Nightfall Chapter 23: Going on horse as a thief (7)

Volume II, Winter Lake, Chapter 23, Mounted as a Thief (7)

There are advantages and disadvantages to both speed and slowness. This is not a dialectic, nor a philosophical question, but a very simple truth. The horse thief charged down from the meadow, too fast, so he was caught in the rocky and desolate, and the dark horse speed So fast, with Ning Que’s arrow technique, he could only shoot three arrows and rushed to the edge of the horse thieves.

He backed the boxwood hardwood bow to his shoulders, stretched his hands forward to hold the saddle horizontally, and raised his arms and elbows. The blade broke through the air, and he chopped off half of the shoulder of a horse thief. The waist is straight, the arms are steep, and the sharp point of the knife rushes before the scimitar hits, picking the eyeballs of another horse thief.

When the three riders crossed like lightning, the blood from the horse thief’s broken shoulder and the slurries from the eye sockets burst out. He sprayed all over his face, and the smell of blood mixed with other peculiar smells, which was very strange.

It is said that blood is hot and wind is cold, but Ning Que feels that the wind blowing on his face is hot, but the blood spilling on his face is cold. Because he was so calm, he still clearly remembered the combat principles he had held for many years.

Killing a horse thief is never as good as hurting a horse thief. A horse thief died and died. If a horse thief is seriously injured for a while, it will drag down more horse thief companions. This kind of careful thinking is cruel, but very useful.

Looking at more than a dozen horseback thieves rushing towards him, Ning Que took a deep breath, clamped the **** horse under him, raised the simple sword horizontally, and turned into a blade to kill him. Behind him, the two hundred swallows Qi finally rushed over, condensed together, and slammed to the side of the scattered horse thieves.



The winter wind in the wasteland returns, but the hair on the front of the forehead cannot be blown because the hair has been soaked in the blood of the horse thief. At this time, the hair is sticky and thick, just like Ning Que’s tangled mood at this time.

The camp is a mess, and there have been several gaps in the car array. The horse thief temporarily retreated, but the wave of abandoning horses before retreating still caused great damage to the camp. The camp was full of militia soldiers with **** eyes and numbness and dying, if it were not for the Xiu Jianjian of the Dahe country girls. Ruthless, I’m afraid that the horse thief had already broken through.

The situation of the horse thieves is not much better. At the edge of the low-lying land not far from the camp, many horses with severe hooves are lying on the cold ground and dying, shaking their heavy heads on the horses’ bodies. Under or next to him, there were many dead horse thieves lying down.

But all the horse thief wounded soldiers were taken back by their companions. From this point, it can be seen that although the horse thief was severely wounded, he still did not collapse, and had the ability and spirit to attack again.

Ning Que raised his arm to wipe the blood that was slowly dripping between his eyebrows, and looked back to the northwest of the camp, where Yan Qi was fighting with a horse thief and gradually moving away. He couldn’t help but shook his head.

In the Central Plains people’s impression, the horse thief on the grassland is the most brutal existence in the world, but he has been dealing with horse thief for many years, but he believes that the horse thief is the most timid and useless existence in the world. Cruelty is just a cover for the weakness of the heart.

At this time, the six hundred horseback thieves around the meadow became fierce and dared to slaughter the tribes directly under the royal court. When they were timid, a team of Tang soldiers could chase their buttocks. The key lies in their strength, horse thieves. Realistic creatures are most sensitive to power gaps, so they are the easiest to break up.

Ning Que thought he knew the nature of the horse thief. He chose the camp last night. He hidden the location. There was no problem with the timing. He thought that with two hundred Yan riding a strong charge to the side of the horse thief, he could take the five hundred Yu Riding Thief directly broke down, but he forgot that it was not the old guys in Weicheng who charged with him to the Horse Thief, nor was it Tang Qi from the West Route Army in the Southern Bishui Camp, but the Yan Army with extremely low combat effectiveness. cavalry.

