Nightfall Chapter 102: Life is a practice

The alcoholic looked at the subject like an idiot, and his voice trembled slightly and said, “You are crazy.”

The subject smiled and said: “No, I have never been so clear before.”

The alcoholic frowned extremely tightly, and said: “If…I mean if…she cannot return to the Vast Sky Divine Kingdom, and you choose to walk for her, what will happen to this world?”

The door of the stone house has not been closed.

The observer quietly looked at Zhan Zhanqingtian outside the cliff and said: “There will still be no changes in this world, because everyone including you seems to have forgotten one thing.”

The drunkard asked solemnly: “What’s the matter.”

The Guanzhu raised his right hand, pointed at Qingtian and said: “Haotian is in the world, but Haotian is also in the sky.”

The alcoholic understood, so he was silent.

“I know you will eventually agree.”

The master watched him calmly and said: “If she stays in the world, how can you live forever?”

The alcoholic asked puzzledly: “You said earlier that in the world, in the end, you need to see clearly what everyone wants. What I want is eternal life, what about you? What exactly do you want?” /

“What I want is eternity.” The master said.

The drinker carefully understands these two words and feels infinite desire from it.

The watcher said again: “Unchanging can be eternal. Any change will eventually lead to the end.”

This is the most fundamental conflict of ideas between the academy and the Taoist school. The realm of the alcoholic is naturally very clear. He frowned and said, “Even if it’s a stagnant pool?”

The watcher said: “You and I live here, countless ancestors and countless descendants will live here, there are green trees in bloom, and peach blossoms in bloom, who can say that this is a pool of stagnant water?”

The alcoholic said: “This sentence probably won’t convince the Master.”

The watcher said: “Even if it is a pool of stagnant water… it is eternal.”

The alcoholic said: “I want eternal life because I am greedy for life. Is eternity really so important?”

The master was silent for a long time and said: “Since enlightenment, I have been thinking about this issue, and I found that I have no way to accept a world without eternity.”

It was quiet in the stone house, and only his voice reverberated constantly, as if to awaken every bird in Taoshan and every flower before and after the temple.

“If everything is going to end, then what is the point of everything that has existed in time? Every time I think of this possibility, I feel extremely desperate. Wouldn’t you despair?”

The master watched the drinker and asked seriously. At the same time, he was asking the younger brother and Long Qing in the room, and he was also asking everyone in the world, including the master and the people in the college.

The alcoholic felt a bit bitter, and he didn’t know how to answer this question, because after careful consideration, he found that there was a big horror hidden in it, and that horror even made him afraid to continue thinking.

He asked: “What about yourself? If you can’t be eternal with heaven and earth.”

The master said: “Everyone is a part of heaven and earth, heaven and earth are immortal, we are naturally immortal.”

The alcoholic said: “Even if you don’t have your own subjective consciousness?”

The master said: “Knowing that the general will be eternal, I must be pleased.”

The drinker shook his head and said: “Your thoughts have deviated from the original meaning of life.”

The Guanzhu smiled and said: “Isn’t this the purpose of your practice?”



Life is a practice.

Ning Que had forgotten the source of this sentence, but because I always felt that this sentence was a bit overdone to the level of noble and glamorous, I never forgot.

As Sangsang travels in the world, crosses the rivers and mountains, and meets many strangers and close deceaseds, he suddenly realizes that this sentence makes a lot of sense, and then he realizes that he has made his life a journey and Life is a practice. These two sentences are confused.

The scenery during the journey keeps changing, and the mood naturally changes. Leaving Linkang, bypassing Daze, following Yannan in the east, and entering the Tang Realm, Ning Que’s mood becomes very good—finally Going home, the green fields are so beautiful, the smell of manure floating in the wind is not very pungent.

When you are in a good mood, people behave differently. Ning Que’s habit is to do the same simple thing over and over again. It seems that this is the only way to express the joy in your heart.

For example, take a branch on the mud and keep writing and writing, such as using a hatchet on the whetstone, such as constantly slamming a piece of a tune.

He rode on a **** horse and held Sangsang in his arms. Although it was a little difficult to hold him tightly because of his size, this did not affect his mood.

“heyjude, la la la la la…”

He only remembers the first sentence of this previous life song. Repeating has another reason besides joy. The more he sang, the happier he was, and his eyebrows flew up, as if dancing.

Sangsang hadn’t reacted much at first, but as he listened to this song, his face became more and more ugly, as if his cheeks were wet by dew.

This situation lasted for a long time. No matter how dull Ning Que was, he finally noticed her displeasure. He leaned forward and looked at her in the eyes, and asked inexplicably: “What’s the matter?”

Sangsang said: “I don’t like being called a black pig.”

Ning Que just reacted, resisting the urge to laugh, and said, “You are so white now, how can you be talking about you? Don’t be so mindful, OK?”

Sangsang said: “I’m not happy because you still think about the blackness of the past.”

