Nightfall Chapter 120: Qingxia is coming (third shift)

There are four key points in the world fighting against Tang, two points in the light and two in the dark. The two points in the dark are an unknown arrangement of the door, and the two points in the light are in the north and south of the map.

Xiling Temple Headmaster’s raid on the academy eventually failed miserably. The figures of Zhishouguan Guanzhu and the elder brothers still linger in the famous mountains and rivers in the world, but they will not forget to return.

The tragic battle between the Golden Tent King Court and the Datang Cavalry continued in the wilderness in the north, so now the deadlock can be changed and the battlefield that determines the victory or defeat is in the south.

The Xiling Temple coalition forces are the real main force in this world’s attack on Tang. After the fall of the Datang Navy, the temple secretly trained more than 8,000 cavalry and guard cavalry for many years, and more than 100,000 troops in the Southern Jin Dynasty crossed Daze and entered Qinghe County.

In Qinghe County, various powerful practitioners and powerful private armies joined the coalition queue, and armies from remote small countries and those cultivating sects hidden in the mountains rushed to join.

The coalition forces of the Xiling Temple became more and more powerful. Walking on the field, the autumn rice was all over, the paddy field was trampled dry, and behind the two gods, there were more and more horse-drawn carriages. The most eye-catching one was the most. A quiet car.

This is probably the most powerful army since the Northern Expedition of the Desolate Empire in the Tang Dynasty. Compared with the coalition forces today, the coalition forces that fought against the Desolate on the Wasteland in the spring are much weaker.

In the Xiling Temple coalition army at that time, the head teacher was sitting in the town, but anyone who guessed who was sitting in the quiet carriage thought that there was someone sitting in the army, which was more awe-inspiring than the head teacher.

One day in late autumn, the mighty Xiling Temple Allied Forces passed through Qinghe County and stopped in a whole row outside the green valley in the mountains before they came to a green mountain.

More than ten scouts in the Southern Jin Dynasty rushed out and drove towards Qingxia. After a short while, there was a sharp bamboo flute sound indicating safety, and the coalition forces remained motionless. The silence is terrifying.

Until the sound of the bamboo flute continued to be heard from the depths of the Qingxia, it was about to be annihilated, and the temple coalition forces confirmed that there was no Tang army ambushing in the canyon. The Southern Jin Marshal Bai Haixin, who was the commander of the coalition forces, waved his hand indifferently. The messenger beside him held the flag in both hands and waved quickly in front of him. An order to advance was conveyed to the camps.

According to the information returned within Tang. As for the Allied Forces of the Temple, it has been confirmed that the state of Tang nowadays simply cannot find a unit to be deployed to defend southern Xinjiang. In the past years, the Southern Army of Tangguo Town, guarding outside the virgin forest, even if they disregarded the invasion of the King’s Court of the Golden Tent, they would have to detour around the Xiaoshan Chong if they wanted to come here.

Unless those southern towns can fly. Otherwise they would never appear in Qingxia.

Even so, Marshal Bai Haixin and the great figures in the temple are still vigilant and cautious. Now that the army is crushing, they only need to go north safely to win a battle against the world. There is really no need for any risk.

The Southern Jin cavalry took the lead to enter the canyon. The distance between the battalions was maintained very well, and then mixed infantry entered. Because the speed was strictly controlled, it took a long time.

The reason for this is that the coalition forces have to lengthen the cavalry queue in the canyon, so that it is easy to be cut and attacked by the Tang army, but it is also good for the cavalry to strain. Twenty thousand cavalry and infantry were all eaten. Tang must use at least one hundred thousand troops.

The Xiling Temple coalition forces, it is calculated that Tang Guo does not have so many troops.

In the face of the mighty coalition forces, the Tang Junwei in the canyon does not exist, even if there are Xiang troops from the northern states and counties or those militiamen who have caused the prairie cavalry in the east to be extremely troublesome. A spray.

The coalition forces entered the canyon very slowly. Slowly, there are many people in the barracks who are a little anxious, practitioners of certain sects. Even the anger of waiting grew stronger, but some people felt it was too fast.

“It’s too fast, let the people of the Southern Jin Dynasty slow down.”

The weather is clear today, the blue sky is cloudless, and the blazing sun doesn’t feel like autumn at all. It penetrates the heavy veil on the gods and falls between the eyebrows of Ye Hongyu, adding more beauty.

The black-clothed deacon by the bank led the way, and returned a moment later, and reported in a low voice: “Bai Haixin, please rest assured that there are martial arts practitioners going up the mountain. According to reports, there should be no problem.”

The eyebrows of Ye Hongyu slightly furrowed.

She knew that the view of the coalition forces was correct. There were no loopholes in the calculations. The Tang people could not find any chance. If Qingxia was to become the tomb of the burial army, it would be impossible to gather all the runemasters in the world. , Because that means changing the world, that is what Haotian can do.

But she always feels something wrong.

Because everything went smoothly and everything was too peaceful. She had lived in Chang’an for a long time. Except for Ning Que, she had contact with many Chinese people. She knew that Tang Guo would never Surrender, then this smoothness and calmness reveals something strange.

