Nightfall Chapter 49: A white smoke

The moon is as before, the wind is no longer, and the remaining snow is still there, and the blood on the snow is thrilling. The ruling temple is silent, only occasionally the sound of the stone wall peeling off. .

The middle-aged Taoist walked to the terrace, Xiong Chumo and [***] Hai also walked over. The three looked at the bottomless abyss under the bar, the mist under the moonlight and the accumulation on the cliff. The old tree with snow remained silent for a long time.

Then they left each without talking or looking at each other. Ning Que jumped down, Haotian jumped down, and Ye Hongyu jumped down tonight. Ning Que and Haotian can live, she can’t Alive.

Since death is the only ending, there is no need to care anymore.

It’s just that people are dead, and the matter is not over. She is the God of Judgment. Her death will cause a lot of troubles. There are many things that Dao Sect has to deal with. Xiong Chumo will start to prepare to suppress the anger of the Judgment Temple.[** *] Hai will help to re-stabilize Momoyama’s situation, and the middle-aged Taoist will regain the will of Tao.

The more important thing is that with the battle tonight, with the death of Ye Hongyu, Daomen began to officially destroy Protestantism, and the war with Tang and the Academy will officially begin.

The three people left, and the severely damaged temple returned to the loneliness of no one again. Naturally, someone would be arranged under the cliff to confirm Ye Hongyu’s death and search for her body. Only when she arrived, even if she could Returning to the Temple of Judgment, this shrine of murder can no longer welcome its owner.



The night is deep and the moon is hidden behind the thick clouds. The criss-cross streams on the ground, the stone bridges on the clear water and the hardy wildflowers under the bridges are all swallowed by the night.

It was very cold this year. The fields outside Yangzhou City were a little firmer, but in the dead of night, there was a muffled noise. Someone fell from the city and hit the ground hard, knocking out the frozen ground. After several cracks, the man’s leg bones suddenly broke, but under such pain, there was still no sound.

Wang Jinglue’s eyebrows were tightly twisted, even if the night was deep, he couldn’t hide the pale color on his face. Numerous beads of sweat forced out of his body, instantly wetting his whole body.

He wiped off the **** water from the corners of his lips and crawled forward on the ground with his hands as his feet. He was slightly relieved when he got into a bush and confirmed that he would not be easily spotted.

At this moment, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground again sounded in front of the city wall. He pulled up the bush and looked there, and saw a person lying on the ground. The person was bloodstained and he was obviously dead.

Rapid footsteps sounded above the city wall, and dozens of torches were lit, but in an instant, the dark night was driven away, and the city was illuminated like daylight.

The person lying motionless on the ground was also clearly illuminated by the torch. His face was full of blood, but he was barely able to see his facial features–Wang Jinglue’s body shook slightly, and the hand holding the branch trembled slightly, his face Become paler because he knew that person, to be precise, he knew that person very well.

In the past few years, Wang Jinglue, on behalf of the imperial court, secretly contacted those young people who had a history of the Tang Dynasty in Yangzhou City, and made a lot of progress. The young man who died at this time was one of them.

The city of Yangzhou became annoying, there were shouts of killing, and the sound of weapons hitting. Wang Jing looked up with difficulty, knowing that on the city wall, those young people who were loyal to Chang’an were being chased by the strong men of the temple. To kill, his fists were clenched tighter and tighter, but he couldn’t do anything, he couldn’t help feeling desperate.

Someone fell down again, smashing heavily on the frozen field, smashing out the soil, splashing blood, and then more and more figures fell and died continuously.

His pale face was full of despair and pain, and his eyes were full of regret. He regretted not discovering that all his plans were controlled by the temple, regretting that he could not predict the temple’s sudden move.

He regretted letting these young people die.

These people who died tonight were his helping hands among the clans. They were young people from Qinghe County. In Ning Que’s words, they were real hope, but… no matter how hard the young people’s bones are, they are still Broke.

Wang Jinglue’s eye circles were red, his lips were bitten and he began to bleed.

He stared at the temple cavalry at the head of Yangzhou City, and looked at the figures under the torches. His body trembled in pain, like a wounded dog, but he did not dare to mourn.

He turned around and crawled on the ground like a dog, crawling to the deepest part of the night, crawling and bleeding. He must leave Qinghe County alive. He wants to tell Tang Jun from Qingxia what happened tonight. , Told Ning Que that the plan of the academy had failed, and told Chang’an that the war had begun.

