Nightfall Chapter 188: Prison and Raise (Part 2)

Ning Que did not respond at all.

He didn’t wake up until the invisible and intangible finger qi brushed his shoulders and shot a deep black hole on the wall of the cave, and an awe-inspiring spirit surged into his heart.

He didn’t know that Chen Pipi’s finger was the Zhishouguan Tianxiaxi God’s finger, and it was not the power of this finger that shocked him, but the unpredictable changes in Chen Pipi’s finger.

Obviously the fingertips are pointing towards Zhan Zhan Qingtian, but how come they fall behind him?

Is this a college disapproval?

“Practitioners cultivate heaven and earth and ourselves. We need to control the vitality of heaven and earth with our mind power. Our body is firewood, mind power is fire, heaven and earth are pot stoves, vitality is food such as vegetables, meat and fish. The method is the way of collocation of ingredients. In addition to the above elements, the most important thing is whether you can make a delicious dish or not.”

“If you want to ask a chef how to master the heat, the average chef will probably tell you when to use what kind of fire and how long the cooking time will be. On the contrary, a truly skilled chef will not speak so rigidly. The truth is, he just grabbed the steam room with the palm of his hand to know exactly what the food in the pot is. This is an experience gained through countless attempts. This experience is difficult to explain in words, and sometimes even makes People feel too mysterious and can only perceive and experience by themselves.”

Chen Pippi looked at Ning Que in the cliff and said, “Huo is the meaning.”

Ning Que thought for a while, and understood what he wanted to say, especially for the book that taught the academy that was not intended, and suddenly gained a lot of intuitive knowledge and understanding.

Thinking of the example that Chen Pipi gave in the letter when he first entered the academy and went to the old bookstore, he couldn’t help but said with emotion: “Sure enough, you have a good sex, you take these two things as examples, it is really easy to understand.”

The third elder sister and Chen Pipi were ordered by the master to teach, mainly to solve some difficult problems encountered by Ning Que in reading. The real understanding still needs to rely on himself. After Chen Pipi explained, Ning Que decided to find time to digest it well at night, and there was no need to study too much at this time.

He has been imprisoned in the cliff cave for ten days. He does not know what happened in the world outside the academy. He asked: “Is Chang’an city still peaceful recently?”

Chen Pipi said: “When did Chang’an feel bad? What are you caring about?”

Ning Que said: “There seems to be someone in the court who has a great opinion on me. I know that before returning to Beijing, some people even wanted to get Sangsang to the military headquarters for interrogation. You were on the spot.”

Chen Pipi nodded and said: “The matter is very simple and solved. You don’t need to worry.

Ning Que shook his head and said, “What is the matter with the two ascetics that we two met on the morning street a few days ago? Even if Dao Shi came from the Xuankong Temple, he would not be able to Finding yourself easily in so many Chang’an cities, that encounter is more like being designed.”

Chen Pipi frowned slightly and said, “What are you suspecting?”

“Only the Tianshu Office and the military in Chang’an City can determine my position so easily.” Ning Que said, “I don’t know which of them notified the people from Xuankong Temple.”

Hearing this, Chen Pipi’s brows furrowed tighter, and he said, “Helping outsiders to challenge the people in my academy to join the world? Even the military doesn’t have the courage, and don’t those people Worried about being scolded to death by the people of Changan City after the incident was revealed?”

Ning Que has lived in the Datang Army for many years. Of course, he is very aware of the military’s style of action and said: “As long as it is good for the empire, the generals will not care.”

Chen Pipi Lai rubbed the white meat sauerkraut hot pot on the cliff, wiped his oily lips, and shamelessly ignored the wolves and the dirty bowls piled into hills. Walking happily down the cliff, no matter how Ning Que cursed, he did not slip into the abyss.

Facing the precipice flowing cloud, Ning Que cursed Chen Pipi loudly, but it was a pity that the precipice was on his side, and there was nothing behind Flowing Cloud in front of him, and there was no echo at all. This curse was a bit lonely.

He no longer wastes any time, walks back to the depths of the cliff cave, sits on the half-old futon, cross-legged and closed his eyes in meditation, and continued to cultivate the Haoran in the reel according to the exercises in the original test book. gas.

Sangsang, who was squatting on the cliff and washing the dishes, clearly felt the changes in the cave. Looking back, it was a pity that there was no morning mist at this time, and I could not see the previous time. That kind of picture.

As the night enveloped the cliffs, Ning Que slowly opened his eyes and finished his cultivation practice today. He looked at Sangsang who was standing in front of him with a food tray. He shook his head and said, “I’m not hungry yet. You put it aside, if you are tired, go to rest early, if you are bored, talk to me for a while.”

Sangsang knows that he has been worried about being bored and lonely, and knows that with his temperament, before solving this problem, there must be no interest in chatting, and there is no time, so she smiled and shook her head, The food box was placed beside him, and he walked back to the thatched house by the cliff.