The combat effectiveness of the Yanjun cavalry was actually worse than Ning Que’s worst assumption.

Two hundred swallows, occupying the right time to charge the horse thieves, did not disperse the horse thieves, and could not even complete a cavalry penetration. They were directly dragged into the fight by the horse thieves who rushed into the fight. After several charges, So dozens of Yanqi were chopped down to the ground by horse thieves. If it weren’t for the horse thieves’ formation at the time, they were also extremely chaotic. Perhaps this long-prepared side attack would cause the entire Yanqi army to be wiped out.

Yanqi fought with the horse thief for a while. Both parties could not bear it. They separated for the time being. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Que rode a **** horse back to the camp. There is no more hope, and another reason is that there is a vigilance in his heart, an inexplicable vigilance.



A scream suddenly sounded in the cold air, and Ning Que reacted swiftly and turned on his side. A feather arrow flew past his clothes, and shot into a grain wheel, the tail trembling violently.

Regarding that the black mask was soaked with horse thief’s blood, it was a bit smelly and unpleasant. He re-hanged the mask, took off the boxwood hardwood bow behind him, accused the hard string, and shot a horse thief who rushed to the camp with an arrow. .

Then he felt a faint soreness coming from the depths of his shoulders. He knew that he had pulled the bow too many times today. If he continued to hold on like this, his right arm might be pulled.

The horse thief was obviously not willing to give the people in the food brigade camp too much opportunity to breathe. After a short break, he attacked fiercely again, completely disregarding his own casualties. This kind of action, regardless of the cost, has nothing to do with interests and risks. Beyond Ning Que’s knowledge of the horse thief, the doubts in his heart became more intense.

More than two hundred horse thieves came from four hundred and eight.

People who have become a little numb to life and death, in the last moment of life and death, they have aroused unprecedented courage. They carried crude wooden spears, passed through the gaps deliberately left in the car formation, and stabbed them outwards. go with.

A wooden spear pierced the chest and abdomen of a horse thief, and blood poured down.

Then three horse thieves climbed through the cart, brandished the scimitars, and slashed the men with wooden spears to blood.

A sharp sword light flashed.

The long and slender Xiu Jian slashed at the three horse thieves with a sneer.

One horse thief had a different head on the spot, and the other two horse thief broke their legs and retreated backwards in embarrassment.

Blood-covered folks rushed over like beasts, holding wooden sticks and rocks picked from nowhere, surrounded the two horse thieves and smashed them down, they repeated their movements numbly, don’t know It was smashed so many times, until there was no sound in the end, it stopped a little stiffly.

After the Tmall girl slashed into the wind, she habitually uttered a cute chick. Then, she was shocked by the **** scene in front of her. Her red face was covered with dust, but she couldn’t hide it. The panic and panic in her clear eyes. After all, she is too young. Where has she seen such scenes?

Ning Que reached out and grabbed the nape of her neck, and threw her behind like a cat, avoiding a feather arrow, holding the knife one block and one block and then sending it away, cutting off a secretly attacking horse thief. arm.

The horse thief clutched his **** right shoulder and knelt to the ground in pain. Ning Que didn’t even look at him again. He held Pudao and went down dangerously. He knew if his arm was broken. The horse thief with the sword will be overwhelmed by the folks in the next moment, so he will naturally not take any more effort.

The car array is broken, and everyone in the camp will die. Based on this simple understanding, whether it is a civil servant or a soldier of the State of Yan, they have become extremely brave at this time. They can get what they can pick. Any weapon, desperately attacked the horse thieves who climbed from the carriage board.

But it is the Mochiyuan disciples from Dahe Country who have really kept the camp until now. These girls and boys without much battlefield experience, relying on the pride and perseverance endowed by the sect Swordsmanship, drawn a sword aura between the wasteland meadows, and cut down the tricky horse thieves.

