Nightfall Chapter 71: Great and small caves

In the verdant valley, beside the dry Ming Lake, on the piles of chaotic rocks, Tang Xiaotang untied the tail between the collars, revealing the red and tender face, listening to the sound of the sword breaking the stubborn stone from a distance, and asked Said: “Brother, is the heavenly book really inside?”

Tang shook his head and said, “I don’t know.”

Tang Xiaotang asked puzzledly: “Then why did those old guys from the temple send someone over?”

Tang said: “According to the news from the Central Plains, the great priest of Tianyu issued an oracle after returning from the south, saying that the Holy Land will be opened in response to the time of the day, and the heavenly book will appear.”

Tang Xiaotang scratched his head and asked: “But you didn’t mean that the Holy Land has become a ruin after it was destroyed, and there is nothing inside? Why is that old fellow named Tianyu sure that the heavenly book is here?”

Tang said: “The three gods in the temple, each with a sense of subtlety, the gods of the heavens have a sense of Haotian will, and the rumors may even have the ability to predict. Who would not believe what he said?” /

Tang Xiaotang suddenly remembered the Taoist priest singing on the Yafeng Mountain Road. For some reason, he felt a trace of fear in his heart. He asked, “Brother, do you think that person will come to grab the heavenly book?”

Tang was silent for a long time, shook his head and said, “No, because there is someone in his heart that is more important than the heavenly book.”



As the years move gradually, the night in the extreme north of this world is getting longer and the climate is getting colder. In this mountain range abandoned by Haotian, the verdant valley that has disappeared for decades has reappeared in response to the sky, Daming Lake After the vent, the legendary block formation was restarted, triggering the breath of heaven and earth attached to the snowy peaks and pointing straight to the sky, how amazing the momentum was.

The fluctuations in the vitality of heaven and earth brought about by the reopening of the Demon Zong Mountain Gate, although they faded away within a short period of time, these fluctuations still spread out of the Mangman Snow Mountain and spread to more distant places.

On the wasteland outside the Tianqi Mountain Range, black soil and white snow are mixed, and you can occasionally see dead beasts in the snow. The cold winter wind blows the tent hunting like a knife, and it is already the sharpest hunting. Knife.

Ye Su walked silently between the heavens and the earth, the ordinary Taoist robe on his body was as straight as a smooth cliff, completely unaffected by the cold wind, seemingly ordinary raising his knees, but he walked straight for a while. More than ten feet, the footsteps fell on the floating snow without leaving any traces, fluttering like a fairy.

When the vitality fluctuations of the heavens and the earth when the Mozong Mountain Gate restarted in the remote mountain range spread from behind to his world, he slowly stopped and looked back blankly, but didn’t have the thought of taking a look.

As a world of knowledge and observation, Ye Su knew the remarks of the great priest of Tianyu earlier than anyone, and he even knew it earlier than the great priest himself. The Ming in the seven books of heaven The scroll will reappear on the wasteland.

It’s just that a cultivator at his level can see through even death, and naturally can see through any foreign objects, so that those foreign objects won’t tie one’s heart, even if those foreign objects are heavenly books.

Furthermore, he and Tang Yinque made a bet with Ning Que and Long Qing’s break-through agreement. Since they lost, they naturally had to admit defeat. There was no question of whether they could be seen through. He just couldn’t allow himself to leave the slightest shadow on his state of mind.

His appearance in the wasteland has nothing to do with the heavenly book, it has nothing to do with the deserted people going south, and it has nothing to do with the reopening of the Demon Sect Mountain Gate.

He has lived in Guanli since he was a child, and his enlightenment reading from literacy is the six books of heaven. He has been looking at the world with cold eyes since he was a child. It may be a major event for the dunya to go south, but he can’t attract his attention at all. The reopening of the Demon Sect Mountain Gate is relatively interesting, but the Demon Sect has already withered and is no longer a problem.

There are too few people or facts in this world who are qualified to let him leave Zhishouguan.

But the person who stood on the other side of the line fourteen years ago is absolutely qualified.

Ye Su really wanted to meet that person. He thought for many, many years, but that person was always in that mountain and beside that mountain in these years, even if he was as proud and powerful as him, he couldn’t get close to him.

This year, the person at the other end of the line finally left the mountain and came to the wasteland.

He doesn’t know where that person is.

But he knew he would meet that person.

Because the unique temperament of that mountain and the temperament of that person determine this.

The man is going to protect the little guy named Ning Que.

So when Ning Que is in real danger, that person must be nearby.

So he only needs to wait until Ning Que is in real danger.

Only at this time Ning Que was outside the gate of Demon Zong Mountain.

Why did he leave the Demon Mountain Gate and head south?



There is a large blue lake to the south of the foothills of Tianqi Mountain. It is the Hulan Sea, which is regarded as a holy land by the prairie barbarians. At this time, thin ice floats on the lake. The men of the prairie tribe who have lived by the lake for generations are taking advantage of the ice. Before the noodles were completely sealed, some aquatic plants in the lake were salvaged.

Where there are prairie barbarians, caravans of the Central Plains often appear, but after all, it is the cold and midwinter at this time, and the war between the prairie and the Central Plains coalition forces has just ended, and a caravan of Central Plains appears in Hulanhai. Pan still looked a little weird, but these merchants made extravagance and paid for the fur goods at the end of next summer, so the tribe chief acquiesced in their existence and even gave them a camp.

