Nightfall Chapter 68: The blade is thirsty for blood, I think of horses

The look of that guy is so exhausted. That guy has also sneaked at her like this, whether it’s on the wetland of the academy, on the red sleeves, or by the blue lake in Yanbei, his eyes often scan He thought she didn’t know the curves of her chest, waist, hips and legs. In fact, she knew everything, just embarrassed to say.

The person Situ Yilan thought of was naturally Ning Que. She was not when she was facing a desperate situation, she suddenly recalled the youth of the past, and she began to think about spring, but just wanted to gain some strength from it-the veterans and Ning Que in the camp Much like, they all have unimaginable tenacity and can do things that many people can’t imagine.

It just made her a little sad that those veterans still had unwillingness in their indifferent expressions, especially when they saw the horses led by her soldiers, the envy and discomfort in their eyes were clearly visible.

Yes, that’s the problem.

Situ Yilan lowered his head and thought, why did the imperial court agree to cede Xiang Wanyuan to the King’s Court of the Golden Account in the negotiations with the Xiling Temple? Why did he agree to use the war horse to compensate the Golden Account and the Kingdom of Yan? Yes, the situation at the time was indeed very serious, but didn’t the court know that if it agreed to the other party’s terms, it would be tantamount to suicide?

The black noose slowly landed in the air for several years, and now it finally landed on the grassland, in front of every soldier of the Zhenbei Army.

Even the people of Chang’an knew things that the ministers in the court naturally knew. Prince Li Peiyan even hanged himself because of this. Situ Yilan knew that this was the decision of the academy.

To be more precise, it was Ning Que’s decision.

Why did the college agree?

Go to the camp. Seeing a man and a woman at the table, Situ Yilan’s mood was a little weird. She is a student of the academy, and these two people can truly represent the academy. Thinking of the previous dissatisfaction with the academy, she didn’t know what to say.

The light yellow dress that Muyou is most accustomed to wear has long been replaced by practical cotton-padded clothes. Brother Six still wears his upper body like he was in the back of the college, wearing only a leather belt.

Situ Yilan couldn’t say anything bad to these two college gentlemen, because in these days. They were supposed to sit on the cloud head like gods. Live and fight like ordinary soldiers.

The form of war has long since changed. The assassination of the enemy leader by the strong practitioner has never been cut off, and it has been going on all the time. If it’s not the Muyou organization array division. There are several exquisite formations arranged in the camp. If it weren’t for Mr. Liu holding the hammer and waving the wind and thunder, I don’t know how many Tang would die under the assassination of the Golden Tent King Court at any cost. As for Mr. Six, staying up all night to repair Tang Jun’s weapons. Those things do not need to be mentioned.

Situ Yilan found that there was one missing person in the tent, and asked: “Where did Mr. Four go?”

Fan Yue, the fourth master of the academy, is now the think tank of the Zhenbei Army striker. General Huaying trusts him very much. He is responsible for the deployment of the camp and even the planning on the battlefield.

The wooden pomelo took out the towel from the basin and twisted it until it was slightly dry, walked to her, wiped all the dust off her face, and said pityingly: “Where did he go… Such a beautiful girl, although I can’t dress up, I have to clean it up.”

Situ Yilan couldn’t be in the mood to pay attention to her face, she couldn’t help but smile, when she remembered the battle of the golden tent king’s court that she had seen on the meadow, her mood became heavy, and she looked at Muyou and asked in a low voice : “When will Mr. San take the shot? When will Mingzong’s strong and wild people arrive?”

The current battle situation is extremely beneficial to the Zhenbei Army. She can’t think of any changes. However, General Xu Chi is still so calm. She naturally thinks that the Academy must have arranged many back players and strong players.

For many days and nights, the formations were arranged. Muyou’s eyebrows and eyes were full of exhaustion. Listening to Situ Yilan’s words, she said after a moment of silence: “I don’t know where the senior sister is.”

Listening to these words, Situ Yilan was disappointed and lost again.

“According to the principle or the original plan, in the early spring, she should calm the East Desolation and come here… She should be able to make a move, but she did not make a move at this time, or because the time has not yet arrived, for her own reasons .”

Muyu sat down with her, and asked her to eat breakfast quickly, comfortingly said.



Everything that goes against common sense must have its inherent reasons. For the military, common sense is the objective judgment of victory and defeat and the subsequent calm response.

Hua Ying stood outside the camp, looking at the **** sunrise, and looking at the countless tents of the Golden Tent King’s Court that were faintly visible in the distance. She always felt that the general’s response was unreasonable, so what was the reason?

A staff officer handed a pair of binoculars to him.

He took the telescope, looked in the direction of the Golden Tent King Court, and then looked towards the east and north for dozens of miles away, observing in silence for a long time, never saying a word.

The telescope was made by the academy and was brought to the front by Mr. Six. Now the important generals of the Zhenbei Army are almost fully staffed. Once the generals use them, they will immediately regard it as a treasure and refuse to let it leave.

Hua Ying was very emotional. With the help of the Academy, the troops of the Golden Tent King Court could be mobilized clearly, but the other party was unaware of it. If it were placed in the same year, the Northern Army would undoubtedly win this war.

