Nightfall Chapter 70: There are wild horses between heaven and earth

Shan Yu walked out of the golden tent and looked at the surrounding scenes. His dark and handsome face showed a satisfied smile, satisfied with the peace of his subordinates, and even more satisfied with the today that took many days and many years to build.

In his opinion, the Zhenbei Army, which is seriously lacking cavalry, cannot be the opponent of the Golden Tented Cavalry. Unexpected tenacity, Tang’s ordnance and practitioners have exerted a power beyond imagination, and the more important reason is that the golden tent cavalry did not attack with all their strength, it was more temptation and consumption.

In battle with infantry, regardless of who has the inherent advantage, only psychologically, the cavalry must have the upper hand. If the infantry wants to resist the offensive of the cavalry, they must pay more physically and mentally.

A few days ago, the golden tent cavalry was consuming the physical strength of the Tang army’s infantry. More importantly, it gradually eroded the opponent’s will and courage, while at the same time boosting their own morale and firming confidence in winning.

Today is the day of the decisive battle.

The golden tent cavalry will devote all their attacks, will not leave behind to attack, will not leave a way to attack, it is necessary to give back hundreds of years of humiliation to the Tang people, and it is necessary to completely defeat the main force of the Zhenbei Army.

This is a very risky tactic. From Shan Yu’s point of view, it is a must-win tactic. Through the temptation a few days ago, he was quite sure that the Tang Dynasty didn’t hide any means, so let’s just crush it righteously.

Dawn is coming, and the white fish belly on the eastern horizon will gradually occupy one-tenth of the sky. The faint morning light falls on the grassland, falling on Shan Yu’s face, making the lines of his cheeks appear harder and stronger.

He looked at the southern fields. Looking at Tang Ying, who was indistinct in the distance, it was as if seeing that later, the iron cavalry of the golden account was pressed down like a tide, and the ground of the entire grassland began to shake. Then, just like a few days ago, all kinds of ordnance in the Tang camp were fired, the slings made a dull sound, the spears in front of the camp fence were as sharp, the iron thorns in the trenches were as cold, and the sword light of the Central Plains practitioners flickered. Array intentions kept surging. The vitality of heaven and earth will change drastically between heaven and earth. But those… will eventually be overwhelmed by his cavalry.

General Loeb came over and looked at the wisest Shan Yu in the history of the grassland and the most admired man in this life. His voice trembled and said, “From today onwards, you will be the king of the whole world.”

Shan Yu stopped smiling. Calm as usual. Because for sure. So it can be so peaceful. His gaze crossed Tangying in the south, looking to a certain position further south, listening to the national teacher. There is Chang’an.

The gentle but terrifying emperor died six years ago, but his daughter is still alive. Shan Yu thought silently, waiting for Chang’an City to be defeated, he must kill her, and then insert the ** In her body.

Ada also appeared outside the golden tent. He didn’t take a bath last night, and the blood on his body had already condensed, exuding a faint fishy smell, attracting mosquitoes and flies in the weeds.

The nobles looked at this former young slave, now the most powerful warrior of the Golden Tent, with disgust and fear in their eyes, and they did not want to stand too close to him.

A Da was injured on the battlefield a few days ago. In order to remember this injury, he deliberately did not wash the blood off his body. He did not want to remember the humiliation, but wanted to remember that he should be Learn.

He was hidden amongst the golden tent cavalry in the battle that day, broke through the trenches and spear fences of the Tang Army, and then hid the bodies of his companions in an attempt to assassinate Hua Ying, the forward commander of the Northern Army after the war.

Ada has always wanted to kill Hua Ying. At the beginning, he just wanted to avenge Ning Que’s **** prisoner killing operations in Chang’an City. Later, it was because he had not been able to kill Hua Ying and was very unwilling. Those who were unwilling to make him suffer like a poisonous snake made him risk such a risk to carry out this assassination.

His assassination failed, because from the beginning, to be more precise, from the moment he was hidden in the cavalry team and rushed to Tang Ying, his whereabouts and purpose have been alone. The calculation is clear.

Hua Ying never appeared, what came was a hammer, and then a formation.