However, there are too many horse thieves and too few disciples in Mochi Garden. Although the civilian husband and soldiers are desperate, they still can’t change the overall situation. The camp is surrounded by dangers and may be breached at any time. It seems that they have already entered a desperate situation.

At this moment, a clear flute sounded from the carriage in the middle of the camp.

Listening to the sound of this flute, the disciples of Mochi Garden such as Zhuo Zhihua, Tmall Girl, etc. refreshed. They did not hesitate to think about their strength, their swords were stacked, and the horse thief in front of them was forced to retreat. Before the grain bag.

Hearing the sound of the flute and observing these scenes, Ning Que’s mood was a bit solemn, and even a faint anger was revealed in his eyes outside the black mask.



This is the team that transports grain and grass to the King’s Court of the Left Tent. It is escorted by swallows and horses and mules and horses are required to transport grain. So in addition to a lot of carts and grain, they also bring a lot of hay for mules and horses.

The grain truck unloading board forms a circular car array. The cloth bags filled with grass are all concentrated under the board. On the one hand, it is used to strengthen the fortifications, and on the other hand, it can also play a role in reducing arrow damage.

Hearing the sound of the flute, the Mochiyuan disciples came to these straw bags and used their swords to lift them into the air outside the car array. At this time, it happened that a wave of horse thieves attacked again.

I don’t know if it’s the reason why the disciples of Mochi Garden show their sword qi, or some other reason, more than ten bags of hay flew into the air, and the bag suddenly burst, and the sack broke apart with the hay in the bag. It’s more like being hit hard by someone, spreading around at a very fast speed, like a grass rain.

As the hay bags burst into pieces, an extremely dry smell enveloped the entire camp. In the grass rain formed by each bag of hay, a spark faintly lit up, and then instantly… the entire sky was burning. stand up.

The grass rain turned into a rain of fire, falling from the sky, concealing the light of the eastern sunrise, and turning the entire periphery of the camp into a sea of ​​fire. The horse thieves who were depressed by the strange scene had no time to react and were caught The sea of ​​fire engulfed and became a poor man about to drown and burn to death.

The civilian soldiers and soldiers in the camp were also stunned by this scene. They were holding all kinds of weapons and looked at them close at hand, but there was no sea of ​​fire flying into the car array, as if they saw Hao The miracle of the sky.

Only Ning Que noticed the sudden change in the vitality between heaven and earth when the hay bags burst and burned. He felt the faint rune force in each bag of hay, and even saw the subtle pictures of the burning rune paper.

The talisman fire started from the grass, quickly burned and spread, and fell on the horse thief. It was extremely difficult to extinguish. The horse thief who rushed to the front of the carriage was on fire, howling miserably, running around, some rolling on the ground, But they are still rolling in the flames, and some are looking for clear water, but it is not easy to find water on the wasteland in winter. Several horse thieves who were on fire screamed and rushed into the car formation. Before they could even raise the scimitar, they fell to the ground in pain.

The horse thieves finally retreated again, leaving dozens of charred bodies outside the camp. There were a lot of corpses that were hugging each other tightly, probably because of a panic before they died, making these horse thieves not clear who is the enemy and who is their companion.

There was a burnt smell in the air.

A triumphant cheer echoed in the camp.



Ning Que stared at the white-clothed girl in the carriage and said, “I reminded you that you are our strongest person, and your mind power is our most precious weapon. It should be used when it is most suitable, not Use it whatever you want.”

Mo Shanshan raised her head and glanced at him. She didn’t know if it was because of seeing too many **** pictures or some other reason. Her face was very pale at this time, whiter than the white dress on her body.

“A lot of people have already died. I won’t take action anymore, more people will die just now.”

Ning Que looked at her and said, “You are the kindness of a woman.”

Mo Shanshan’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and he replied, “I was a woman.”

Ning Que suppressed his anger and said with a mockery: “You haven’t married yet.”

Mo Shanshan replied calmly: “If you marry someone, you won’t marry you.”

