Nightfall Chapter 102: The body is discouraged and grey (seventh)

No matter how fiercely Xu Chi and his history, as well as the other generals in the Zhenbei Army, opposed, the Empress Empress was calm and opposed, but refused to change her mind, insisting on taking the Sixth Prince back to Chang’an.

The generals really have no choice. Now that the Golden Account is invading the south, and the northern borders of Datang are in danger, they cannot send an army to **** them, and finally decided to mobilize five hundred elites to follow.

In the morning before leaving Beidaying, Ning Que found Xu Chi again, and said, “The Empress Niangniang and I brought you back a team of tens of thousands. I think we are qualified to ask you for a few people.” /

Xu Chi thought for a while and said: “The number of five hundred cavalry is indeed less.”

“I didn’t mean that.”

Ning Que said: “What I want is not a living person, what I want is a dead person.”

Xu Chi understood what he meant, frowned slightly and said: “The two generals committed suicide on the spot after the assassination failed. Even if you ask for their corpses, it is of no use.”

Ning Que said: “The two generals died, but the hundreds of cavalry who participated in the assassination have not been punished. I know that these people have been disarmed by you and locked up in the barracks.”

Xu Chi furrowed his brows deeper, and said, “Mr. Thirteen wants to be involved?”

“If it is normal, if you dare to alarm your majesty’s body and assassinate the queen and the prince, these people are all capital crimes. I know why you are reluctant to kill them now.”

Ning Que said: “So I won’t want you to kill all these hundreds of cavalry, but I want you to promise me that these cavalry must be sent to the frontline, the most dangerous battlefield.”

“A few years later, when this war is over, if any of these cavalrymen survive by chance, then I will not pursue them anymore. If they die, they will be considered atonement.”

After saying this, he turned and left.

When I was about to leave, I encountered another very difficult problem.

The heavy pine coffin.

Everyone knows. Ning Que returned to Chang’an with the queen and the six princes. What he wanted was time and secrecy. The heavy pine coffin would cause great inconvenience if he accompanied him.

Xu Chi suggested that temporarily leaving your majesty’s coffin in the Peking Camp will also encourage the soldiers and soldiers to spend their lives.

The queen shook her head and said softly: “Your Majesty wants to return to Chang’an, so I want to take him back.”

“Burn it.”

She looked at the heavy gray coffin and said.

The scene was shocked.

The queen smiled and said: “Your Majesty is such a handsome man, how can he care about this.”

Ning Que remembered the constant scolding of idiots in the palace. Smiled and said: “It is true.”

The pine coffin gradually burned on the pyre.

The bark crackled and sparks fluttered.

Finally turned into a box of ashes.



The leakage of the house happened to be rainy nights, which is far from enough to describe the continuous blows suffered by the current Datang, and the turbulence is not enough to describe the danger. A wave of stormy waves higher than a wave, roaring and flapping.

If you say the battle of Chengjing. It was a great shock to the Tang people, but it still had no effect on their self-confidence. The Golden Tent King’s court went south, which really made all Tang people awake and uneasy.

The scriptures of the Xiling Temple called on the world to conquer the Tang, which made the Tang people truly feel the possibility of subjugation for the first time, and the recent news of Qinghe County’s treason and independence became the heaviest blow.

Be angry because of anxiety, angry because of panic, angry because of anger. The whole city of Chang’an was in an atmosphere of anger. The Queen’s ministers who had forcibly tolerated for the sake of the overall situation of the country could no longer bear the current situation. They criticized the new emperor and princess in the palace in public opinion. .

Officials questioned why the empress and the sixth princes had not returned to Chang’an, why there was no news of Helan City, and why Qinghe County, an ally of the princess, would be so rebellious at the most critical moment of the court Shamelessly, he asked his Majesty and His Majesty what face to meet the first emperor.

After the college is closed. The new students in the front yard were sent home. Or enter various government ministries to do volunteer work, they and young students from Taixue and other places. It was the most passionate and excited group of people in Chang’an. When Datang was shrouded in dark clouds, they finally took to the streets and gathered before the imperial city to start a petition.

As for the specific content of the petition, these students are not very clear, but in short, they want to change the current situation, and they want to see change.

I don’t know where the news came from, and it began to circulate among the petitioners. General Xu Shi, General Zhen Guo, who was supposed to return within a few days, had been assassinated by the Xiling Temple in the area of ​​Weishan in the south!

The whereabouts of General Xu Shi was sold to Xiling Temple by a nobleman in the palace!

As for why the nobleman did this, it was obviously because he was in an improper position and was afraid that General Xu Shi, who has always been known for his integrity, would return to Chang’an and lift him off the throne!

When the news spread from the petitioning crowd to various parts of Chang’an City, more and more people took to the streets to express anger and suspicion, and the whole Chang’an City seemed to become countless rivers of anger.