As if to prove that she was feeling right at this time, the verdant valley suddenly changed, and countless auras of heaven and earth gathered from all directions of the wilderness and gathered above the mountains.

Ye Hongyu’s expression abruptly.

The Oracle God’s brow furrows deeply,

There was a soft sound in the carriage.

In the Xiling Temple coalition forces, the three most powerful figures felt the danger first, but they had no time to do anything. Even if it was time, they could not change everything in front of them.

The aura of heaven and earth above the verdant gorge fluctuates too violently, far beyond the scope of the cultivator’s imagination, and even compared to the master’s sword of the sky on the wasteland!

The aura of these heavens and earth is so huge that the Qing River in Qinghe County has become muddy, dewdrops have condensed on the black roof tiles, and a cloud of clouds has suddenly appeared in the sky above the green hills!

The clouds squeezed violently, accumulating energy, and then suddenly turned into countless strands, dissipated in the blue sky, and an inhuman force crushed to the ground!

A loud bang!

The ground was shaking and restless, and countless war horses panicked and whistling.

Qingxia collapsed.

The Xiling Temple coalition forces have always guarded against the Tang army, or the strong practitioners of the Tang state, to launch a siege in Qingxia. However, no one could think that it was not people who initiated the siege.

What struck was Qingxia itself.



The verdant and beautiful gorge has become the most terrifying place in the world.

Countless thick smoke rises from the canyon and floats towards the blue sky. It’s not that there was a fire in the canyon, but the smoke and dust caused by the collapse of the cliff. The smoke and dust can float so high, you can imagine the situation inside.

Countless heavy mountain rocks collapsed and fell, falling on the heads of the Southern Jin cavalry, making a dull thunderous crashing sound, and then continued rolling forward with blood and crushed corpses.

The dull impact sound kept sounding. After a long time without stopping, the smoke and dust from the collapse of the canyon became more and more dense, gradually becoming a large cloud of dust and fog, covering the picture in the canyon.

The screams and screams of Southern Jin soldiers heard from the canyon, but they were concealed by the sound of the cliffs collapsing. People outside the canyon couldn’t hear it clearly, until it gradually weakened, and then there was silence.

At this time, it has been a long time since Qingxia collapsed. The rocks, which were bigger than the carriages, finally stopped rolling, and the vibrating field calmed down.

The coalition army of Xiling Temple in the wilderness of Qinghe County is quiet.

Everyone’s faces were filled with shock and fear.

Bai Haixin’s face was extremely pale, and his hand holding the reins was shaking constantly.

At this time, there were 20,000 soldiers in the Southern Jin Dynasty buried in the canyon!

Although these losses did not change the overall strategic situation and did not fundamentally weaken the strength of the Xiling Temple coalition forces, they still made him heartbroken and unacceptable.

He was the commander of the Xiling Temple Coalition Army, but he was even the leader of the Southern Jin Army. He had 20,000 soldiers under his command. He didn’t even see the enemy, so he died!

In the god, Ye Hongyu’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and his expression became extremely solemn, even a little fearful, forcibly calmed his mind, and smoothed the front flap of the ruling robe that was wrinkled by himself.

She has a firm heart and fearlessness. This kind of emotion shouldn’t have appeared in her, even if she faces a strong opponent.

However, as she had previously thought, such a long Qingxia would collapse instantly, and it would be countless times more difficult than that of Junmo of the academy cutting the Buddha statue in Lanke Temple. This kind of change of heaven and earth is the ability that only Haotian can possess!

How did the Chinese do it?

Who is in that verdant valley?

What happened in that valley?



Compared with the famous Minshan Mountain, the verdant mountains that rise across the wilderness in the southern part of the Tang Dynasty are not so dangerous. However, the surface of this mountain is hard and heavy granite, but most of the inside is It is limestone and easily soluble in rain, so landslides and rock collapses often occur.

For this reason, this green hill has been transformed by nature to be extremely strange. The peaks are steep and strange in shape, making it extremely difficult to climb. Even martial arts practitioners regard it as a dangerous route.

Fortunately, there is a gorge in the mountains. This gorge connects the central and hinterland of Datang with Qinghe County. Otherwise, if you want to make a detour, you don’t know how many more days you have to walk.

In order to strengthen the control of Qinghe County, Datang spent a huge amount of time to widen the canyon hundreds of years ago, and then the Fushi and Zhenshi strengthened the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and densely planted the root system to absorb water. The tree species of the solid cliff finally turned the natural rugged road in the canyon into a smooth official road.

Since that day, Datang has changed its route from north to south, and people have praised it. With this strategic passage, Datang and Qinghe will never be separated and become a family in a real sense.

Now the Qinghe County clansmen have launched their rebel flags, surrendered to the Xiling Temple, and even sent private troops to join the attack on Chang’an City. The family and the country have been divided.

So what is the significance of this verdant valley?

So it collapsed.

Buy the past.



(The word Qingxia, in my detailed outline, in my deep mind, has existed for more than half a year, I have been thinking about this, but every time I think about it, I always think of Lin Qingxia… To be honest, I really don’t think Sister Qingxia is as beautiful and beautiful as many people say. Well, the reason why I say these gossips is because I am really tired at this time, divergent, and there are more below.) { PiaoTian Literature Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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