Nightfall Chapter 67: Sangsang abused me thousands of times (Part 2)

Ning Que’s brows were extremely tight, and his face was even whiter than Sangsang who was standing below, but he never made any sound because he didn’t want to surrender to her.

Sangsang stood on the ground of the temple, quietly looking up.

The trousers on Ning Que’s legs turned into rags, and then countless thin red lines appeared on his legs.

The invisible knife kept cutting, and the flesh and blood left his body like a butterfly. After a while, the bones gradually appeared.

Ning Que’s face was abnormally pale, and his eyebrows twitched constantly from pain, as if crying or laughing, his lips moved slightly, as if to say something.

Sangsang is somewhat satisfied.

Slices of flesh and blood were dancing in the air, with bones in his legs, Ning Que’s gaze flicked over and fell on Sangsang, and asked: “Do you think it looks like a peony fish? Do you want to make a bowl of soy sauce and water for dipping Eat?”

Sangsang was dissatisfied, so there was a blood line in his throat, and his vocal cords were cut directly. He could no longer make a sound and could not say such a thing.

The invisible power in the Temple of Light continued to wreak havoc. The flesh and blood on his body continued to peel off, falling down like snowflakes, the abrupt bones gradually appearing, and the blood gradually disappeared.

The most terrifying punishment in the world is undoubtedly Ling Chi. Tonight’s Ning Que is like those criminals who have committed the most sins, suffering the most painful torture.

The flesh has been removed, the blood has drained, and under the endless pain, his consciousness is as **** as his body. If he can make a sound, the temple will inevitably reverberate with sour screams, but At this moment he couldn’t even make a sound, and the silence in the temple was extremely disturbing.

Ning Que’s eyes were dimmed to the extreme, like a candle that could be extinguished in the wind at any time, and like the fireflies floating at night in an old tomb covered with moss, faint and crippled.

If you change to an ordinary person, he is already dead at this time. Even if he has practiced awe-inspiring, he will definitely not be able to support this time, but if Sangsang does not let him die, he will not die.

Only by living can feel this pain.

But he still did not surrender.

Sangsang looked at him with her hands clasped, her white face showing no emotion, her thin eyebrows frowned at some time, she didn’t expect him to last until this time.

In her human memory, Ning Que has never been an impassioned person, let alone a peaceful death. He is greedy for life and is afraid of death, loves leisure, and has no moral limit.

Why did he still refuse to submit to me until now?

Sangsang was a little confused, and realized that he had never really known this man, or that something had changed in him in the days he had left.

The night breeze is blowing in the Temple of Light.

The wind is very gentle, even softer than the hands of the most gentle lover. It fell on Ning Que, but it caused him extreme pain. Then, he felt an irresistible chill, and the whole body was cold. When she trembled, the breath exhaled between her lips was filled with some frost.

At this time, he does not have an inch of skin intact, that is, the flesh is about to be cut clean, and the night breeze is blowing directly on his bones and on the membrane-wrapped organs. How not? pain? How not to be cold? It is said that the chill is deep to the bone, who can understand this feeling better than he is at this time?

Ning Que suddenly felt that his body was very itchy. From the beginning to the fingertips to the abdomen, there seemed to be countless ants and insects biting in every place. He opened his eyes and looked at the body, and found that it was not Sangsang looking for it. To new and interesting punishment methods, new flesh is being reborn on the bones.

Those itches are the sensations of raw flesh.

His body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the white bones were re-wrapped in flesh and skin, and even no wound was seen again, smooth as a newborn baby.

Is this the miracle displayed by Haotian? Ning Que didn’t feel any joy, because he knew that it didn’t mean that Sangsang had compassion for him, but it meant the beginning of the next round of torture.

Sure enough, the gentle night breeze became fierce again.

Ning Que no longer felt itchy and cold, he only had one feeling left, and that was pain. The new flesh and blood was cut away again, and the terrifying rain fell on the temple floor again.

Ling Chi started again, and he was cut again and again.

The majestic voice echoed in the sea of ​​his knowledge, and that voice demanded his surrender.

He used humble silence to show resistance, and proud mockery to show disdain.

The starlight outside the temple quietly watched the most cruel and **** scene.

Time passed slowly. This was undoubtedly the longest night in Ning Que’s life.

He was constantly being overwhelmed and healed. The extreme pain made him crave for death. Then he realized that death was really not the most terrifying thing, but at this time he could no longer die.

His consciousness was distorted and shattered because of pain, and gradually blurred. He vaguely thought of the child who was cutting flesh and bones and returning to his father, the handsome **** who was cut into chicken feet when he stepped into the desert, thinking of the devil. Lian Sheng, who was sitting on Shigu Mountain in Zongshanmen, remembered another old **** who was famous for Ling Chi.

He doesn’t remember whether these people are real or fake, whether these memories are real or fake, and many pictures keep passing by, but they can’t comfort him, but make him more painful. But I don’t know why, he always maintained the last point of clarity, that point of stubbornness, and did not respond to the mighty command in the sea of ​​consciousness.

