Nightfall Chapter 118: Shadows

Weird-shaped clouds often appeared in the sky of the wasteland. Ning Que did not see the cloud above the carriage. Even if he saw it, he would not pay more attention, because this kind of picture is too common, and because of him. Now my mind is all on Sangsang’s body.

Every time she hears her cough, he gets nervous. Thinking of Master Qishan’s statement in Lanke Temple, he asked Sangsang to continue chanting Buddhist scriptures and practicing Buddhism, hoping to temporarily stabilize the coldness in her body, but a bad omen was faintly born in his heart.

For the next few days, there were no royal cavalry and Xuankong Temple ascetic monks. The journey was calm. Ning Que finally noticed the cloud above the carriage—the clear sky was thousands of miles away, and the blue sky was like a piece of celadon washed with water, without a trace of cloud. , But there was a lone cloud hanging quietly above his head, it was hard not to be noticed.

At this time, the sun is in the middle of the sky, and it happens to be covered by that cloud. Looking up from the wasteland, the edge of the cloud seems to be embroidered with a golden rim. The color of the cloud within the Phnom Penh is extremely white, and there are countless roots. The dense clouds are gathered, like a big cotton candy, which makes people want to reach out and touch it.

A lone cloud covered the sun, casting a shadow of several tens of feet on the ground, just covering the black carriage. Ning Que found it interesting and didn’t think much about it. He put down the curtain and signaled the big dark horse to move on.

He didn’t notice that when the carriage was walking on the wasteland, the lone cloud in the sky also moved with the carriage, and the shadow also moved on the wasteland, always covering the black carriage.

The **** horse believes in the philosophy of living in the present. Its eyes will always stay between the food in front of you, the road under your feet, and the legs of the mare, and the lazy horse is too sloppy to glance further away, so it I didn’t notice that I was walking in the shadow all the time, I just felt so cool and comfortable.

The wasteland in late autumn is very cold. Except for the dark horses, no one thinks that coolness is a kind of enjoyment. Ning Que and Sangsang in the carriage do not want to hear any words related to cold.

There was a chill in the carriage, and there was a place by the window that was not covered by the silk surface, revealing the cast steel panel. A layer of frost has condensed on it, and you can imagine how low the temperature in the car is now.

Sangsang added a pair of velvet trousers, tightly wrapped in black fur, buried in the bedding, and even then did not feel a trace of warmth, his face was pale, his lips were blue, and there was a light cream on his eyelashes. .

Ning Que added two talisman papers to the brass brazier. Take out a skin bag and put it in front of her face. Inside the skin is the spirits harvested from the looting of a small tribe ten days ago. Sangsang shook his head. He motioned to himself, took the wine pouch, and poured wine into his belly to his mouth. After a while, the wine sac gradually became flat.

It may be because of drinking too quickly and choking, or it may be the cause of illness. Sangsang put down the wine pouch, frowned and coughed, the talisman fire in the brass brazier suddenly dimmed, and then gradually struggled to reignite.

Like these days, she did not cough up sputum or cough up blood, and every cough coughed up was a very cold breath, and those breaths suddenly turned into white mist when they met the hot and humid air in the carriage.

The cold breath in Sangsang’s body is getting heavier and heavier, and a little bit is expelled from the body with the cough every day. That kind of breath doesn’t seem to be in the world, it’s bitterly cold, even if it’s a talisman, it sometimes can’t withstand it, so the temperature in the compartment becomes lower and lower, which is why the frost will form on the windows of the car.

With the sound of a soft cough, the temperature in the carriage gradually dropped, and Ning Que threw another talisman paper into the brass brazier. He barely managed to maintain it. The amount of fire talismans in these days was too large. The talismans he had previously stored, especially the talismans, had been used up long ago, but now he used temporary writing on the way. It consumed a lot of thought power, making his face a little haggard.

Use external heat to neutralize the cold slightly. But there is no way to eliminate the cold and cold breath that originated in Sangsang’s body. It can only treat the symptoms, and Master Qishan said when he treated Sangsang in Lanke Temple, even if it is practicing Buddhism, using Buddha nature to suppress the calm path The yin and cold breath can only treat the symptoms but cannot be eradicated.

Ning Que knew that if he wanted to completely remove the cold breath in Sangsang’s body, so that Pluto could not see her, he could only hide the past two years in the world of Buddha’s chessboard.

Sangsang’s coughing became more and more frequent, his condition became more and more troublesome, his mood became more and more anxious, and it took great effort to suppress and turn his head back to the depths of the wasteland, digging out by himself The idea of ​​the buried chessboard—the Buddha’s aura on that chessboard was so full that it was useless.

Holding his sanity with difficulty, he became firmer and firmer in his idea of ​​going to the capital city of Lunar Kingdom first. That Buddhist country has the most Buddhist temples in the world. Even if you can’t meet the big brother for a while, let Sangsang read more Buddhist scriptures. , Seek more Buddha-nature, temporarily calm the cold breath in the body, and not be as dangerous as it is now.

The cold wind in the wasteland in late autumn is getting stronger, and there is no snow after that snow. Sometimes snow clouds gather in the sky, and they are blown away by the strong wind in an instant. Only one cloud hangs quietly in the air. Any impact.

