NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 789: Pharmacist

Someone in Lingting should know what happened, at least Weimeng must know it, otherwise there would not be that message.

The problem is to go to the Lingting … To be precise, go to the working place of the Lingting known by Xia Ye, can I get the information I want.

Qingji did not see any sober people during the rescue of his partners. Under the pressure of the huge cherry tree, not only ordinary people, ordinary spiritual people and awakening people were not spared. What is the current situation of Lingting’s place of work, and if there are any survivors, and if so, whether they have intelligence, it is unknown.

Although the results are uncertain, this is the most place to think of.

Haruji made a decision, but suddenly heard a voice

“Help me …”

It’s the white cherry god!

The goddess called for help. What did she meet?

When he was stunned, Qian Qiu suddenly hesitated, feeling a sense of mystery connected to something, and then received a message from God.

“Haruji … Shirakura is in danger!” she said immediately.

Everyone looked at her in surprise.

“Did you hear the call for help too?” Haruhi asked.

“Did you hear that too?” Chiaki asked back.

“Well, I heard her ask for help, but that’s all … Do you know more?”

Chiaki nodded.

“Like the last test, I suddenly remembered … No, I suddenly knew the situation.”

“The serpent, which is more threatening than it was during the test, is approaching her, and there are more powerful enemies than this serpent, so she is now dangerous!”

The Basilisk stronger than last time and the power above it … Hariji looked dignified when he heard this.

The help is necessary. Once this is a contract, the second is that you cannot lose the help of this god.

The enemy is very strong, maybe a cadre of the messenger organization! Need to be mentally prepared.

“Since she specifically let you know the situation, it should be the same as during the test, is it to let you cast us to the scene?”


“Go then, we must help her.” Qingji said, looking at the others, “Everyone heard that this time the enemy is stronger than during the test. Maybe it is the cadre of the messenger organization. Be careful to fight! “

The people responded in unison.

Then we entered the dojo together and sat in front of the spirit image.

Compared to the test, this time there is one more combat power: Bu Yi.

After seeing everyone seated, Chiaki sang a beautiful and sacred song, posing slowly and dancing.

Cherry blossoms, petals falling, witch dancing, hymns …

The three back figures on the ghost image turned into multiple fuzzy figures. The cold and deep white mist poured out, and everyone was attracted and soon entered the fog.

Gao Liupinghai … No, it is no longer Gaoliu Pinghai.

Who are you? In other words, it is not clear what it is.

I just think about this problem, and I feel headaches … It seems like hot water is boiling and rolling in my head, grunting and painful and irritable, making it uncomfortable and want to go crazy!

Maybe it’s crazy.

I’m just bound by my power, so I still keep my mind.

The **** comes from the man standing on top of it now … one of them.

This long-haired man in a white coat and black trousers and gold-rimmed glasses called it “Snake Nine.”

It’s more comfortable to accept this title than to think about who you really are.

So it became “Snake Nine.”

The current form of Snake Nine is a giant basilisk with seven snake heads, and it is fighting fiercely with the same huge black armored martial arts monster!

The warrior wields a huge long knife to continuously cut, each of which contains a powerful force, bringing out a powerful shock wave, causing serious damage to the basilisk, and even cutting several snake heads.

Snake Nine has limited damage to martial arts, and some attacks have been avoided.

However, due to its strong regeneration ability, it can continue to fight. Even if all the snake heads are cut off, it only takes a few seconds to regenerate intact!

The martial arts are powerful and swordsmanship is sharp, but the damage on the body gradually accumulates, the body begins to show signs of collapse, and the action gradually slows down.

In the end, Snake Nine used all the snake heads to bite all parts of the War Demon, and worked together to tear the latter into pieces!

It was a difficult victory, and it lost dozens of heads for it.

But the white coat man yawned and looked very boring.

“It’s too slow.” He stomped on Snake Nine’s head.

The snake head screamed angrily, but couldn’t resist it.

“You should have solved it in 69 seconds, but it took 437 seconds, which is 5.3 times the estimated time,” said the man in the white coat. You did n’t expect much, but such a performance is really ugly. “

All the snakeheads in “Hahahas Siss” screamed in rage.

“Noisy, shut up.” The man in the white coat stepped on the snake’s head hard.

The entire huge body of the Basilisk suddenly shook, and all snake heads shut up.

“Keep going,” the man in the white coat ordered.

The silent Basilisk moves forward into the deep white mist.

Soon after, I saw a red torii.

This torii is very small compared to the giant basilisk. It seems that Snake Nine cannot pass in this state.

The man in the white coat instructed: “Destroy it.”

A snake’s head hangs down, bites the torii, and tears hard.

The surrounding fog is surging, the cold and chill intensifies, but the Basilisk can’t be stopped. The torii gradually shakes, and it turns into black and gray like a snake venom.

After more than half of the torii have changed color, the snake’s head pulls it up and bites it into pieces!

Suddenly a thunderous thunderous sound, the fog was raging, and petals fluttered.

A few seconds later, a shrine emerged from the mist.

And in front of the shrine, there was a group of people.

They have different body shapes and costumes, but they all wear white masks with beautiful cherry blossom marks on them.

Seeing this group of men, the male in white coat flashed his eyes, showing an interested look.

“Snake nine, did you remember any of those people?”

The answer was a dull whisper.

“It’s really useless. But let’s just ask.”

The man in the white coat instructs the Basilisk to approach.

Seeing the huge seven-headed Basilisk approaching, Xia Ye and others were all ready for battle!

“Don’t do it first.” Qing Si Shen said, unfolding the folding fan, the words “Do not move like a mountain” on the fan surface.

Then he walked towards the enemy alone and shouted, “This is a sacred place. Those who are trespassers please retreat quickly!”

The man in the white coat heard the words and stepped on the foot to stop the basilisk.

“Who are you guys?” he asked with interest.

“We are the guards of the sacred place! Who are the trespassers?” Haruji looked at each other.

He saw that the opponent didn’t mean to fight immediately, so he planned to talk about it first, at least to get some information.

The man in the white coat narrowed his eyes, and there was a slight arc in the corner of his mouth.

“I’m a ‘pharmacist.'”


Haruji heard the name and looked at the seven giant snakes in front of him, all of a sudden reminiscent of the characters in the famous cartoons of previous lives.

A medicine o pocket and a big snake o! ?

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