NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 798: I should do better

He looked back, and saw a huge group of scarlet flames slowly erupt, as if blooming!

The surging heat wave became more intense, and many enemies collapsed and disappeared just by being affected.

Seeing this spectacular scene, Qingji knew how the huge pit came.

He further strengthened the enchantment to maintain his defense, and never looked back, rushing away.

Although I didn’t get the information I wanted, I also got key information.

Xu Yan is unexpectedly a good speaker. Regardless of the attribute of Secondary Two, his attitude is friendly, at least for Qing Si’s perception is much better than Kamiya.

If you can, Seiji wants to talk to him longer, but unfortunately there is no margin.

Of course, being friendly doesn’t mean being a good person. With only a brief meeting and conversation, the understanding is very limited, and it is impossible to trust a messenger cadre like this.

But in any case, the phone numbers and ciphertexts you obtained are considered a solution.

Besides that, the words … Qingji didn’t know how much Xu Yan had seen himself, but even if the other party was just a bluff, the touch was real.

It is not for the protection of mankind and the world, but for the protection of oneself. This is the true meaning of Haruhi.

However, such a disaster has already occurred. Do we really need to maintain this constraint?

Destroy the enemies that came after. After entering the invisible state, Haruji didn’t return to the spirit house immediately, but stood somewhere on the top of the building, facing the fog and the huge cherry tree, and lost his thoughts.

He is really strong … To be precise, he is very strong with the g system.

As long as the restrictions are released, that is, as Yan Yan said, “liberating forces”, he will definitely be much stronger than he is today.

No, it should be said that if you really let go of Gu Ji and use the system to the fullest extent, you ca n’t know to what extent you can do it!

And that’s the problem.

The power is too strong, and the power is so strong that he can be afraid of it. Unlocking the seal or destroying the world can ruin the world … It seems that the second line can be put on him.

Perhaps this is still arrogant, but it is superficial and self-righteous and overly arrogant, but it has the possibility before it has been proven.

And the one who is most afraid of this possibility is Qing Si himself, because once he drops his scruples … he is hard to say whether he was still himself at that time.

But if we still keep restraint, can such a disaster and so many lives really be ignored?

The scenes I saw along the way appeared in Qing Si’s mind … the great misfortune and tragedy appeared directly in front of us, and we can’t just ignore it.

This is not a movie or a game, but a real tragedy!

Even if strangers can ignore it, friends?

Even if your partners’ lives are preserved, their relatives and friends will be harmed.

In this case, do you want to protect the people involved or just give up?

It seems reasonable to expand the scope of protection a little bit, but as long as we open up this scope and gradually expand the scope as the situation develops, the result will still be on the road of so-called “salvation”.

That being the case, wouldn’t it be more straightforward to let go of the constraints now and do everything you can to guard everything?

The only obstacle is your own thoughts … or, “fear.”

In the end, this fear is just anticipation, just pessimistic imagination, maybe things will not develop like that at all. But the world ’s victimization, a lot of life sacrifice, is already happening in front of the eyes!

Compared with a large number of people’s lives, our own weakness is more important and obvious.

Haruji wants to make up his mind.

But a small part of my heart is still resisting.

Unreasonably, willful, emotional, like a child being temperamental, struggling to resist.

That won’t work!

You are just an ordinary person with a special power!

Don’t be too self-righteous, don’t fall into the trap of arrogance!

You cannot be the hero of salvation! No one can, no one can! !!

Shut up … Haruji wants to shout, but keeps silent after all.

He felt tired, and it wasn’t good to stand still like this, so he opened the door of the spirit house and walked in.

When everyone saw Haruji coming back, everyone looked at him and was relieved to see that he was all right.

After responding to the concerns of Xia Ye and others, Qingji sat down at the table and took off his helmet.

“I found Xu Yan and talked to him …”

“Unfortunately, I didn’t get any information, because the evil God saw us and sent many monsters to besiege.”

“It took me a little time to get out, but he didn’t know what happened.”

Then it’s quiet.

“Qingji … are you really okay?” Xia Ye looked at his face and felt that he was not spirited.

“It’s all right …”

“But your expression doesn’t look like this.” Qian Qiu said, “What did Xu Yan tell you?”

Qingji doesn’t seem to be injured, it can only be the appearance caused by the meeting and conversation with the messenger cadre.

Facing this problem, Seiji was silent.

Everyone was worried when he saw him like this.

“Haruji … if you can, say it.” Mei Jia also said, “Although we may not be able to help you, it may be better to speak.”

Kinakashi and others did not speak, but they also conveyed concern through their eyes.

Haruji felt this, his eyes flickered.

He put his hands on the table, held them crosswise, stood in front of his face, and covered his expression with this classic pose.

“Xun Yan told me, see through me.”

“I don’t know how much he sees through, but his words really touched me.”

“The reason why I will touch is that this disaster lies in you …”

Speaking, he glanced at everyone.

“Everyone … I’m hiding power, actually.”

“A very powerful, incredible power.”

“Because it is too strong, I dare not use it at will, but just hide it carefully as a hole card.

“However, this approach now looks wrong.”

“If I use it more actively and do something proactively, maybe this incident will not happen.”

“Even if it does happen, it may not be so bad.”

“In short, if I do n’t care about this power so much, but if I make good use of it, many people will be saved or not hurt at all …”

“Now that such a catastrophe happens, hundreds of thousands of people will die even if we can finally get rid of the scourge of God! Among them maybe … no, it is very likely that there are people you know, even your loved ones. “

“And I can save it all.”

“I can do better.”

“I should do better.”

“As long as I let go of my fears and untie the senseless bondage, I can … strong, strong enough to protect many, many people!”

Haruji clenched his hands.

“But … I know this clearly, and I think clearly what is right, but I still … feel scared.”

“I’m afraid I will no longer be who I am now.”

“Although there are some secondary 2 students, even I feel that **** isn’t working, but I’m really scared, afraid of my pessimistic, negative, and imaginary imagination.”

“Just because of this imagination, I’m hesitant to save others and hesitate … it’s really useless and terrible.”

Speaking of this, Haruhi smiled, and she didn’t know what was in the laugh.

“Guys, tell me …”

“What should I do?”

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