Nightfall Chapter 117: We are just passersby

At the foot of Tianqi Mountain…Two generations of Demon Sect powerhouses are facing each other, and on the remote snow cliff…The negative sword walking of the Haotian Taoist gate is floating. Compared with these truly remarkable characters, Ning Que is now Naturally, he is a small and insignificant character. Although he now has the identity of walking in the academy, the only one who is qualified to speak on behalf of the academy is the master who stands quietly and calmly in the room, so no one pays attention to him, just treats him as one. Passersby.

Ning Que didn’t have the sad emotion of being ignored. On the contrary, he was very happy that he was forgotten by everyone on the field. Only in this way could he pay attention to the middle-aged man without worrying about being discovered by everyone.

Looking at the middle-aged man’s thick eyebrows and the solemn Qiu Yi in his eyes, there is nothing unusual on his face, but his hands behind him gradually clenched, feeling a bit dry in his throat, and he wanted to drink something. Blood is moisturized.

His life was directly changed by this middle-aged man named Xiahou, and his happy family was because of this… when the man became a pool of blood, he had lived in the dark **** on earth for many years.

Vengeance is the most primitive and instinctive emotion of mankind, and Ning Que is no exception. Since knowing the man’s name and identity, he has secretly searched this man for many years, and secretly watched this man for many years and everything he did to him They are all very familiar, including the most inconspicuous features and living habits of the other party.

But today he saw each other with his own eyes for the first time.

The Demon Sect named Tang walked so powerfully in the world, and with a murderous ambush, he failed to kill the opponent on the spot. I have seen this earth-shaking battle…Ning Que finally has the power of Xiahou With the most real knowledge, Yuyou clearly realizes that if he wants revenge, he still has a long way to go.

However, he didn’t have any fear or frustration in his heart. Instead, he became more confident and calm, convinced that one day he could kill the opponent with his own hands because of how powerful Xiahou was, he still didn’t make a move against the big brother. Even if he hasn’t cultivated in the realm of a big brother in his entire life, as long as he is in the academy, he has unlimited possibilities.

Tang Miankang looked at Xiahou with an expression, and said, “If you are in Tuyang City, I really don’t know **** you, but since you have left Tuyang City and hid in Hulan Haibei with the intention of killing and snatching the heavenly book, then How could I miss this opportunity to kill you? Da Kuang, you have forgotten by yourself… You were not the only one who survived the Daming Sect back then.”

Xiahou said: “Many people want to kill me.”

Tang said: “Clean up the division, no one has a better reason than I want to kill you.”

Xiahou said: “But you failed to kill me.”

Tang said: “My great Mingzong practice is that Hengdou heaven and earth go to no waves. My deserted tribe is never afraid of any powerful enemy. If you Xiantao dare not strike that punch, it means you are old. , When you are old, you are useless.”

He looked at Xiahou and continued to say indifferently: “Even if I can’t kill you on the spot today, at least I know a few things… The most powerful man in Mingzong back then has become a timid waste. One, the old man who only dared to hide in the armor, how many days can someone like this stay breathless under my fist?”

Xiahou was silent for a moment and looked at Tang Wei and said sarcastically, “You just finished adjusting your breath?”

Tang said: “You are the same, Ye Su still needs some time to come over.”

“It’s so awesome…”

Xiahou stretched out his hand and tore off the tattered coat with countless holes on him… revealing a bright gray armor inside, with dense black runes engraved on the armor piece, flowing with a murderous and powerful meaning.

Ning Que stood beside the big brother, and noticed that the aura on Xiahou Lujia suddenly rose again, and he couldn’t help but feel a little bitter… He looked at the runes on the bright armor and roughly guessed that this was the cause. The powerful helmet designed by Professor Huang He himself and made by the two seniors from Houshan College.

Tang Silent looked at the armor on Xiahou’s body, and suddenly stretched out his hand into the air beside him… he held a huge scarlet knife.

The knife was passed by Tang Shangtang.

Tang said: “I didn’t want to use the knife, because you and the cowardly traitor are not worthy to die under this knife, but since the armor you wear comes from the academy, I would be disrespectful if I don’t need a knife.”

Xiahou looked at this huge blood-colored scimitar, and naturally thought of many pictures of Niantao, and said with a slightly hoarse voice: “I didn’t expect that the cicada would abandon everything in the world after 23 years of cultivation. The knife is left to you.”

Tang has finished adjusting his breath and never said another word to him…” The hot red flames between his upper legs burst out, and the hill-like body blasted towards the opponent at a terrifying speed.

The two generations of powerful demon sects are so familiar with each other’s cultivation techniques and combat techniques that they can no longer be familiar with each other. Because of their familiarity, they cannot use any means to lure the enemy and cannot avoid them. They can only be like the clock at the beginning. His ten thousand fists were like a bang, and they literally collided together.

This time the battle is not as horrible as before.

The two silhouettes are separated at once, but the danger is still worse.

When the wind and sand fell, Tang’s left shoulder seemed to collapse and blood flowed.

And Xiahou’s armor has a very deep knife edge, the meaning of the complicated rune is hindered, and it is no longer as bright as the first wave, but becomes extremely dim, and it seems to have been in the warehouse for hundreds of years. , Almost scattered.

Xiahou slowly narrowed his eyes and stroked the cold iron box around his waist with his right hand, and the rust on his fingers disappeared.

As a strong man who has been left behind by the Demon Sect in the world, Tang knows very well how powerful this traitor is. The whole… in the mountain gate, except for his teacher who has disappeared for many years, nobody dares to say for sure. Can beat the opponent.

