

The old man nodded and said: “You also know that it hasn’t been long since I came out, but when I was inside, I heard that you ran out of the temple and are now worshiping the master?”

Chen Pipi stared at the chess pieces on the chessboard and said: “Yes.”

The old man smiled and said: “Then what are you afraid of me? In fact, even if you are not a direct disciple of the Master, looking at Guanli, can I still make it difficult for you? Taoshan is not far from Guanli.

Chen Pipi raised his arm again, wiped the sweat dripping from his face, forcibly suppressed the tension in his heart, dropped a black stone on the chessboard, and remained silent.

The old man lowered his head to look at his fallen black disc, shook his head lightly, and said: “Everything in the world is like a chess. In my opinion, it is not a chess piece but a chess path. No matter how far away the two lines are, When there is a meeting.”

Chen Pipi smiled bitterly: “I would rather be a chess piece, black and white will never touch each other.”

The old man said: “It’s a coincidence that I just met a monk from the temple yesterday.”

Chen Pipi was slightly surprised, and asked: “There are people in the Xuankong Temple in Chang’an? What happened later?”

The old man said: “He is blind, and it may take some time before he becomes awake.”

The tone of this sentence was calm and ordinary, but Chen Pippi sucked up when listening. Cool, scratching his head angrily, staring at the old man and trembling angrily and said: “Look! Look! The people in the temple said you got blind, so what if I came from the view? You still want me not to be afraid when I meet you, isn’t this a molester?

The old man smiled and said: “The monk is the illegitimate son of the preacher, you are different from him.”

When Chen Pipi listened to this, the anger on his face gradually faded away, and he returned to a silent state.

The old man asked: “How good is the view of the subject these days?”

Chen Pipi shook his head and said: “I have been in the academy for many years, and I don’t know how he is now, he probably still wanders everywhere.”

The old man nodded and said: “He is usually used to staying in the South Sea.”

At this moment, Sangsang walked over with the new urn. The bacon in the backyard was still hanging on the pine branches. He pressed a fire with heavy wood, so she didn’t need to stare at it for now, so he came to ask the teacher’s opinion: “This urn How is it?”

The old man looked up and asked curiously: “What is it for?”

“Baked chicken soup.” Sangsang replied.

The old man was puzzled and said, “Is there an old urn in the house?”

Sangsang explained: “The old urn is too small. When the young master comes back, I am worried that the chicken soup that comes out is not enough for the three of us to drink.”

The old man knew how important the young master was in Sangsang’s mind. At this time, listening to her, he knew that this girl predicted that the young master would live with herself after he came back. For some reason, she had read it all on the **** seat. In the vicissitudes of the world, he actually felt that his chest was warm and moist, giving birth to a feeling of happiness that could not be added.

Then he thought of one thing, looking at the Chen Pipi across the board, slowly frowning and said: “Do you know my female disciple or… know her young master?”

When Chen Pipi heard these words, she opened her mouth in shock, and was completely speechless…The most remarkable bright priest of Xiling Temple in hundreds of years, actually accepted Ning Que, the little black-faced maid as his apprentice. ?

Understanding what he was shocking, the old man smiled and said, “Everything is just a chance, I don’t know what to say.”

Chen Pipi wiped the sweat from her face with her hands, and then wiped the sweat from her palms onto her thighs, using these two movements to resolve the chaotic emotions, and said: “The young master of her is my junior.” /

Then it was the old man’s turn to be shocked. He looked at Sangsang, and he didn’t understand that the heir he found in the dark was actually the maid of the master’s disciple. How did destiny arrange this drama?

Chen Pipi stared at the chessboard, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said: “I know he knocked you off the seat of God and put you in the quiet pavilion. That’s why I don’t understand very well. It’s rare to bump into me in this great world, but you still refuse to do it.”

At this time, Sangsang noticed the strangeness on both sides of the chessboard and looked at the two in surprise with the new urn.

The old man was silent for a moment, dropped a white piece on the chessboard, and said calmly: The subject is the subject, you are you, and you cannot control the relationship between the subject and you, so this matter has nothing to do with you. . “

He raised his head, looked at Chen Pippi and asked curiously: “In your opinion, I am a cruel and easy to kill person?”

Chen Pipi smiled slightly and said, “The God Seat of Light is pure and quiet, and the person who claims to be the closest to Haotian in spirit in the world, but everyone in the world knows that you are not an ordinary great priest of Guangming. In the past twenty years, the two gods of the temple master plus the ruling, and the gods may not kill as many people as you.”

The old man sighed softly, and said: “This is about the two things that happened ten years ago.”

