Nightfall Chapter 203: Big fun

Looking at Ning Que, who was unreasonable, opened the door and went to take a bath and went to sleep, the little book boy was dumbfounded. He woke up for a long time, and asked with a trembling voice: “Sir, what are you…what are you…doing? ?”

Ning Que said with a smile: “I’m going to eat you alive, so quickly pour me a bowl of soy sauce and some horseradish.”

The little book boy was shocked and a little embarrassed, and said with a little shame: “Little sir, I don’t taste good. Master often said that I don’t like to wash my feet, and my body is smelly.”

Ning Que was startled, laughed loudly, and said: “Successful, I will wash myself and eat myself.”

Little Shutong is really a well-behaved child. Even Ning Que’s absurd request did not know how to refuse, but he went to the stove to burn a large pot of hot water.

Amidst the steaming heat, Ning Que lay contently in the big wooden barrel, looking at the little book boy who was busy looking for towels, and asked: “Speaking of which, I still don’t know your name.”

The little book boy put the towel in the bucket hole and replied in a soft voice: “My name is Xu Jialun.”

“This name is pretty good, but it looks a little too literary and needs to be changed.”

Ning Que waved his hand and said, “Your voice is always so soft. You will call it a little mosquito from now on. It sounds cute.”

The little book boy smiled, went to pick up the bucket of hot water, and then said seriously: “Little Wenzi is a good name, but the three words Xu Jialun came from the young master. I’m going to ask him now?”

Ning Que was taken aback, and his head sank under the water, almost choking, and said again and again: “Don’t you dare to tell him, you don’t know the temper of your young master.”

After taking a shower, Ning Que really slept beautifully in the courtyard of the second brother. When he woke up, the sun had passed mid-heaven and slowly moved to the west, shining on the courtyard.

Change into a brand-new black uniform, and ask the little book boy to help comb her hair. Ning Que looked at herself in the bronze mirror, very satisfied, thinking that any individual would be better than Sangsang’s hair comb.

Thanks to the little book boy. Ning Que left the courtyard.

Although he really doesn’t want to have a fight with the younger brother of that swordsman Liu Bai, he knows better that the opponent is waiting outside the academy for March and will never withdraw halfway. It is impossible for him to hide in the academy forever. If you don’t go out, you’re going to fight, so late fight is worse than early fight.

Because I was closed in the cliff cave for three months, I heard the spring breeze from the hole. Seeing the wild flowers, he is in the fullest and perfect moment no matter his physical or mental state.

It’s even vaguely similar to the feeling after breaking through the wasteland Daming Lake.



The duel between the younger brother of the sword sage Liu Bai of the Southern Jin Dynasty and Ning Que, the thirteenth master of the academy. Because the waiting time was too long and there was enough time to ferment, the battle with the sea monk was more sensational than the battle between Ning Que and the sea monk. It attracted the attention of all practitioners in the world and even many people in the world.

Although the seniors in the back mountain of the academy are eager to let Ning Que finish the matter, they have no interest in the matter itself. The people who are obsessed with all kinds of idiots have long been beyond the obsession of winning and losing. I don’t care whether Ning Que can defeat the young strong man. As for Ning Que may be injured or even die…

No one in this world dared to kill the master’s direct disciple at the gate of the college. Not to mention that the young strongman in Southern Jin was the younger brother of Sword Sage Liu Bai, even the world’s first strong Sword Sage Liu Bai himself would not dare to do such a thing, because the academy has a master.

So when Ning Que finished taking a bath and meditating. Wearing a black courtyard uniform, drifting in the spring breeze to the front yard, when a feeling of despair was in his heart, no one came to send him.

Of course Sangsang will follow him.

Tang Xiaotang followed Sangsang.

Chen Pipi followed Tang Xiaotang.

When he reached the meadow on the edge of the cliffs of the back mountain, Ning Que suddenly stopped and looked at the stream below the meadow.

The big white goose raised by the second brother is by the stream at this time.

Today, he did not feed the fish, but held his head high and walked proudly in the meadow.

The **** horse followed behind the big white goose dejectedly. Don’t dare to be one step behind, or one step ahead.

The little snow wolf followed the **** horse coweringly. Carefully keep the pace consistent with the previous two guys.

The big white goose walked very seriously and walked to the end of the meadow. Then he turned back again, and the path he walked was a straight line, without any deviation.

When it turned its head, it saw the dejected look of the **** horse, and it yelled twice in anger, with a severe voice.

The **** horse suddenly seemed to have seen Ning Que, and quickly raised his head in fear, acting as arrogant and graceful. It also wanted to please the big white goose, grinning with thick lips, so it looked very funny.

The four people standing above the meadow stared at the scene in a daze.

Tang Xiaotang glanced at Ning Que and said with a mockery: “The horse raised by Uncle Master really resembles your temperament. You are as timid as a rat and slapped a horse.”

Ning Que looked at the appearance of the dark horse and felt extremely embarrassed. When Tang Xiaotang said that, he became more embarrassed and said, “The little snow wolf raised by my nephew is spirited, but why does his tail always hang down?”

Tang Xiaotang sneered and said: “It’s better than someone let the opponent bask in the sun outside the academy, but he secretly bathes and sleeps and raises enough energy. The young master is really sinister.”

Ning Que said: “It’s easy to talk.”

