Nightfall Chapter 113: An unstoppable…

It was not a sneak attack.

Even if Ning Que analyzed afterwards, he must admit that it was not a sneak attack.

Because that fist appeared very upright, and there was at least a dozen feet away from his face at that time, no one could sneak attack at a distance of more than a dozen feet. Arrows are fine, but the fists are not strong

The fist can be seen because at the moment it appeared, all the fog in the mountain road was violently broken into smaller particles by the fist wind, which could no longer block the line of sight.

The smooth and smooth stone walls are clear. The mountain road is also transparent.

That’s why Ning Que could see that fist.

And the burly middle-aged man.

He had no time to think, and even less time to see the face of the middle-aged man, because the fist, bigger than the sea bowl, came to him almost without stopping after shattering the fog in the passage.

In his sight, that…fist instantly grew countless times bigger.

Because of the speed of this punch, the wind in the narrow passage was too late to blow, but was compressed and attached to the smooth stone wall, so all the sound disappeared, and there was a deathly silence. It is not a sneak attack but it is more terrifying than a sneak attack, because this is an absolute kill that relies on super strength!

Faced with such a fist that could expel the air and seemed to be faster than the sound, Ning Que had only time to make one movement, an injury that he had done countless times on the Death Wave since he was a child, and he was so skillful that he could not be furthermore injured.

The strange cry produced by the strong death threat is still brewing between the chest and abdomen, and the skin trembling with the shadow of death has not had time to set up the hair…The **** umbrella has been opened, like a block in the night sky In front of him.

The fist fell on the surface of the **** umbrella.

The **** umbrella is not broken, this…there is nothing in the world that can break it yet, but the thick and greasy black umbrella surface sank deeply at that moment, showing a very exaggerated deformation. The most serious deformation of the **** umbrella since its existence, you can imagine what kind of power is carried on that fist.

At the second moment when the naked eye could not see clearly, and even time lost its effect, the thick surface of the **** umbrella began to recover…and with the recovery, that incredible terrifying force spread to the umbrella.

The handle of the umbrella broke away from Ning Que’s tiger’s mouth… it brought out several extremely deep white lacerations. The blood was still in a daze in the crack, and there was no time to seep out, because the third moment was also a moment beyond time.

Ning Que’s eyes reflected the color of the **** umbrella, and then suddenly brightened for a moment… He began to contract his abdomen, began to exhale and collapse his chest, and his feet began to stand on tiptoe to leave the ground.

These very subtle movements were not completed in time, and the handle of the **** umbrella had already been poked into his chest. But fortunately, in that short instant, he had already started to make these preparations, so he did not die.

The handle of the **** umbrella fell down, like a mountain hitting his chest directly.

Ning Que left the ground with both feet… his chest and abdomen sank down, and then he flew up.

The mountain-like terrifying power gradually faded in the long journey of miserable and then flying.

He paid a heavy price for this, and blood spurted out like a waterfall.

Although the pain in his chest kept tearing his body like a devil, and the fear of death kept stinging in his mind, his eyes were still calm and focused, and he kept trying to adjust his posture as he flew backwards. At the same time, the vitality in the depths of the lower abdomen quickly spread to the limbs… trying to use the remains left by the young master to repair his injury. But that fist won’t give him time.

In fact, the fist never stopped. Even the **** umbrella couldn’t block that fist for even a short time.

Ning Que was knocked into the air.

The fist also flew.

Like Mingjun, following him indifferently and powerfully.

The passage from the Demon Sect to the outside of the Tianqi Mountain Range is very secret. In order to ensure that it cannot be seen from outside the mountain or on the mountain… the repair is very narrow, so when the fist broke the fog and hit Fei Ningque and then When he wanted to continue to kill him directly, he had to pass the three girls who had just reacted on the way.

Of course, Mo Shanshan took the lead. How could she watch Ning Que being beaten to death, she felt the terrifying power of that fist, and felt that the middle-aged man was as solemn as a stone and even faintly stronger than her master Under the pressure of many factors, this world’s best girl charm master finally aroused Tao’s unprecedented abilities, drawing the most powerful half way in the moment when the eyelashes were not able to tremble. Rune!

The long-distance talisman condenses in the passage, and the powerful air current evaporates here.

However, the fist did not hesitate, and blasted it directly.

The air flow is shattered, the meaning of the sword is exhausted, and it is gone.

The second shot was Dao Chi Ye Hongyu. She actually didn’t want to take action, because she was the first to recognize the identity of the middle-aged man. She knew that the other party was the guest of the temple. She knew how powerful the other party was, and she didn’t have any affection for Ning Que. If that was shameless ‘S guy was directly smashed into meat sauce by this punch, and she wouldn’t shed a tear, but she had to do it because she found that this fist was so perfect.

