Nightfall Chapter 91: Extinguish the Buddha

Qinian looked at him with a complex expression: “What is the grudge between my Buddha and your academy? From you to Ningque, it seems that you are going to die and then quickly, no matter how you will not stop.”

Jun Mo said: “The academy does not act for the heavens, does not interrogate the world, but only does what we want to do. We have our reason in one word. You are not good for the world, why should it exist?” /

Qinian pointed to a place in the cliff and said: “The pear blossoms in the mountains that no one knows are extremely beautiful, but no one can see them. It is not good for the world. Why should it exist?”

Jun Mo shook his head and said: “The pear tree must absorb nutrients from the soil and greedily capture sunlight. The weeds under the tree must have a different idea from you. Buddhism does not produce production, only knows that it is tricky. Daomen are no different, but they are locusts and you are maggots. It is difficult to distinguish high and low, and they are equally disgusting.”

Qiannian disagreed and said: “Buddha country is a happy land, countless former sages and great virtues have been meditating for thousands of years. They have their own spiritual beauty and thoughts. I do not ask you to respect them, but at least they should be left behind.”

“Buddhism is the paradise of monks, the purgatory of gangsters, the beautiful fruits and the jade, which can only be enjoyed by you. The metaphysical refers to the Tao. To discuss the Tao in the world, first let most people live like humans.”

Jun Mo continued: “You want to persuade me with the words of the younger brother, I also give you two words from the younger brother. He once said: There will be steamed buns, rice wine will be available, and everything will be there. As long as people live, everything can be reborn…such as your beautiful fruit and beautiful jade, such as the Tao.”

Qinian was silent for a long time and asked: “One more sentence?”

“There is another sentence: all bald donkeys deserve to die, brother, what you said makes sense.”

Jun Mo added: “The brother in his sentence is me.”

Qinian laughed dumbly and painfully.

He was defeated by the iron sword today, and the monks of the precepts were either dead or seriously injured. The monks and nobles in the tribe can hardly resist the frenzy formed by millions of slaves. Is the Hanging Temple or Buddhism really going to perish?

As a Buddhist sect, walking around the world, it is very painful to see this harmony. Very unwilling, there are still many people who are as painful and unwilling as him. Those young monks groaning under the Bodhi tree, and old monks who are crying and crying about the temple fire, no one is willing to accept such an ending.

The killing sound shook the sky, and the black rebels rushed along the mountain road like a tide. About to submerge the entire Prajna giant peak, the person rushing in the front has already seen the picture on the mountain road.

Looking at the once humble slaves burning the temple like lunatics, watching them run wildly, Qi Nian felt that these people were already mad, and there was a firm expression in his eyebrows. Sitting cross-legged on the mountain road, started chanting.

He recites the Mantra of Rebirth, I don’t know if he is seeing him off.

The peaceful sound of chanting from the mountain road melodiously spread to countless cliffs between the peaks and countless temples.

The young monk covered in blood struggled to sit up, supporting his shaky body. Sitting upright under the tree, as the seven thoughts began to chant the Buddhist scriptures, the old monk wiped away the tears from the wrinkles and began to chant the Buddhist scriptures. In the ruins of the main hall of the Hanging Temple on the top of the peak, dozens of dying monks from the precepts also began to chant. Read Buddhist scriptures.

Suddenly a melodious bell rang from nowhere, accompanied by these chanting sounds, like accompaniment.

The chanting becomes a Buddha singing.

The entire mountain is echoed with the sound of Buddha singing. A breath of compassion, relief, but exceptionally solemn and sacredness, was released from countless monks and countless temples, permeating between the clouds in the sky and the wilderness under the ground.

In the deepest part of the mountain, at the bottom of the cliff cave sealed by sand and stone, the first lecturer who was locked on the wall by an iron arrow slowly opened his eyes. He heard the Buddha singing from outside the peak and knew that Xuankong Temple and Buddha Zong had reached the most dangerous moment, his eyes showed reluctance, and then gradually became indifferent.

The first seat raised his skinny hands with difficulty, and folded his chest, with a look of compassion on his dry face, his gray lips moved slightly, and his voice was faint, but it was like a dragon groaning above the clouds.

The singing of Buddhas in countless cliffs on the mountain peaks finally came to the depths of the cliff cave and merged with the first weak chanting. The Zen thoughts of countless monks merged with his Zen mind. Although he is a human Buddha, he cannot carry so many and such complex and complicated beliefs.His facial features began to slowly ooze blood, and the whole person began to emit a faint Buddha light, and then gradually faded his skin in the Buddha light, revealing flesh and blood and white bones. Horror.

The beginning of life is nothing but a pool of blood, or pus. The Buddhism uses this method to let believers understand impermanence, and they themselves do this kind of awareness. Only in this way can they be truly pure.

The first seat closed his eyes, and there was no slightest tremor in the deep sunken eye sockets. He seemed to be dead or alive. He was returning to the death at the beginning of his life. He was turning into pus and blood.

Answer and answer, the purest and most filthy pus and blood dripped on the ground of the cliff cave, and it oozes into the depths of the mountain along a thin slit that can not be seen with the naked eye, and it has been infiltrating for a long time. , Finally came to the ground.

Underground is a river of hot lava.

A chess board floats in the river.

That was the Buddha’s chessboard. When Sangsang boarded the huge boat, he threw it back to the mountain peak across thousands of miles, and suppressed it in the high-temperature terrifying magma at the bottom of the peak. Without external force, he would never be able to wake up.

Until today, the Xuankong Temple will be extinct, countless monks died, the spirits floated into the chessboard to replenish their spirits, and the first one to be fed with blood, so this chessboard finally woke up!

On the mountain path, Qi Nian was bleeding all over, with thousands of monks, and confronted countless slaves of the uprising. With the sound of Buddha singing, the cliffs of the mountain peaks began to peel off, and smoke and dust everywhere, rustling loudly .

This mountain is called Prajna, which is transformed from the legacy of the Buddha.

The cliffs of Prajna Peak are gradually destroyed, and the cliffs gradually flatten, gradually showing a fuzzy appearance.

That is the appearance of a Buddha.

Suddenly a white crane flew from the west.

Suddenly, smallpox fell from the clouds.

The light of Buddha illuminates the world at the bottom of the tiankeng.

The Buddha is dead, but he is still alive and cannot be found.

Neither Sangsang nor Master were found, and there was no way to completely erase his existence.

The Buddha woke up from the chessboard, resting his body on Jufeng, quietly looking at the world, looking at the ant-like humans who dare to destroy themselves. There is no compassion, only majestic anger.

The rebels looked at the direction of the peak, their faces were full of horror, they looked at the majestic face in the Buddha’s light, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, and their faces became extremely pale.

That is the real Buddha.

They didn’t understand Buddhist scriptures, but they believed in Buddha since childhood until Jun Mo appeared.

They began to doubt whether the Buddha exists, even if it exists, whether it makes sense.

Today, the Buddha appeared in the world.

The awe rooted in the soul makes them hard to think.

Subconsciously, they let go of the weapons in their hands, and knelt down in terror to the Buddha transformed into the mountain.

The Buddha sings, and the monks are solemn.

No one dared to stand.

Jun Mo stood, lowered his head slightly, his expression indifferent.



(There is one more chapter, I’m almost done writing it, I will update it later, it should be soon), this site (.) vote for recommendation, monthly pass. Mobile users, please go to m to read

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