Nightfall Chapter 273: Isn’t this an understanding?

Volume Two, Winter Lake, Chapter 273, Isn’t This a Comprehension

Ning Que did not deceive Ye Hongyu. He really took Sangsang to the Red Sleeve Trick, but today he did not hang out in the Shuishi Nursery, nor did he spy on the newly promoted red cards, but honestly. On the top floor, sitting in everyone Jane’s room, rolled up his sleeves and launched an offensive against the pot of lamb soup. Sanctuary

The earthen bowl of sheep offal, the utensils are excellent, plus more than ten dishes of small vegetables and vegetables, there is green in the steaming steam, it is really a wonderful winter solstice festival atmosphere.

Ning Que picked up chopsticks and lamb from the bowl, dipped it with garlic, and put it into his mouth to chew, and put the Jiujiang double-steamed brew in the cup into his lips, his brows frowned. It was like something extremely difficult.

Everyone, Jane took the towel that Xiaocao handed over, wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked at him and said, “I have already taken the words of the queen, empress, as long as you can finish the day quietly, empress is willing Pay whatever price you need, and of course she will apologize to you again on behalf of Xiahou.”

Ning Que pointed to his brows that were so hot as to be frowned by the strong liquor, and said: “The problem is that there are entanglements between the eyebrows and eyebrows that cannot be stretched, and I can’t think about it smoothly.”

“You are spoiled by the wine. It is better to drink as Sangsang, so don’t choose strong wine to drink.”

Everyone Jane’s words seem to have a deep meaning. After saying this, she was silent for a long time before she again cautiously and gently persuaded: “Tolerance and quietness is great wisdom.”

Ning fault nodded and said, “I understand this.”

Jane everyone laughed comfortingly, and then sighed: “Before you came, I was really worried that you would be like that guy back then.”

According to the seniors in the academy, everyone Jane should be regarded as the little sister-in-law of the little uncle. In this case, she is the only one in this world who dares to call the little uncle the fellow.

“I don’t have the skills of Junior Uncle.” He said with a smile, then smiled gradually and said: “If I have the skill of Junior Uncle, naturally there is no need to bear it anymore. Since I have joined the world, of course I have to kill the generals. , We must not fall into the prestige of the master, let alone the prestige of the little uncle.”

Everyone frowned, Jane said: “Joining the world is not killing, but comprehension. The latest chapter of the church”

Ning Que said: “Isn’t killing someone an insight?”

After saying this, Ning Que became drunk. I don’t know if the double steamed brew from Hebei County made him drunk, or if he found that he was unable to tear open the densely woven nets of the strong in Chang’an. So he had to get drunk, maybe he just wanted to hide some of his thoughts by drunk.

As usual, after Red Sleeve got drunk, he slept in the small courtyard of water droplets. The warm fragrance on the bed was as old as the old, but fortunately, there was not much smelly feet from the master Yan Se.

Sangsang sat on the head of the bed, took a wet towel and put it on his forehead. She knew very well that Ning Que was pretending to be drunk at this time, so she declined the suggestion of making sober soup.

Ning Que did not dream in his slight drunkenness, did not see the darkness in the distance, did not see the three extremely cold black smoke and dust, did not see the infinite light on the sky above his head, he just put himself His consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and went all the way to the deepest seabed, picking up those fragments of consciousness and experiencing it silently.

These fragments of consciousness were obtained after a **** battle with Liansheng at the gate of the Demon Zong Mountain last year. Before his death, Master Liansheng forced these fragments of consciousness into the sea of ​​his knowledge. Since then, he has been carefully understanding , But there is no specific gain.

But he knows that these fragments of consciousness are very important, at least very important to him, because in Hulan Haibei, it is relying on these fragments of consciousness to face Xiahou’s domineering iron fist, he instinctively made extremely Effectively avoiding, it seems that Xiahou’s thoughts in the battle can be guessed.

Drunk in the warm bed, Ning Que’s right hand fell unconsciously on his waist, there were a few hard objects in his belt, the college’s waist badge, and other waist badges.

The signs in the belt seemed to give him some spiritual comfort, and made his consciousness lurking in the sea of ​​consciousness become more and more peaceful and clear-the deep layer of the consciousness fragments left by Master Liansheng Meaning, he still didn’t have enough realm to fully comprehend at this time, but he already understood what important role these consciousness fragments would have in the battle against Xiahou.

On the shore of Yanming Lake, Ye Hongyu once said that great practitioners who have entered the realm of life knowing can perceive the most subtle changes in the vitality of the world, and all the means of the opponent cannot surpass their experience and perception. This kind of battle Consciousness is the truly terrifying place for those who know fate. (《》)

Ning Que’s current realm is the upper realm of Dongxuan. If he wants to cross the realm to fight with the great practitioners who know the realm of fate, the huge gap in fighting consciousness will make him desperate.

However, there are many fragments of consciousness left by lotus in the depths of his consciousness.

The one who used to be the great priest of Xiling and the protector of the Buddha Zongshan gate has already reached the pinnacle of fate. If it were not for some very mysterious reasons, he would not take that step, I am afraid it will be early He had already broken through the five realms and became a transcendent and saintly generation.

What is the state of consciousness fragments left by Master Liansheng?