The misunderstanding caused by the song like this is after all just a small episode in the journey. They rode a big dark horse all the way east, seeing wild rapeseed flowers, watching the colorful farm houses, and finally arrived in front of Chang’an City.

Xiongcheng enters the clouds, magnificent and unparalleled.

They returned south from Weicheng many years ago. When they saw this male city, they had a lot of emotion, but now they are very calm because they have lived here for a long time.

Ning Que’s heart was actually a little excited, because he took Haotian home.

“I didn’t say that I would enter the city.”

Sangsang’s words were like a basin of ice water, which made him feel cold.

He thought for a while and said: “I really have no reason to ask you to enter the city.”

Haotian came to the world. If there is anything that can threaten her safety, then it is the Shocking Array in Chang’an City. Even the incomplete Shocking Array makes her feel vigilant.

He came to the Liting Pavilion next to the official road and looked at the Xiongcheng in the distance. He was silent for a long time and asked: “If this is not the end of this trip, then where is it?”

Sangsang said: “If this is the end of your trip, then you can leave.”

Ning Que remained silent. It wasn’t until he returned to Chang’an City that he realized that this war between Haotian and the world was far from over, and the journey would continue.

He can threaten her with suicide, asking her to follow him into Chang’an City, but he doesn’t want to do this because it doesn’t make sense to do so, and it doesn’t mean victory.

The day Sangsang himself is willing to walk into Chang’an City is the day of victory.

It is ten miles from the pavilion to the city.

Ning Que looked ten miles away, as if he could see the old blue brick city wall, and then he saw the city gate slowly open, and a scholar led a teenager out.

Of course, those who still wear padded jackets on warm spring days are big brothers.

The academy guards the country, and the young man led by the elder brother is naturally the emperor of the Tang Dynasty today.

The young emperor’s face was Qingjun, his eyes were extremely straight, but he was a little confused at this time.

“Teacher, why do we come out of the palace here?”

The big brother said gently: “I will bring you to meet two people.”

The young emperor looked into the distance of the official road, but did not see any figure. He knew that from ten days ago, Chang’an City had been under a full-scale martial law, and since last night the city gate was closed tightly, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

“Teacher, who is the person we want to see… Does it have anything to do with the tension in these heavenly palaces? Is the person who comes the enemy? Is it the enemy of the Taoist door or the national teacher of the Golden Tent?”

The big brother smiled and said: “They are two very interesting people. Among them, the woman is learning how to be human, or learning how to refuse to be human, and the man has to do more difficult things. He wants her Love being a human and teach her how to become a human.”

Thinking about the rumors in the palace, the young emperor understood vaguely, his expression became a little nervous, and he clenched the teacher’s palm subconsciously and said: “Little Master is back?”

The elder brother said: “Yes, your little uncle is back, and your father and mother have entrusted this city of Chang’an and this country to him, and he never disappoints anyone. My life and the things that I cherish more than life have been temporarily left behind and I am working hard.”

The young emperor drew his hand and saluted the distance.

The big brother looked at Liting and thought silently: “Little brother, I will bring your majesty to have a look, Chang’an is like yesterday, don’t read it, do your best in everything, don’t force it, don’t violate your heart.”

He took the young emperor’s hand and walked back to the city.

The gate of the city was not closed. Dozens of men with green skin in Tsing Yi and Tsing Pants used very strong rope to pull a black carriage out of the gate, which seemed very difficult.

It took a long time before the black carriage was dragged to leave the pavilion.

Qi Siye took dozens of brothers from the Yulong Gang, knelt down at Sangsang under the pavilion and banged his head, then looked at Ning Que with a smile, and turned and walked towards Chang’an City.

Zeng Jing’s academics and his wife were originally in the crowd.

Ms. Zeng Jing walked to the Liting Pavilion and looked at Sangsang’s back. Her emotions were very complicated, and she couldn’t connect the tall woman standing with her hands to her daughter.

Ning Que said to Sangsang: “You always have something to pay back.”

Sangsang turned around, looked at Mrs. Zeng Jing expressionlessly and said, “I give you eternal life.”

Ning Que felt very helpless, wondering what it means for you to be immortal? Chinese cabbage?

Ms. Zeng Jing didn’t hear what she said clearly. After hearing the familiar voice, her heart trembled, and she subconsciously took two steps forward, feeling that her breath was so familiar.

She grabbed Sangsang’s sleeves without hesitation, then held her tightly in her arms, crying with a trembling voice: “My son, what’s wrong with you?”

Sangsang frowned, a little unhappy.

Ning Que looked at her and thought, if you came to the world as a spiritual practice, then the embrace and cry in the spring breeze at this time are experiences that you cannot avoid.

Sangsang knew what he was thinking—not guessing or calculating, but really knowing what he was thinking—she heard his voice, so she quieted down.

She quietly let Mrs. Zeng Jing hold her, letting the other party’s hot tears wet her flowery green clothes. She still had no expression on her face, and she didn’t know what she had realized.



(Three chapters, 10,000 words, is a weekend surprise? There will be more surprises in the future, so stay tuned.) (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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