Nightfall Chapter 165: Mantou

If you don’t drink water, you’ll die. Ning Que thought about this sentence and asked seriously: If you want to eat the crab roe porridge that you like, you won’t be able to drink water, what should you do? “

Chen Pipi waved her hand impatiently and said, “It’s impossible for this to happen. Where can I find water to drink?”

Ning Que insisted on asking: “If the water has feet and thoughts and doesn’t want you to drink it, when you lean over, it will run away by itself, what do you do?”

Chen Pipi was stunned, and after thinking for a long time, he said helplessly: “If this is the case, then in order to survive, drink water, although it will be more painful.”

Ning Que looked at the morning light waves on the lake, and said sadly: “Everyone can have three wives and four concubines…Well, to put it in a better way, other people can have a lot of love, why I can’t Why did my child learn to be jealous when he was a child?”

Chen Pipi stood beside him, looking at the reflection of Yanming Mountain in the lake, and said: “You don’t want me to do this with things. I never thought about women and strange things.

Ning Que glanced at him.

Chen Pipi shook his head and said, “Don’t expect to get any help from the seniors. No one in the back mountain has experience in this area. They are all geniuses and idiots.”

Ning Que said with emotion: “I thought that the most important thing to be a human being is to be happy, but I didn’t expect her to be so unhappy. It has been more than ten years since I said that I have never beaten her once. Why? Those in the world are very good, and I like it very much, but she doesn’t like it… I don’t seem to be able to do anything. Is this fate?”

Chen Pippi comforted and said: “Then you must learn to accept your fate.”

“I don’t think this is comforting.”

Ning Que said: “By the way, brother, what are you going to catch me back to the academy?”

Chen Pipi said: “Everyone wants to ask whether you want to choose Shanshan or Sangsang, but now it seems that you don’t need to ask, I am very in favor of your choice.”

Ning Que asked with a slightly different expression: “Why?”

Chen Pippi looked at him and said, “Because I know you would choose this way.”

Ning Que was silent for a long time.

Chen Pipi frowned slightly, rubbed her cheeks, and asked with concern: “How are you going to solve this?”

Ning Que was silent for a moment and said: “Sang Shanken didn’t want to wash clothes by herself when she was young. I taught her a word at that time: Do your own things. Yin Ran this is my own business. I have to deal with it, and this and the matter must be dealt with without any muddle.”

Chen Pippi said anxiously: “Are you not worried about hurting her?”

Ning Que said with a smile: “Isn’t I a very flimsy person?”

Chen Pippi looked at him and said seriously: “You smiled fake and bleak…”

Ning Que smiled dismal, not knowing how to speak.

Chen Pipi said with emotion: “Men’s and women’s affairs are indeed the most troublesome thing in the world. Now that I want to come, I really want to be grateful to Ye Hongyu for the catty… Madam, she made me have no idea about women in this life. Instead, I don’t need to experience your troubles.”

The two walked around the lake, left Yanming Mountain, and returned to the noisy street market. At this time, the people of Chang’an had already got up and lined up in front of the early stall.

Two monks stood beside a ruined shop. One was a skinny monk whose arms barely exposed outside the monk’s clothes looked like steel. The other middle-aged monk had a dark complexion and his face was full of weather.

The two monks were chewing silently with snow-white rotten heads in their hands. Two bowls of water were placed on the stone slabs under their feet. The monks’ clothes were old…the description was indifferent, which formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding bustling city.

“Ascetic monks are rarely seen in the city of Chang’an.”

Looking at the two monks on the street from a distance, Chen Pipi frowned and said, “Especially such a powerful ascetic monk.”

Ning Que looked at the two monks who bowed their heads and gnawed their heads in silence, and said with emotion: “There is suffering in life and suffering in life. I thought I was already suffering enough, but I didn’t expect that there would be more suffering than me in the world. People who eat glutinous rice are not even worthy of fermented bean curd… They really are ascetics.”

Chang’an City is the world’s most powerful city. I don’t know how many strange people and strangers appear every day. Although ascetics are relatively rare, the two of them didn’t care, so they walked over.

As he walked by the two monks, Ning Que glanced at the middle-aged monk.

At this moment, the middle-aged monk looked up at Ning Que.

Ning Que stopped a lot.

The middle-aged monk’s eyes were quiet and powerful, as if he had been dyed with incense for tens of thousands of years before Qing was an ancient Buddha, without any impurities.

And the breath that exudes from the middle-aged monk is also extremely quiet and powerful. Although he is standing in a crowded market with half a white japonica in his hand, he seems to be standing. In the Buddha country where the lotus is in full bloom, he holds a green branch in his hand.

Chen Pipi stopped following Ning Que. He frowned and looked at the middle-aged monk quietly. He suddenly said, “The Pure Land on Earth has become a Buddha by itself… You take the White Pagoda?”

The middle-aged monk He Shi said: “The White Pagoda Temple Dao Stone…I have seen Mr. Twelve and Mr. Thirteen.”

Dao Shi is a very unknown ascetic monk.

Chen Pipi has never heard of his name, and most practitioners in the world have never heard of his name, because Dao Shi has been practicing quietly in rural villages since he came out of the White Tower.

