Nightfall Chapter 181: For dinner, return south!

Volume One Early Morning Empire Chapter 181 In order to eat, return south!

Because I am reluctant to be a beautiful concubine who is like a flower and jade, and the king does not come early, because I am reluctant to win the gold and silver ink, I would rather not eat from now on. The non-eating here naturally refers to not going to a banquet, not really right. If the Datang Empire has any opinions, I would like to express it by means of not entering the grain.

He experienced the terrible drought and famine when he was a child, and his psychological shadow was extremely serious. He insisted that only eating is the most important thing to live in this world, because there is no fairy who can eat and drink, even in the world. The first strong sword sage Liu Bai, if he doesn’t eat for a few days, he will panic, and no matter who does not eat, he will die.

Eating men and women? In those years without food, don’t say that something like a rose that expresses love is a naked, peerless beauty, probably not much different from meat in the eyes of many men.

Buddha Zong always loves to preach pink skulls. Ning Que could not help but guess secretly that those ascetic monks are eating vegetables and tofu gruel every day, and they have to cross mountains and ridges, and they are half hungry every day. The correct idiot argument. However, Yuelun Kingdom is the place where there are many famines and disasters, but it is the most prosperous place in Buddhism. It is estimated that there is also a certain connection between the two. The hungry people who have no strength to curse the sky may not be interested in doing things about men and women, so they have to Lift the waistband to chant the Buddha?

Ning Que’s thoughts are naturally not correct, but at least they are secretly in line with certain laws of human history. The most fundamental reason for wars between tribal countries and within tribal countries is often for food.

In order to fill their stomachs, the refugees dared to attack the states and cities and fight desperately with the regular troops of various countries. In order to fill the stomachs of the people and prevent them from desperately fighting with themselves, the countries would not hesitate to tear up their skins and lay down their bodies and grab them, just to get more land back. Also in order to fill their stomachs, the northern wilderness tribes, which have been away from the Central Plains for more than a thousand years, were forced to move southward with difficulty, launching an active attack on the aggressive barbarian tribes on the grasslands, regardless of whether they would alarm the Central Plains countries or bring them. Any future troubles.

War is to eat. Of course, in order to win the war, we must first ensure that people in the war can eat enough. On the slightly cold grassland, the green smoke rising from dozens of earthen stoves and the lamb boiled in water in dozens of large pots are such guarantees.

Thousands of men in animal skins are sitting around the earthen stove, eating lamb in silence. Whether they are wrinkled old people or young youths, their expressions are calm and firm, as if they have not just traveled thousands of miles south. , But have lived here for many years.

They are part of the army of the Northern Wilderness tribe. To put it another way, they are part of all the males who can fight in the Northern Wilderness tribe. According to the army, on this battlefield on the edge of the grassland that stretches for hundreds of kilometers, all of them who can fight are gathered, and those who can fight finally.

All the old and weak women and children of the tribe were left behind. It will take about a month to reach the edge of the grassland. If the men can’t win the war and take this grassland, the wasteland behind them The family will definitely be swallowed by darkness, cold, hunger and the blades of the enemy.

For countless years, the Northern Wilderness tribe has lived in the extreme north and cold regions, relying on Atami to live hard, unable to maintain a large population at all. In recent years, as the night time has been strangely extended, the temperature has gradually decreased, and their Life became more and more difficult, and at the end of winter, the tribal elders finally made up their minds to move the tribe south.

If you don’t move south, there will be no food, and there are large grasslands in the south with sheep and food. It’s a pity that the thief God gave the land to mankind to be too heroic. Most of the land already has owners, including this large fertile grassland. If the people of the Northern Wilderness want to get food from these grasslands and flocks, believe the original The owner will not be happy.

So, let’s fight.



Thousands of years later, Huang Ren appeared in the eyes of the world again. This incident should have shocked the world. It’s just that this tribe, which used to be proud of howling the grasslands and struck down the Central Plains countries, has been out of this world for too long. Many people have long forgotten their existence, and the sinister natural environment and the torture of time have made this tribe The number of people has been reduced to the point where no one can feel any threat, so this matter is temporarily restricted to the north of the grassland.

The reason for this situation is also greatly related to the wise decision of the Huangren tribe veterans. Before moving south, Huangren determined a firm and clear goal. The grassland that Jianfeng refers to belongs to The land of the Barbarian Left Horde King has nothing to do with the countries of the Central Plains, especially the powerful and terrifying empire. Although the desert soldiers of the Southern Expedition are brave in fighting, they have been cautiously suppressing the flames of war in the northern part of the grassland.

It has been nearly a month since the troops of the deserted people marching south to the northern edge of the grassland, and the battle with the barbarian left Horde cavalry has been carried out for a month, and the road was deliberately controlled to hundreds of kilometers long. On the front line, there were no less than a hundred battles between the two sides, most of which ended in the victory of Huangren.

The cruelty of war is that even the victor must pay the price of death. The deserted warriors are silent and firm, but they are brave and disciplined. Their individual combat power is far higher than that of the grassland barbarians. However, their number is too small. Although they have continuously defeated the 100,000 cavalry of the Left Horde King’s mad, tide-like attacks, their companions died. More and more.

Clear water lamb in an earthen stove iron pot, the grass not far away is densely lined with the corpses of his companions congealed in a pool of blood, a desolate wizard with tree sap on his face, walking calmly among the corpses, From time to time, he squatted down and touched the deceased’s eyebrows with his fingers. His dry lips moved slightly, producing cryptic syllables, which seemed superb and chanting.

Not far from the group of warrior corpses, a desolate teenager about 13 or 14 years old blew the bone flute in his hand. The sound of the flute whimpered and stern, as if telling the desolation that the desolate had been displaced in the past thousand years. The pain of fighting in the world, struggling to survive.

