Nightfall Chapter 110: The snow lotus on the cliff

In the wilderness under the Xuankong Temple, the monks who walked were punished by the precepts. Naturally, they had no patience for the believers, and the harshness was more terrifying than the nobles in the tribes.

The monk by the lake was able to make believers kneel in such a close place without frowning because of the unpleasant smell on their bodies, and he seemed extremely calm and natural.

This monk is so extraordinary, he is naturally Jun Mo.

Across the lake, the wind was a bit strong. Ning Que listened at will, without hearing what the second senior brother was talking about. He took the little girl’s hand and walked there, gradually speeding up his pace.

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horseshoes from the side of the meadow. More than a dozen mighty and majestic men came galloping on their horses. The leading man in fur, waving the whip in his hand, looked at The herdsmen who were kneeling on the ground sternly shouted a few words, presumably to tell them to leave.

The herders got up in fear, wanted to escape, and worried that the master whom the tribe had finally invited was swiped by the whip, waved their hands anxiously, and defended the man on horseback.

“Master Bayi, this is…”

Before the words were finished, the whip was swung down fiercely, and it landed on an old herder’s shoulder, drawing out a blood stain. This was because the man hadn’t been able to sit still, otherwise if he was allowed to whip. In fact, I’m afraid that this old herder’s shoulders will be torn off a piece of flesh and blood, which is so cruel.

The men who followed the nobleman drew out their sabers beside their saddles and shouted at the herdsmen by the lake, not threatening them with their swords, and even urged the horses under them to drive.

The nobleman looked at Jun Mo, who was tightly surrounded by the herdsmen, and sternly shouted: “The living Buddha said, he is a wicked foreign teacher, not a master at all! Don’t you hurry up! “

The herdsmen looked at the nobleman on the horse in horror, but did not give way. It was not that they were brave enough to violate the orders of Master Bai. But they firmly believe that Jun Mo is the guru, otherwise, how could they be so compassionate to their humble self, so they are very afraid that Master Bayi will hurt the guru and be punished by the Buddha.

The nobleman also knew that he couldn’t tell these stupid untouchables. He raised his whip and pointed at Jun Mo and said: “Tie this disabled person, the Living Buddha said, he will burn him to death.” /

The guys responded in unison. A pinched horse rushed towards the lake, the knife in his hand reflected the sunlight and looked extremely sharp, and the herdsmen were bluffed and scattered.

Looking at the yellow-robed monk who was about to be knocked down, the noble man’s eyes became cruel. The living Buddha did say that he wanted to catch this evil man alive and burn him to death, but the evil man dared to instigate his slave to rebel. Before he was burned to death, how could he suffer some living sins? The ears were cut off, so cut off his remaining left arm. Or just peel off his face?

Thinking like this, the nobleman suddenly felt a cold wind coming in behind his head. Where did he have time to dodge, he only felt a chill in his ears. Immediately afterwards, his left shoulder lightened, and then a dampness felt on his face.

Waves appeared in the azure lake, as if an alien beast was about to go ashore, and a dark shadow burst out of the waves. Roaring and flying through the air, it finally fell into the hands of the yellow-robed monk.

That is a square and generous iron sword.

Jun Mo swung his sword. More than a dozen heads of people burst into the air, and more than a dozen blood blossoms sprayed from the necks of those men toward the extremely high sky, as if to wash the sinful sky.

Although the iron sword is generous, the person who uses the sword never knows what generosity is. He only knows the truth of Fangzheng.

There is no fierce picture, not even fighting, Jun Mo just swung a sword and everything was over.

The noble man looked at this scene with a pale face and opened his mouth for a long time unable to speak. Then he gradually felt the pain, and he reached out and found that his face was all blood.

The iron sword broke out of the lake and fell into Jun Mo’s hands, just passing by his rider, and just a wipe away, the nobleman dropped an ear, broke his arm, and his face was shaved. Flesh and blood.

The nobleman’s face was bloodstained, his ears and arms were broken, and he looked extremely miserable. When he discovered all this, he was even more painful and frightened, and almost fainted.

As expected of a person who lives in such a harsh environment, he did not fall off his horse, but he just looked at the eyes of Junmo by the lake, and he had already become extremely frightened.

The nobleman never thought that this cult demon was so powerful, he didn’t hesitate to use his remaining arm to yank the reins, and rode his mount to his tribe.

He didn’t dare to turn his head or say anything cruel, so that the demon would wait for him to come back to take revenge. Of course, he would definitely come back to take revenge, and he would kill all the people here.



The herdsmen who fled around gradually came back, looking at the dozen or so corpses by the lake, and the horses that were a little confused because of the loss of their owners, their eyes were also very confused.

Living in the cruel underground world, they have seen a lot of **** pictures, even more cruel pictures than this, but they have never imagined that the most powerful butchers of Master Bai, Actually one day someone will be turned into a dead person in such a simple way.