But there has never been a fixed relationship between the fame and strength of the practitioner

Chen Pipi watched this ascetic monk standing in the red dust, but he condensed the Fahui statue outside the Three Realms, and knew that the other party’s cultivation realm was very powerful.

Chen Pipi glanced at Ning Que.

Ning Que looked at the middle-aged ascetic monk and suddenly asked: “Come for me?”

Dao Shi calmly said, “Mr. Thirteen, please enlighten me.”

Since joining the WTO, he will naturally continue to face endless challenges. I think that by defeating the world’s Feng Xiong with one hand, the young master uncle has built the reputation of the academy in the world. Ning Que is early for this and the situation. He was mentally prepared, but he was not ready today.

Because the stories of the trip to the wasteland are because of the conflict with the nympho, because of the nasty old woman named Qu Ni Ma Bang, Ning Que doesn’t have the slightest affection for the Moon Kingdom towards the White Pagoda Temple, but a few days ago After the First World War, the Monk Guanhai changed his perception of Buddhist disciples.

He looked at the middle-aged ascetic monk and said sincerely: “I have something important to do today, can the master wait a few more days?”

Dao Shi calmly said: “Buddhism pays attention to predestined relations. I came from the moon wheel thousands of miles to meet you in this prosperous Chang’an city. How can I miss it?”

Ning Que frowned slightly.

Chen Pippi looked at his haggard expression, knowing that he was restless for the past two days, and had not rested well, so he could not help but shook his head, looked at Daoshi and smiled and said: “I’m coming?”

Dao Shi seriously said: “The poor monk is not the opponent of Mr. Twelve.”

Chen Pipi was startled, and said with an annoyed smile: “If you want to challenge the college, what is the difference between me and the younger brother? Are you monks wanting face or not?”

Dao Shi’s dark cheeks formed a smile, and said, “What do the people who serve the Buddha want?”

From yesterday morning to this morning, Ning Que did not sleep, eat, drink water, and was tortured by fear and panic emotions. He stood on the lakeside all night and scolded him all night, but he did not change his mood a little. Better, so he is very annoying at this time, very annoying.

Listening to the words of the monk from the White Tower Temple, Ning Que became more and more irritable and annoyed that he could not breathe. He was so annoyed that he was about to stop deceiving, and he said directly: “I give up.”

The middle-aged monk said: “If you have not fought, you will lose, it is meaningless.”

Ning Que looked at the darkened cheeks of the middle-aged monk and looked at the wrinkles on his face like mountains…” After a long silence, he said, “Then choose a place. “

The middle-aged monk said: “The Buddhism pays attention to fate and trembling when I met Mr. Thirteen, then it is here.”

Ning Que looked at the pedestrians passing by, and looked at the child who was drooling and tearing paper while holding a hot bun not far away. His voice became colder and he asked: “I offended you?”

The middle-aged monk replied calmly: “I have never seen you.”

Ning Que then asked: “Then why do you have to toss me like this?”

The middle-aged monk looked into his eyes and said, “Mr. Thirteen insulted aunt on the wasteland.”

Ning Que frowned slightly and said, “You are not Yang Guo.”

Chen Pipi approached him and said in a low voice: “Although I don’t know who Yang Guo is, it seems that you have successfully aroused the other’s desire to fight back. I must remind you that there are many Buddhist techniques. In an inexplicable place, this ascetic monk walked along the path of the Lotus Pure Land. You might not get him off, or we would just walk? Since I’m here, he wouldn’t dare to stop you by force.”

Ning Que turned to look at him and said: “Don’t you think he aroused my desire to fight back?”

Chen Pipi asked: “Why are you fighting?”

Ning Que replied: “Because I am annoyed.”

The middle-aged monk smiled slightly at Ning Que, and put down the veil in his hand.

Even though the millennium will eventually require a terrible head.

Ning Que’s eyes had a japonica, an earthen head, and a grave head.

The solitary grave became clearer and clearer in his eyes, and the more mulberry it grew, it was gradually covering up the practice fog from the early stalls on the street, and it was about to cover the smile of the child happily holding the meat bun.

Ning Que was not shocked. He knew that the disappearance of the real world before him did not represent a real event, but he was dragged into the other’s spiritual world by the middle-aged ascetic monk.

That middle-aged monk turned out to be a teacher!

The Nian Master can directly attack the enemy’s sea of ​​consciousness with the power of mind, and control the vitality of the heaven and the earth with the power of mind to directly attack the enemy’s internal organs. It is invisible, difficult to prevent, and very powerful.

The world of spiritual practice has always had and cognition: Among practitioners of the same realm, the teacher is the most powerful.

Ning Que met the teacher.

He Ding here, the first cultivator Lv Qingchen met in the world is a great master of the cave profound realm.

But he has never fought a teacher.

He didn’t even imagine how powerful the teacher in Buddhism would be.

The lonely grave with nowhere to speak is getting louder and louder

The real world is getting farther and farther away.

Ning Que’s sea of ​​knowledge was utterly empty.

The street in the real world.

He closed his eyes, withdrew the hatchet from his waist, and slashed it towards the bald head in front of him.

The grave of the spiritual world.

With his eyes open, he withdrew the Pudao from his back, and chopped it down to the grave in front of him.

The irritability and killing intent that accumulates day and night.

All in this cut

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