Nightfall: Begin

A long, long time ago, there were many unknowable places, and in those unknowable places, there were many unknowable people.



There is a fireball hanging in the distance of the wasteland at dusk, and the red light it emits is like a huge flame, spreading slowly and firmly. The moss that was born after the snow melted in the field was smeared everywhere like burn scars, and the surrounding area was quiet. Only occasionally the sound of eagles from above and the sound of yellow sheep jumping in the distance could be heard.

Three people appeared in the open wilderness. They gathered under a small tree that was rare in the wasteland. They did not say hello. They had a tacit understanding and bowed their heads. It seems that there are some interesting things under the tree that deserve serious study and Thinking.

Two colonies of ants are vying around the roots of the light brown tree exposed to the cold soil. Perhaps it is because it is difficult to find a second home on this wasteland like the roots of the tree, so the battle is extremely fierce. After a while, thousands of ant corpses were left, which seemed to be **** and brutal, but in fact they were nothing more than black spots.

The weather is still very cold, but the three people under the tree don’t wear much clothes. They don’t seem to be afraid of the cold, so they watched intently. After not knowing how long, one of them whispered: ” , How is the avenue?”

The person who spoke was blue-eyed, thin, and still a teenager. He was wearing a thin, moon-white collarless shirt. He carried a thin, unsheathed wooden sword behind his back. His black head was delicately combed into a bun. There is a wooden fork running across it-the wooden fork seems to fall at any time, but it is as unshakable as a green pine growing on the mountain.

“When I was giving lectures, I had seen countless flying ants rise in the light.”

It was a young monk who said this. He was wearing a tattered kapok robes, and the new stubble on his head was green and sharp, as affirmative as the smell of his face and words.

“Flying ants will eventually fall. They will never touch the sky.”

“If you always stick to this kind of thinking, then you will never be able to understand what Dao Xin is.”

The young monk closed his eyes slightly, looking at the colony of ants throwing stumps under his feet, and said: “I heard that your master has recently received a child named Chen. You should understand that this You will never be the only genius in this place.”

The young man of Wooden Sword raised his eyebrows and responded sarcastically: “I have never understood that a guy like you who can’t be unruly, has the right to walk the world on behalf of Xuankong Temple.”

The young monk did not respond to his provocation. He looked at the anxious ants under his feet and said: “Ants can fly and fall, but they are better at climbing, they are good at making a foundation for their companions, and they are not afraid of sacrifice. As long as the number is large enough, it will surely be able to pile up a pile of ants enough to touch the sky.”

There was a sharp eagle call in the twilight of the sky, and he looked very panicked. I don’t know if I was afraid of the three strange people under the tree, or the huge ant pile that didn’t exist straight into the sky, or something else. .

“I am scared.”

The young man carrying the wooden sword suddenly spoke, and his thin shoulders shrank inward.

The young monk nodded in agreement, although the expression on his face was still calm and determined.

The young man next to them has a strong body, wrapped in clothes that look like animal skins, and his legs are as hard as rocks. Under the rough skin, the muscles with infinite explosive power can be clearly seen. The young man remained silent and said nothing, but after all, the small spots on his skin revealed his true feelings at this time.

The three young people under the tree came from the three most mysterious places in the world. They walked around the world under the orders of the teacher, like three stars traversing the world, but today they came to this wasteland. It was they who also felt the irresistible fear.

The eagle is not afraid of ants, ants are just black spots in its eyes. Ants do not fear eagles, because they do not even have the qualifications to become eagle beak food. There is no such powerful creature as eagles in their world, and they cannot see or touch.

However, for thousands of years, I believe that there are always a few mavericks in the ant colony who, for some mysterious reason, decided to temporarily look away from the rotten leaf shell and look at the blue sky, and then their world will be It’s different.

Because I saw it, I was afraid.



The three young people under the tree raised their heads and looked at a shallow trench on the ground dozens of meters away. The shallow ditch is naturally not deep, and there is nothing but black in it, and it is particularly clear on the mottled wasteland surface.

This ditch appeared suddenly two hours ago, and suddenly reached the sky, as if it was cut out by an invisible giant with an axe, as if it were drawn by a master craftsman! What kind of power can complete such a picture?

The young man carrying the wooden sword stared at the black thread and said: “I used to think that Immovable Pluto was a legend.”

“It is said that Pluto has 70,000 children, maybe this one only lives in the world occasionally.”

“I don’t believe it.” The young man carrying a wooden sword said blankly: “It’s just a legend. The legend says that saints come out every thousand years, but in the past few thousand years, who has really seen Saint?”

