NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 822: Don’t leave life and death to others

“You can only endure and bear, or leave.”

After hearing that, Qing Si frowned.

“It was so difficult to arrive here, I couldn’t leave until I found my target.” He said, “How much time is left?”

“I can’t say for myself … If the rate of collapse is maintained as it is now, you will probably be able to sustain complete collapse here, but if the rate of collapse is accelerated, you may not be able to sustain it for a long time.”

“What would happen if it broke down completely here?”

“It will be what it should be.”

“What should it look like?”

“I don’t know my body.”

“You do n’t know how this place was formed, do you?”


It’s really useless! Haruji wanted to talk like that, but he just thought about it.

Speaking of reason, Huang Quan is already very good. Without her, he might not have been here.

Now it’s a countdown. The longer he stays here, the more he will be affected by the debuff, until the place collapses or he can’t survive it. To complete the task, you have to find the goal before the countdown ends.

How can I find it?

Qingji thought for a while, but couldn’t think of a good way.

You can only look around the town first.

In fact, as long as he has enough patience, he can read the file again and again to see the whole town, which is the so-called carpet search.

After concealing himself by using the method, Qingji stepped out of the alley, followed the street all the way forward, and looked around.

Kotaro heard horrible rumors during the charcoal sale.

The carpenters Shibata’s family are dead.

All adults and children are dead and eaten by ghosts!

In addition to them, there are several farm families living outside the town that have been eaten by ghosts … at least dozens of people have died! !!

Kantaro felt scared when he heard this news. He was even more worried when he thought of his family.

It is said that ghosts do not appear during the day, but he is still a little scared, afraid that when he returns home, he will see a bad picture.

Charcoal is selling well. It didn’t take long to sell it, much earlier than expected. Kotaro hurried to his home.

He walked more and more hastily, and then he just trot back home.

Mother, younger sister, younger brother … The faces of relatives swirled in their heads, and Kotaro panted across the misty mountain road and finally saw his house.

The door is actually open!

In this weather, normal people will not open their doors.

Seeing the charcoal seller in this scene, the anxiety in my heart suddenly rose.

Near the door and smelled a strange smell.

“Mom …” Before he could say anything, he just stopped to see the scene in the room.

Bloody colors, torn clothing, figures falling to the ground …

“Ah … ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the sound of pain.)

Mother and brother … dead.

Mitsutaro is reluctant to accept this fact, but the cruel sight is in front of him, he yells, weeps in pain, cannot be changed, and is irretrievable.

Only my sister is alive.

She bleeds a lot of blood, is very weak, and is dying.

As an elder brother, although Kotaro has not yet fully accepted the reality, his body moved by himself, hurriedly bandaging his sister’s wound, and then carried her down the mountain!

Go to a pharmacist for treatment and be sure to save your sister’s life.

“Don’t die, Dongmei, don’t die …”

Mitsutaro shouted his sister’s name constantly, tears streaming down.

A person running on the mountain road with snow and dense fog on his back, without slipping unexpectedly, and fell heavily.

“Winter beauty …” Mitoro didn’t even have the pain of shouting. He got up and looked at his sister’s condition.

I saw the latter raise his head, opened his eyes, and it was scarlet inside!

“Oh !!!!”

The girl made a roar that didn’t resemble a human, her dog teeth protruded, and she became long and sharp, like a beast!

“Winter … beautiful?” Mitsutaro was startled.

He saw his younger sister on all fours, his palms became bigger, his nails became longer, and he looked like claws, then he slammed at him! !!


Kantaro instinctively fears, and the body reacts automatically to try to avoid, but is hit hard by Dong Mei and overwhelms the ground.

Seeing that the opponent’s fangs were approaching himself, the charcoal seller felt his death.

“Don’t … Dongmei … Don’t …” He resisted desperately, and the strength developed over the years worked, pushing the girl away.

“Yu” Dongmei roared, and her claws penetrated her brother’s clothes and pierced her body.

“Ah, ah, winter beauty” Mitsutaro was extremely painful. He pushed his sister away with both hands, and then kicked it with all his strength!

However, Dongmei rushed over again.

The charcoal seller is almost out of power. Looking at the ghostly face of his sister and sister, he cannot think, only pain, sorrow and despair.

The moment when I first saw my sister flashed in his mind. The day when she was born was also such a snowy day. The little baby girl was held in her arms by her mother. The father said gently that you were your brother from today , Take care of my sister …

Daddy … I’m sorry …

Mitsutaro closed his eyes.

The next instant, there was a sound, and waiting for death, he suddenly felt a lightness on his body.

Open your eyes and see an adult samurai!

Wearing white feather weaving, black skirt pants, holding a long knife, long hair tied into a pony tail, his face is very beautiful, to the point where it is difficult to distinguish between genders.

This is the second time in Kotarou’s life that he has seen such a handsome figure.

The handsome samurai is slowly pulling out the knife and taking out the sheath, coldly looking where the girl is, a few meters away.

“Well !!!” Dongmei yelled, and got up and fiercely slammed.

The handsome Samurai flickered, and swiveled at high speed to the rear of the girl’s side. At the same time, the long sword came out of the sheath and stabbed her in the back, nailing her to the ground!

Dongmei screamed in pain, waving her claws frantically.

The handsome Samurai’s eyes are indifferent, and he will move the sword with both hands to execute her.

“Wait … wait !!!!” Kotaro shouted when he saw this scene.

“Don’t … adults … please don’t kill her … she is my sister …” The charcoal knelt on the ground and begged with tears, “My only surviving family … only she … Mom … brother … is dead … please don’t … “

He was incoherent, but he begged desperately, hoping that Lord Samurai would let his sister live.

The handsome Samurai turned to look at him.

“She has become a ghost and is not saved.”

“No … no … there is a rescue … there must be a rescue … I won’t let her eat someone … I’ll watch her, don’t let her eat someone, and then find a way to save her … … ”Said Kotaro, who was not very dexterous as he tried hard.

Is there really a way, can I do it, and how to look at the sister who became a monster, he didn’t think about it, didn’t think at all … At this moment, he only understands that he doesn’t persuade the samurai master. dying!

Do not want to let Dongmei die, even though she has become a ghost.

“Please … Please, please …” The humble charcoal man burst into tears and begged Voldemort to the noble and mighty samurai.

The ghost girl who was nailed to the ground is still struggling.

The handsome samurai looked away from the ghost girl and looked at his brother.

“Don’t leave life and death to someone else’s decision,” he said lowly. “If you want to stop me from killing her, just kill me.”

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