NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 745: What exactly is Bliss Medicine?

Early morning.

It’s gloomy, and it seems to be raining.

Haruji stepped out of the door of his house and walked towards the black luxury car parked near the apartment.

After saying good morning, he started talking about the call last night.

Wei Meng listens with her eyes closed. When he finished, he was still quiet.

Haruji knew she was thinking. Nothing was said, waiting silently.

“Now that you have promised, do what he said.” After thinking, Weimeng said.

“Can Kamisugi trust?” Haruhi asked.

“No. It’s just that he doesn’t have to lie to you.”

“That kind of person won’t lie when it is necessary.”

“Yes, but not this time.”

“… is it because you lied to yourself for the first time, and will not be easy to lie to in the future?”

“You can say that.”

“Does it really matter?”

“No tube available now.”

“Whether you don’t have time to do more, or do you just ignore it?” Haruhi looked at the other side.

Wei Meng opened his eyes and glanced at him.

Haruji understood this.

But there are doubts, even more.

He quickly considered what questions to ask at this time, and then chose yes

“What exactly is a bliss medicine?”

The mysterious drugs that are widely distributed to ordinary people can make the drug users highly alienated into monsters! Although it is affected by the realm of cherry blossoms, it is enough to show how dangerous it is. Why can it be circulated and gradually expanded?

Is the messenger organization’s ability to operate secretly too strong to stop?

Even if it can’t be stopped completely, this kind of thing should be severely suppressed, but the actual situation is not like this … What secret is hidden in it?

Yuemen’s eyes flickered.

“Are you sure you want to know?”

Voice drops, and dialogue options emerge in front of Haruji

a: Not sure, just curious.

b: I’m sure.

c: If you can’t say it, just don’t ask me.

The best choice is a.

Indicating that he was just curious, and didn’t want to be involved in the depths, in line with his current identity.

But sometimes it ’s important to take a decisive step rather than step by step.

“I’m sure,” Haruji said firmly.

Wei Meng stared deeply into his face.

“In exchange for telling you, I need you to play a role in the future, would you?”

A role?

I don’t know what it is, but it is definitely not osplay.

“What kind of role?” Haruhi asked.

“Doing dirty work has greater risks and corresponding benefits … as long as you don’t involve your people, they will be safer.”

“… if I get them involved?”

“They will bear similar risks, but the benefit will be with you, unless you share it with them.”

The car is quiet.

“So-called dirty work means murder?” Haruhi asked calmly.

Weimeng didn’t answer.

It’s a high probability of killing a business. Even if it’s not, it shouldn’t be much worse.

This is true darkness.

The world doesn’t just operate by light, Seiji is very clear.

But do you need to step into the depths now?

Continue to stay on the relatively bright side, and get involved until you have to. It’s more like a “good guy”.

However, things are already in front of me. Now I do n’t see it. It ’s okay to turn around.

Haruji looked at Weimeng.

This sister is as beautiful as ever, but if you look closely, it seems that she can see a trace of exhaustion.

“If I refuse, can you find someone else in this role?”

“Of course.”

“Including yourself?”

Wei Meng did not answer again.

Qingji already knows the answer.

“I do.” He answered with a smile.

“… don’t think about it anymore?”

“You need me to do something for you, and that’s enough.”

“Why believe me so?” Weimeng asked.

“Are you sure you want me to say it?” Qing Si asked in return, tenderly.

Weimeng: “………”

Her cheeks turned rosy and her eyes narrowed.

“Bliss is actually a vaccine being developed.”

Vaccine! ?

This is really an unexpected answer.

“To make ordinary people immune to the influence of the spiritual world was the original development purpose of this drug, but as the development progressed, it gradually mixed with other intentions …”

“The members in charge of development are now at the messenger. The messenger organization is distributing the drug, which is actually conducting large-scale human trials.”

“Although talents have also been gathered here to start the research, the progress is very slow and there is almost no hope.”

“At the moment, only that person can research and complete the vaccine. So even if the danger of spreading the drug to ordinary people is clear, you know that it is not just for making a harmless vaccine, Can’t stop. “

That’s it.

Haruji nodded, expressing understanding.

Although ordinary people have not been significantly affected by the spirit world, it is very likely in the future … No, it is bound to happen!

At that time, it would not be possible to arrange a few large enchantments to solve it. Maybe the zombie tide is mild.

In order to protect the people, they must be made resistant, that is, they need to be provided with a vaccine.

But this kind of thing is very difficult to develop, and the only person who has the hope to complete it is now a member of the messenger organization!

This is definitely a bad situation.

The working principle of vaccines is to stimulate the human body to develop immunity and thus resist external damage.

It will alienate the drug user into a monster, indicating that Bliss is too strong to stimulate humans. The dangers of involuntary messenger organizations conducting large-scale human trials with such developing psionic drugs are obvious, but it will involve more human lives in the future … must make difficult decisions.

Ling Ting and other forces have chosen to sit and watch. As long as the messenger organization does not make a big mess in this regard, they will default to the production and distribution of bliss medicine.

Even if you are mentally prepared, when hearing such a secret, Qingji still feels heavy.

“What is the dirty work that I need to do?” he asked calmly.

“Now … you just do what Kamiya said, then report to me.”

There should be some tacit understanding between Weimeng and Kamiya.

Although the Umbra is divided into a spirit court and a messenger, there is still a secret connection between members on both sides. There is both fighting and cooperation …

You can see it from the secret of bliss medicine. Although Weimeng didn’t say much, it revealed a lot of information.

If you didn’t hear from her, it would be hard for Seiji to think that the drug turned out to be a vaccine in development.

At the same time, it is also determined that in the future, the general public must be affected by the spirit world! If no precautions are taken, the situation will be extremely bad! !!

The last days … now you can dimly see the corner of this terrible development.

It’s not like imagination … it’s better to say that human beings are very good at imagining eschatology.

But how many people are willing to truly imagine that those terrible scenes happen in reality, the pictures of themselves and those around them, and the feelings?

Foreseeing such a future is actually more stressful than expected.

After Haruji returned home, took a deep breath.

This is a daily breath.

Nothing unusual, bland, habitual air.

The vast majority of people now live ordinary lives. This is also the day to get up, wash, eat breakfast, read the newspaper …

They wouldn’t think that the peaceful life at the moment is exactly like what a line says

“The ordinary daily life we ​​spend may be a continuous miracle.”

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