Looking at the yellow-robed monks by the lake, people knelt down again, with awe and fear written on their faces, as well as faint anxiety, not knowing what to do next.

The old herder walked to Jun Mo and knelt down, kissed the ground in front of his shoes, and said with a trembling voice: “Great and kind guru, please leave quickly.”

Jun Mo looked at the top of his head expressionlessly, and said, “Because I stay here will hurt you?”


The old herder raised his head, his dark face was full of wrinkles, and the wrinkles were full of painful tears, and said: “If you can have time, you will definitely become the most powerful guru, even a living Buddha, but Although you are strong now, it is still not enough. As for us, we are bound to die. Please don’t worry.”

Jun Mo’s expression gradually became gentle, and he said: “That person will come with countless swords and arrows and even the living Buddha you say, so I want to stay here.”

The old herdsman trembled and said: “Even if you can kill all the warriors of the Lord Bayi, and even defeat the living Buddha, that will anger the Buddha on the mountain…”


Jun Mo looked at the extremely high mountain in the distance, and said blankly: “In your opinion, the sacred mountain is very high, but if you have the opportunity to walk on the ground, you will know that the mountain It’s actually very short, looking at it from the ground, it’s just a small, inconspicuous mound.”

Hearing these words, the lake suddenly became extremely quiet. Only the fishes that had been frightened by the iron sword in the lake were swimming around, and the herdsmen looked very confused.

They have never heard such words. They don’t know what the ground is. Isn’t the wilderness where they stand on the ground? Is there any other ground? Where is that ground? Why does it look like a small mound when standing on that ground and looking at the mountain? No, how could the mountain be a small mound?

A childish voice broke the silence in the room.

The little girl led by Ning Que curiously asked: “Master, where is the ground you said?”

The herdsmen by the lake looked particularly frightened. In their opinion, the little girl shouldn’t ask this question, because it means blasphemy against the gods.

A middle-aged woman is probably the mother of a little girl, and her face pale in fright. She wanted to come forward and drag her back to have a fight, but found that her daughter was holding a stranger and didn’t dare to come forward.

Jun Mo saw Ning Que and Sangsang, he was slightly startled, then ignored them, and said to the little girl: “We are now underground, and the ground is above.”

He pointed behind him and said, “Climb this cliff and you will reach the real ground.”

Behind him is the very steep cliff. For countless years, it is this cliff that has imprisoned countless generations of serfs and herdsmen under the ground. In Sangsang’s words, it is a well wall, but it is actually a prison. Wall.

The herdsmen followed his fingers and looked towards the cliff. They couldn’t see the end at all. There were clouds and mists from time to time. They thought that the cliff was almost as high as a sacred mountain. How could it be possible to climb it?

For countless years, no one has ever climbed this cliff. In the teachings of the monks, this kind of thinking has gradually become an act of blasphemy against the Buddha. Who dares to try?

The herdsmen looked at the cliff, and suddenly woke up, and realized that they really wanted to see what the “ground” on the cliff was. They couldn’t help but feel that they were guilty and knocked their heads repeatedly.

Jun Mo looked at these herdsmen and asked, “Do you really want to know what’s on it?”

No one answered him, and the old herder said piously: “Master, that place is the kingdom of the Buddha and God, is it a place where we sinful ordinary people can go?”

Jun Mo ignored him, looking at the crowd, wanting to hear someone make a different answer, but after a long time, the lake was still quiet.

His expression is a little tired, a little disappointed.

At this moment, the little girl led by Ning Que spoke.

I don’t know if it’s because Ning Que’s hands are very warm, which gave the little girl a lot of courage. She whispered, “I want to go up and take a look.” in a clear voice like a lake.

Countless eyes looked at the little girl, and her mother even passed out.

The little girl lowered her head, looking a little disturbed and scared.

Ning Que gently squeezed her hand, and said comfortingly, “Don’t be afraid.”

The little girl raised her head courageously. Pointing to somewhere in the middle of the cliff, said: “I don’t just think about it, but I have actually gone up. Although I haven’t climbed too high, I climbed there.”

“There, I can see farther, I saw all the lambs running to the Golan Lake, and then I found them, and then I saw a snow lotus on the cliff.”

The little girl looked at the people and said.

The herdsmen by the lake raised their heads in shock, followed the little girl’s fingers and looked towards the cliff, and found that it was not high, and it was indeed possible to climb up. There was snow lotus there?

“No matter how high the cliff is, as long as you dare to climb, you can climb to the highest point one day, but if you don’t dare to climb, how can you see the snow lotus as close as possible?”

Jun Mo looked at the cliff and said calmly.



(Chapter 4, today there is… I have the courage to say it, but later, because I’m hungry, I haven’t eaten dinner yet, Chapter 5 is probably more than one hour away.)

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