Adadou was suddenly injured when he encountered a surprise attack, but after all he was the real master of the Golden Tent King Court, and in the end he managed to break through the encirclement of the Tang Jun and escaped back to the Golden Tent, but he was extremely embarrassed.

In spite of his injuries, he paid a visit to the national teacher in the middle of the night to learn the identity of those people.

Seeing through his plan is the fourth master of the academy Fan Yue, swinging the hammer, the brave warrior is the sixth master of the academy, and the woman who uses the formation as if there is life is the seventh master of the academy.

The cultivation realm of these three academies is the pinnacle of the Dongxuan realm. From the perspective of the world’s cultivation realm, of course they are already very impressive figures, but for a truly strong man like Ah Da, he can be a He beat the opponent ten, but in the end he lost so miserably, which made him very confused.

After thinking about it all night, Ah Da did not become more angry. He was dazzled by anger, but became calmer. This is the first time he has played against the Academy on the battlefield. He has learned a lot. He respected the academy a lot, and his determination to destroy the academy became firmer.

So looking at Tang Ying in the morning light at this time, his expression will be so calm, even if he is disgusted and feared by those nobles, he is still calm, and the golden account will definitely win today, and he shouldn’t need to act by himself.

They also firmly believe that the golden account will win, so Shan Yu and Ah Da are calm, and more grassland men are very enthusiastic. They look at Tang Jun in the south with a wolf-like cold light in their eyes.

As long as we defeat Tang, the Golden Tent Palace will be the overlord of the entire world. In the new world, they will occupy the most prosperous and prosperous towns in the Central Plains, clothed with the smoothest silk and possessing the most beautiful women. Drink The strongest wine, the clearest stream, and the softest white noodles…

These are all gifts from the eternal life. If you don’t accept it, you will be condemned by the heavens.



Shan Yu, Ah Da, and countless golden tent cavalry looked at Tang Ying in the south.

In Tang Camp, General Huaying and his subordinates are also looking north. In the Temporary General’s Mansion further away, Xu Chi is also looking north, watching the group of hungry evil in the morning light and morning breeze. Wolf.

People feel the danger.

The war in the previous ten days has been extremely tragic, and the golden tent cavalry can’t say that they haven’t done their best. It’s just that the defense of the Zhenbei Army is extremely tough, so it will be balanced, but today is different.

Today, the Golden Account is obviously going desperately. The Shan Yu and his subjects are ready to press the fate of the entire tribe into the battle that will begin later.

Hua Ying’s face was green.

With the help of a telescope, he can see all the movement in the King’s Court of the Golden Tent. He can see the prairie barbarians feeding the horses, water and salt, and even the sheep sticks boiling in the pot. bone.

As an experienced Tang general. He knows the fighting habits of the steppe cavalry. At most, there will be more than an hour, and those horses that eat and drink will bring the wolf-like savages toward themselves.

This is the most regular warfare rule for the prairie cavalry, and this is exactly what his face is blue. The reason for the incomparable anger-Shan Yu and his steppe cavalry were not at all worried about letting Tang Jun see these pictures. It is equivalent to saying. They determined the start time of today’s battle and notified Tang Jun.

What kind of confidence this is for Tang Jun. What a humiliation!

If it were ten years ago, Hua Ying had already sent cavalry to make a surprise attack when he observed the first scene. If he was not prepared to attack the enemy, he would surely be able to obtain sufficient results.

But not now, because he does not have a sufficient number of cavalry, and it is even more impossible for him to prepare battle horses ready to attack in batches according to the time when the Zhenbei Army was in its heyday…


That sentence, that judgment, once again appeared in Hua Ying’s mind.

If, now, Datang still has a real cavalry and a sufficient number of horses, would Shan Yu dare to make such advances? No, what is waiting for the King’s Court of the Golden Account today is bound to perish.

If oh if, if there really is if, where will there be so many ifs in the world? There has never been a if, so the Golden Tent King Court will not perish today. Only with his prairie cavalry dare to advance so arrogantly, the Zhenbei Army will face such an ending. He has even seen the terrible ending in the word. The color, smelling the desperate atmosphere above the word ending.