Chen Pipi slowly raised her head, bravely looking at the old man’s eyes that seemed to be able to see through all the light and black in the world, honestly and fearlessly said: “The teacher and the big brother are not there, but since I know you are here in Chang’an, you must Try to keep you, otherwise I really don’t have the face to go back to the academy to see Brother Er.”

The old man shook his head and looked at him disapprovingly and said: “The Master I remembered before being imprisoned was never the most disgusting kind of moral trafficker in the world. Why are you so self-deprived?”

Chen Pipi said honestly: “If I ran into you, but didn’t dare to say a word, and watched you leave Chang’an City, the second brother would surely beat me to death when he knew about this.”

The old man said with emotion: “Mr. Er should be quite young now, but he still has such courage?”

Chen Pipi said sincerely: “Why don’t you let me tell the second brother to come and meet you?”

The old man smiled and shook his head, thinking that the child’s shamelessness is rather cute. After thinking for a moment, he turned around and looked at Sangsang, and said with regret: “I’m leaving.”

Sangsang hugged the new urn and listened to him for a long time, but he didn’t understand anything. Only after he understood the last few passages, he knew that the teacher who taught his magic arts was actually the great priest of Xiling Temple. , And vaguely heard it seems that the whole world is looking for the old man. The new urn did not fall from her arms and smashed into pieces on the ground, but her two small hands holding the rim of the urn used extra force, because otherwise, she couldn’t suppress her consternation.

The old man looked at her and suddenly said very seriously: “The shadow of the dark night is no longer in Chang’an. Now the Academy has met me again, so I am leaving. Will you…will you follow me?”

Sangsang looked down at the urn like the mouth of a well, smelling the smell of new sand, and was silent. The old man treated her very well. The old man was very lonely. The old man seemed to put all the last weight of life on her shoulders. , The old man looked forward to her leaving. She knew all of this, but she had a reason not to leave. She raised her head to look at the old man and said, “I will wait for the young master to return at home.”

The old man had expected to hear this answer, and smiled slightly, his smile a little sad.

At this moment, there was a very annoyed curse outside the old Bi Zhai door: “Just your young master, who knows when he will come back, but I am curious, who dares to come here? The maid of my apprentice?” Tattered, tattered soles hit the floor, and the greasy-stained broad avenue robe came in with the wind with an unpleasant smell. An old Taoist priest walked in with his head up, with triangular eyes. Shining with a sense of wretched anger.

When he saw the figure wearing an ordinary padded jacket beside the chessboard, squatting like an ordinary old man, the trivial meaning in the triangular eyes suddenly disappeared and turned into a flowing spring above the peak, which was extremely quiet.

The moment before the storm, there is always peace without war.

Wei Guangming, the great priest of Guangming who escaped from Taoshan, lived peacefully in an inconspicuous bookstore in an inconspicuous side lane of Chang’an City for some time, and then met Master Yan Se on a very inconspicuous winter day.

One is the most unfathomable light **** seat in the Xiling Temple in hundreds of years, the other is the rune master who has walked the farthest on the rune in hundreds of years, and the other is a traitor to the Haotian Taoist. The position is the worship of the South Gate of Haotian Road. What will be the outcome of such a sudden and inexplicable encounter that makes fate feel astonished?

The long silence in Lao Bi Zhai seemed like dead silence.

Master Yan Se looked at the old man.

The old man looked at Master Yan Se.

Sangsang stared at the two of them.

Chen Pipi stared at the chessboard in front of him, dripping with cold sweat.

Master Yan Se sighed and said with emotion: “I have been looking for you in Chang’an for many days.”

The old man sighed and said with emotion: “I have been hiding from you in Chang’an for many days.”

Master Yan Se continued to say with emotion: “I don’t want to meet you like this.”

The old man said with emotion like him: “I don’t want to meet you either.”

Master Yan Se gradually sighed and sighed. He looked at his old friend who hadn’t seen him for many years and said calmly: “But since we meet, apart from reminiscing about the past, there are always things we must do.”

The old man stood up, saluted an old friend who had not seen him for many years, and said calmly: “Please.”

(Tomorrow morning, I will send the leader to the airport to attend the class reunion. I have to drive, and I must sleep, so I will change it first. After returning from the airport in the morning, I should have a chapter in the afternoon. It’s hard to rest on the sun, and the double monthly pass really hates Asia. I don’t want to be so diligent, okay, don’t force me like that. This is the plot of an old friend coming to meet me in another 20 years. I really want to slowly and happily. Write…Ah! The monthly pass is about to be violent, so please cast a few to comfort me.) (to be continued)

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