The lone cloud moved to the southeast, casting a faint cloud shadow on the wasteland ground, and the black carriage drove silently in this shadow, moving away.



The black horse-drawn carriage finally walked out of the wasteland and came to a border in the northern border of the Moon Country. At this time, on the wasteland behind the horse’s body, the cold wind was already roaring, and the snow was gradually rising in the winter, but the world in front of the carriage was still Still staying in the autumn, the several autumn trees in the border seemed to be burning red.

Although I don’t know the specific situation of Moon Nation today, I can guess something. Ning Que parked the black carriage in a col outside the border and went to find out the news by himself.

After a while he returned to the col and walked into the carriage. Sangsang looked at the expression on his face, vaguely understood something, smiled and said, “What does mine look like on the portrait?”

Ning Que took out a piece of paper from her arms and spread it out in front of her, and said, “Look for yourself.”

He entered the border gate earlier and quickly confirmed the current situation, because the streets of that small border town were covered with wanted portraits of Sangsang, and the identity of Sangsang was written on it.

The paper is still very new, and it should be posted within five days. Sangsang looked at the thin little maid in the portrait, and found that she was really alike, and sincerely praised: “The painter of Moon Land is really amazing.”

The portrait even the slightly withered hair of Sangsang was painted very vividly. Ning Que pointed to a line of small characters next to the cotton skirt of the little maid in the portrait and said: “The painter of Xiling Temple, of course is amazing.”

Sangsang said helplessly: “It turns out that the temple will arrest me too.

Ning Que said with a smile: “We both have acquaintances in the Xiling Temple. If we really want to be caught, it is better to let Ye Hongyu catch. If you want to come, you will always be happy in love, and you will not need to use fire. .”

Sangsang said softly: “It’s not funny.”

Ning Que didn’t say anything. He drove the **** horse out of the mountain col, bypassing the small border town, and heading towards the hilly area to the east of Moon Country. Sangsang thought to the south, isn’t the capital of Moon Country? ? Why did she go east at this time? Although she was confused, she believed Ning Que and was a little tired, so she didn’t ask.

A few days later, the black horse-drawn carriage, which was flying fast, arrived at the east of Moon Country. Looking at the mountains and mountains, far away from the border, Ning Que stopped the **** horse.

You can see the land of Datang when you pass through the mountains. Ning Que had seen on the map that the West General Mansion of Datang Town should be located in Zhezhou City, more than 400 miles away. At the speed of a dark horse, it only takes less than a day to see the long-lost residence. The Datang Military Banner-if no one intercepts it.

He knew very well that on the route from Moon Wheel Kingdom to Datang, there must be countless cultivators hidden at this time, so from the beginning, this route was not in his plan, but he knew it. Seeing that the homeland is so close, how can you be reconciled if you don’t come to see for yourself?

“Don’t force it, let go if you feel hard.”

In the carriage, he looked at Sangsang and said solemnly. Sangsang nodded slightly, took the broken **** umbrella from his hand, stretched out his right hand to hold it tightly, and then slowly closed his eyes without opening the umbrella.

After a while, her small face became paler, her eyelashes trembling like leaves blown by the wind on the snow, her right hand holding the umbrella handle also began to tremble, and her thin body began to tremble.

Sangsang suddenly coughed, Ning Que stretched out his hand without hesitation, snatched the **** umbrella from her hand, and then took her into his arms, rubbing her back repeatedly, and passed After a while, she let her cough calm down.

Sangsang put his head on his chest and closed his eyes, not knowing whether it was because of the cold or fear, his body was still trembling slightly, his voice was tired and weak, and said, “There are many people, very powerful people.”

Ning Que remained silent and continued to hold her.

After a while, Sangsang opened his eyes and said in a low voice: “I don’t dare to open the **** umbrella. I’m not in good health now. I don’t see it very clearly. You should let me look at it for a while.”

Ning Que said: “It is enough to know that someone is in front.”

Sangsang said: “But I don’t know where it is from.”

Ning Que said: “Xiling Temple…No, it should be said to be from the Haotian Taoist Sect.”

He sat down by the car window, took out his telescope, and looked towards the distant mountains and ridges. He watched in silence for a long time, until the sky turned dark, and finally saw a few looming sword lights.

Looking at the looming sword light among the rugged mountains and ridges in the night, Ning Que remembered the story many years ago. The demon sage sage Murong Linshuang danced in Tuyang City. Daoist masters all arrived, regardless of Emperor Tang’s anger, and finally forced Xiahou to cook his lover alive.

It was just a war between Dao Sect and Demon Sect. Now Sangsang is the daughter of Hades. This is the war between Haotian and Hades. Ning Que knew that the situation he faced was definitely more dangerous than the situation Xiahou faced back then. , Ye Hongyu must have come, has the oracle come? Where is the head teacher?



(Eight o’clock in the evening, crooked that crooked 55373, let’s chat, it’s a birthday one day in advance, mainly for chatting, if you have time to play, everyone is welcome to play, the time won’t be too long, because I still have it today Write two chapters…) {Piaotian Literature Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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