Different from General Huaying, ordinary soldiers of the Zhenbei Army still look firm and calm. They don’t know the secret military situation, the results of the sand table exercise, and they don’t know or are too lazy to care about the outcome of the war. Fortunately, they only know the fight, and they are as fearless as in the past years.

Looking at the Tang Jun who was silently preparing to fight, Situ Yilan’s eyes drooped slightly to cover up the gloom, and then quickly raised her head, cheering up, not wanting to affect even the slightest morale.

She suddenly noticed that there was a Tang Jun next to the pot stove nearby. At this time, all Tang Jun had quickly finished their breakfast and began to kick crossbows, repair arrows and sharpen their knives. Only the Tang Jun was still standing by the pot with his left hand. Holding a big bowl, holding a wooden spoon in his right hand, he ate the vegetable porridge. After eating the meat in it, he grunted happily.

“What’s your name?”

Situ Yilan walked to the stove, looked at the Tang Jun and said.

The Tang Army soldier is not very old, but from the calluses between his fingers holding the bowl of porridge and the indifferent look between his eyebrows, it can be seen that this is a veteran who has experienced many battles.

The Tang Jun looked at her, stunned, put the porridge bowl on the edge of the stove, gave a military salute, and reported: “Qianfeng battalion scouts the fourth team is the king of the fifth team. He has seen the general.”

“Wang Wu? A very neat name.”

Situ Yilan said: “It’s just that it’s a bit unsatisfactory in doing things. Don’t you see that everyone else has returned to the camp and started preparing for battle, why haven’t you returned?”

Wang Wu showed respect to her, but that didn’t mean that he was afraid. He explained in a very sincere and funny manner: “The scouts don’t have to go to war for the time being. Besides, those barbarians will take at least one more hour. Come here, why be too anxious, there is so much meat in today’s porridge, it’s a shame not to eat clean.”

Situ Yilan raised her eyebrows slightly and said, “I really am a veteran.”

Wang Wu scratched his itchy neck with the tail of the wooden spoon, and said with a smile, “You have won the prize.”

Situ Yilan said: “The appetite is so good early in the morning. It seems that you are very confident in the victory of today’s battle. If everyone can be like the same, or…”

She stopped abruptly when she said the word or.

Wang Wu’s tired smile on his face was suddenly pulled away, watching her calmly and even indifferently said: “General, or what? Or can there be miracles? You know. There is no miracle.”

Situ Yilan’s eyes were slightly cold, staring into his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said: “What do you want to say.”

“Today, there is a lot of meat in the porridge, and there are even more vegetables than meat…Although the food of the Northern Army in my town has always been excellent, the treatment is still a bit too good, which makes me very suspicious.”

Wang Wu was not afraid of her gaze, and said calmly: “Or, this is the last meal before dying, so the general wants us to eat better?”

Situ Yilan said in a cold voice: “What do you want to say?”

Wang Wu pointed to the soldiers of the Tang Army who were silently preparing for battle in the camp not far away and said: “I know that today’s battle will undoubtedly be lost. In fact, many people know it. Just don’t say it.”

Situ Yilan was silent for a long time.

Wang Wu said: “If you feel that I have shaken the military spirit, you can kill me on the spot.”

Situ Yilan said: “I want to know more, why do you say this to me.”

Wang Wu said: “Because I want to tell General Xu, tell the court. Tell the academy… I am not reconciled. I don’t want to lose. I don’t understand why the Zhenbei Army ended up like this.”

Situ Yilan said in a deep voice: “It is the mission of my Datang soldiers to defend the border for the country. What are you unwilling to do?”

“The question is. Why did General Xu send us people out of Guhe? Why must we fight here? I am not afraid of death, but I don’t want to be sent to death.”

Wang Wu suddenly became angry. He threw the wooden spoon in his hand into the porridge pot and shouted at Situ Yilan: “Xiang Wanyuan was ceded by the imperial court. This battlefield was picked by the general’s mansion. Why did you let us? Go to die? Why let us lose and die? You generals, even if you let us die, can’t you win!”