Ning Que was still sitting cross-legged, with his hands spread out and gently resting on his knees, a yellowish talisman paper appeared in the palm of his left hand. The talisman paper was slowly disintegrating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and released into the air. Fu Yi, there was nothing in the palm of his right hand, but the light from the oil lamp was slightly deformed there.

The faintly overflowing breath between the two palms are different. The upper left hand is the heaven and earth vitality condensed with talisman paper, and the pure awe-inspiring breath comes out from the upper right hand.

He looked in front of him intently, watching these two intangible breaths, and his deep mind slowly and meticulously touched every fragment of the breath, trying to find something out of it.

The condensed heaven and earth vitality in his left hand and the awe-inspiring energy in his right hand are both intangible and intangible, but they can clearly distinguish the difference under the perception of mind power.

To this day, the prisoner’s cliff cave has been read through two volumes, contemplating and contemplating flawless cultivation. Today, Ning Que can clearly distinguish the auras of heaven and earth that seem to be exactly the same but actually have very nuances, but they still don’t. Do and Fa unify the aura of heaven and earth that already have their respective forms into the same state, even if they are as similar as possible, even he didn’t even sort out his thoughts clearly.

According to the concept in the original test book, the true qi in the body of the demon cultivator and the awe-inspiring qi in his current body are actually a kind of vitality of heaven and earth. If he can push back from the status quo To the original state countless years ago, and then change the appearance of the awe-inspiring source to the appearance of the source, then the cliff cave’s restriction on him can be easily solved, and the master gave him a perfect answer.

However, it is a pity that he is still at the level of knowing what he is and not knowing why, let alone deriving specific operating techniques from what he knows.

In the first place, he was challenged by the sea-watching monk. He was meditating for half a day by the winter lake under Yanming Mountain. He came up with a method of invoking awe-inspiring aura with the talismanic meaning, and received excellent results. The vitality disorder caused by the talismanic meaning It can effectively conceal the aura of Hao Ran, but if you meet a real major practitioner, you can see through it at a glance.

As a direct disciple of the Master, a student on the second floor of the academy, even if he is seen through by the world, he probably won’t face the end of death immediately, but what if he let other beings see it?

On the futon deep in the cliff cave, Ning Que looked at the two breaths between his hands and thought about it for a long time. Although the expression on his face was still calm, his heart was a little panic.

Sangsang didn’t know when to walk back into the cave from the cliffside cottage, looking for a dry and quiet place, opened the bedding, and fell asleep. Ning Que walked up to her and looked at her dark little He looked at his face for a long time, then stretched out his hand to tuck the corner, and turned to go deeper into the cliff cave.

These days, his mind has been focused on the problem, and he didn’t pay much attention to talking about the cliff hole in the house. At this time, his thoughts were a little confused, and he simply put aside these annoying things and started walking.

The cliff cave is not big. On the side facing the cliff, there is a mouth about two people high. Inside, there is a space of about ten steps around. The cave walls are not smooth, and there are no rugged rocks. Peculiar, going deeper, there is a diagonally long cave on the left and right.

The two caves are a bit narrow, and they reach the end in less than ten steps. The deepest part is all hard and strong granite, and there is no possibility of moving forward.

Ning Que held the oil lamp and looked at the cave wall. There were countless fine cut lines on the stone wall. They may have been formed naturally, but they looked more like being cut by sharp metal objects.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

In the depths of the Tianqi Mountain Range at the far north of the wasteland, in the abandoned Mozong Mountain Gate Temple, he once saw the mottled sword marks left by the little master uncle on the bluestone wall there, and it was precisely those swords Hen, he comprehended the true meaning of awe-inspiring and inherited the mantle of the little uncle, only then could he defeat the terrifying Master Lotus.

He thought that the little uncle was imprisoned by the teacher for three years. He didn’t come to visit him to relieve fatigue, and there was no Sangsang. He was afraid that he would die of depression. Did he cut out these two narrow holes with a sword?

If these two narrow holes were also left by the little uncle back then, would these seemingly knife-cutting and axe-cutting traces, like the mottled sword marks in the Mozong Mountain Gate, contain some aura, implicit In a sense?

Ning Que was holding the oil lamp, standing between the cuts in the wall, his mood gradually agitated.

He took a wooden stick, put the oil lamp in front of the entrance of the narrow hole, and under the dim light, he began to carefully observe these cut marks on the rock wall like fine lines of lake water.

Whether the idea is correct or not, you should always give it a try.

He watched for a long time, and he didn’t see any breath in these cuts, nor did he find any patterns in these lines, but he still didn’t give up, and after a moment of silence, he stretched out his hands on the wall. Slowly stroked the stone wall, feeling the rough undulations on the palm.

He touched from the mouth of the cave to the bottom of the cave, from the feet to the top of his head. He didn’t let any cut marks or missed any area. This touch was a whole night, and the night outside the cave was gradually covered by the light blue sky. Instead, his face was full of exhaustion, but there was no sign of discouragement.

(The next chapter will come out before 12:30.)

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