Nightfall Chapter 159: A brand new stroke

The summit is in ruins, with broken beams and gravels everywhere, and the broken bell keeps rolling among the curtains, making a deep sound. The first man in the lecture was covered in dust, walked to the cave, resisted the hot current, squinted his eyes and tried to find the trace of the chessboard, but nowhere could he be seen, his face showed a sad expression.

The Xuankong Temple suffered a disaster. Numerous yellow temples collapsed. Thousands of monks suffered heavy casualties. The monks and soldiers in the field and the powerful Buddhist sects such as Qi Nian were also affected by the shock and suffered serious injuries.

These are not the reasons for the sadness of the first lecture. He was sad because he felt that he would never see the chessboard left by the Buddha in this life, which means that it is difficult for the Buddha to reappear in the world.

The chessboard broke through the hard rocks and hot rivers, came to the depths of the earth for thousands of miles, sank into the red magma, and was constantly burning candles by the hot ground fire.

The chessboard could have cut off everything from the outside world, even the terrifying magma could not affect the world inside, but now there is a small crack on the chessboard, and the magma seeps in from there.

For the world on the chessboard, the small cracks are the two large cracks in the sky that are hundreds of miles long, and the tiny magma that seeps in is the endless high-temperature fire.

The black ocean flooded most of the land, and then the tide gradually ebbed, leaving a devastated world. Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas stood in the ruins, looking at the flames flowing down from the sky, with a desperate expression on their faces.

The fire pulp kept dripping from the cracks in the sky. It looked like countless red waterfalls. It was very beautiful and terrifying. The fire pulp fell on the flood-ridden field, burning with The hot mist of toxins enveloped the entire world in an instant, and many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas turned black and died.

First encounter the flood of extinction, and then encounter the fire of punishment, countless lives in the chessboard world have ended, and there are miserable pictures everywhere, which looks like the era of the end of the law in the Buddhist scriptures.

Chaoyang City has been destroyed by the black ocean. On the muddy wet ground. There were beams, bricks, stones and drowned corpses everywhere, and the bells in the White Tower Temple could no longer ring.

A young monk stood outside the city, quietly watching the cracks in the sky in the distance, watching the sky fire flowing down from there, for a long time, until the screams in the city gradually fell silent.

The young monk left Chaoyang City and headed to the far east. He looked at the Buddha statue of the maid there, with his hands clasped, with a firm expression on his face, walking on the muddy water.

He is going to cultivate Buddha, or he will have to cultivate for thousands of years before he can rebuild the maid statue into his own appearance. Even then, he knew very well that he had failed Haotian and left this world, and he would definitely return to her kingdom of God, but he still had to do it, because this was his world.

Under the pine tree behind the academy, Sangsang looked west without any emotion on his face.

She couldn’t find and kill the Buddha on the chessboard in a short time, and she had to focus her main energy on the bright moon in the sky, so she chose to seal the chessboard deep underground and the chessboard was burned by the high temperature ground fire . The Buddha suffered from all kinds of karma inside. Will gradually weaken until death.

She looked at the west and said to the Buddha: “The mountain has no ridges. The heaven and the earth are united, and you can see with you.”

She was Haotian, and ordered the earth to kill the Buddha who dared to imprison her for thousands of years. What she said was God’s will, or fate could not be resisted, and the Buddha would never be born again.

Ning Que understood why she said this sentence, and clearly felt the mighty power of causality revealed in this sentence, but still felt a little uncomfortable.

“The first six words, isn’t it a promise that only lovers can say?”

Actually, everyone knows that he is gagging, trying to loosen the tension on the lakeside, but it is obvious, the effect is very ordinary, no one would think that he is really the head of the family.

The big brother’s hand left the wooden stick, Muyou put away the embroidery needles, the fourth brother Fan Yue stopped, and no longer took the river and mountain pan, the sixth brother put the hammer to his feet, Song Qian and the eighth brother put it Going back to the chess piece, Bei Gong awkwardly flicked a few scattered piano notes. Ximen took off the flute and wiped it, and then put it back in his belt pretending to be okay. Wang Chi walked to a bunch of flowers and trees, bowed his head seemingly serious Appreciate.

The people in the academy were relieved of their fighting state, not because they believed that Ning Que could solve Sangsang, but because they saw Sangsang throwing the chessboard and confirmed that she had reverted to the real Haotian, then everyone There is no way to solve her, if you can’t win, what else is there to fight?

Of course, it is also because Sangsang said earlier: Today, she will not kill them.

Looking back at the previous scene of the chessboard breaking through the sky, everyone was shocked. Looking at the tall woman under the pear tree, it was difficult to connect with the black and thin girl cooking in Houshan.

The big brother looked at Sangsang and said, “Can you talk about it?”

Ning Que glanced at her, turned and walked towards the stream. Although his relationship with Sangsang is special, he can only negotiate with Haotian on behalf of the college.

The rest of the people also left Lishu and started to do their own things, but no one can really calm down and play chess, because this negotiation is too important for the academy to the world.