Situ Yilan stretched out her hand to stop her soldiers from drawing their swords, and was silent for a long time, because she didn’t know how to answer the veteran’s angry questioning, yes, the court wanted Tang Jun to resist the enemy outside the border, Tang Jun You can do it without hesitation, but the court must at least let them win, or even if they die, how can they look down?

“Then what do you want to do, what do you want us to do?” She looked at Wang Wu and asked, asking very seriously.

Wang Wu didn’t expect to hear such a reply, he was silent for a long time, smiled dimly, didn’t say anything, turned around and walked to his camp.

Situ Yilan looked at his back and did not continue to question, because she probably guessed what the young veteran wanted, and that was also what she wanted, which the entire Zhenbei Army and even Datang wanted. .

Wang Wu walked back to his camp and stared at the half-bag of hay outside the tent for a long time.

He is a scout, one of the very few troops in the northern army that has horses. However, his horse died two years ago, outside Weicheng. Since then, he has no chance to own his own seat. ride.

A scout without a mount is inferior to a dog. Wang Wu often thinks this way. In the past two years, he really feels that his life is not as good as a dog, because the dog can bark twice. What can he do?

Wang Wu kicked away the hay and prepared to wash his face. When he looked at the pale face in the bucket, his brows were slightly frowned, and he suddenly began to hate his current emotions.

He took a deep breath, suppressed all the despair and anger in his heart, drew the big knife brought from Weicheng out of the sheath, and berated his subordinates to prepare for the later battle.

A scout without a mount… It’s Tang Jun, even if it is a desperate battle, he will fight to the end.

He looked at the golden camp in the northern morning light, and suddenly thought of Weicheng.

Back when Weicheng was slaughtered by golden tent cavalry, only a few people escaped, and he was one of them.

Returning to the Zhenbei Army, after an identity verification, he regained his mount, and then lost it again, just like he once owned a Weicheng, but in the end he kept nothing.

Wang Wu often missed the days when he followed General Ma to hunt on the grasslands, and even missed the days when he followed those fierce predecessors to kill horse thieves in Subbi Lake to grab gold and silver. Those days will never return.

Under his indifferent exhaustion, there are anger that has never been extinguished and hatred that bites the heart like a poisonous snake. He always does not want to follow the Zhenbei army to defeat the barbarians on the grassland and regain Weicheng.

But that is difficult.

And looking at the situation today, it seems that that day will never come.

He wants a war horse, a war horse, he wants to ride a war horse and charge towards the enemy. If he has a war horse, his comrades all have a war horse. Then his wish will come true.

This obsession kept tormenting him. Seeing the wild horses of the Golden Tent King Court, he was going crazy. At this time, as long as someone gave him the horse, he was willing to pay all his fortune and even his life. He was even willing to wash the feet of those sour and smelly grassland barbarians. It is convenient to kill later.

If someone gives him a horse, he is willing to be a cow or a horse for the other person.

Unfortunately, there is still no if.

Wang Wu bowed his head and prepared to wash his face. Later, it must be the bloodiest and most tragic battle in a thousand years. This battle will consist of countless battles. Countless people will die. The Zhenbei Army might be defeated, so all Tang troops would be martyred. When he didn’t want to die, there was dirt on his face. There are green leaves in the mouth.

Next moment. He suddenly felt dazzled. Because the clear water in the basin trembled, his eyebrows changed into strange looks in the water, not as depressed as before. It’s rather funny.

I felt the vibration coming from a distance, as well as the people of the Golden Tent King’s Court dozens of miles away, and more than a hundred thousand grassland knights were preparing for battle nervously. They were feeding clear water to the horses. Suddenly they found that those brave but extremely tame The war horse suddenly became extremely anxious. Some horses shook their heads desperately and refused to lower their heads to drink water and eat grass. Some horses looked at some place in horror and kicked their front hoofs uncomfortably, as if this was the only way to comfort The vibration from the ground is false, not some existence that they fear most in their instincts.

The whole field began to vibrate. From Weicheng in the north to the meadow beyond the valley river, the wheels of the carts in the military camps of both sides creaked, and some unnoticed soldiers were even shaken and a little unstable.