The angry rivers are often muddy, so some people started to fish in the muddy water, and others tried to sneak away while the water turned into fish. The Xiling Temple was buried in Chang’an City for hundreds of years. The secret whistle and lurkers of, began to move around, ready to take this opportunity to make the situation more chaotic.

Leading the decree towards Xiaoshu, he led the Xiaojia camp to the east to resist the invaders. A part of the Yulin Army has already gone north and joined the battle line against the cavalry of the Golden Horde. Today’s Chang’an City still seems solid, but In fact, there are only more than 800 Yulin army and hundreds of court guards. Together with the officials of Chang’an Mansion, they can maintain law and order, suppress riots, and the situation is precarious.

The Qinghe County Guild Hall is located in a prosperous area of ​​Chang’an City. Before the news of the sects’ surrender to the enemy, this was the place that the imperial court focused on. Now it is heavily guarded and trapped in the guild hall. His complexion was bleak, waiting for an unknown fate, but several people watched the chaotic situation gradually, and gave birth to some other thoughts.

Li Hunyuan was also very angry. He even felt that he was even more angry than the petitioners in front of the imperial city.

He feels that he is innocent, the kind of pain that is not understood, biting his heart like a poisonous snake, yes, the whereabouts of General Xu Shi, he made He Mingchi spend a lot of effort to find out , It was indeed the big man who asked He Mingchi to find a way to contact the Xiling Temple.

The situation at that time was completely different from now. At that time, it was only the northeast army that was destroyed. Datang still looked strong and unshakable. When news of the Golden Tent King’s invasion reached Chang’an City, he immediately Order He Mingchi to terminate the plan, even at the risk of exposing his insidious behavior, but also to find a way to notify Xu Shi.

However… the great figure in Xiling Temple didn’t listen to him. Neither He Mingchi nor the army contacted Xu Shi. Xu Shi actually died like this. Can you blame me? If that old guy really thought of me as the emperor, how could he leave the Zhennan Army without will? How could he die if he remained in the Zhennan Army? So why is everyone blaming me now? Blame me!

The main hall in the imperial palace looked particularly lonely and cold. Li Hunyuan sat on a chair, staring at the night outside the hall, countless thoughts flashed across his mind quickly, and then flashed back again.

The **** and maid are very afraid of him now because he is angry. This made him even more angry, because he clearly saw indifference, alienation, and contempt in the eyes of these eunuchs.

I am now the emperor. When I was a prince, you could all look at me in awe and respect. Why do you dare to leave me so rudely now?

Li Hunyuan couldn’t bear it anymore. From yesterday to tonight, he had killed several eunuchs and court ladies in secret, but even so, he still couldn’t see the look he wanted to see in the eyes of these people.

So he became more angry.

He suddenly felt that this lonely cold hall was not a place for people to stay. He suddenly stood up, waved his hand to push one of the eunuchs who begged him to the ground, and brought Xu Chongshan, who was always guarding outside the hall, to Yu Yu Go deep in the garden.

It was late autumn, and the imperial garden was also bleak, but fortunately, there were still several kinds of flowers in full bloom, which appeared charming in the night. Looking at the beautiful flowers and trees, Li Huiyuan’s mood finally calmed down.

“Why don’t you think these people understand me?” He frowned.

Xu Chongshan glanced at the eaves beast on the eaves of the palace in the distance, and said after a moment of silence: “Because you are not a person who is easy to see.”

Li Hunyuan did not notice that Xu Chongshan was disrespectful to his title, and asked inexplicably: “What do you mean?”

Xu Chongshan said: “No matter how you came to the throne, but in short, you are now the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. As long as people with a more normal mind, they will not do these things that you do, but they are very strange. Yes, you always seem to be able to find some reasonable explanations for what you do. In this way, your mind is actually normal. Normal people are always doing abnormal things. Who do you think can understand?”

When he said the first sentence, Li Hunyuan woke up, but there was no response. She continued to listen to him in silence, but her face became more and more gloomy.

“It seems that you have to oppose me.” He looked at Xu Chongshan’s cold voice and said.

Xu Chongshan leaned forward and bowed a little, straightened up and turned into a mountain.

“Your Majesty has a great kindness to me. I have some psychological barriers to kill you, but these days it has long since disappeared, because you are living in this world, which is the greatest shame of your Majesty.”

Li Hunyuan looked a little nervous, but did not turn around to escape. Screaming: “You have been in the palace for many years, don’t you know that you can’t kill me here?”

“So I haven’t done anything until you come to the Royal Garden to relax.”

Xu Chongshan said: “Maybe you don’t know, this is the farthest place in the palace from the halls. The eaves beasts on the hall can no longer protect you.”


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