NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 82: Light

Why did this happen?

Tian Haixing Xiu thought silently.

Why, and when did your sisters … become less like sisters?

Xingxiu still has memories of playing and playing with Ling Yin and Qin Xin when he was very young.

At that time, the older sisters were definitely not the same as they are now, but they were as naive and simple as other girls, but they were smarter and cute.

Xingxiu at that time was very proud to have such sisters, because they can do everything and do everything well, and have always taken care of his weak brother.

One of the most impressive memories is that when he accidentally provoked a wild dog and was chased away, his sisters rushed to him. Although they were also afraid, they risked being bitten. Hit the dog and protected him.

The pictures in the memory are already very blurred. Only the youngest sisters with tearful smiles are particularly clear.

Now …

What went wrong so much? Xingxiu really doesn’t know.

When he was overtreated, he was angry and hated them, but now in a state of calm, he finds that he has no anger but only sadness.

After thinking repeatedly, Xingxiu thought of himself.

He has been consciously or unconsciously avoiding truth, so he couldn’t see his sisters earlier.

If you can see it earlier, what can you do?

Yes … yes, that’s it.

He is too useless. If he can be more awake and wiser, he will definitely be able to do something before the sisters have reached today.

Too weak … me. Xingxiu fell into remorse.

If you can be a little stronger, or if you want to become stronger a long time ago, it’s faster to meet people like the seniors in the field …

Yes, senior.

What are you doing now? With my sisters … how’s it going! ?

Xingxiu looked back at Huo Ran before realizing that this is not the time to think about it, and that he should worry about his predecessors.

He looked worried.

“Are you worried about Kigo?” A soft voice sounded.

It is a beautiful schoolgirl named Uehara Mika.

As a companion of her predecessors, in Xingxiu’s view, she has a beautiful appearance, a fresh temperament, a gentle and kind attitude, and is a very attractive young girl.

“Don’t worry too much about him, Kigo is very strong … especially when you want to protect.” Uehara Xuejie said, saying something like remembered, a touch of rosy cheeks, more moving Already.

This school sister … will not? Xingxiu noticed something.

“Oh, do you remember the romance with him?” A teasing voice came from beside him, “Don’t make a fool in front of the younger generation ~”

It’s called Wakaba Chiaki, another senior friend of the same class.

This school sister doesn’t know why she is wearing a men’s school uniform, but it is very suitable for her.

Silver-gray hair, handsome face, relaxed and cheerful conversation and manners, let her show a bit of British spirit, but will not let people ignore her girl’s body, and is also a very charming person.

“It’s just … No more! Chiaki, you’re talking again!” Uehara Xuejie denied blushing.

But even the unfamiliar Xingxiu can feel that this is likely to be false.

Good classic Tsundere …

Xingxiu smiled in his heart.

When he first met the two older sisters last week, his attention was almost entirely on his predecessors in the wilderness, so he ignored it. Now that the seniors are not around, as long as he is with them, he naturally notices the beauty of the two school sisters.

It’s only natural that a handsome field senior has such friends around him.

And one of them also has a close relationship with his predecessors … it is only natural.

Xingxiu Da felt from his heart that it’s not surprising that boys like Yuanye’s predecessors even liked girls all year round!

But seniors in the field must have thought of him.

People around Harano Kiyo must know how handsome he is, but he himself is always so humble.

But this is also one of the charms of seniors.

The handsomeness of Yuanye’s predecessors is physical, but also soulful … Xingxiu couldn’t help but think about what happened just now. When he was in the darkest part of his life, that person only relied on the phone I noticed something wrong.

Not only rushed to him immediately, but also encouraged him with words from his heart, breaking his dark shell forcefully and pulling him out from the dark abyss.

It’s almost like sunlight … No, Kiyohara Hara is already light.

In the eyes of Tian Xingxiu, the tall figure is light!

This light dispelled his darkness, could it … dispel the sisters?

As Sue Uehara said, the seniors in the field are strong, so you don’t need to worry too much, but you still can’t help worrying.

At the same time, Xingxiu also worried about Ling Yin and Qin Xin.

Light can dispel darkness, but it can also destroy it … Although he pleaded with his predecessors, what would the predecessors do?

“Trust me,” said Wife Ye Xue.

Xingxiu found that she looked at her face, she should be able to see what she was thinking here.

“Qingwu will never lose, and it won’t make the scene too ugly.”

“But what kind of endings your sisters have, he can’t guarantee it alone, after all, it depends on them.”

“Qingwu won’t stay when he thinks it’s time to defeat the opponent, but as long as your sisters have … at least a hint of remorse, he should give the opportunity.”

Xingxiu heard these words and slowly nodded.

The phone is ringing.

Sister Wakaba.

Qian Qiu took out his phone and glanced at it.

“Hey, Kiyo, how’s it going?”

This sentence made Xingxiu and Meijia pay close attention to each other.

They stared at Chiaki, who was talking on the phone, and the expression on his face became strange.

“You … no problem, a ghost !!!”

The sharp spit is abruptly emerging from the menswear population.

“Play against all members of the karate department alone !? What the **** are you doing !? How did it become this way!?”

“As long as you win, you can do it all !? Don’t make a fool of it! Do you think you are a gladiator !? Even the ancient gladiators did not have such a messy way to play !!!”

“You are very strong, Kiyogo! But you are just an ordinary person! You are not the kind of guy who will spit in a tights or become huge and only leave a pair of pants, you are just a normal person in reality! !!! “

Qianqiu’s vomiting is like thunder and lightning, thunder and thunder constantly.

Xingxiu and Meijia stunned as they watched.

What’s the matter with God horse?

On the phone, Haruji, who was baptized like a thunder, smiled slightly.

He looked at Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin who were sending messages on the phone, waiting for Qian Qiu to calm down before talking softly.

“I said nothing is all right, I will win … I must win in the end.”

“You can come and watch. Anyway, it’s like this. It doesn’t matter if there are more people watching.”

“Don’t worry about it … Hang up.”

Qing Si hung up the phone and still looked at the two women opposite.

Until Tianhai Lingyin and Qinxin stopped using their phones, looked at him.

“Are all notifications in place? Good.”

“Now, I want to set a password for your phone.”

“Just in case you guys play tricks after I play.”

Haruji stared at each other.

“I will remove the password after the matter is over … even if I do not remove it, you can clear the password with a little effort.”

After speaking, he approached and reached out his hand.

Ling Yin and Qin Xin met for a while.

Obviously, they were very doubtful if he had any meaning in this move.

But his request was very reasonable. They couldn’t refuse … Once they refused, they were saying that they had a conspiracy!

“If you want to be equal, you can also block my cell phone, I don’t plan to use it anyway.” Haruji was very calm.

The two sisters remained silent for a long time.

In the end, they slowly handed over their phones.

That’s it. Haruji said in his heart.

His real arrangement is complete.

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