Ada jumped onto the roof of a big car and squinted at the shock. His eyesight is very good. He should be the first person to see the movement there, so he was also the first Shocked to the speechless person, the immature but usually proud and cold cheeks were filled with incredible expressions.

Immediately afterwards, more and more people saw the cause of the vibration. Wuwu’s eyebrows were suddenly raised, the corners of his lips were raised high, his hands began to tremble, and the wet towel fell on In the basin, there was a splash of water.

Like him, the scouts inside and outside the camp, as well as the soldiers of the Northern Army in the distance, felt this shock. Looking to the northwest, the camp became silent, and people’s faces were filled with shock and confusion. …

More faint excitement and anticipation.

The field under the morning sun is extremely clear, there is no strong wind, dusty, and the line of sight is very clear. I saw a large black cloud slowly pressing on the horizon to the northwest.

The reason for the slow pressure is not because the black clouds move too slowly, but because the area covered by the black clouds is too wide, giving people the illusion.

The black cloud flew over ten miles quickly and came to the edge of the wilderness by the valley river. Everyone had already seen that it was not a black cloud at all, but a dense cloud of smoke!

Those smoke and dust are all dust brought up by horseshoes!

Countless wild horses are sweeping!

The morning sun shines in the sky, and the warm light enters the smoke and dust, as if picking up the morning glow from the sky to the ground, the horses running wildly seem to be burning, so beautiful!

No one can count the number of wild horses hidden in the morning glow. No one wants to figure out how many wild horses can cause such a earth-shaking momentum!

People only know that an unimaginable number of wild horses suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

These wild horses… are running towards Tang Jun!

The grassland is still silent, so the hoofs of wild horses in the distance appear clearer, falling on everyone’s ears like thunder, and beating on everyone’s hearts.

All the soldiers in the Pioneer Camp of the Tang Army stopped their preparations. No matter how strict the military discipline and the strong spirit, they could not withdraw their gazes at the sunrise and the overwhelming wild horses.

Some Tang Jun began to rub his eyes, wondering if he was dazzled. They said to themselves in their hearts that they must not be dazzled, but they still felt unbelievable because the picture was really incredible.

Some Tang Jun didn’t even blink his eyes. For example, Wang Wu, he stared at the wild horses in Zhaoxia like a girl in a Weicheng tavern, afraid that the wild horses would disappear if he blinked his eyes.

Situ Yilan pressed her lips tightly, her face was pale, and the hand holding the hilt was trembling. She knew it was not an illusion, but she was not sure that the wild horses were really coming to Tang Ying. If… Later this group of wild horses suddenly rushed to the vast grasslands in the east, and disappeared like a sudden arrival? What if they just pass by?

The mood of the Tang people is as complicated as their expressions. Tensed, longing, shocked, worried, and even panic, they watched the sunrise getting closer and closer, watching the wild horses that filled the world get closer and closer and more and more nervous.

The morning glow finally dissipated and returned to the appearance of smoke and dust. The grassland outside the valley was completely covered by wind and sand. The more than 100,000 horses at the Golden Tent King’s Tribe neighed in panic. The sun was blocked and it was difficult to see.

Situ Yilan closed his eyes. Then opened his eyes.

Then she saw a brown wild horse. Looking at himself in front of him, the brown horse’s eyes were full of curiosity like a human baby, innocent and extremely quiet.

The smoke gradually gathered, and there was cheers in Tangying. The cheers of the soldiers were so loud. It is difficult to describe in words. It even seemed a little crazy, turned into a venting shout!

All this is true.

It was indeed a horse who came to Tangying on the morning glow. It is a wild horse, it is countless wild horses.

Those wild horses paced at random in Tang Jun’s barracks, just like strolling through the grassland. Their long manes fluttered gently in the morning breeze. The gods were abnormal, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Like that brown wild horse, it didn’t understand why the woman in front of him was crying.

The wild horses don’t understand why these humans cheer, why they have such a hoarse voice, why they should put their arms around their necks and keep mumbling, why they laugh, and why they cry again.

That’s because they don’t understand. For the Tang people, their arrival is a real miracle.

