NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 799: Brother is eligible for willfulness


After Seiji asked a question, no one spoke for a while.

Such questions … how do you answer them?

Except for Ling Yang and Mei Wang, who do n’t understand the situation, everyone else feels a lot of pressure, especially on summer nights.

Of all the people in the audience who knew how strong Seiji was, she was the most powerful, so in the face of his problem, the pressure was even greater.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment Xia Ye clearly felt that she was at some kind of—a history or a destiny—a major fork, and the future of the world depended on her and everyone present For Haruji’s answer!

Although Haruji did act a little second, he was serious, and his words were not false, and everyone could clearly feel it.

He can really save hundreds of thousands! Even better.

He has the power to solve this disaster and similar situations later, as powerful as a god! !!

No … it’s not like a god, but a god.

To this day, even if Haruji is really a god, or the reincarnation of the legend, there is nothing unacceptable.

What kind of power is it? Xia Ye was curious about this, but couldn’t ask, or he didn’t dare to ask subconsciously.

Once you ask, the other party does n’t answer. If you really say it … Xia Ye is worried that after she knows what the power is so strong that it will cause the owner to be cautious and fearful, her perception of Qingji will be completely changed. .

She doesn’t want to change.

She wants to continue to like him … love him, rather than see him as another existence.

That’s what Seiji thinks.

He doesn’t want to change.

I don’t want to untie the **** and let myself take the step of using powerful power at will, so that I can get away from humanity.

However, in the face of today’s disasters, we cannot save others without exerting more power.

He doesn’t have the obligation to save everyone—though it can be said, but the people who have been victimized outside may include their loved ones … that would be inexplicable.

Xia Ye has some complaints about her loved ones, but she never wants them to die.

Even if the people of the Wanhua family can survive on their own, there are ordinary people she knows, such as members of the student union, classmates and schoolmates … even if they do n’t have deep feelings for these people And never want to see their death.

Qingji has no obligation to save everyone, and no one has such an obligation. But when he has such ability, can he give up at will?

This is the tangling of Haruji.

It has the power to save the world. On the one hand, it is hundreds of thousands or more human lives, and on the other hand, it is the self that I want to maintain. What should I choose?

Become God for the lives of others, or give up the lives of others and be human.

How to answer such a question?

I do n’t know about Xia Ye.

Instead, she faced the same problem, and she couldn’t answer it.

What about others?

“Just do what you want.”

It’s Bu Yi’s voice that breaks the silence.

The maid looked calm and said to Seiji, “This is your own problem. You can make your own choices, and it’s just a matter of asking for help.”

The atmosphere suddenly changes slightly.

Haruji smiled again.

“It ’s too coquettish, too strict, sister.”

“Otherwise what do you think it is, Master Springfield.”

“Don’t call me Master now …”

“It’s rude, Chuntian Daming God.”

“I’m not God …”

“You can become God as long as you want. That ’s what you said just now, no … it should be beyond the existence of God, Lord God.”

Haruji: “………”

He doesn’t know what expression to show at this time.

But someone spoke first, and the atmosphere became a vocal atmosphere.

“I also think it’s better to do what you want.” Mei Jia said the second, “We can’t make choices or share things for you, we can only rely on ourselves … I’m sorry.”

Although she is not the same spiritual power as Xia Ye, she also understands the strength of Qingji, and even understands it better than Xia Ye at a certain point.

The force that can save people from the bottomless black (dead) dark (dead) abyss must be extremely heavy!

Haruji has so far carried that power alone. And whether to use it further and make his own burden more heavy, only he can decide.

All I can do is stay with him. Mei Jia thought.

To be with you is not to help … Although it may help a little bit, it is definitely burdensome now and we must work harder.

“Don’t apologize, Meijia.” Qingji looked at her, “It’s myself … somewhat wayward.”

“Brother is qualified for willfulness,” Kagura began.

Everyone looks at her.

“Brother has done well enough, there is no need to do better.” In the eyes of everyone, the young girl said firmly.

“Brother doesn’t want to change, then don’t change.”

“I think it’s more important for my brother to stay the same than to use power.”

“The same power will be used by different people in different ways. If my brother changes, he will no longer use power as he does now, even if it becomes more powerful.

“Little poem …” Qing Si looked at Yimei.

Kagura’s attitude is clear: she values ​​Qingji more than saving others.

Nothing else matters.

Hundreds of thousands of people, and millions of people, their lives and deaths are not the responsibility of the righteous brother.

To save others, if Seiji herself wants to change, it is undoubtedly a bad thing in her opinion.

If she didn’t worry about Harumi’s mood and other people’s views, she would answer “No change needed” at the beginning.

Hundreds of thousands of people, just die.

This includes people you know and even loved ones.

Even if someone is going to die, even himself.

Elder Brother Qingsi doesn’t need to change, he has no obligation to save others, just be himself.

Although he wouldn’t be so cold … precisely because he wouldn’t be so cold, she had to say it.

“The elder brother is the most important thing. Before saving others, protect yourself first.” Kagura said clearly.

If you can’t protect yourself, give up.

This is correct. She thinks.

Others can’t say such things, it’s up to her.

At the moment, to everyone other than Haruji, the look of the dark-haired girl looks rather indifferent.

Even if all the people in the city, including the people present, are dead, Qing Si can live well … Xia Ye and others can see this from her face.

This idea is impossible for others.

Only this young girl … this young girl who was once ignored by the world can be so indifferent to the world.

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