NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 81: Challenge

Because of the star show, Haruji tried to persuade the two girls in front.

As for whether he can succeed, of course he doesn’t know, just to do so.

It is true that he can ignore the plea of ​​Xingxiu and uphold the anger caused by the miserable scene before reading the file, and use fierce measures against the twin sisters!

But that’s just self-satisfaction that ignores the mood of friends.

Haruji’s anger was born from Xingxiu, and because of Xingxiu, he left a little room for it.

He thinks the tenderness of Xingxiu is stupid, but this big fool is a friend he recognizes! So he will respect each other.

Haruji acted in accordance with a friend’s request. Whether this move can get the result he wants is another matter. He didn’t know and could not guarantee the final outcome.

Hearing a candid question from Haro Kiyogo, Tianhai Lingyin and Qinxin had a shake in their heart.

Yes, shake it.

They actually didn’t think about it, what will happen if they live like this.

After all, they are smart people … Even stupid people will look to the future, and of course smart people will also imagine the future, and they are more realistic and concrete.

The future of both of them … until now, it will be very beautiful, as good as before.

But, really?

Do they really never have one day, because they paid for what they did! ?

Pride and arrogance, they can be sure they will not.

However, the only trace of objective reason left is quietly speaking to them deep inside.

That is possible.

After all, they can’t control the whole world, there will always be uncontrolled events.

And that day … what they are unwilling to dare to imagine, and who are extremely scared from the bottom of their hearts, the “someday” that pays the pain is in the possibility of being out of control!

Sword of Damocles.

The sharp sword hanging over my head, I don’t know when it will be stabbed.

They actually live in this shadow.

Because of this, the two sisters have never committed crimes that will be sentenced … not to care for others, but to protect themselves.

“Go back, before it’s too late,” Haruji said calmly.

“Destroy all the black materials, stop doing bad things, and sincerely regret it, release others, and release yourself.”

Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin are still silent.

They shake in silence, and in silence …

“Would you like to persuade us with such words?”

No name for the other half.

“It’s too underestimated, Kiyohara Hara!”

This means that they finally let go of all pretense.

Even the twins can’t remember for a while, when was the last time they spoke to others so truthfully.

Haruji kept watching them.

“What should I do to convince you?”

“You can’t do it!” the two sisters said together.

“You don’t say it, how do you know I can’t do it?” Haruhi was still calm.

“Of course, such unreasonable and ridiculous requests as stripping naked and singing and dancing off the top of the building, don’t say it, I’m talking to you seriously.”

Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin: “………”

The other person said this, as if he had deliberately brought himself to them and let them be slaughtered.

This is impossible, there must be any calculations in it!

But what can I have?

The two sisters looked at each other with maximum observation power, but they couldn’t see the slightest difference.

Hirano Kiyo, just so frankly, face them with a simple and straightforward attitude!

How do you defeat such a person?

Conspiracy is the best method, and they are the best at it, but it is difficult to cast at the moment. Moreover, the opponent has strong eyesight, and the poor calculations will definitely be seen through.

So, we have to change direction.

Tianhai Lingyin and Qin Xin glanced at each other, and communicated in silence as usual.

“Kirano Harano, your nickname is ‘Society Destroyer’.”

“I don’t know the name of this legend, is it still applicable to the karate department.”

“If you can be alone, bring down all the members of our karate department …”

“We will seriously consider your request!”

The two sisters spoke these words in a very rare and calm manner.

According to common sense, these words are nonsense, and no one can agree.

But Kiyoshi Harano is not very human.

The tall boy squinted slightly.

“To deal with the whole staff alone … How many people are there in your karate department?”

“Forty-seven people, including us.”

“Is forty-seven people … one-to-one?”

“No!” The twin sisters’ eyes were cold. “The number of people you play each time is up to us!”

Hirano Kiyo has very strong physical strength. If he is one-to-one, even if he is a layman, it is possible that he will bring down more than forty people!

Even if it’s as low as possible … beware of it.

If you decide the number of players here, you can make arrangements according to the situation, whether to consume his physical strength by a few people, or siege by a majority, and solve him in one breath!

Of course, hearing this unfavorable condition, even if Yuanye is confident in himself, he will definitely refute.

“That won’t work.”

Look, sure enough.

“There must be an upper limit on the number of people I can play each time! Otherwise, if you play all the players at the beginning, that’s a farce.”

The field made a reasonable rebuttal.

“Then we will send up to ten people together.” The expected Gemini responded.

“Ten people … Is everyone happy playing football together? Up to three people, this is what I can accept.”

“We can’t accept it!” Gemini said, “At least eight people are needed!”

A moment of silence.

Harano Kigo sighed.

“Five people … this is already the number of basketball teams, and this is not playing basketball.”

Of course the two sisters know.

Fighting with bare hands is a matter of fighting. If one person is missing one person, the situation will be completely different.

As in the movie, it is almost impossible to face a group of people and win gorgeously!

The layman may have the wrong idea that this kind of thing can be done with strong physical strength or superb skills, but the layman understands that without a large difference in body weight, there are no weapons and no circuitous On the field of space, one-to-many is basically equal to suicide!

Hirano Kiyo is really strong. As for any fighting skills and experience … I do n’t know, even if he is good at some fighting techniques, he is also a real karate member!

A one-to-five is indeed the limit that ordinary people can do.

But Tianhai Lingyin and Qinxin are not satisfied.

Haro Kiyo is strong! They repeatedly said to themselves that they must not be underestimated!

“Seven people … this is our insistence!” The two sisters spoke in unison.

The wild face is expressionless.

He was silent for a long time.

Just when the twins thought he would say something more, the other side sighed again.

“Well, it seems I have to work hard …”

“But I still have to say.”

“‘Consider seriously’ … I don’t want such a fluttering promise.”

“If I win, I want you to be truly on the ground, give up everything in the dark, and rehabilitate!”

The tall boy stared at the girls’ faces.

“And if I can’t do it … then you are free, as long as you can keep the basic promise, you can do whatever you want.”

The sense of oppression reappears!

Tianhai Lingyin and Qinxin felt extremely clear pressure, and those eyes staring straight at them were so powerful.

Harano Kiyo is serious!

For the extraordinary challenges they raised, he is completely and earnestly committed to defeating the entire karate department where they are!

Sure enough, this is a monster … both mental and physical …

Facing the opponent’s mighty atmosphere, Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin had a final entanglement in their hearts.

Will you agree?

There is still room for withdrawal … but is it an illusion? I always feel that if I regret it here, something very extraordinary will happen …

The twin sisters’ minds seem to be stagnant under the pressure of each other’s momentum.

Nothing they think about beforehand can be used, and they can no longer come up with new strategies.

This won’t work … or refuse?

But at this moment, Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin read a trace of … mercy from the eyes of the silent boy opposite.

I have already yielded to such a degree, do you dare not accept the challenge directly? It’s so pitiful to be so dark …

They seem to hear each other say that.

Pity is sometimes a form of contempt, and it hurts more than contempt.

The pride and arrogance of the twin sisters make them unable to bear such insults!

So … they agreed.

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