Only the unfeeling and unrestrained nature can strike such a perfect punch, and only when there is no return can she be able to resist. In a flash, she understands that even if the other party recognizes herself, it is impossible for this and perfection to give birth to the slightest. Regrettably, this punch has already incorporated the most absolute and resolute meaning, the attitude that the person who has stepped out of the box has shown towards this world.

She stood on the path that the fist must pass, so she had to use the most powerful invisible sword and cut it down. She had no hope of this sword, because she knew that even if she was still in the realm of fate , Is far from the middle-aged man’s opponent, even she has always thought that even the ruling **** seat is not as powerful as the opponent.

Sure enough, Dao Chi’s most powerful invisible Dao sword, in this fist, the face is like a child’s toy wooden sword, suddenly collapsed and shattered, instantly turned into a real invisible, leaving nothing in the passage trace.

The last shot was Tang Xiaotang.

Because she thinks she is a disciple of Mingzong, there may be all the so-called righteous practitioners from the Central Plains, so she insists on standing at the back.

She didn’t know who the middle-aged man was, but she guessed who he was, so there was no fear in her clear eyes, but a look of extreme excitement appeared. The excitement was not because she believed that she could defeat the opponent. In fact, she knew that she could never defeat the opponent, so she did not fight hard like the giant wolf cleft in the snowy field, nor did she slash the prince Longqing with a huge scarlet knife. It was so mighty, but with his arms crossed in the body Tao, he made the strongest defense he could make.

Unsurprisingly, the cross-seal’s arms hit her delicate chest heavily, and they instantly spread.

The power of this fist is always fixed on Ning’s mother, only passing by three young girls occasionally does not release the real power, but this is like a flood passing by a small mountain village, and it is like a flood.

Ning Que pulled up the **** umbrella and let it help him rebalance like a black tail. He looked at the fist that was getting closer, his eyes calm and focused, his left hand already held the knife behind him. handle.

The shadow of death is close to the eye, because the fist is close in front of him, and he is very scared. The experience of struggling for survival at the moment of life and death over the past years tells him that the more dangerous the time, the more he needs to calm down.

Many times, it was this and calmness that allowed him to stay away from death successfully.

He hopes to do the same today.

It is as if Haotian or Mingjun heard his expansion of prayer, because he was moved by his calmness and calmness in the face of death, the information fragments that Master Liansheng branded in his spiritual world suddenly came to life.

Ning Que couldn’t understand those things, but he understood the fist.

He even thought of a lot of coping methods for no reason. Those methods are so wonderful and unbelievable, but…the realm required by those methods is now beyond his reach!

Is this the absolute difference in realm power?

Ning Que looked at that fist, and finally a trace of despair appeared in his eyes.

From the moment of breaking to Ning Que Yantao, the burly middle-aged man only punched.

For many days of contemplation by the Hulan Sea, abandoning the fetters of the world, determined to make a complete separation from the past, condensing the punch of all the spirits of the world’s martial arts.

Only one such fist is needed, and it is enough to beat the strong men of the younger generation like a dog like a dog.

Such a fist is impossible to stop, and there are not many people in the world worthy of hitting twice.

No one can stop this fist.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty cannot, nor can the Xiling Temple Headmaster.

However, when the fist was about to touch Ning Que, it stopped. Such a decisively perfect punch, a punch with no return in Ye Hongyu’s eyes, stopped in Ning Que’s eye.

This and the transition between extreme movement and extreme silence show the incredible martial arts realm of a middle-aged man.

Yes, no one in the world can stop this fist, except the middle-aged man himself.

But this, the fist came thousands of miles from Tuyang City, through the plains and across the lake, with an endless will of determination, even with the determination to be an enemy of the world, why did it stop at this time?

A scholar appeared next to Ning Que at some unknown time.

This scholar has straight eyebrows and wide-eyed expressions. He wears an old robe, steps on a pair of torn straw sandals, and a wooden scoop is tied around his waist. There is a scroll of old books inserted in his waist. The paint is covered with dust, but looks extremely clean.

The scholar couldn’t tell how old he was, and he didn’t show any strong aura. He just stood quietly beside Ning Que, even because he looked a little honest and dull.

However, as long as he is standing here, no matter how powerful a fist is, no matter how perfect and decisive it is, the unstoppable fist must stop, and he dare not move towards Tao anymore.

Because he is a big brother in the college.

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