For more than ten days, this year, these three years… From the emperor to the minister, from the ordinary people to the **** soldiers, the Tang State prayed all the time to have a sufficient number of war horses, but they knew that it was a luxury. Because Xiang Wanyuan is gone, because Dao Sect will not give Tang Guo a chance.

Seeing that this battle that will determine the trend of the whole world is about to begin, people like General Huaying, Situ Yilan, and Wang Wu still couldn’t help muttering, thinking about this in their hearts. , They were even willing to give their lives and dignity, praying that Haotian, who no longer believed in, would give Tang Guo a chance.

The country of Tang needs horses and war horses.

Haotian seemed to have heard all the hearts of the Tang people, as if she had forgotten the Tang people’s betrayal of herself, she stood deep in the morning glow and said three words to the mud pool deep in the wasteland.

“You must have horses.”

So the Tang people got a horse.



Tang Ying instantly entered a state of crazy carnival, and in sharp contrast were the dozens of tribes in the King’s Court of the Golden Tent, where there was still no sound, and the faces of all the people on the grassland became extremely pale.

The Golden Tent King Court dared to invade the tribe south and wage a national war with the Tang people, and all the tribes did not hesitate to follow in the footsteps of Shan Yu, all based on an iron fact: Tang Jun lacked horses.

However, just before the war, countless wild horses rushed from the depths of the grassland. What is going on? Where did these wild horses come from? Why does the tribe live in the grassland for many years, but don’t even know the existence of these wild horses, and which grassland can feed so many wild horses?

The elders of some tribes and the few brave travelers remembered a rumor that began decades ago. It is said that they lived in the great swamp in the depths of the Western Wilderness that even wolves dared not easily enter. A group of Pegasus that can walk on water and eat clouds, that group of Pegasus are the mounts of the longevity heaven, they just live in the world…

Could it be that the black wild horse in the south is the legendary Pegasus?

If they are really longevity riders, why would they go to Tangying?

The old man’s face was pale as if he was about to faint, the traveler’s body kept trembling, the tribal warrior was about to be unable to hold the hilt of the machete, and the women began to recite the scriptures in a frightened tone, wanting to be protected by the eternal sky.

Looking at the overwhelming wild horses in the south, the prairie people suddenly felt that they had been abandoned by Changshengtian.

No one understands why such a thing happened. The Golden Horde did not understand the carriage that was stuck in the rear, but he knew everything had changed and he sighed deeply.

Several priests have been ordered to go to the golden tent, and he formed a chariot formation with the remaining high priests. He never appeared on the battlefield because he was afraid of Yu Lian and Tang. He has been persuading Shan Yu Don’t be so rash, because he always felt that the Academy and Tang Guo would not be so simple. Unfortunately, he failed to convince each other.

The ending of today’s war seems to be doomed.

But some people don’t think so.

Looking at Tang Ying in the smoke and dust in the south, Shan Yu’s handsome face is still cold. As a generation of grassland overlord, he pushed the Golden Tent King’s clan to invade to the south with supreme courage, and risked being engulfed by the Tang army on the Lao Shi’s expedition. He also had to fight the national war head-on, because he firmly believed that he could win the final victory.

He wants to avenge his elder brother. Most importantly, he wants to rule the entire world. He wants his subordinates to become the nobles of every country in the Central Plains, and he wants his children and grandchildren to occupy the beautiful mountains and rivers of the south forever, so He must win. This is what the subject promised him. He also promised to the subject.

Until now, even if he watched countless wild horses coming under the morning glow, he still did not lose faith, to be more precise. Except for his ugly face. His will was not affected in any way.

General Loeb murmured: “The news from the Dao Sect. It is said that… the eternal life is gone, and the people in the Central Plains are looking for whether we violated her will. That’s why we sent this group of horses to help. Tang people?”

Shan Yu’s eyes flashed coldly, staring at him coldly and said: “Stupid things.”

Loeb didn’t dare to argue, and withdrew silently. He thought he knew Shan Yu’s mind… This field battle that is about to begin on the valley and river prairie will be a decisive battle. Can’t afford the price of retreat, because the cavalry of the Golden Account went too far south and the way home was too far.

