Nightfall Chapter 54: Slash continuously

The bridge has not been broken. The majestic divine power came to Qianping from the Guangming Temple on the top of the Taoshan Mountain, and poured into the body of the Tsing Yi Xiaosi. In a very short time, his breath was An extremely astonishing change has taken place, from an ordinary person to a very powerful practitioner, and the realm cultivation is constantly improving, and in a short time, he reached the pinnacle of knowing life, and even continued to move on until he reached the five realms!

The young man in Tsing Yi lowered his head, his body was dazzling, and his face was invisible. The people in front of the altar didn’t know who he was, and they didn’t understand that he was the master teacher and displayed the magical powers of the apocalypse, why the peerless power bestowed by Haotian Entering his body, and it is actually coming from a source, it seems that there is no time to cut off!

The power that does not belong to the human world, entering an ordinary human, caused a very strong induction in the heavens and the earth. A wave that is invisible to the naked eye radiated from the body of the young man in Tsing Yi and spread to all parts of the world. Chang’an spread to Minshan to the farthest Beihai.

There is no doubt that this is the greatest apocalypse in the history of spiritual practice!

The Apocalypse realm is a great supernatural power above the five realms. It often only appears in the legends of the Xiling Church and the stories passed by word of mouth. Ordinary people don’t say they have seen it, or even heard it.

The guests who came to Taoshan to participate in the Light Festival today, or powerful practitioners, or nobles in the world, have some understanding of these secrets. Some people have even seen the apocalypse with their own eyes, but they have never I have imagined that Tianqi can last so long, why Haotian is so generous to that person?



Sangsang stood on the terrace of the Temple of Light, looking at the cliff and flowing clouds, very angry, because that power was constantly leaving her tall body and falling into the body of the person in Taoshan Qianping.

She is in the world, and this apocalypse is naturally grand. As for why such a scene appears, no one in the world understands, she understands, because this situation has appeared before.

In that deep winter many years ago, in the city of Chang’an, she hadn’t woken up yet, and she was still the man’s handmaid. When the man fought Xiahou decisively, she stood on the snow cliff by the snow lake with a **** umbrella . He wanted to sing to her that night, so she opened up all of her soul to him, and then she began to sing to Xuehu and to him.

She doesn’t want to sing to him today, but he can listen if he wants to.

Her power entered that person’s body, and a bridge was rebuilt between her and him, which made her extremely angry. Although this did not exceed her calculation, she was still angry.

After coming to the world, she wanted to cut off the bond of dust and cut off all contact with that human being, so she didn’t go to Chang’an, she didn’t go to see him, but what happened at this time proved that even she It seemed that he had cut off everything with him, and no longer felt each other, but as long as she really started to sing, then he was the only listener, because she was his natal since a long time ago.

At the moment of the apocalypse, she met him again, no matter how hard to separate, she knew what he was thinking, and he could know what she was thinking, he and she seemed to have become a separate world again.

Sangsang on the Snow Lake gave her life and soul to that person, willingly, but she in the Temple of Light was extremely angry and felt extremely disgusting.

There was thunder and lightning in her eyes, and she waved her hand like a knife to cut off the bridge, and the power in her body no longer continued to send to the bottom of Taoshan, but she could no longer cut off the dust.

She felt the past that only she and him could understand, felt his breath, her face turned pale, not knowing whether it was because of the passing of power or anger.

For some reason, she didn’t want to kill him for the time being, so she met several times in Taoshan these days. She was angry and disgusted, and the world changed color. There was a storm from thousands of miles away. The Xiling Temple was shaken, but finally suppressed by herself. Staying with these emotions, but at this time she can no longer control it. She just wants to kill him in the shortest time. No matter whether the flood is surging or the catastrophe is over, she just wants him to die.

But before killing him, she has to do one thing first.

She wants to rub the sword behind her into scraps of copper and iron.

The sword came down from the mountain.

This is Liu Bai’s sword.

The strongest sword in the world.

She kept looking at the foot of the mountain angrily, ignoring the sword.

Because this sword can’t get close to her at all.

Liu Bai’s sword is now quietly stopping in the air behind her.

The autumn light at noon, spilling from the outside, brightened the Temple of Light. When the light passed through the space between the sword and her, it bends slightly. Only then can we see that the space in front of the sword Sunken.

Looking more carefully, you can find that Liu Bai’s sword is not static, but is advancing at an unimaginable speed, but he has never been able to penetrate the space in front of him!

Motion and stillness are strangely blended together. This picture is very strange.

There is an invisible and transparent barrier that protects her body like a ball and isolates her from the world. Apart from the dust, no one can enter her world.

This is the space she used to condense with rules, which is infinitely more powerful than the realm opened up by human practitioners, because in the world of Haotian, no other independent worlds are allowed to exist, but this space is different from Hao. The world of heaven comes from the same source, although it is not connected but faintly interlinked, there is no end to the new power of resurrection. Compared with the independent space formed by the cicada wings in the battle of Chang’an, Yu Lian looks so weak and small.