Ning Que was silent for a moment and said: “If you still have the power of thought, then you must leave it to me.”

He is a talisman repairer, and he knows the extent to which Fudao consumes thought power. The girl’s pale and haggard cheeks indicate that her thought power has been consumed too much these days, and he has to admit that in the whole team, this The girl in white is the strongest person, so facing this situation, it is inevitable to be a little angry.

The horse thief suffered heavy casualties under this shocking fire talisman, but there are at least two hundred horse thief above the meadow who still have the power to fight again. Mo Shanshan’s thoughts were exhausted, but his true realm was just not confused and could not resist at all.

Ning Que certainly has some life-saving skills at the bottom of the box, but things like the Thirteen Arrows of Yuan Yuan and the kit given to him by the master, if used on these horse thieves, it is really a huge waste. Before it was really dangerous, he would never use stingy, who was only slightly worse than Sangsang.

The key is reinforcements. The food brigade camp has lasted for so long, but the imaginary reinforcements have never appeared. You must know that if there were no reinforcements at the beginning, he would have been riding a dark horse.

“Are there any reinforcements?” He asked, staring into Mo Shanshan’s eyes.

Mo Shanshan looked back at him indifferently, and said: “That’s only the reinforcements themselves.”

Ning Que stopped trying to communicate with her, and said directly: “Preparing to break through, my horse can only take one person. I want to take Tmall. You are responsible for your people.”

Mo Shanshan asked: “Then what about these Yanjun and civilian husbands who have been fighting with you for so long?”

Ning Que replied: “I just met them by chance and have no comrade-in-arms relationship.”

Mo Shanshan shook his head lightly, and said, “I won’t go.”

Ning Que looked at her and suddenly said, “Haven’t you discovered that the goal of these horse thieves on the meadow is to kill you? Apart from you, what else in this food-breaking team is worth their efforts? The price?”

Mo Shanshan looked at him calmly and said: “If the target of these horse thieves is me, then these people died because of me, and I shouldn’t leave them.”

Ning Que raised his brows slightly and said, “Idiot, if you leave, you can attract horse thieves. How can these horse thieves attack these non-threatening Yanjun and civilian husbands?”

Mo Shanshan smiled slightly and said: “You don’t have to lie to me, I now also understand how cruel horse thieves are.”

Ning Que suddenly noticed her eyes that often seemed a little sloppy. They turned out to be particularly clear and certain. He seemed to be able to see through all his thoughts easily. He looked at her for a long time, then turned around and left.

The horse thieves on the meadow are gathering, maybe there will be another offensive in the next moment.

He casually wiped the thick blood that was condensed on his face with the palm of his hand, changed a new mask, and walked in the camp full of corpses and soldiers. Whether the Yanjun or the civilians saw him covered in blood, They would avoid both sides of their own accord. Even the girls from Dahe Country, such as Zhu Zhihua, looked at him with a little more awe than admiration.

Since the battle with the horse thieves, apart from the fire talisman that burned the sky, the main reason why the food team camp can be kept is Ning Que. He does not know how many horse thieves have fallen under his simple sword.

Many people have seen how he killed the horse thief. It was killing people like the grass. The most chilling and awe-inspiring thing was the calm when he killed the horse thief. This calm seemed to contain a certain kind of life. Indifferent taste.

Feeling the strange gazes from all around, especially the timid look of Tmall Girl, Ning Que did not explain anything, and whispered to everyone to repair the car array, while observing the surrounding meadow sloping valley with peripheral light, thinking about the escape route .

The horse thief is afraid of death, and he is also afraid of death, but he knows a fact better than most horse thief. The more brave and fearless you are in the face of death, the harder you will die. This is a precious experience gained from the test of life and death for countless years since childhood.

As for his indifference to life… He has always been extremely indifferent to the life of a horse thief.