Ning Que didn’t expect, nor did he expect that Xiling Temple would suddenly take action under such circumstances. Their career, the young people of Qinghe County, suffered unimaginable losses.

But, I will be back.

When I come back, iron hoofs will crush this hard and cold field, and torches will fill the manor by the Fuchun River, and the souls of the young dead will receive the grandest memorial.

Wang Jinglue crawled towards the dark night, turning away from the brilliance of the torches in Yangzhou City.

Snow fell suddenly and sprinkled on the dead young people.

It also spilled on him like a dog.



The straightest long street in Yangzhou City is brightly lit by lights.

The gods moved slowly in the middle of the street, and more than a dozen maids beside them kept sprinkling petals into the night sky. Those petals mixed with the new snow, and then fell together, holy and pure.

The breeze of the snow lifted up the veil in front of him, revealing the childish face of Hengmu Liren.

Thousands of Yangzhou people on both sides of the Long Street kneeled to the ground. At the forefront, the lord of the Qinghe County cliques also knelt on their knees. No one dared to look directly at his face.

Tonight’s Yangzhou City is chased and killed everywhere, with dead people everywhere. Blood poured into the cracks of the bluestone slabs and into the clear Fuchun River. It was the bloodiest night since the rebellion a few years ago.

The young people who were loyal to the city of Chang’an died a lot tonight. As for those who could not be discovered by the temple, they must be silent a lot after seeing such a **** picture.

Hengmu Liren only made one move tonight, and more than a dozen powerful men from the Tianshu of Tang Dynasty died. His hands were stained with blood, and his will is to make the blood cover Qinghe County.

His expression is still so peaceful, innocent and gratifying.

He is not the great priest of Xiling, but he has no less authority and majesty than the great priest of Xiling.

He is a gift left by Haotian to the world. He regards himself as Haotian’s spokesperson. He sits as a god, and walks slowly among the spreading flowers and snow, enjoying the awe and love of mortals.

He likes this feeling very much.

The war with Tang has finally begun. Can the man named Ning Que still sit in Chang’an City?

Ning Que, when will you come out?

When will you come to see me?

Please come and fight me.

Please come and be killed by me.

The fire light shines Yexue like white powder, and like catkins in spring.

Hengmu Liren’s gaze penetrated the sky full of wind and snow, passed Qingxia, and landed on Chang’an City, smiling and thinking.



There is snow everywhere in the Central Plains. Both Taoshan and Yangzhou City are covered by thin or thick snow. Later, Song Kingdom will also have a snowfall. That snow will definitely be remembered in history, and before that, The grassland, which was originally blizzard, suddenly stopped, the clouds dispersed and the snow disappeared, revealing the bright moon.

In the north of Weicheng, thousands of tents are being dismantled, countless livestock are being driven away, the warriors of the Golden Tent Palace are saddling their mounts, and tens of thousands of elite cavalry are about to set off. The scene is spectacular, but you can’t hear it. What sounds, except for the uneasy calls of livestock, seemed a little depressed.

As the most powerful force in the northern part of the mainland, winning consecutive wars with the Tang Dynasty in the past few years, the aristocratic subjects of the Golden Horde Court have enough qualifications to be proud, but the situation is different this time.

Tonight, the Golden Tent Palace will move south.

Southward migration is the south invasion.

This means that the final decisive battle is about to begin, and it means that you will live and die with the kingdom of Tang that has ruled the world for thousands of years. The proudest warrior of the Golden Account is also beginning to get nervous.

The first to leave Weicheng and head south was a seemingly ordinary motorcade. The motorcade consisted of more than a dozen large vehicles. There were not many people and no luggage, so it was easy to walk.

For the Golden Horde, this is the most important team.

The thirteen high priests of the prairie were sitting in their own carriages. The skull necklaces hung on their chests looked like pure jade under the moonlight from the window.

The national teacher hung a string of ordinary wooden beads on his chest, just like the ordinary clothes on his body, just like his ordinary face, he looked at the bright moon outside the window and smiled calmly, not knowing what to think.

For the practitioners of the Central Plains, he is a barbarian outside of Hua, even if he leads the Golden Tent King Court to the embrace of Haotian, he and the priests are still outside the orthodox world of practice.