Losing the armor, maybe the Mingzong powerhouse who smashed the wasteland will really come back. At this moment, Xiahou, who decided to use all his spirit and strength at the time of life and death, is more dangerous than before, but Tang waited silently in the extreme northern cold region. After more than ten years, he finally had the opportunity to go south to kill this traitor. Of course he would not miss this… opportunity, so he clenched the hilt of the knife and wanted to cut a second knife.

However, his second knife did not go down.

Because a wooden Taoist sword pierced through the air, it fell on the solid ground between him and Xiahou with a sneer… The stalkless sword tail trembled gently, humming and whistling.

A very lonely and desperate aura spreads in all directions along the wooden sword, as if it was not a wooden sword, but an old tree that had lived in the wasteland for many years, and it might collapse at any time.

Looking at the wooden sword, Tang frowned slightly, and found that the proud and lonely fellow was descending the snow peak a bit faster than he had imagined. He couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and he was already standing in the practice. The person at the Five Realm Enough Peak actually climbed another distance in a short period of time.

Looking at the wooden sword that was as sad as an old tree, he knew that because of the slight miscalculation of that person’s speed, he had lost the chance to die with Xia Houjue today. After a moment of silence, he passed the sword behind him. Sister.

Tang Xiaotang took the knife, and no one in the field could tell where she took the knife.

Xiahou looked at Tang Xiaotang with an indifferent expression, and slowly released the scorching breath on his body that was sometimes like iron tempting the vicissitudes of life and sometimes like molten steel, and then retreated a dozen feet away in silence.

Retire is Jia set aside a place between the courts.

There are very few people in the world who are qualified to give Xiahou a position, but today there are many at the foot of the mountain in Hulan Haibei.

The light plain-colored shirt floated slightly in the cold wind, and Ye Su didn’t know when to stand by the wooden sword.

After he drew the wooden blade from the ground and turned back, the lonely breath on the wooden sword seemed to return to him along with it, and his body became a bleak old tree.

This is the first time Ning Que has seen Ye Su, the successor of Zhishou Temple.

He didn’t know the identity of the other party at this time, he just guessed that the other party must also be an amazing person.

Many years later, in the wave of the decisive battle, he mentioned to Ye Su the encounter at the foot of Tianqi Mountain…Yes after many years had no impression of Ning Que at that time, while Ning Que was. deep impression.

“I have never seen a person so lonely, as if his feet are not standing on the ground of the world, but another world, and he is obviously alive… but he feels that he has been dead for many years, this The statement is not accurate. It should be said that you seemed to be alive and dead in my eyes at the time. I think you are very pitiful.”

Ye Su didn’t know a guy who was treated as a passerby, and he was sympathizing with but himself… He only saw the scholar who was wearing an old jacket and shattered shoes and looked very nonexistent.

There was a moment of silence, not knowing what he was thinking about, and he calmly greeted the other party: “I have seen Mr. Da.”

The big brother replied: “Hello.”

Ye Su turned his head and looked at the iron box held in Xiahou’s hands for some time.

Tang’s eyes also fell on the iron box.

Everyone in the room looked at the iron box, only Ye Hongyu looked at Ye Su with a complicated expression.

Even the big brother looked at the iron box, but his calm and gentle eyes didn’t have any firm seizure meaning, some were just curiously curious.

Ye Su suddenly said: “Elder Xia took back the heavenly book for Daomen, it is gratifying and congratulating.”

Tang said: “The people in the Taoist school are really as shameless as they were years ago.”

At this time, Xiahou said indifferently: “This matter has nothing to do with Taoism…”

Hearing this answer, Ye Su was silent.

When Tang Dynasty monarchs and ministers saw doubts, Xiahou went into the wasteland to **** the book of heaven, intending to kill the guy sent by the academy. Afterwards, he was unable to explain to Chang’an City. At this time, everyone was surrounded by the Hulan Sea. If he returned If you want to keep your reputation and power, you can only rely on the identity of the temple guest.

Ye Su Daoxed, just to give the other party a chance to get out of trouble, he only needs to exchange the heavenly script, but Xiahou did not accept it.

Ye Su understands why the other party is unwilling to accept it. The grand general of Tang Dynasty, to be able to do such a thing, must have made a great determination to completely separate from those years in the past, and now Hulanhai The situation in Banpan is very complicated, and the other party still has a chance. The most important thing is that the college master has not spoken.

The Tianshu Ming Scroll will appear in the wasteland. This is an oracle issued by the great priest after returning from the South China Sea. No one in the world would not believe this, especially Ye Su knows that this must be the conclusion of the subject .

Because of this incident, people from various countries in the world sent people into the wasteland and tried to enter the Demon Sect Mountain Gate. In the end, it was Ning Que and others who succeeded, but the people who are truly qualified to **** the heavenly book have been secretly watching.

The book of heaven is a cicada.

Ning Que and other younger generations are mantises.

Xiahou is a oriole.

Tang and Ye Su are hunters.

Big Brother is nothing. In his words, he has only walked.

However, when he passed by here, Hulan Haiether no longer had any story about the mantis hunting the cicada and the oriole.

So everyone looked at the very ordinary scholar.

The big brother asked Ning Que: “Do you want that iron box?”

Ning Que shook his head.

Hearing his answer, the senior brother did not hesitate, watching everyone in the room gently said: “If you want to fight for this box, we have only walked, and we have to go back to Chang’an in a hurry, so let’s say goodbye. Up.”

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