The reason why the horse thieves on the shores of Subi Lake were frightened by him was because he was just an ordinary soldier in Weicheng. Once he left Weicheng and entered the wasteland, he would be a thief on horse.

Ning Que and his colleagues in Weicheng are themselves horse thieves, the fiercest kind of horse thieves.

In those years, he killed countless horse thieves. If it were that time, there was still a famous girl talisman behind him, he might stay and deal with these horse thieves for a while.

But not today.

Because he is a little alert and uneasy, not because there are too many horse thieves, not because of the cruel and passive situation, but because he always feels that someone is looking at him, and that person has been looking at him for a long time.

Not one day, not two days, but many days.



On the highest point of the east meadow, more than a dozen horseback thieves stood quietly, looking down on the chaotic battlefield.

Most of more than ten horseback thieves arrived here last night. It is the people who caught Ning Que’s attention. They are different from ordinary horse thieves. They all cover their faces with cloth towels, and they seem to be reluctant to be seen. .

It is obvious that these more than ten riders are the leaders of six hundred thieves on horseback, but I don’t know why the horse thieves continue to die in the slanting valley. Whether they are killed by Yanqi or crushed to death by fallen horses, they Always keep calm.

When the sky-burning fire talisman in the food brigade camp ignited, the eyes of most people in more than ten rides finally showed shock, but the front rider still remained absolutely calm.

The leader of the horse thief has vicissitudes in his eyes and is obviously in middle age.

“Sure enough, there is a very powerful talisman in the food team. Maybe it is the girl talisman. The disciples of Mochiyuan are worthy of the Sage Sect, and the sword current is really powerful.”

The leader of the horse thief said indifferently: “But after so many days, even the legendary bookworm, presumably the mind is almost drained, let the people below prepare to continue to attack.”

Continuously for several days and nights, it is to let the girl rune master who is hidden in the food team waste her thoughts. The plan of this leader seems extremely patient, and now he does not hesitate to let his subordinates use their lives to drain the girl. Master Fu’s last thought power showed his cold blood and ruthlessness.

Feeling the hesitation of the subordinates next to him, the leader frowned slightly and said in a cold voice: “The Central Plains coalition forces and Wang Ting negotiated a peace. The most unlucky thing except for the deserted people is the horse thieves under you. We should kill them. Those who died, stop this negotiation. For this purpose, it is worthwhile to die more people.”

The famous subordinate said in a puzzled way: “Wang Ting Shanyu and the temple must not be fooled by such obvious methods.”

The leader said indifferently: “What you want is facts. Facts are more powerful than any other statement. As long as the following people are killed, there is no way for this negotiation to continue.”

The riders on the meadow remembered the big man, and suddenly understood what this meant.

The leader looked at somewhere in the camp and said: “Continue to attack. If the person who rode the dark horse tried to escape from the camp, we should take action personally. Remember, this action must ensure that the person is killed.”

Zhongqi only knew that the person the leader said was a male disciple of Mochiyuan. He had shown extremely strong strength before, but he didn’t know the person’s true identity, so he was very puzzled by this statement. If you want to cause enough shock on the wasteland, the first goal should be to kill the girl talisman in the carriage.

After hesitating for a moment, a horse thief behind the leader summoned his courage and said: “My lord, the subordinates have suffered too many casualties. I really can’t fight anymore. If I press on again, I’m afraid these guys will collapse.”

This name is very strange, not like a name among horse thieves, but more like an official name.

The leader of the horse thief glanced at him lightly and said: “If you have brought these horse thief on the wasteland for nearly ten years and still cannot lead them, then what is the use of your life?”

The horse thief was so cold by his eyes that he didn’t dare to say another word.

The horse thief leader looked at the camp below and said without emotion: “These horse thief don’t know who they are. They always think that they are the real horse thief, but you must not forget who you are.”

“Get on horses as thieves, dismount as soldiers, and you are the soldiers of the general.”

Listening to these words, the meadow was quiet, and it took a long time for someone to ask questions.