“If you really don’t believe it, why don’t you dare to cross that black line?”

No one dared to cross that black line, that shallow ditch, even the proud and powerful.

The young man carrying the wooden sword looked up to the horizon and asked: “If that kid really exists, then…where is he?”

At this time, most of the sunset has sunk into the ground, and the night is rushing from all directions, the temperature on the wasteland has dropped sharply, and a heart-pounding atmosphere has begun to envelope the entire world.

“Night is falling, everywhere, where can you find it?”

The boy wearing animal skins broke the silence that had always been silent. His voice was deep and rough that did not match his age. The humming and vibrating was like a river tumbling, and it was like a rusted sword and hard. The stones keep rubbing.

After saying this, he left.

The way the boy with animal skins left was very special—he suddenly burst into flames on his two strong naked legs, turning into a red color, and the howling wind made the gravel on the ground roll, as if there was something invisible. He grabbed his neck and lifted it fiercely, his body jumped into the air more than ten meters high, and then fell through the air with a whistle, hit the ground hard, and then jumped again, like a rock jumping irregularly To the distance, it looks very clumsy but extremely fast.

“I only know his surname is Tang, but I don’t know what his full name is.”

The young man with the wooden sword on his back said thoughtfully: “If we meet in another place at a different time, he and I will surely have only one person to survive. The apprentice is so powerful, I don’t know how strong his master is. Extent…I heard that his master has been repairing cicadas for 23 years. I don’t know if he will carry a heavy shell on his body after he breaks the pass in the future.”

There was silence beside him, no one answered, he looked back with some doubts.

I saw that the young monk closed his eyes tightly, his eyelids quivered, and he seemed to be thinking about a troublesome problem. In fact, the young monk has been thinking about the dark night since the animal skin boy said that In this weird state.

Sensed the gaze, the young monk slowly opened his eyes and grinned. The original perseverance and calmness in his smile had turned into compassion from nowhere, and the blood and flesh inside his opened lips were shattered. Tongue.

The Wooden Sword Boy frowned.

The young monk slowly took off the rosary from his wrist, solemnly hung it on his neck, and then walked away. His steps were heavy and steady, seemingly slow, but his figure was blurry and he was about to disappear in the distance. .

There is no one else under the tree. All the emotions on the face of the Young Wooden Sword faded away, leaving only absolute calm, or absolute indifference, he looked at the stone in the northern dust that kept jumping like a stone. Lifting the smashed shadow, he shouted in a low voice: “Evil demon.”

He looked at the back of the young monk walking forward silently in the west, and said, “Outside the road.”

“It’s trivial.”

The evil spirits are not worth mentioning. After saying this, the thin wooden sword on the young man’s back vibrated unconsciously, buzzing, and screaming, turning into a stream of light, cutting the small tree on the wasteland into fifty-three thousand. Three hundred and thirty-three pieces, regardless of branches and trunks, are all powder, one after another on the ants that forget their lives.

“The mute speaks, put some salt on the cake.”

The young man sang a song and headed east, and his thin wooden sword hovered in the air a few meters behind him quietly and silently.



In the first year of the Tianqi of the Tang Dynasty, the wasteland fell from the sky, and all the world walks gathered here, which is unreasonable.

Since that day, the descendant of the Xuankong Temple Qi Nian practiced the closed mantra, and stopped talking. The descendant of the demon sect surnamed Tang hid in the desert and disappeared. Ye Sukan, the descendant of Zhishouguan, broke through the dead and traveled around the world, three Each has its own benefits.

However, the three of them didn’t know. On the other side of the dark gully where they dared not to cross a step, near a small pond in the direction of the capital, there was always a scholar, a scholar in straw shoes and a ragged jacket.

This scholar doesn’t seem to feel the power and sternness represented by the dark gully. He holds a book in his left hand and a wooden scoop in his right. He reads when there is nothing wrong, and he rests less when he is tired. When he was thirsty, he took a scoop of water to drink, covered in dust and looked at ease.

Until the three of them left, until the shallow black gully on the wasteland was gradually flattened by the wind and sand, the scholar stood up, dusted his body, tied the wooden scoop to his waist, and carefully hid the book. In the jacket, he finally took a look at the direction of the capital before leaving.



There is a long alley in the capital city of Chang’an. To the east is the residence of the general doctor, and to the west is the residence of General Xuanwei. Although it is not a top-notch power, it is a powerful official. The long lane is quiet on weekdays, but today is already quiet. Not here.