But this does not affect his strength, nor does it affect his emotions.

He yearned for the bright moon very much. He wanted to go to the south to experience what the people of the Central Plains thought and thought. He wanted to go to Chang’an City. He wanted to go to the academy. Of course, he naturally didn’t want to come back.

Young Ada was also looking at the moon. The air was washed by the wind and snow for several days. The air was very clean. The grassland was very quiet in the middle of the night, so the moon appeared very round and very big.

Unlike the national teacher, Ah Da didn’t have much thoughts, he just felt that the moon was a bit dazzling, his eyes squinted, his childish face was full of irritability.

The King’s Court of the Golden Account was mobilized, and more than 100,000 horses were about to go south. Shan Yu was determined and moved very quickly, but Ah Da was still a little dissatisfied. He rushed to the south.

He wanted to kill the Tang general named Huaying, and he wanted to crush the last cavalry of the Tang army, from Xiangwanyuan to Hebei County, where there are water and grass will become his territory.

In this process, he will wait for the arrival of the iron arrow with the people in the convoy, and wait for the arrival of Yu Lian. He will break the arrow and kill the person.

Why? Because he wanted to do this, he wanted to retaliate against the Chinese man named Ning Que, he wanted to defeat the legendary academy, he thought, since he wanted to do this, then this should be the will of Changshengtian.



The capital of Song State, it hasn’t snowed yet.

The confrontation on the square has been going on for a long time. Thousands of Protestant believers, Daomen priests and Song State cavalry with a similar number, looked at each other nervously, already exhausted.

The torch was lit on the high platform to illuminate this corner. Ye Su sat after the case, looking at the moral analysis on the case and thinking quietly, Chen Pipi knelt down beside him, silent.

Tang Xiaotang and more than ten Jiange disciples, standing in front of the high platform, were silent.

Facing the attack on the temple, they don’t know how long they can last, let alone leave, so they have to wait.

The Nanhai girl Xiaoyu’s face is a bit ugly, because she represents the attitude of the Daomen at this time, but at the most critical moment of the day, the bell rang in the Daodian, and she could only stop and wait.

Waiting? Why wait? Could Haotian still give tolerance to these apostates? Could Ning Que really convince the master to let Ye Su and the Protestant followers go? wait for what?

No one knows what is waiting.

Waiting for the order to kill, or the arrival of peace.

People who know about the peace talks at Xiling Temple also feel that this kind of wait is too long.

Only Long Qing knows what Xiling Temple is waiting for.

Not waiting for the master to be persuaded or unable to persuade by Ning Que, not waiting for the final result of the peace talks, not waiting for Haotian’s order, but waiting for the death of a person.

In other words, the news of death.

The news of Ye Hongyu’s death. Her death was the beginning of this war.

The young ruling priest is not dead, so Dao Sect cannot act on Ye Su.

Long Qing knew, but didn’t care, because he knew it was inevitable. Whether it was tonight or tomorrow morning, her death would always come to the scene.

So he was still chopping wood and picking sticks very seriously like the daytime, and then piled it in the middle of the yard, carefully piled it up, just like making an exquisite handicraft.

Across a courtyard wall, thousands of people are facing each other outside, and he piles firewood on this side of the wall.

Because of the plenty of time, he chopped a lot of firewood. Now he can even stack all the snow-stained firewood to the bottom, and put only the dry, combustible, perfectly shaped fine firewood on the top of the pile. .

The dry pyre has been piled a few meters away, densely packed, very much like a tomb of a king.

It may also be the tomb of a saint.

At the top of the dry pyre, there are wooden stakes inserted, two horizontally and vertically, like a person and a cross.

A piece of rope hangs from the stake.

The ropes and stakes are used to tie people, and the firewood is used to burn people.

Time passed slowly, and the night gradually faded, the sky was white, and on the side of the courtyard, the chanting of Protestant believers sounded. The neat sound of the scriptures can drive away fatigue, and more importantly, drive away fear.

Long Qing listened to the tidy chanting outside the wall, and followed it gently, the tone was very interesting, as if singing.

He didn’t stop choosing the dry wood, his expression was serious and his mood was calm.

The silver mask was tied around his waist. He didn’t wear it. The scar on his face did not fade. What is strange is that the scar is no longer so terrifying and ugly, and the gray eyes look particularly charming on the beautiful face.