Her small world is the space itself. Liu Bai’s sword made the space behind her begin to deform. You can imagine how terrifying this sword is, but even so, it is still inaccessible!

She turned and looked at the sword that seemed to be quiet, but flew trembling at high speed, and stretched out her hand.

If she wants to, they are the stars in the night sky, she can take them off as long as she reaches out.

Not to mention this is just a sword in the world.

At this moment, an autumn wind blows into the Temple of Light.

Today Taoshan Guangming Festival, there is no one in the Guangming Temple, she is not a human.

With this autumn wind, one person came to the temple.

Liu Bai.

His hand was holding the hilt of the sword before her fingers touched the blade.

He looked at him quietly, and flicked his right hand forward.

She didn’t expect him to appear on Momoyama, so after returning to the world, her face showed the first serious expression in the true sense, and her brows frowned slightly.

The moment Liu Bai was still in the Southern Jin Jiange, the next moment he came and appeared in the Temple of Light. Although he is the strongest swordsman in the world, he can’t be without distance, so how did he come?

She glanced at Liu Bai, saw the ancient sword, and understood.

There was a crisp sound, echoing in the quiet temple.

The reason why the glazed lamp in the Xuankong Temple shattered, the inkstone in the Zhishou Temple was broken, the bones in the gate of the Mozong Mountain were cracked, and the iron blocks on the furnace at the back of the academy collapsed because of these people In the unknowable place, I witnessed Liu Bai’s sword style.

His sword can pierce the gap between heaven and man, so the world is in harmony.

A small gap appeared in the small world in front of her.

The invisible barrier formed by the most basic spatial rules was pierced by Liu Bai’s sword.

The sharp blade of the sword pushed forward an inch, one inch closer to her body.

Then the inch Xu Jianfeng began to rust at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She looked at him quietly, and slowly stretched out her finger.

Why did Liu Bai come to Peach Mountain in an instant because of unknown distance?

Because his sword can cross thousands of miles.

And now he is his own sword.

When he held the hilt in his hand, he could pierce her little world.

Because he is not stabbing with the sword in his hand, but the sword with the heart.

He has an ancient sword in his heart. The sword used to slay the golden dragon and the gods on the wasteland, and today he became one with him and came to her.

She confirmed that Liu Bai is the most powerful person in the world today.

But she was still expressionless, and she stretched out her fingers to destroy the sword in his heart.

Because she is the rule of this world, even if Liu Bai’s sword can pierce the space between heaven and human, she still has time, that eternal and cold time.

At this moment, an iron arrow shot at her back without a whistling sound, because the speed of the iron arrow was too fast, and it was about to ignore the distance of space.



The bridge was cut by her.

The majestic divine power that fell from the Temple of Light to Taoshan Qianping finally stopped falling.

The grandest apocalypse in the history of spiritual practice has come to an end.

Tsing Yi Xiaosi raised his head. At this time, his body was completely filled with the purest and most sacred divine power, and every breath and even every pore was overflowing with light white light.

People still can’t see his face clearly, but they can clearly feel the horror that he exudes, and the handyman around him fled in horror.

The young man in Tsing Yi raised his right foot and then dropped.

The bluestone slabs on the soles of the feet were chipped and cracked in the long-dried fields. The front ground of Taoshan shook slightly, as if an earthquake had occurred, and all the people near him were shaken to the ground.

The soil overturned, and an iron bow appeared in his hand.

This iron bow has never been as complete as it is today. The powerful bowstring is pulled to the extreme by his two arms, and it even makes people feel as if it might break at any time.

The string is curved like a full moon.

He thought silently, and now it can finally be described as a full moon.

On the bowstring like a full moon is a dark iron arrow.

The cold cluster of arrows aimed at the high **** above Taoshan Qianping.

The **** has ten thousand veils and has ten thousand zhang radiance.

The figure in the gods seems extremely tall.

The string sounded.

The iron arrow moved forward abruptly, and the shaft of the arrow rubbed violently against the diamond inlaid on the bow.

The rune on the iron arrow is complete.

The iron arrow flew out of the bow, and the tail of the arrow brought out a terrifying turbulence.

Then disappeared.

As the string rang, countless shocked shouts rang around the altar.

“Ning Que!”

“Thirteen Yuan Arrows!”

The people around the altar still couldn’t see the face of Tsing Yi Xiao Si, but they saw the iron bow, so they knew who he was, because there was only one such iron bow in the world.

This iron bow belongs to Ning Que.

Ning Que in the college.



(Today is very hard. I will report on the specific reasons later. There is a chapter I will continue to work hard on. Thank you first, and then double the number on the 1st. Please vote for the new monthly ticket for Jiangye. Thank you very much. I will continue to write.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Piaotian Literature registered members to recommend this work. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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