People from the Central Plains caravan were cooking a fire by the lake. Dozens of people were sitting around the fire. Taking advantage of the rare clear weather, they did not enter the tent to escape the cold. Watching the movements of the crowd, one of the merchants was faintly led.

The rather wealthy businessman gnawed on a greasy leg of lamb, and made a few complaints from time to time. It was obvious that he was not too satisfied with the prairie people’s hospitality. The burly middle-aged man in a felt hat next to him was probably The steward or the security guard softly persuaded a few words, but instead evoked a lesson.

Suddenly, countless shreds of white clouds appeared on the clear blue sky, as if the blue canvas had been torn directly by an invisible giant hand, oozing out the white paint behind.

The prairie barbarians and the merchants in the Central Plains noticed the vision in the sky at the same time, and looked upward in surprise.

The leading businessman snarled a few words.

The obedient, burly middle-aged guard, squinted at the clouds in the sky, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

I don’t know why, looking at the dignified expression of the middle-aged man, the wealthy businessman had a terrible expression, and he didn’t dare to reprimand him anymore. He lowered his head to conceal the awe in his eyes and asked a few words in a low voice.

The middle-aged man with a strong figure quietly looked at the white clouds in the sky, feeling the fluctuations of the atmosphere of the world from the foothills of the far north, slowly appearing on the face covered by the shadow of the felt hat There was a very complicated expression-the expression was nostalgia, warmth, and peace after a long time, but there was also some very slight regret and sentimentality.

Then the middle-aged man said three very concise words: “The door is open.”



Ning Que carried Mo Shanshan’s weak body on his back, struggling to step on the rocks on the ground, and arrived at the center of the lake. Then he saw a large stone gate. The stone gate was very huge. Standing from below, he looked up. It looks like a hill.

Chang’an, the most majestic city in the world, does not have such a magnificent stone gate.

Because of its huge size, this is the gate of the Demon Sect.

Ning Que never thought that it would be so easy to find the mountain gate of the Demon Sect. For a while, he did not believe his eyes, and he could not understand how such a magnificent stone gate was hidden in Daming Lake and why When I walked in the large array, I didn’t see it at all, and subconsciously looked back at Shi Lu.

While walking in the turbulent piles of rocks and fierce formations, he could not see the stone gate at all. However, when he walked out, the stone gate appeared in front of him, as if the stone gate was only willing to be selected by it. People see it in general.

The opening of the Demon Zong Mountain Gate is even simpler than finding the Mountain Gate. There is no need to recite any spells, and there are no terror organs of ingenious craftsmanship. When Ning Que’s right hand touches the rough and solemn surface of the Shimen lightly, **** There was a soft sound, countless years of dust splashed out from the cracks in the stone gate, and then the stone gate slowly opened.

Ning Que raised his head and glanced at Xuefeng, which was more towering and majestic than a few days ago, and then his gaze met Mo Shanshan’s shocked and weak gaze, and he walked in.



Majestic, solemn, solemn, magnificent, sacred… This kind of characteristic feeling is often based on a huge spatial scale, just like the Chang’an city that the goshawk does not dare to take lightly, like a peach mountain overlooking the common people The temple complex, when these buildings have a strong contrast with the small human body, it will have this feeling.

Walking into the huge stone gate, climbing up the tens of thousands of long stone steps, and when they came to the main hall of the Mozong Mountain Gate, these feelings instantly occupied the minds of Ning Que and Mo Shanshan.

Because the Mozong Mountain Gate they saw was more magnificent than any building they had seen before.

The Mozong Mountain Gate is in the mountains, or more precisely, among the majestic snow peaks on the banks of Daming Lake. The Mozong is in a huge space formed by completely hollowing out the abdomen of a towering snow peak.

This space is so large that it is completely unimaginable, the depths do not know how deep it is, the heights do not know how high it is, and even large enough to make people illusion. This is a place that can only appear in dreams, and this is the world that Haotian has the power to open up.

The clear light shining from nowhere, countless thick and huge stone beams lay across the space. The traces of knives, chopping and axes on these stone beams are regular and clear. They are extremely strong, and the plane can allow four carriages to run side by side.

The two looked at the spacious and vertical stone beam in front of them, and felt that they could not see the end of the stone beam at all, but the thick stone beam in the distance was just a very thin spider silk in the huge space!

The thick stone beams gathered in the middle like a spider web, and finally merged into a stone flat in the hollow part of the distant rock peak. A temple can be seen from afar. The temple should be huge, but it stands on the cliff. It looks like hollow micro-carvings carved on rice grains by skillful craftsmen. As for Ningque and Moshan Mountain, facing the temple, they are more like non-existent and extraordinary to this huge space, like a rock. A grain of sand between the walls!

The two looked at each other and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

In the face of such an incredible and magnificent existence, no one can restrain themselves in awe, want to kneel down and worship, and even burst into tears because they feel their own smallness and meaninglessness.

Because in front of such a magnificent world, humans can only be ants.

However, what really shocked Ning Que was that this huge space that only Haotian could open up was carved out by humans like ants a thousand years ago!



(I thought about the chapter name for more than ten minutes. I really can’t think of a better one. Because I care a little, I always want to make a good one. It hurts my brain.) (to be continued)

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