Nightfall Chapter 88: Over Daze, see Dahe

The big dark horse galloped out of the long street, no one dared to stop it, leaving only a cloud of smoke. After dozens of miles out of the city, I saw mists and mists, and the lake breeze was oncoming, and it was close to Daze, but the **** horse did not slow down. Its four hoofs flew like flying, stepping on rocks and grass and continuing to move forward, jumping high on the shore. , When it fell, he was on a Nanjin navy warship a few meters away.

The sound of countless splashes of water rang out. How dare the officers and men of the Nanjin Navy stay on that warship, jumping into the lake one after another, not caring that the lake was still a bit cold in early summer.

Everyone who can handle the boat is gone. How can such a large naval warship float on the lake? The officers and soldiers of the Nanjin Navy who were undulating in the lake, and the people not far away looked at the warship, the **** horse on the deck, and their horrified eyes had no idea of ​​watching a good show.

Ning Que rolled over and got off his horse. He reached out and took out a few light yellow talisman papers from the bag beside the saddle, and affixed them to the sides of the battleship deck casually. He flicked his fingers, and the talisman paper gradually faded, as if being Burning, and like being melted by the lake breeze, a not-so-strong but very stable and lasting talisman suddenly enveloped the entire warship. The vitality of heaven and earth within a few miles above the lake was called, and the sails were blown by the wind. , The hull shook slightly and began to move.

Thousands of officers and soldiers of the Southern Jin Navy saw this scene. They were dumbfounded. They never thought that someone in the world would be able to drive such a heavy warship by their own power. The next moment, they started to wonder again, Ning Que How to control the draught and direction of the warship, in short, the emotions are extremely complicated.

Ning Que ignored the draught of the warship. Daze Lake was extremely deep. As long as the reeds and sand states that were visible to the naked eye were bypassed, there would be no major problems. As for the course, he was also very simple. He only needs to go to the south by boat. As for the specific place of arrival, he doesn’t care, because the south is all in the Southern Jin Dynasty.

He had already prepared the talisman in the city of Chang’an, summoned the vitality of heaven and earth to boost, the warship sailed extremely fast, the shadow of the heavy sail was shaken by the lake breeze, but fortunately there was no leakage, from Nanden in Qinghe County The boat finally arrived at the southern shore and passed through the entire Daze. It took only half a day for the twilight to come.

Although the Southern Jin Dynasty suffered repeated disturbances, it was after all the second strongest country in the Central Plains after Tang. The reaction from the imperial court to the military was extremely fast, and they were already prepared for his arrival. Countless cavalry gathered around that name. Around the pier in Taiye County, there are hundreds of practitioners hiding in the woods on both sides of the official road. They only wait for an order to take action.

Ning Que knew exactly what was waiting for him, but he didn’t mean to hide his traces. He rode on the **** horse and continued southward with expressionless face, but strangely, no one shot him.

The Southern Jin cavalry and cultivator, because of his name and the iron bow on his shoulder, didn’t even have the courage to make a move, so they could only watch him move forward. This fact made myself extremely frustrated.

For more than a hundred miles south, a stubborn and proud mountain like an ancient sword can be seen faintly in the distance. It is the once holy land of cultivation-the Southern Jin Jiange. Looking at Jiange and thinking of the proud swordsmen who were once enemies and companions, Ning Que stretched out his hand to stop the **** horse. After a moment of silence, he looked at the alert and uneasy Nanjin cavalry and practitioners around him and said: ” I will stay here for a while.”

When the snow fell, he jumped from the city of Chang’an and disappeared into the world. Few people knew that he had sneaked to the North Camp and secretly planned an adventure plan to destroy the golden account with General Xu Chi and the fourth brother. When he and the academy and Tang Jun finally defeated the golden tent in Weicheng, he stayed for a few days to write amulet on the blood, and then did not make any stop, to the south of the Tang State, exit the Qingxia, kill the crosswood, Xiayangzhou Dingqinghe, and fine Counting that, he ran for thousands of miles to kill, staying sleepless for a hundred days, mentally and physically exhausted to the extreme, but still moving forward, it seems that something is urging him to speed up, it seems that he is racing against someone.

Today in the Southern Jin Dynasty, where he could see the sword pavilion from afar, he suddenly stopped and told everyone in the world that he would stay here for a while, which was surprising.

The Southern Jin cavalry and cultivators, looking at him on the black horse with complex emotions, looking at the tired and haggard appearance on his pale cheeks, silently thinking in their hearts, are they finally tired? According to the rumor, Mr. Thirteen, who is close to the devil by killing people… After killing so many people, he is also tired of killing, do you want to stop?

As long as anything lasts too long, or happens too frequently, it will eventually make people tired. The only ones who don’t get tired of seeing each other are Jingtingshan except Ning Que and Sangsang.

The temperature in the south is relatively higher. In the fields and hills on both sides of the river, the heat is boring. The temple coalition and the Dahe ** team, which have been facing each other for a long time, have long been bored to the extreme, and even those who died on the battlefield The remains of his colleagues, it is difficult to arouse their blood and fighting.