Ning Que didn’t know, this kind of thing can only be known in battle.



After waking up, Ning Que faded away from alcohol and was refreshed. He confirmed that his body and spirit were in the best state of his life, and then he and Sangsang left the red sleeve trick.

The wind and snow in Chang’an City were heavier than in the morning, and the flakes were like goose feathers, dancing restlessly, and then fell, dyeing the whole city white. Ning Que and Sangsang supported the dirty The **** umbrella, walking in this plain ice and snow world, is like a dazzling ink drop.

The common people in the city are celebrating the festival, accompanied by the mellow haggis soup, and the thick snow on the eaves seems to have become freshly cooked lamb slices. The princes and nobles also have to celebrate the festival, just those in North City. In the quiet and solemn mansion, no lively sounds came out.

Ning Que knows why. The officials in the mansion will go outside the imperial city today to see Xiahou off, and may even send the general out of Chang’an City.

He held the handle of the **** umbrella in his right hand, and held Sangsang’s hand in his left hand, walking in the wind and snow, in the beautiful atmosphere of the city, and in the clear atmosphere of the northern city, silent.

Since the summer of the fifteenth year of the Apocalypse, Chang’an City has been in Chang’an for a long time. People in this city, even the seniors in the academy, probably thought they would continue to calm down like this, thinking that Ning Que had already Give up that idea, because no matter how you look at it, people can’t find a suitable method for him.

Ning Que can’t give up. Just like what he said to Sangsang in the summer, if he doesn’t kill Xiahou, Xiahou will be really old. The matter of revenge is not important in itself. The important thing is that he should give his life a life. Confession, without this confession, his life is bound to be incomplete.

He may die, because Xiahou is indeed very powerful. In the wasteland, even the big brother said that he was not sure that he could kill this person. But he didn’t think he was going to die, because no one in this world knew better than him except the Master, and he was already very powerful now.

Life is like all kinds of idiots. For fifteen years, Ning Que has solved many problems, and his goal of solving problems is today’s battle, and he firmly believes that he will win.



The heavy snow enveloped the imperial city.

The vermilion palace wall stands out in the snow.

The atmosphere in front of the imperial city is not the same as the coldness of the wind and snow. Dozens of luxurious horse-drawn carriages are waiting outside the palace square. A few hundred feet away from the moat’s Yulan is the palace gate, where there are many people.

His Royal Highness Li Peiyan is here, the military leader Zhenguo General Xu Shi is here, the scholars in the pavilion are here, the scholars are here, except for the prime minister who recuperated due to illness, all the big figures of the Tang court and the military They all appeared before the imperial city because they wanted to see off General Xiahou.

Looking at the tall figure slowly walking out of the imperial city gate, the faces of the big figures showed complicated emotions, with comforting smiles, sighs, and sadness.

This was the first general of the Tang Empire who was disarmed and returned to the old during the Apocalypse years. Going back more than a hundred years, he was probably the only general who had no reason to defuse his military power.

Xiahou walked slowly outside the city gate, looking at those adults and colleagues who had been in the same court for decades, the expression on his solemn cheek was also very complicated.

Leaving the palace and going to his hometown, he is no longer a general but an old farmer. He is indeed a little bit reluctant. He does not give up the power to hold a murderous knife. He does not give up the iron cavalry in the barracks, and does not give up the light at night. Look at the years of the sword.

The most reluctant thing is that Tang Lu couldn’t shake him, and the enemy’s army couldn’t defeat him. Even the Xiling Temple silently indulged him, but he was forced to leave this prosperous stage.

However, your majesty gave a banquet, the Manchu dynasty, civil and military, and many rewards. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there are not many ministers who can get this honor. What’s more, a traitor to the demon sect can become a Daoist guest, a general of the Tang Dynasty, and open Territorial expansion, countless killings, but being able to return to the old safely and live forever, this is a perfect life.

Xiahou is very satisfied.

In the quiet city gate, walked to the outside of the palace, to the big people who were smiling and looking at him. With every step he took, he relaxed a bit.

Walking out of the city gate, the army boots stepped on the snow, making a creak, and Xiahou frowned slightly. Instead of responding to the prince who greeted him personally, he looked towards the south of the imperial city.

His Royal Highness looked slightly different and turned to look.

The people at the gate of the palace all noticed something strange, and turned around to look over there in doubt.

General Xu Shilao suddenly coughed in pain, and his gray eyebrows were in the snow all over the sky, like two sticky pieces of snow that would not fall, a little angry and a little helpless.

In the wind and snow, a **** umbrella came slowly.

There are two people under the black umbrella.

The black umbrella is very big, the umbrella surface is very thick, no matter how big the wind and snow can invade, goose feather and heavy snow fell on the greasy black umbrella surface, did not stick, but seemed a little afraid, sliding to the sides .

Looking at the **** umbrella slowly coming in the snow, Xiahou felt completely relaxed for some reason. Only now did he realize that he had been waiting for this person to arrive.



(The traditional version of Jiang Ye has been released last month. I received a sample book today. I like it very much. Thanks to the classmates from the publishing house and the friends from Taiwan. The one with good voice in China, is not my favorite, I still like the version of Yang Zongwei’s broken sound…)


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