Especially now, Shan Yu took a strange risk and urged the whole family to attack south. He wanted to fight a battle to destroy the country, but he did not care about any back roads. He marched with unparalleled strength, but he was mature In General Tang’s eyes, there are also loopholes. As long as a powerful cavalry can be sent, the opponent who can definitely fight is extremely painful.

“If…give me ten thousand…no, even eight thousand.”

Hua Ying put down her binoculars and looked at the north, her voice trembling slightly and said: “Give me 8,000 good horses, and I will be able to guard the valley river and even drive them to the north of Weicheng.”

Shan Yu’s choice was too self-confident. In Hua Ying’s view, this was a great opportunity, so his voice trembled slightly. Losing this opportunity was an unbearable pain for him.

Xu Chi firmly believes that the Zhenbei Army can defeat the cavalry of the Golden Horde in the field, which makes Huaying very puzzled. He will not question the military order, but thinks painfully, if there are 10,000 more horses. Up.

But there won’t be.

Even if Haotian came back to the world, there would be no way in such a short time. For Tang, 10,000 horses were transformed into mature horses that had received military training and could become cavalry mounts.

The Golden Tent King Court dared to move the clan south, and Shan Yu’s marching formation was so confident and even arrogant. He had no fear of tomorrow’s final battle in the wilderness. Isn’t it because he knew that Tang had no horses?

Many Tang Jun wondered whether the court secretly raised a lot of horses, waiting to give the enemy the heaviest and most sudden blow on the final battlefield? But that is after all an illusion, Shan Yu would not think so.

Raising horses requires a lot of forage, stables, and manpower. Need a lot of resources. With such a large number of war horses, it is impossible to be kept secretly in the states and counties of Tang State, and to hide the ubiquitous eyeliner of the door, even if it can. Those untrained horses who have never been on the battlefield. What’s the use?

Horse. War horse, a battle-tested war horse.

Situ Yilan is thinking, the cavalry who used to be thinking. Hua Ying was thinking, everyone was thinking, and they all shouted desperately and angrily in their hearts, why is there no horse?

You don’t need a battle-tested horse, even an ordinary horse, as long as you can move with cavalry, whether it’s a sturdy stallion, a graceful mare, a naughty horse, or a hemlock Horses, pony horses, prairie horses, any horse will do! Just a horse will do!

Because there is no horse, Datang will really fail.



In the Zhenbei Army, only General Xu Chi still maintained his final confidence.

Yu Lian did not appear in this grassland. The national division of the Golden Tent Palace and the dozen or so high priests still did not come to the front line, but were behind, heavily protected by the grassland cavalry.

Xu Chi’s confidence did not come from Yu Lian or the Demon Sect’s walking in the Tang Dynasty. He had already received information from Helan City. The Huangren tribe was constrained by the temple cavalry from Yan Kingdom in the Eastern Desolation. In a short time, Can’t come to help at all.

This is naturally very bad news. Fortunately, dozens of days ago, he received another news. The news came from the academy and brought the long-awaited spring breeze.

Countless large vehicles have already left the town where the Beida Camp is located, and have been transported to the back of Guhe, hidden in the main camp of the Zhenbei Army. In order to keep it secret to the end, even Hua Ying did not know.



The dawn has not yet come, the bright moon has long been asleep, the faint white is floating in the east, and the night in the west is still a few dim stars. The people on the grassland have woken up, and the golden tent is like a cloud of countless roofs. In the tent, there are children’s hilarity and women’s whispers of worry. Of course, the most are the sound of scimitar and leather armor, the uneasy neigh of war horses, and the crackling and burning hay.

According to the prairie cavalry practice, no one dared to bring their family members on the expedition, but this time the Golden Tent King’s clan invaded south, it is a real clan, all men brought wives, children and slaves, making Shanyu and the nobles What’s gratifying is that because a lot of preparations have been made in advance, these have not become a burden to the warriors, but have become the best existence that inspires them to go forward and behead the Chinese.

The warriors of the golden tent have already formed their team, with solemn expressions and firm eyes. The cavalry of various tribes are also wearing leather armor and arranging swords and arrows with the help of slaves or their families, and quickly line up.

This is the darkest time before dawn, but the golden tent cavalry did not want to take advantage of the darkness to attack the Tang army in the south, because darkness is not fair to everyone, and the cavalry needs good vision because they are too fast. , Now the golden tent cavalry occupies an absolute advantage, naturally will not take this risk.

The reason why the formation started so early is based on the needs of war and the combat experience of all the prairie cavalry. Today is bound to be an extremely hard and long-term battle. People can stick to it by their spiritual will. War horses can’t do it, so before entering the battlefield, they must be fed well, using the finest forages and even some expensive grains and beans, adding enough water, and finally, feeding salt.

All these preparations must be completed two hours before the official engagement, and two hours later, the iron cavalry of the golden tent will swept away and swallowed everything.



(There are some problems with the schedule for these two days. It is a little messy. It is very likely that the update will not work tomorrow. If it does not work, we will report to everyone and the day after tomorrow will return to normal.) (To be continued…)

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