A slender and slightly curved Xiu sword was wiped finely by white silk. The little blood left by the enemy in the early morning was wiped off. The blade of the sword reflected the green mountains behind him and looked very beautiful.

Tmall woman wiped her sword quietly. The charming little girl back then has now been married as a woman, and then she has become the calmest or cold-blooded swordsman on the battlefield. This is the most terrifying battlefield. In addition to being annoying, it is also easy to exercise or change people.

Zhu Zhihua stood behind her, looking at the Allied Army barracks in the Temple a few miles away, frowned slightly, and never figured out why the great Nanhai priest would let the army line up against the river, even if that person fights in the South China Sea all year round. Yu enlightened Dao, it was completely impenetrable to military, but there was never a shortage of true military masters in the temple.

Her eyes were pierced by the light reflected by Xiujian, she couldn’t help but squinted and looked at Tmall. There was a touch of pity in her eyes. The newly married man of Tmall died more than ten days ago. In a raid by a strong man in the temple, the newlyweds became a new widow. Although the little girl was calm, everyone could see the pain and anger she was hiding.

The guardian of the Great River Kingdom has changed from a book sage to a queen. The women with swords in Mochi Garden have always been a symbol of courage and virtue in this country. In this tragic war, the disciples of Mochiyuan have always rushed to the most difficult and tragic place. If they hadn’t supported them, the Xiling Temple coalition forces, which had a larger number of strong practitioners, had already successfully broken through this. The line of defense, breaking into the hinterland of the great river country.

Of course, the main reason why Zhu Zhihua and Tmall women can fight so confidently is that there are two large buildings standing side by side quietly behind them.

A Wang Nian surrounded by a snow-white veil, a **** surrounded by a blood red veil — Wang Nian Li is naturally the current Queen of the Great River Country Mo Shanshan, and the one sitting in the deity is naturally the ruling priest Ye Hong fish.

There is also a **** in the hills on the south bank of the big river. That **** belongs to the sea-the **** seat of the Xiling Temple Tianyu Temple has been empty for a long time. Many people think that it is deeply trusted by the viewer. Hai will surely take over this position, but I didn’t expect the war to come so quickly, and there was no time to hold the ceremony of passing the oracle, so ** Hai is now only leading the coalition army with the imaginary title of the great priest of Xiling.

Ji Zhihua is puzzled why the Allied Forces of the Temple have fallen back against the water. The great priest of the South China Sea seems not to be worried about showing his terrible military ability to the entire southern continent. In fact, this fisherman-born adult is on the battlefield. His performance was extremely old and hot. Some time ago, he had successfully dragged Dahe’s army into a trap. If it weren’t for more than a hundred temple cavalry loyal to Ye Hongyu who suddenly rebelled on the battlefield, Dahe would have been hit hard.

The news of Ning Que’s two battles in Yangzhou in Weicheng has not spread here, but the role of the real strong in the war has become more and more obvious, and it has gradually become an indisputable fact.

If Dahe Nation wants to sustain under the terror pressure of the Xiling Temple coalition forces, it must find a way to kill ** Hai, at least threaten him, so that he can’t focus on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Jue Zhihua turned around and looked at the two great gods-the queen naturally couldn’t enter the battlefield lightly, but what about the strong man in that god? The **** of Wang Nianpan was as **** as he was back then. Even if the judge leaves Taoshan, he will still be the judge. Even the head teacher cannot deprive her of her status. Naturally, her temperament will never change. The previous style of acting, I’m afraid that I have already thought about killing the sea, why has so many days passed, but she has always been sitting motionless in the gods?

“The Judgment God Seat has not moved, it seems she has guessed something…”

In the hills on the banks of the big river, in front of the gods who are heavily protected by more than a thousand escorts from the Xiling Temple, the sea bears his hands, looking at the two big gods at the big river camp in the distance, and frowns slightly. : “If she has already guessed, then Ning Que may be able to guess, after all, they are two very similar people.”

Dahe’s situation is difficult and dangerous, and his situation is actually very difficult from the beginning-with Ye Hongyu’s crazy fighting ability, coupled with the queen of the great river country with profound Fu Dao, if the opponent really lays down his life to attack, Then I am afraid that there is a 80% chance, his life will be ruined in this yellow river of anger.

So he made the Xiling Temple coalition forces stand on their backs, seemingly desperate, seemingly because of the judgment of the situation, he made an attitude of inviting Ye Hongyu and Mo Shanshan to kill himself, but in fact it was not the case.

This great priest of the South China Sea, who carried the responsibility of the temple to go south, was as thin and dark as before. He was taciturn, like a turbid yellow river under the hills behind him, without words and thunder.

He seldom talks to himself, and he is not talking to himself at this time, but talking to people.

“Ning Que didn’t continue going south, it seems he really guessed something.”

There was a dull sound from the god, and the river breeze blew the curtain, and a curtain of light was faintly visible. There was a figure behind the curtain, which was the teacher of Xiling Temple, Xiong Chumo.



(Although typing is easy, the codeword is difficult, and it is difficult to write and update…Today I will not modify it, write more, and will not require a monthly pass, make up for it, write more and less, and strive to get everyone A revised evaluation, or praise a handsome character, thank you.)

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