Nightfall Chapter 96: No one is sleeping tonight

Chapter 96 No one sleeps tonight

Ning Que held the two corners of the paper with his fingers and stretched it to the window. The warm spring breeze outside the window quickly dried the ink. After confirming that there was no problem, he carefully folded the paper in half and put it in the booklet. That location.

He stood up, put the book in the old place in the bookshelf, then walked to the east window and bowed respectfully to Mr. Female Professor, and the female professor responded with a slight chin.

Then he should go straight downstairs, but when he was straight, his heart suddenly moved. He thought that this female professor who had been in the old school for several years was a great figure in the academy, and it depends on her temperament. Quiet and kind, since the book holder is willing to give pointers, maybe she is also willing to help herself?

As a poor young man with a net worth of two thousand taels and a habit of budgeting after a breakfast, Ning Que always felt that he could not let this opportunity pass. After a short pause, he spoke very respectfully. Said: “Sir, the students just forcibly forget the fonts when they are studying. It seems that if they get something, I don’t know if this method can be used?”

The female professor looked at him quietly, and after a long time, she smiled and said, “According to the rules of the college, even technical students can only look at the book collection on their own savvy before entering the second floor, but You have no potential for cultivation, but you have realized some principles with perseverance. Although those principles may not be right, they are also extremely remarkable. The rules of the academy cannot be broken in the end, so I have to send you a word.”

Ning Que bowed deeply and respectfully said, “Thank you for your advice, Mr.”

The female professor looked at the lower letters of hairpins that had been written for countless years on the case in front of her, and said calmly: “Looking at the characters, forgetting the shape, keeping the intention… If you have a heart or not, you can think.”

Looking for words to forget the form and save the meaning, Ning Que knew that he had not done this. The method he used was to dismantle the form, which was far from the state of forgetting the form, and he didn’t even know the word for the meaning. He could not help but shook his head, muttering these six words with or without intention, and went down the stairs.

At this time, the dusk is deep, and there are not many people in the old town at this time, but today it is extremely lively. Situ Yilan is standing in the forefront holding Jin Wucai’s hand, Chu Youxian is standing by the side of the stairs, and more In the farther back of the bookshelf, Xie Chengyun and Zhong Dajun can be seen faintly.

This formation seems to be welcoming you downstairs? Ning Que stared at the classmates under the stairs, and looked at Chu Youxian beside him and asked in a low voice: “What’s the matter?”

“You… actually came down by yourself?” Situ Yilan looked at him in surprise and said.

Ning Que spread out his hands and said helplessly: “I seemed to have walked down before last time?”

Situ Yilan smiled, and said: “Speaking of business, the school has been a rule over the years. After admission, freshmen will gather together in separate houses. There are always some classmates from other counties or even foreign countries who have not visited Chang’an City. The so-called party is to take the big guys to stroll around, drink some drinks and talk gossip. We also have to get together. People like me and Wu Cai who live in Chang’an for a long time are of course duty-bound, so let us take the lead. It should have been a few days ago. It’s done. It’s just because you are sick and on vacation, so today, the big guy doesn’t want to disturb you reading upstairs, so just wait here.”

Ning Que looked at the girl in front of him, and found that she had taken off her school robe and put on a lavender left-bladed skirt. Not as sharp and powerful as when wearing an arrow suit, but unexpectedly showed everyone Ning and soft taste of the lady.

Although he is eager to return to Lin 47 Lane to tell Sangsang about today’s wonderful experience, he also knows how things like the college classmate gathering can’t be avoided, not to mention Bing She’s gathering to wait for him to heal. Time is pushed to this day, and he must participate anyway. There are young people on the left and right. He said directly: “No problem.”

Situ Yilan smiled heartily and said: “You have a good temper, unlike Chen Zixian, who have ran away because of an excuse at home. Who doesn’t know which casino they must be in now.” /

Listening to the three words Chen Zixian, Ning Que was stunned, and immediately wanted to understand that she was talking about Chen Zixian, the son of a wealthy businessman at the bookstore of Bingshe classmate, and not the old man who fell by the pyre and couldn’t close his eyes.

Situ Yilan looked back at the students around him, and smiled heartily: “Do you have any places you want to visit, Chang’an delicacies? If you don’t have any ideas, then I will decide.”

Students from other places smiled and said that they had no opinion. Her sullen eyes rolled around, and she looked at Ning Que and suddenly said, “How about we go for a drink?”

“I still have no opinion.” Ning Que said.

Situ Yilan looked at his face and said jokingly: “Last time Chu Youxian said that you don’t need money for drinking in Red Sleeve, or should we go to Red Sleeve? I believe you should have no opinion.”

Ning Que was startled, just about to say that she had a big opinion, but saw that she had turned around and announced the news to everyone, and heard that today’s party was put on a red sleeve. Hearing this decision, the old inside and outside suddenly became “indignation”.

A student from Gushan County shook his head and exclaimed: “It’s a worthwhile trip to see the world’s number one song and dance line, this time studying in Chang’an!”

A student from the capital city of Dahe Country solemnly said: “Yes, this time I will definitely watch the dance drama that the Emperor of Tang Dynasty loves the most.”

A former Captain of the Frontier Army of Datang from the remote Hangu said seriously: “Of course, tonight, all of my classmates will write some good words and sentences to narrate the event of you and me.”

All the students shook their heads in admiration, all of them were full of literary and artistic atmosphere, but everyone knows that what these young students really want to see is not singing and dancing, but the famous prostitutes who are rumored to lead the world. What I really want to do is not poetry, but to cover the rain and clouds in the brothel. Although Situ Yilan and other official ladies are walking with them, it is impossible to really stray, but it is also possible to get close to those ecstatic powders. Excellent thing.