Chen Pipi wanted to explain for Ning Que, but looking at Tang Xiaotang’s innocent eyebrows, she felt guilty for some reason, and said: “Yes, Junior Brother’s move is a bit too sinister.”

Sangsang looked at the meadow and said: “That big white goose is so airy, it feels like training an army, so speaking, isn’t it a general in the back mountain?”

“No matter how proud the general is, it is useless, because he always needs to show the emperor when he drills the army.”

Ning Que said as he looked at the old scalper in the grass by the stream, bending his knees and closing his eyes.

Sure enough, the big white goose led the **** horse and the little snow wolf to complete four back and forth queues, came not far in front of the old scalper, and respectfully lowered his proud head.

The old scalper slowly opened his eyes, took a look at it, and gently shook the cow’s head up and down, then seemed to think that this matter was too boring, turned around and chewed on the grass, and then continued to rest.

Ning Que looked at the old scalper who chewed the grass into foam, but did not swallow it in his belly, but drank it out in disgust, and looked at the three guys standing behind it, thoughtfully.

This is the back mountain of the magical academy, and the beasts in the back mountain are so proud. As a person behind the mountain, of course you should be more proud. Then, let’s prove your pride.



The side entrance of the college is very remote. It has always been quiet on weekdays, except for the people in the back mountains who occasionally enter and exit from here. But as the Southern Jin powerhouse Liu Yiqing submitted a challenge letter to the academy and sat down on the futon outside the side entrance, the vicinity of the side entrance suddenly became lively. Students from the front yard of the academy and the people in Chang’an came to see the lively people, as if they wanted to It has become a scenic spot.

Especially today, more than a thousand people gather around the side door. If it were not for the rapid response of the court, the Yulin army would be sent to maintain order, I am afraid that Qingyou Caolin would have been trampled by the excited crowd.

Ordinary people rarely see practitioners. What’s more, the practitioners are fighting. Chang’an City has a lot of strong people, so the people in the city have a little more knowledge in this area, but this kind of opportunity to watch it up close is still extremely rare.

Someone challenged the college. It has been spread for three months. Everyone knows the location of this duel. Even many people in Chang’an have already seen the Nanjin man sitting at the gate of the academy. Today, the challenged Mr. Thirteen of the academy broke through the hole. After the news reached Chang’an City, countless people came to watch the excitement.

There is no doubt that this is a big excitement.

Not far from the hillside, there is an official road paved with bluestone, and dozens of horse-drawn carriages are parked densely on the side of the road. Some ladies from the mansion who wanted to come to Chang’an City could not resist the temptation of the excitement and came here.

Of the dozens of carriages, more of them are of course the noble people. It is impossible for them to squeeze forward like ordinary people, and it is even more impossible for them to risk their status and climb the poplar tree like some people do, and climb higher and higher, just to find the best viewing position.

These distinguished people include the relevant officials of the Tang Empire, as well as several generals in the military. Naturally, practitioners of various sects who have heard the news are indispensable.

The envoy of the Southern Jin Dynasty and a few Jiange disciples stood silently beside their carriage.

Several officials in Datang Tianshu’s office smiled and stood not far from them.

He Mingchi, a Taoist at the South Gate of Haotian, has the butter paper umbrella under his arm. Standing quietly beside a carriage.

The black carriage is embroidered with intricate gold patterns and looks majestic and beautiful. On such a crowded official road, the carriage was empty all around. That is the respect shown by everyone to this carriage.

This carriage belongs to the Xiling Temple Mission.

The great priest of Tianyu was not in the car, and the duel between the students on the second floor of the college and Liu Bai’s brother was far from enough to make this great man condescend to appear.

In the car, there is a young man with a snowy face but a very young appearance.

Cheng Lixue, the heavenly commander of the Xiling Temple.

The position of Cheng Lixue in the temple is even higher than that of Prince Longqing. He can sit side by side with the Dao Chi Ye Hongyu before going to the wasteland, and is also a very important person.

Gently raising the curtains, Cheng Lixue looked at He Mingchi standing still by the window, and after a little hesitation, smiled and said, “Why didn’t Brother He come up and sit?”

He Mingchi smiled and said, “I am used to standing.”

After a moment of silence, Cheng Lixue raised her eyes to the side entrance of the academy below the hillside and looked at Liu Yibai who was sitting on the futon. He found that under the gaze of countless eyes, he was surrounded by countless comments. This young man from Southern Jin Dynasty Those who still maintain a clear mind.

From the early morning news that Ning Que was about to leave the pass, half a day has passed. The person who should have appeared long ago has never appeared. The people of Chang’an City who are looking around have waited until they are bored, some The person has even left, but Liu Yibai’s face does not have any anxious expression, and the posture of the body has not changed, even the clothes. This is very scary.

Looking at him slightly moving, Cheng Lixue suddenly asked: “Brother He, do you think Ning Que will come out?”

He Mingchi smiled and said: “Ning Que is the least like a master disciple, so I am not sure.”

Cheng Lixue thought about the encounter in the Royal Court of the Wasteland, and couldn’t help but laugh, and said: “That is indeed a very interesting person, but I think he should be there soon.”

Not coming soon, but already here.

The side door of the college was slowly pushed open from inside.

A black figure appeared before the eyes of the world.




(This is the fourth chapter, and the fifth chapter will come out before half past four.) (to be continued)

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