Listening to the sound of chanting from outside the wall, I slowly repeated, putting fine wood on the pile, Long Qing repeated these actions under the brighter sky, and then suddenly stopped.

“Ourselves are the way, truth, and life.”

He raised his head, his gaze crossed the courtyard wall, and fell to the east. He didn’t know whether it was the starting point or some other building. He murmured and repeated, with a thoughtful look on his face.

This city is the capital of Song Dynasty. It is not well-known on the mainland and cannot be compared with Linkang, let alone Chang’an. But this city has far-reaching significance to Daomen.

Here is the oldest Taoist temple on the mainland and has the longest history. Many great priests have been dedicated to the Xiling Temple. The people in Zhishou Temple have an inextricable relationship with this place.

The master Chen is also here.

Song Kingdom is one of the sources of Taoism and the most conservative place.

Ye Su chose to spread Protestantism here and regard this as the base camp of Protestantism. It was also based on this consideration. He wanted to move forward in the most dangerous places and see the sky in the abyss.

While thinking, a bell suddenly sounded in the distance.

The place where the bell starts should be the Taoist Temple of Song Dynasty.

Long Qing’s expression is slightly condensed.

When he saw the white smoke rising from the temple, he confirmed that the news had finally arrived.

The solemn bell sound, a white smoke rising up the clouds, only represents one thing.

A great priest in the Xiling Temple left the world and returned to the Haotian Kingdom.

Yeh Hongyu is dead.

The youngest ruling **** seat in history is dead.

Long Qing stood behind the courtyard wall, watching the white smoke gradually disperse in the sky, thinking of the dead woman, could not help but feel a lot of emotion, and was silent for a long time.

He and she were born in the Tianyuyuan and worked together in the Judgment Division. He is the second seat, she is the big seat, he is the son of Xiling, she is a peerless idiot, he has never been better than her.

When he chose to betray the Dao Sect for strength and became the lonely ghost, she had already sat on the Fang Mo Jade God Seat-the Mo Jade God Seat he never forgot.

In front of Ye Hongyu, he was always a loser, just like in front of Ning Que.

When he was the most beautiful back then, in his subconscious, he was still a little bit ashamed in front of Ye Hongyu, and even some instinctively fearful, so in the illusion of climbing in the academy, he would stabbed Lu Chen to death in front of her. Jia, he would regard her and Ye Su as the biggest demons in his cultivation.

Today, she finally died. Long Qing’s heart didn’t have the slightest joy, but a little emptiness, or it was because she didn’t die in his hands.

He can no longer make up for this regret, which is a pity.

Fortunately, Ye Su is still alive, and he still has a chance to be burned to death by his own hands.



The solemn sound of bells spread from the temple to the square, to the ears of thousands of Protestant believers and priests and deacons, washing away their fatigue and tension, and drawing their eyes to the temple.

A white smoke rose there, holy.

There is a dead silence. As a devout and once pious Haotian believer, people know what this means. Whether it is a Protestant believer, or a priest or deacon of the temple, or a cavalry of the Song court, it is because of that thread White smoke became silent, and the shock of the heart was not resolved for a long time.

If it is another moment, people should kneel down at the white smoke, expressing their grief and reminiscence, but now, this white smoke is even more a signal, a signal for war.

Xiao Yu raised the Taoist sword in his hand and pointed it at the people on the high platform.

Behind her, dozens of powerful Taoists, as well as more priests and deacons, walked forward slowly, and more and more Song State cavalry surged in the streets around the square.

The butcher knife has been raised, and the isolated and helpless Protestants squeezed in one place in fear, and retreated back. The threat of death caused them to wake up from the shock brought by the white smoke.

Ye Su sat after the case, with his right hand resting on the scroll, looking sideways at the white smoke that has not yet dispersed. He was silent for a long time. The approaching enemies and nearby deaths could not make his eyes shift. .

His sister died because he was dead.

In the past ten years, he has been harsh to her, even cold, because of Chen Pipi, because of those things, but she has treated him as young as he was.

She is the best person to him in the world.

That person, go.

Yes Su was silent and speechless.

“Let’s go.” After an unknown period of time, he said: “The teacher wants me to die, so I will die. If you live, that’s fine.”

Yes, it’s better to live than to die.

Looking at the white smoke, he thought sadly.

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