“My lord, how do you deal with that girl talisman in the motorcade?”

“No matter how strong the bookworm is, it will be in vain to know his fate. When her mind is exhausted, what is the difference from ordinary people? And even if she still has the power to fight again, can it stop us from killing that young man?”



Since the start of the war, more than ten riders who have been standing quietly at the top of the meadow dispersed, gathered their own subordinates, and began to prepare for the final and most powerful attack. Only the leader of the horse thief remained there. .

The leader of the horse thief raised his right hand, lowered the hat, and quietly looked at the young man in the Mochiyuan disciple’s suit with blood on his back and swords and arrows in the camp below. After a long silence, Smiled emotionally.

From the city of Chang’an last year to this moment, he has been secretly watching this man named Ning Que for a long time, although he has never found evidence that Ning Que is related to the death of Yushi Zhang Yuqi, nor has he discovered this. People have any hostility towards the general, but don’t know why, he always thinks this person will be a trouble.

Because Ning Que is suspicious, and because Ning Que is now on the second floor of the academy and has become the only successor of the rune master Yan Se, and is favored by His Majesty, then even if there is only one suspicion, one needs to be vigilant. .

Especially when Ning Que came to the Yanbei Frontier Fortress, no one knew whether he had received the emperor’s order secretly, no one knew what the meaning of the academy’s move was, so the trouble became pressure, and the suspicion made no sense anymore. It is necessary to verify whether this person is involved in the homicide case of Yushi, and there is no need to investigate whether this person is secretly targeting the general. These people can only do and must do one thing, that is, to erase the possible threat for the general.

Thinking of this festival, the emotionally complicated smile of the horse thief leader gradually faded.

Change to any other time or place, no one dared to murder a disciple on the second floor of the college in broad daylight, but now it is above the wasteland, and no one knows the relationship between these horse thieves and the general .

The court has doubted the general. Sooner or later, this group of horse thieves will be cleaned up. Killing Ning Que today, destroying the peace talks, and letting all these horse thieves use up, is a wonderful thing in one fell swoop.

So when Ning Que left Bishui Camp in disguise, and accompanied the Mochiyuan disciples to **** the food team into the wasteland, after the news reached the general’s mansion, he did not hesitate to horsepower, and he had to come here from Tuyang City for days and nights without sleep. Host this matter.

This is a good opportunity given by Haotian. If you miss it, you will be condemned by God.



However, just as the horse thief was about to launch another attack, Ning Que was about to gallop away, and the horse thief leader was about to take advantage of the momentum to kill him, there was another rush of hooves in the distance of the wasteland meadow.

In the camp under Meadow, the disciples of Mochiyuan and the husband of Yan Guomin, who were vigilantly preparing for the battle, and the horse thieves who were preparing to charge on the gentle **** of the meadow, all temporarily slowed down their movements and looked at the hoof.

A group of cavalry came across the meadow to the west.

The number of cavalry in this team is small, about a hundred horses. However, both the cavalry themselves and the horses underneath them are wearing gorgeous black armor with golden rim, solemn and solemn, and their awe-inspiring is astonishing.

It is the temple guardian cavalry regiment known as the strongest cavalry in the world.

A enthusiastic cheer rang from below the meadow.

The horse thieves quickly reclaimed the line and prepared to evacuate.

But what happened next, no one thought of it.

An old hand stretched out from a carriage in the center of the Temple Cavalry Team. The Hundred Cavalry Temple Cavalry slowly stopped and watched this side indifferently from a distance of hundreds of meters, and did not immediately attack the horse thief. attack.

The people in the food brigade camp looked over there in amazement, the cheers gradually faded away and became silent. Some people guessed the intention of this group of temple cavalry, with an expression of disbelief and grief on their faces.



(I didn’t stop the car, I wrote 12 thousand today, and the task on Tuesday was completed. Oh, I only need to write 8,000 characters tomorrow, so happy.)

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