The lakeside was very quiet. The fish courageously swam out from the bottom of the crevice lotus, swam to the surface and gently pecked the spring breeze. The birds in the forest poked out their heads timidly, still afraid to sing.

The big brother said: “Stay in the world is actually a choice.”

Sangsang said: “I don’t need humble humans to choose for me.”

The big brother said: “The college is kind to you.”

Sangsang looked at the lake with his hands on his back, and said: “Or, but you have never been kind to me. Your intuition about fate sometimes exceeds the scope of human beings.”

The big brother said: “The teacher is kind to you.”

Sangsang said: “There is no difference between what your teacher and the Buddha do. They both want to make me weak and kill me. I can’t see what kindness this is.”

The elder brother said: “The Buddha planted poison, and the teacher gave you the red will. The former will destroy you, but the latter hopes that you can change. Teacher…I hope you can become a human being.”

Sangsang remembered that on the chessboard, he seemed to have heard Ning Que say something similar, and he frowned slightly and said, “Why should I become a human? What good is this for me?”

Whether it is Haotian or ordinary humans, in fact, the final discussion of any problem is the question of interest and responsibility. It feels a bit tacky, but there is no way to bypass it.

The big brother couldn’t answer this question, and after a little silence, he said, “I don’t know what kind of benefits you will get in this process, but I think that the teacher has arranged this way. It must be confirmed that you can get in this process. Something you want. But those are not what I can guess.”

This is Haotian’s world. She is the master of this world. She has everything. No matter how she changes, she can’t have more. So what does the Master think she can get?

No one knows the answer, not even she.

This conversation is brief. Without any results, Sangsang left the pear tree and walked out of the mountain with his hands behind his back. Looking at this scene, people who seemed to be playing chess and piano turned around at the same time. They gestured with each other’s eyes, thinking that no result is probably the best result that can be obtained now.

Muyou looked at Sangsang, hesitantly asked: “Eat first?”

Sangsang ignored her, as if he hadn’t seen her, and continued walking blankly.

Ning Que hurried to catch up.

The Cloud Gate formation between the mountain roads can easily stop the powerhouses at the peak of the five realms. Back then, the headmaster of the Xiling Temple could break into the cliff because the formation was not presided over. It was also because Yu Lian was waiting for him to come in. Now that the head teacher wants to enter the mountain again, it is not so easy.

But for Sangsang. This formation didn’t make any sense. While walking at will, he walked out of the cliffs of Houshan and came to the front yard of the academy, without leaving Ning Que.

Ning Que said to her: “If you ask if you eat or not, even if you don’t eat, you still have to respond. That’s the senior sister, and now she’s also the senior sister. You should respect it more.”

Sangsang ignored him and continued to move forward without any emotion.

Ning Que’s expression was astringent, and he followed in silence.

Walking through the old, to the quiet place, crossing the meadow, and then came to the sword forest.

Sangsang looked at these straight trees with his hands, and said after a moment of silence: “When you were climbing that year, I was here. These woods became swords and wanted to kill me.”

Ning Que said: “I heard from the second brother afterwards that it should be a pass set by the teacher.”

Sangsang said: “No, it is the sword intent left by Ke Haoran who wants to kill me.”

Ning Que was a little surprised. This Jianlin did have the will of a little uncle, but at that time Sangsang was still an inconspicuous little maid in Old Bi Zhai. Why did Jianlin react?

“Ke Haoran knew me. What’s interesting is that I knew me at the time.”

It’s interesting, but her expression is so indifferent, she can’t feel the slightest interest, “Except for the sword intent he left behind, no one knows that I am Haotian, I don’t even know it. , The person holding the pen doesn’t know where the pen is, this is the magical pen.”

Ning Que said with emotion: “Yes, you don’t know who you are, naturally no one knows who you are. In the end, even the teacher was deceived by you to the kingdom of God, and you deceived my youth.” /

Sangsang did not smile, looked at him blankly and said: “I saw you have written a lot of characters. I know that if you have a good pen, how do you think I write with this pen?”

Ning Que didn’t understand the meaning of her words. If she was referring to those things before, why did she let herself evaluate at this time, or did she have written a new stroke?

A new magic touch? He was very upset and even felt a little cold.

Sangsang glanced at the sky split by the sword forest, turned and walked outside the academy.

Ning Que asked: “Where to go?”

Sangsang said: “Chang’an.”

Listening to this answer, Ning Que’s anxiety was like meeting the soft snow in the spring, all of it melted and nourished his heart, and new rice was gradually growing, which was extremely satisfying.

What the world can threaten her now is the Shocking Array in Chang’an City. She is willing to go to Chang’an, which shows that she may really want to stay in the world and stay beside him.



(I was in bed today and thought of a very interesting little plot. I forgot because I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom. I remembered it after I went home. I was in a hurry to go out and I forgot to remember, so I forgot to go to the hospital. On the road, I thought about it for a long time, but when I got there, I forgot it again, and then I never remembered the plot again. I was suffocated and very uncomfortable. I recorded it here. I thought it was a memorial service, and everyone should have seen the plot. Alright.)

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