Ning Que grabbed Chu Youxian next to him and asked in surprise: “Women… can also enter the brothel?”

“Chang’an City doesn’t have a place where these women soldiers dared not go. Moreover, the red sleeve trick is a singing and dancing line promoted in the palace. If they say to see the singing and dancing, no one can say anything.” Chu Youxian replied helplessly.

At this moment, a hand was stretched out deep in the bookshelf, and a thin student slowly moved out. It was the Linchuan Wang Ying who was known for his genius. He looked at everyone and said timidly: ” Can I follow along?”

The students looked at the fourteen-year-old young man, staring at each other. Situ Yilan bit her lip lightly, rolled her eyes, and said calmly, “Wang Ying, you can’t go, you must know that you belong to Ding She.”

The atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty has always been oscillating between the simplicity and the openness, and more accurately it should be swaying happily on both sides. Especially the people living in the city of Chang’an, when talking about state affairs, they are naturally simple and strong, and when talking about literature, they are naturally open and romantic. They never feel that there is any conflict between these two schools. The serious and upright civil servants in the court After the next dynasty, she would go to the tavern next to the house to play a tune for the blind girl. The woman who opened the door in Hualiu Alley would also wipe her tears to donate when she talked about the frontier war.

Therefore, the brothels in Chang’an City are different from those in other places. They are not blindly red lights and scented, and there are also times when the arrows are dancing and the huqin is sonorous, except for those who make a living by accusing others. Regardless of whether officials or wealthy business halls appear in such a place, they will not feel anything wrong.

Speaking of brothels, naturally the first name to mention is Hongxiuzhao. For many years, there has never been a signboard outside the silk and bamboo courtyard, but everyone knows that this is the first signboard of the brothel industry in Chang’an City and even the Tang Empire. The secret preference of the husband and wife, and the glorious past, even if it is far in the quiet neighborhood, the reputation is far away. Tonight’s red sleeve moves are as bright as usual, tonight’s red sleeve moves the spring breeze, tonight’s red sleeve moves singing and dancing, and tonight’s red sleeve moves no one sleeps, tonight’s red sleeve moves…it becomes a bit chaotic.

When the two dozen young men and women of the college bowed their heads shyly or raised their heads proudly, the wealthy business officials in the lobby leaned on red and green, drinking, enjoying singing and dancing, suddenly stiffened and recognized several of them. After being a student of men’s clothing, he sighed and disappeared quickly.

Chang’an City is indeed open. It’s not uncommon for women to disguise themselves as men and visit brothels. It’s not uncommon for a father and son to go to a certain girl one after another, but it’s still a bit embarrassing for two generations to appear in the same building at the same time. It is amazing that in such an embarrassing situation, it is always the elders who give way to the younger ones, such as this time.

Situ Yilan greeted the classmates to sit down and watched as she slipped out from the side door of the building. She looked a bit like her fourth uncle. She suppressed the smile in her heart and sat down with her sleeves, calling the housekeeper and asked: “I know there is no rule for private rooms in the building, but it’s always okay for us to fill the front hall and watch singing and dancing?”

Guan Shi has already recognized the identity of this famous lady in Chang’an, so she didn’t dare to neglect, and said bitterly, “Miss Situ…or will you still call your young master today? What do you say naturally?”

“You guys are insightful.” Situ Yilan’s eyes rolled and he threw a golden leaf over, and said: “Wine, fruit and food will come up soon. Today, there is a big rich man who pays the bill, and then…I You asked Miss Lu Xue to accompany me. When you came to your building last year, you said she entered the palace. Wouldn’t it be such a coincidence today?”

The steward looked embarrassed and said with a smile: “I did not enter the palace, but you also know that your Majesty is holding a banquet because of the return of the princess. The singing and dancing girls have worked hard in dancing, and Miss Lu Xue The lead dancer, so everyone specially rewarded her for a one-month vacation. Now whether she is willing to come out, it really depends on what she means.”

Shui Zhuer is naturally considered one of the top girls of the Red Sleeve Recruitment, but Lu Xue’s identity and status are different. She still occupies a leading position in the song and dance line. I heard that she was once a queen empress. I personally praised that if she is unwilling to come out and drink two glasses with the guests, I am afraid that no one will be strong.

After all, Situ Yilan is still just a girl. When entering the brothel, drinking and playing is always curious, which accounts for most of the factors. If she wants to find a girl who is not afraid to have regular customers, she is unwilling, and Miss Lu Xue is the big one. It’s not the same, so at this moment, I can’t help but feel a little annoyed to hear that Lu Xuemai is actually on vacation.

After Ning Que lowered his head and followed the classmates into the Red Sleeve Trick, he dragged Chu Youxian to the most remote place. While quietly listening to Situ Yilan and the steward’s answer, he wondered who would pay the bill tonight. An important question, after a moment, he looked at Chu Youxian sympathetically and said: “She said that there is a big rich man paying the bill today. It seems to me that you probably have to lose money again. Who told you to be the landlord and rich man in Chang’an City. “

Chu Youxian opened the folding fan with a scream, and replied tauntingly: “Obviously, the rich man’s name tonight is Ning.”

After saying these words, he stood up, laughed and cursed at the steward: “Hua Shao, blind your dog eyes, see who is sitting next to me, don’t hurry up to put Lu Xue and Shuijiu Shout out.”

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