Since you can’t admit defeat, and you can’t retreat, you can only fight, so how can you shake your military spirit at this time? Loeb understood the truth, so the things that were scolded for being stupid also silenced themselves.

“It has nothing to do with morale… the Chinese can never win.”


“What does the Tang people want even after weeping blood?”



Shan Yu looked at the south, with an extremely indifferent expression and an extremely confident expression. “The Chinese don’t want horses, but war horses.”

Yes, although Situ Yilan and Wang Wu meditate every day that no matter what horse is good, as long as there is a horse, in fact, all the cavalry needs are horses.

War horses must undergo a long period of training.

And now there are only a group of wild horses on the grassland…

The Mustang has never seen blood, never been on the battlefield, no saddle, no bridle, how to ride it? How to fight?

No one can train tens of thousands of wild horses into war horses in such a short time.

As soon as the early morning arrives, they will be on the battlefield soon, those wild horses…what else can they do besides watching?

Listening to Shan Yu’s words, General Loeb’s complexion instantly became clear. He was originally the general commanding the Cavalry of the King’s Court. The reason why he didn’t think of this question was purely shocked by the scene of the galloping horses. Up the mind.

The Golden Tent King Court began to speed up the preparations for the assembling charge. The war horses, who had been horrified by the wild horses before, became calmer under the comfort of the master, and began to put on leather armor and quiver, just looking south When those comrades, the war horses of the Golden Account still seemed a little uneasy, and the queue was a little messy.

But just like Shanyu’s indifferent and correct judgment, Tangying in the south is now even more chaotic. Tang Jun, who finally awoke from ecstasy and tears, listened to the military sentiment from the scouts in the distance, and started preparing for battle at the fastest speed, but found that there were not enough riding equipment in the Zhenbei Army Pioneer Camp… For three whole years without a horse, none of the officers and soldiers of the Zhenbei Army had thought of this problem in advance.

The more troublesome things are still to come. The Tang Jun found that although the wild horses showed a relatively friendly manner to themselves, they were extremely resistant to being **** with reins, not to mention putting on riding gear… everywhere in Tang Camp Wild horses running around with hoofs, variegated hairs flying everywhere, and even wild horses knocked over Tang Jun and took the road…

Although I can’t see the specific picture in Tangying, I can hear the noise from there, and the smoke and dust that represents chaos. The prairie cavalry who already knows Shan Yu Yingming’s judgment are sent in the direction of Tangying With a mocking whistle, he waved the scimitar in his hand, expressing his contempt heartily.

At this moment, there was a terrible hiss in the world.

The sound was like two rough stones rubbing together, and it looked like a broken bellows. It gave people a feeling of lack of strength afterwards, and it seemed like a patient was breathing, but it never stopped.

The ugly scream cut through the world.

The ridicule of more than 100,000 prairie cavalry in the Golden Tent King Court was forcibly suppressed.

The unrestrained whistling of wild horses and the weird funny snout in Tangying disappeared instantly.

Tens of thousands of wild horses. As if he heard the most feared voice, and didn’t dare to move anymore, they all looked at the scream and raised their necks high, like a soldier waiting to be inspected.

The smoke and dust in the northwest of the wilderness is about to fall completely.

Something faintly came out inside.

These are eight wild horses that are rare in the world, dragging a ruin.

There was a black donkey sitting in the chaos. The fur on the donkey was peeling off a lot. It looked a bit pitiful, but it looked very pleasant. Or it’s natural pride. Or it may be because it is eating grapes and drinking wine.

The black donkey is watching all the horses in the field, wild horses and war horses, like a real king.

The wild horses in Tangying, bow their heads.

The horse of the Golden Tent King Court. Horrified.

Muyou and Six Brothers walked out of the camp. Walked towards that car.

At this time they saw the **** horse dragging the black car. Followed behind the poor, with a cheerful look and fat body. It seems that the past three years have been very good with the elders.

Muyou smiled, because the air in the grassland was too dry, the corners of her lips split and some blood was bleeding.

She and the sixth brother salute the black donkey in Nian.

