NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 830: Master Sister

It looks like this is the only possibility.

If there is only one possibility, then this may be the answer.

Can you get information about the ceremony from these remnants?

No, before that, that town … Kutaro, do they have anything to do with these remnants?

Will these soul fragments be the bodies of those “people”! ?

Thinking of this layer, Qingji asked Huang Quan a question and got a “possible” answer.

This immediately made him excited.

I thought I couldn’t save it, but now I still have hope …?

“Is there a way to communicate with these remnants?”

“Yes, yes, but generally communicate nothing, after all, it’s just a residual soul.”

Huang Quan teaches Qing Si the method, it is not difficult, the latter learns all of a sudden.

Qing Si casts a spell and communicates with the nearest remnant. As a result, he hears only a few noises like roaring and screaming. He can’t recognize useful information and can’t convey any words.

He tried one after the other, then tried several, but all of them were useless.

I gave up the idea of ​​giving up, but immediately rejected it, and decided to try again.

Then I heard clearer words from a red remnant!

“Who is it?” said the soft, seemingly weak female voice.

“I am the wilderness, who are you?”

“I … don’t remember …”

“What else do you remember? Anything, just tell me.”

“I … remember there is light … someone is calling … noisy … feels terrible …”

“What is terrible?”

“Tree … Sakura … Dragon …”

Dragon? Haruji blinked.

“What kind of dragon? How did it come?”


It seems like she’s completely out of strength, and the female voice no longer speaks.

Get the seemingly crucial information, but not enough.

If you want to know more, you have to continue, but Wei Meng may already be here, so you have to pause.

Haruji left Soul Chamber and Spirit House and returned to this world.

Wei Meng has indeed arrived.

She sat there quietly, and she exudes the momentum to suppress the audience.

“This is Haruji’s sister …”

“So pretty … looks great …”

“It’s really magnificent …”

“The goal of Harumi Division to form a team is to defeat her …”

“I want to draw her …”

“I feel she’s amazing … it would be terrible to fight …”

The members of the Cavaliers who saw this elder sister for the first time were all marveled at her beauty and aura, and her beauty and Chiaki who had seen her were the same.

Chun Tian Weimeng is the goal that Qingji formed a team to overcome. Now she is sitting in front of everyone, just to deter the audience and make everyone subconsciously dare not speak.

Seeing this person in person, the members seemed to be able to understand emotionally why Qing Si tried to defeat a beautiful and powerful sister like her. Otherwise she might live in her shadow for a lifetime.

Weimeng bears the eyes of everyone, his face indifferent.

She is looking at “Rain in the Sky”.

Jun Hu is also indifferent, but this is only superficial.

The newly-emerged woman feels extremely dangerous, more dangerous than the wilderness … everyone here!

Although it’s just a faint feeling, he believes in himself and secretly prepares for the highest level of alertness.

When Haruji returned, the scene in the hall was like this.

“Sister Weimeng, you are here.”


Wei Meng looked at Xiang Qingji and glanced at Jun Hu again.

“A little trouble, but it can be solved.”

This made Jun Hu highly nervous, and even began to consider whether he would commit suicide now.

Wei Meng then looked at the broken sword on the table.

“May I pick it up?”


After getting the answer, she picked up the broken sword and looked carefully, her eyes glowed with golden red.

Haruji and others waited quietly.

“This is a very important thing, and I want to bring it back to Lingting.” After reviewing, Wei Meng said.

“Yes, but I ask for a reward of the corresponding value,” Haruhi said.

“You will get it later.” Wei Meng flashed a white light on her hand and the broken sword disappeared.

“Can you tell me why it is important?” Haruhi asked.

“Yes, I guess you guessed it.” Weimeng paused. “This sword is likely to be the spiritual tool used by the Heavenly Taoists to reach the realm of Sakura, which is the actual evidence of their plot.”

With evidence, there are reasons to do it.

Although you can do it without evidence, and actually do, it is always more convenient to have evidence.

“You are doing very well, Seiji.” Weimeng praised, “you will get what you deserve.”

Then she looked at Jun Hu.

“As for this … do you want to follow me honestly, or will I be destroyed here?”

Jun Hu just raised his hand, and his face was full of decisive look for death!

But Wei Meng’s movement is faster than him, raising his hand and slamming his fingers, and a burst of white thunder light suddenly bursts, entangled with the whole body like a chain! !!

“Woohoo …” Jun Hu screamed, his voice stopped suddenly, and he couldn’t even move his throat.

He was completely stiff on the chair, his body trembling slightly, he couldn’t move at all, his eyes showed despair.

“If you follow me honestly, you may be able to live, but since you choose to resist …” Wei Meng’s eyes flashed fiercely.

“Wait!” Haruji stopped.

Wei Meng heard the words, turned to look at him, and cast a questioning look.

“This … maybe useful, don’t destroy him if you can.” Haruhi said.

He thought of the remnant soul.

If those remnants are related to the “people” in that town, then Jun Hu might help communication.

Wei Meng was silent for a moment.

“To pull it alive from it, you need to go back to Lingting to do it.”

“Then take him to Lingting, trouble you, Sister Weimeng.”

“It’s not troublesome. When I go back, someone will help me do this.”

This is his brother’s body after all. Wei Meng heart said.

Then she increased the output of the spell, stunned Jun protector completely, and took it away with mind movement.

After she left, almost everyone felt relieved.

“Senji’s older sister is very majestic,” Feng Wu said beforehand.

“Well, it’s worthy of Wang’s sister.” Zhijiu nodded in agreement.

“She is the most suitable person to call me” Sister and Lord “I have seen in my life.” Zi Ji said, “Although it would feel a bit shame if I really called it, I really want to call her like that. . “

“I think so …” Xingxiu raised his hand.

“I really want to draw her, so can I start drawing now?” Dai’s eyes were shiny and authentic.

“But that is the goal that Haruji has to overcome to build a team …” Mei Jia said.

“Although it is the target, it is my sister, after all, I really want to talk to her, but I dare not speak.” Chiaki said.

“Me too, I have the feeling of being chopped if I hurriedly spoke.” He Xin said, “You can understand why Qingji wants to beat her.”

Xiao Shi and Kaori didn’t say anything, Xia Ye calmly drank tea, Ying Ying was walking the cat, Rona was being caught, and Bu Yi smiled silently.

“Sister Weimeng is very strong, and this time you saw it with your own eyes. In order to win over her and her gods, we still need to continue to grow.” Haruhi said.

That’s all for now … it’s not.

“Summer night, come and see the spirit house with me.”

Qing Si called on Xia Ye and then went into the soul room to check the residual soul together.

He wants to try to communicate with all the remnants. Maybe he won’t get any information in the end, but maybe he can know the incredible information. .

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