Nightfall Chapter 22: Instigate Rebellion (Part 1)

Cheng Lixue only said one sentence: “The Lord has always lived on Taoshan.”!

Ning Que knew what he wanted to express, and looked at the growing rain in the courtyard, and said: “Zhao Nanhai wants to be a heavenly order, you are not dead yet, this explains the problem.

Cheng Lixue was silent.

Ning Que turned around and continued: “In the Temple of Heavenly Oracle, your words still have weight, otherwise you would have died a long time ago. Why should the people on Taoshan send you to Chang’an City to kill me? I came to talk with you, not because you have old feelings, but because you are still alive, which proves your strength. If you feel that your strength is too weak, then I can even provide you with some strength. You must know Xiling There are also my people in the temple.”

Cheng Lixue laughed dumbly. He knew who Ning Que was talking about, but he just thought his statement was too ridiculous, but he was in a heavy mood at this time and couldn’t laugh out loud.

Ning Que asked: “It suddenly became so silent, why?”

Cheng Lixue thought for a while and broke the silence and explained: “Silence represents will, a very valuable will, such as piety, such as firmness, such as…faith.”

Ning Que shook his head, pointed to the gloomy sky above the rain, and said: “If your faith in Haotian is really religious enough, she should choose you to succeed.”

The three gods of the Xiling Temple have different inheritance methods. The ruling of the gods depends on strength and killing, the light gods are designated inheritance, and the gods of the gods receive the will of Haotian and directly decided by Haotian.

“When I saw you for the first time in the wasteland, General Shu Cheng said that you have reached the pinnacle of the Cave Profound Realm, and you are only one step away from knowing your fate. It is similar to Long Qing. Now so many years have passed. I have already been promoted to Zhiming, and may even have reached the peak of Zhiming, and you? You still stay in the original position, looking at the same scenery. Even the rain this spring did not bring you any changes.”

Ning Que said with a little pity: “Haotian gave up on you long ago.”

Cheng Lixue calmly said: “The threshold for knowing fate is inherently extremely dangerous, and it is normal to fail to pass. How many people in the spiritual world can know fate, not to mention that I am still young now.”

More than 30 years old, he is indeed still young among practitioners, and being able to cultivate to the peak of Dongxuan, only one step away from knowing his fate, is already very remarkable, but that was in the past.

“Open your eyes and take a look at the current world.”

Ning Que looked into his eyes and laughed slightly and said: “In the past few years, there have been many changes. The Master went to the sky and it rained. In the spring, she returned to the kingdom of God. In the age of walking and knowing fate like a dog, you, the master of the temple of heavenly oracle, are still in this state, are you embarrassed?”

Cheng Lixue laughed, there was no bitterness in her smile, because those bitter feelings had been tasted as early as spring.

“If it was before that spring rain, maybe you could really convince me, but that spring rain proved too much, and my belief in Haotian had to become pious and firm again. So I dare not be yours Persuade.”

He left the chair and walked to the steps. He turned and looked at Ning Que and said with a smile: “As for Haotian, who will sit on the oracle seat…you guessed it wrong, she chose Longqing. As long as Longqing completes He will take over the task of pursuing the Protestantism, and he will succeed him as the Oracle of God…Of course Zhao Nanhai wants to sit in that position, but he can’t.”

“Longqing······” Ning Que’s voice seemed a bit misty in the thunderous rain·”This is to let him kill Ye Su to break his heart barrier? Will Ye Hongyu let him kill?”

Cheng Lixue said: “What can the Judgment God do? Or what are you waiting for her to do? You said that you have someone on Peach Mountain who can help me. She is the one you want to refer to, but… do you think This will allow the Xiling Temple to change its dynasty? Why do you have such naive ideas.”

Ning Que said: “No matter how naive the idea is, it is better than nothing. Besides, from the moment the Dao Sect is determined to destroy the Protestant religion, she must! But start doing something.!

Cheng Lixue said: “You are not religious, so you can’t understand many things.”

“Yes, I have always wondered what she wants to do.”

Ning Que stood up and looked at the bloodstains under the stairs that were washed away by the rain, thinking about her who came to Yanming Lake in the wind and rain, and said: “If you don’t want to go back to Taoshan, at least please Give her a cover letter for me.”

Cheng Lixue asked: “What message?”

“Let her escape quickly.”

Ning Que said: “No matter if she stays in Taoshan, she wants to help Ye Su, or she wants to do something else, don’t try, don’t arrange, don’t even think about it, leave as soon as possible, and the farther you go. Good.”

Cheng Lixue was silent for a while and said: “You may…a little underestimate the Judgment God Seat.”

Ning Que said: “From the first day I met her, I have never underestimated her. I know she must have her ideas, her plans, and her silence must mean that something is about to happen. I know she will not overestimate herself, but I am worried that she will underestimate someone.”


“The watcher… even if it is now a useless watcher.

Ning Que said: “With her current realm strength, there is no chance of winning the battle against the master. Her plan is not as good as a broken shoe in the eyes of the master, so she must run away quickly.”

Cheng Lixue didn’t agree with him, and said: “Do you think that people like Judging Gods will underestimate their opponents, and that they are opponents at the level of the subject?”

“I know that she will not underestimate her opponent, but she has no experience in fighting with Guanzhu. She doesn’t know that Guanzhu is a real strong person who cannot be overestimated.”

Ning Que said: “I am most worried that she is calculating now… the subject is someone who will not fall into the calculation.”

Cheng Lixue said: “In the first battle in Chang’an, didn’t the subject matter fall into the calculations of the academy?”

Ning Que said: “It’s not the same, because my calculations are heavenly calculations.”

In fact, what he wanted to say was that his soul did not belong to this world, so the Lord could not count himself, but to Cheng Lixue, this sentence was a bit disrespectful to Haotian.

After a moment of silence, he said: “The Academy is not an opponent of the Taoist School after all, and the Kingdom of Tang will surely be destroyed. Even if the gods are judged to leave Taoshan and join hands with you, what is the meaning of this struggle?”

“I think it is a struggle to die, so you and the old people in the Temple of Heavenly Oracle are not willing to join?” Ning Que said, “What I don’t understand is why everyone thinks that Dao Sect will definitely win the final victory.” /

“From the moment Liu Yiqing killed the Southern Jin emperor with a sword, the world has changed, and the outcome of the war has become a matter for a few people to decide.”

Cheng Lixue said: “Judging the situation has become a simple arithmetic problem. If you want to instigate me and the Temple of Heaven, it will naturally become a lot more difficult.”

Ning Que was silent for a while, then said: “I really want to know how you count.”

(I went to pick up my wife home at noon. When she answered my phone, she suddenly felt dizzy. She felt that the building was shaking and thought it was an earthquake. She told her colleagues and sisters that no one believed it. After going downstairs, she looked at the yard full of people. , I realized that there was a real earthquake, Songyuan earthquake, some distance from us, and then went home to eat, I bought her tofu brain, salty, put it on the table, did not notice that the bag mouth was not tight. So the table was full, with marinade and white bean curd everywhere. After walking the dog while rubbing her eyebrows, she started to work. She was uncomfortable for the past two days. She slept from noon until now, and then rushed to the unit. The work needs to be completed, I will send her off, this is life.) To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to mqpdian. cam reading.

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