His forehead has been cut open, and water-like blood is constantly dripping. He half-squinted his eyes and looked at the fat woman on the ground through the **** curtain.

Looking at this woman, he was born with such a strong fear for the first time in his life, and because of this, he was born with such a strong anger for the first time in his life.

He stared at Sangsang like a dying beast, panting in pain, his eyes red.

He can’t speak, but he can speak to her in consciousness.


There is no emotion on Sangsang’s face, looking at him quietly.

He looked at her and said: “**You.”

Sangsang still has no response.

He said: “If you have the ability, kill me, otherwise one day, you will still be crushed by me, then I will be like you today, non-stop **.”

Sangsang said: “Stupid human beings.”

Her voice echoed in the secluded Temple of Light. This was the first time Ning Que heard her speak, not speaking in consciousness, but directly hearing her voice.

Ning Que laughed silently, hoarse like a broken bellows.

“You are Haotian, but you have been **** by an ant-like human like me… Haotian can’t jump out of cause and effect, you can’t change what has happened. Even if you can fix that layer of film, fix that section Erasing the memory can’t change the fact that you have been fucked, so you are angry.”

He looked at her and said: “You make me miserable, and I will naturally make you unhappy, as long as you dare not kill me, then you will eventually become angry about this matter.”

His **** face showed a sincere smile, and his dim eyes were full of firm and calm emotions, which looked extremely strange and heart-palpiting.

Sangsang said: “You did successfully arouse my anger.”

Ning Que suddenly felt a chill from his thighs.

According to the truth, his body is already numb due to pain at this time, and he should not feel any coolness, so it shows that this coolness is not only from physical, but also from psychological.

Ning Que looked down with difficulty, only to see the blood and blood between his legs, and an important thing had disappeared, and then he felt unbearable pain.

The pain was so violent that he almost fainted, and his lower abdomen and thighs kept twitching. The flesh and blood remaining on it swayed constantly, and the picture looked bloody.



After a long time, Ning Que woke up from the pain. He looked at his **** thighs and realized that he had been castrated.

In history, many men were cut off by their wives. Most of them were originally because they were unfaithful. Ning Que believed that he was loyal to Sangsang, so he could not accept this fact.

Moreover, no matter how strong the willpower is, he suddenly found out that he had become an **** and wanted to convince himself that all this was an illusion, so he was silent for a long time.

“It’s fine to murder my husband. Even if you abuse me thousands of times, I can treat you like first love, but if you do this, it has exceeded my limit and I am very unhappy.”

He looked at Sangsang and said very seriously.

In Sangsang’s eyes, Ning Que was no different from those stupid and humble humans, especially when he tried to provoke her with those profanity.

“I should have known for a long time what your tolerance limit is. I am very happy to make you unhappy. I also want to know what else you can do if you are unhappy.”

Ning Que said: “I have repeated it many times, and I will **.”

“Fuck, it’s a sexual act performed by a lower life in order to reproduce offspring. Since you try to make me always remember the sexual act that happened before, and you want to threaten me with sexual acts in the future, then I will Destroy your **** organs, without **** organs, you can’t have **** naturally.”

Sangsang looked at him blankly and said.

Ning Que looked at her quietly and said, “Have you ever heard of the word Yi Yin?”

Sangsang’s expression changed drastically where the voice fell.

Because she felt a hand touching her body.

The hands are very yin, very presumptuous.

The hands are not real hands, but a thought.

Ning Que’s eyes fell on her plump breasts.

Sangsang’s eyebrows are frowned, and he feels that his hands are digging into his clothes, rubbing his chest.

She knew why this was, but she couldn’t cut off this connection, because it was a natal connection, and all of Ning Que’s thoughts and thoughts could be concretely presented in her consciousness.

He and her sorrows and joys can be connected, as can desires.

When she abused Ning Que before, she was actually suffering that kind of extreme pain, but she was the omnipotent Haotian, and she was able to withstand pain that humans could not bear.

And when the pain becomes desire, can she bear it?

Many years ago, Ning Que, who had never been unable to practice, officially embarked on the path of practice. In the process of searching for his life, the old Bi Zhai courtyard often rang like a crisp smile like a silver bell. Sometimes she yelled twice, because she always felt that the young master was tickling her.

She is his destiny, and his thoughts will fall on her.

Even if she is Haotian now, he can’t completely control her, but at least he can touch her like he did before.

He can touch her if he wants to touch her.

Tonight in the holy temple of light, he began to touch her non-stop.

I don’t know if she will start to touch him again and again later.



(On the surface it seems to be torturing, but in fact it is a hip-hop route. The process of becoming a **** is the focus of writing the night’s thoughts, but the number of paths I want to go is different. I want to follow the family comedy style. Because as a person, the most solid and common is not family comedy?) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to recommend it to a registered member of Piaotian Literature. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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