An old voice was added to the sound of the flute. A highly respected master of the Senate sang a song that all ridiculous people would sing. The song was desolate and compelling, and there was shocking unyielding in the tragic and strong.

“The sky is also cold, and the ground is also cold. The goshawk dare not look at the northern wilderness.”

“Atami falls, Atami rises, and snow wolf hunts by Atami.”

“The snow wolves are chasing after each other, and the snow wolves die, holding a knife to hunt for deer all day long.”

“Where to live, where to die, and where to bury bones.”

“Minshan is majestic, Minshan is strong, Minshan is the true hometown.”

“Stepping through the vast snow, stepping through thousands of miles of frost, looking south all day long.”

“Tread through the vast snow, step through thousands of miles of frost, and no longer look south.”

“I will go first, and you will come again.”

“I will fight first, and you will come again.”

“I will die first and you will come again.”

“The journey home is near, the journey home is far, and the journey home is on.”

“I have gone, you come soon.”

“I have battled, you come soon.”

“I’m dead, you come soon.”

“I’m dead, you come soon.”



I’m dead, you come soon. The cool singing voice kept repeating the last two sentences. Several young deserted soldiers looked over there in silence, and as the old man’s singing softly merged, an atmosphere of majesty but not sadness arose on the grassland.

More desolate warriors remained silent. They ate mutton in silence and drank the oily soup in silence. Taking advantage of the gap in battle, they seized all the time to replenish their physical strength, because no one knew what was next. When will the battle begin?

The ancestors of the deserted people were once called natural warriors by the Central Plains. Now they have experienced thousands of years of harsh environment. The blood vessels and bones have the word “fight” written in them. The death of their companions will not make them feel the slightest move. , Even the songs that have been circulating for thousands of years can only trigger a soft chorus deep in their hearts, but they cannot interfere with their preparations for battle.

At this moment, the horn of battle sounded again.

The grasslands trembled slightly, and I don’t know how many elite cavalry of the Left Horde Khan King killed them.

The desert soldiers didn’t panic, put down the lamb and spoon in their hands, raised their sleeves and wiped their greasy faces. Then they picked up the heavy and badly damaged weapons next to them, and walked slowly to the south, even without Forgot to put out the fire in the earthen stove.



Step slowly, step quickly, trot, and finally start sprinting.

The way the desert soldiers enter the battlefield is surprisingly similar to that of the steppe cavalry, except that they have no horses under them, only a pair of legs. What is incredible is that these are wearing leather robes, Holding swords and axes, the deserted warriors who did not look so tall and strong, once they ran, their speed was so fast and their momentum was so amazing.

With the intensive buzzing sound, the prairie cavalry who are good at riding and shooting pulled the bowstring of the short bow after a long distance, and countless arrows pierced the sky, covering like raindrops. The rain struck thousands of deserted soldiers.

With a puff, a sharp arrow hit a desolate warrior running at high speed. After the arrows were shot through the leather armor, it was like a rooting tree on his chest. The blood quickly penetrated and stained the leather armor. However, the desolate warrior seemed to be observing nothing, still carrying a knife and axe and rushed towards the Kuroshio cavalry. It was obvious that the arrow was blocked by the desolate steel-like skin and did not hurt him. The key.

There is no military order and no semaphore. The battle of the huangren relies on that instinct, and it relies on the tacit understanding and trust in companions cultivated by **** side by side for more than a thousand years. When the distance is like a dark tide When the prairie cavalry had dozens of steps, as long as there were no warriors who fell to the ground by the arrows of the cavalry, they neatly drew out the axe from their waist, snorted, and threw them out with all their strength!

The sharp small axe spins at high speed, cutting through the air on the battlefield, and the bright light reflects the daylight, reflecting the snow-white light and shadow on the cyan grassland. It looks extremely beautiful, but extremely scary.

With strong defensive power, the desert warriors abruptly resisted the first round of the prairie cavalry’s volley and entered the effective killing distance of the throwing axe. They ran too fast, and it was too fast for the prairie cavalry to make the first round. In the second round of volley, he threw the axe in his hand!

The arrow rain failed to shoot too many desert soldiers down on the grassland, but the heavy rain formed by more than a thousand sharp small axes directly caused the prairie cavalry to suffer the most cruel blow, the heavy small axe. Coupled with the throwing power and rotation of the desert soldiers, it is easy to cut the light armor of the cavalry, even if the tail of the axe touches, it will directly cause these prairie cavalry to fracture and spurt blood!



(Talk about a few very important things: First, after I finished writing last night, I worked on the outline of the next volume, deduced all the way to overthrow it, and finally I don’t know if I was excited by the future plot or by the level of trouble. I was depressed. In short, I had insomnia. I couldn’t sleep until noon, so I didn’t sleep at all. I hoped to adjust the biological clock again, but in the afternoon I couldn’t stand it anymore. I wrote this in four or five hours. Zhang, the quality of emotions should be okay, but I really don’t know the text, because my eyes are not good, I will go to bed after eating the meal brought back by the leader later. If I wake up tomorrow, I will try to write more. Let’s report a very important thing to everyone. It’s the annual selection. To be honest, with the help of the big guys, I won the best author the year before and the best work last year. I am really grateful and satisfied. I really don’t know what to do this year. Anyway, if you want to vote for me without spending money, I am still deeply grateful, but please don’t spend money to vote for it. I really don’t want anything. The moderators in the book review area also have the best selection, but I don’t know why our moderators have fallen into the designated range and scratched their heads. They have been working hard these months. I know this very well, so I take this opportunity to tell them. Thank you very sincerely. Goodbye everyone, this paragraph is not a word count, what I said earlier is really not polite, I really want nothing.)

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