The black donkey nodded with restraint, in return.

The **** horse and ya ya ya ran to Muyou, lowered his head and was about to rub her in her arms, suddenly remembering the guy with only one arm left, and forcibly twisted away.

Muyu touched its neck.

The **** horse stood back, bowed his head, and saluted her and the sixth brother.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of wheels came from behind Tangying.

I don’t know how many large carts came out of the bargaining camp and came to the pioneer camp. The carts were full of various riding gear and sabers. The fourth brother Fan Yue was walking in the front.

The disciples at the back of the academy finally met on the wasteland.



Saddle the horse back, the reins tighten, and the wild horse calms down.

The cavalry of the Zhenbei Army lightly touched the riding equipment that they used to be familiar with, with great emotion, their former mounts gradually age until they leave, only these are still the same as before, although they are older, they are still Easy to use.

Wang Wu held clear water, leaned in front of his mount, fed it and drank water, watching this wild horse that is still a little restless, he thought to himself, I will really be a beast and horse for you all my life… …

Now, let’s kill the enemy first.

Yes, let us kill the enemy.

The cavalry of the King’s Court of the Golden Account had already attacked first, like a tide.

The extremely disturbed prairie warhorse, under the chaos of the owner’s whip and forced by the pain of the Spurs, exploded with blood and strength, forgetting some awe in instinct, and began to charge.

Tang Jun was much more silent than before.

They didn’t mount their horses, they led the wild horses…no, from this moment on, they were war horses, stepping on the hard soil on the grassland and walking slowly and firmly to the north.

They are Tang Jun.

The strongest cavalry in the world has never been invincible.

The war horses they led have been invincible for decades in the swamps of the western wilderness.

Although the Golden Tent King’s Cavalry is strong, what counts in front of them?

The smoke and dust covered the sky above the grassland.

It’s finally time to start.

Situ Yilan rolled over and rode on the brown wild horse, and slowly drew a cold knife from her sheath.

She raised her blade and pointed it at the tide-like prairie cavalry opposite.

She was expressionless and did not speak.

The soldier beside her suddenly roared.

All Tang Jun roared at the same time.

Several years of depression, accompanied by this roar, turned into a fighting spirit.

Then there was a silent charge.

A suffocating silent charge.

There are a lot of northern cavalrymen, who are already a little unfamiliar with the charge, but when they lifted their knives and urged the horse to sprint forward, the familiar feeling quickly returned.

That feeling is called invincibility.

Countless smoke and dust cut open the grassland, and countless iron currents rushed towards the golden tent.

All of a sudden, the killing sound shook the sky.

The direction of Qilian City.

The side of the valley river.

All the cavalry of the Zhenbei Army rushed out from there at no time.

The black iron stream converged silently towards the golden tent from three directions. If someone could look at the grassland from the sky, they would be shocked by this magnificent scene.

The cold wind blew the hair beside Situ Yilan’s cheek.

She thought, for victory.

Wang Wu bit his lip and his eyes were very firm.

He thought, for Weicheng.

Under the Golden Account King.

Shan Yu’s face is unusually pale.

Loeb anxiously persuaded him to retreat quickly and join the national division behind.

Shan Yu didn’t speak and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Until this moment, he didn’t understand why Guo Shi always disagreed with his risky decision.

The Academy… Ning Que… is so cruel.

The Golden Account was defeated.

He knows this very well.

With a puff, he spouted a mouthful of blood, staggered, and fell off his horse.

On the valley river meadow.

Ning Que put down his binoculars, thinking about the scene he saw earlier, and was silent.

He handed the telescope to General Xu Chi beside him.

Xu Chi looked at him and asked, “For many years, just for today? Don’t you think it’s very risky?”

Ning Que thought for a while and said, “This is the only way to go.”

Xu Chi said: “If you can give these horses to me earlier, you can win.”

“But you can’t kill them all.”

After saying this, he walked down the meadow.

Situ Yilan for victory.

Wang Wu is for Weicheng.

He does the same.

So from the very beginning, all he thought was to…kill them all.



(Thank you all to cast your monthly pass.) (To be continued..)

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