The doctor’s house is happy, and the midwife is busy going in and out, but from the master to the maid, the joy on the faces of everyone in the house always seems to be mixed with some other emotions, and no one dares to laugh out loud. Here, those servants who hurriedly walked across the corner of the wall holding the water basin, occasionally listened to the sound from outside the wall, even more frightened.

The well-known Xuanwei general Lin Guangyuan, because he offended Xiahou, the first brave general of the empire, and was accused of being connected with the enemy country. After several months of interrogation by His Royal Highness, he finally got the result.

The result is very clear, and the punishment is very simple, just four words-copy all over the door.

The main door of the doctor’s mansion was closed tightly. The butler looked at the general mansion with the same closed door nervously, listening to the sound of heavy objects being cut into pieces of meat from time to time across the door, and the sound of the rolling watermelons. , The body couldn’t help shaking.

The two families have lived in an alley for many years. From the housekeeper to the door, the general mansion has known him well. Hearing those terrifying voices, he seemed to see countless sharp knifes cut through the necks of familiar people. , I saw those heads with familiar faces rolling on the bluestone slab, and then hit the door, gradually superimposed and squeezed into a small hill…

Blood dripped from the general house gate. It was dark and sticky, like a glutinous rice slurry mixed with cinnabar, and there were some muscle tendons like purple potato flakes inside. The pale butler stared at that place. Unable to control his emotions, he began to vomit desperately.

Then there was a rush of horseshoes and shouts outside the door, and then the door was hit desperately. It seemed that someone from the General Mansion had escaped. A prince’s mansion was riding on the horse and shouted harshly: “No one can be less!”

There are a few scratches and blood stains on the wall somewhere in the backyard garden of the doctor’s house.

“Master, you are obedient, you can’t go out, let Xiao Chu go, let him go…”

In the firewood room not far from here, a **** general manager looked at two four or five-year-old boys in front of him. His lips moved slightly, and his voice was extremely awkward and hoarse. Wrinkled Hei Mu’s face was full of despair and struggle, and he struggled until Lao Tears squeezed out the corners of his eyes, and it became so cloudy.

It didn’t take long for the Habayashi army to break into the doctor’s house to find this firewood room. Seeing the two corpses of the old and the young who had fallen dead in the wood shed, after the inspection, the school lieutenant still lingered and said loudly: “There are many, all dead.”



The easiest way to interpret the four words “world-out-of-the-world” is that high-level people are generally outside the world, and those who are outside the world are easy to be superiors. There are some truths hidden in the nonsense. They are pleased that mortals cannot understand.

So the dunya never knew what was born out of the dunya, and people outside of the dunya would not bother that scenes of life and death or the joy of rebirth were unfolding in the dunya, and they would not care that the butcher’s scale was lost and the cellar of the alcoholic’s house was rattled The mud hole was eaten out, the court died a general Xuanwei, and a certain civil official gave birth to a daughter.

The joys and sorrows of the two worlds are never connected.

If you can communicate, you are a sage.

There is a high mountain on the outskirts of the capital, Chang’an. Half of the peaks are hidden in the clouds. Between the cliffs on the west side of the back mountain, a figure is slowly moving upwards. The back of this man is extremely tall and he is wearing a black dress outside Overcoat, carrying a food container in his hand.

Walking in the wind to outside a cave, the tall man sat down, opened the food box, took out the chopsticks, put a piece of **** into his lips, chewed carefully, and ate two pieces of lamb, sighed and praised with satisfaction.

The capital city of Chang’an under the setting sun will gradually be shrouded in darkness, and there will be faint cumulus rain clouds floating in the distance.

The tall man looked at somewhere in the capital and said with emotion: “I seem to see you back then.”

Then he looked up at the sky, holding a chopstick in his right hand, pointing to the sky, and said: “As for you, what’s the use of flying high?”

It is obvious that the object of these two sentences is two different people. After a moment of silence, the tall man took up the rice wine in his hand and drank it, holding the empty bowl, looking at the surrounding capitals and cities around the world, chanting, “Wind, rain, and night are coming.”

When the wind blows, there is wind coming from outside the mountain, the blowing clothes screaming, the old trees among the rocks shake sharply, the rocks fall straight down, and when the word rain falls, it floats over the capital city in the distance The rain cloud suddenly darkened, and countless raindrops turned into a pillar, pouring down from the last twilight. When he finished saying this, the dark night occupied half of the sky, and the darkness was like the pupil of the king.

The tall man put down the wine bowl again, muttering angrily: “It’s really dark.”

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