NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 719: “I’m a little goldfish ~”

The first question for picnic cherry blossom viewing is where to go. Novel.

The more beautiful the cherry blossom viewing people, the more beautiful the places, especially the most famous places.

After discussion, Haruji and others finally decided to go to Koi Park.

This park is not very famous, not many tourists, but the scenery is good enough.

In the morning, Feng Wu drives a van.

The prepared crowd got into the car and the car headed for the park.

Meiwang sits in the co-pilot position, followed by Qingji and Xiaoshi, followed by Meijia, Lingyang and Qianqiu.

“Come and play, anyone who loses will sing!” Chiaki showed a deck of playing cards, apparently trying to stir up the atmosphere.

“Okay, what do you play?” Haruji gladly responded.

“Guess the cards!” Chiaki unfolds the entire deck, explaining the rules

The two draw a card each and use rock-paper-scissors to determine the first round of guessing. The guessing party can guess any information about the opponent’s card, which can be specific or broad, and the guessed party answers with “correct” or “wrong”.

After each guess, the guessing party and the guessed party are swapped, and which one is guessed first and then loses.

In the first game, Haruji vs Chiaki.

Guessing the boxing is a win for Qianqiu, she guesses first.

“Hum, I’ve seen the truth, your card suit must be a heart!” Chiaki reached out a finger.

“Woohoo, actually you see through it … right.” Haruhi poses in a stab-like pose, then covers her face with one hand, “It’s my turn, use special powers, eyes of insight!”

The eyes show from the fingers, and the selling looks very good.

“Your card, the suit is a square!”

“Woo … being seen through … no wonder!” Chiaki made a cute grimace, “Your power doesn’t work for me, wrong.”

“What !? How could it be that my eyes …”

“Here I am, after careful reasoning, I am one step closer to the truth, your cards must be digital cards!”

“Woohoo … how could this be … right.” Haruhi poses in a frustrated manner with a severe blow.

“I guessed twice, Sister Chiaki is awesome.” Ling Yang admired.

“Hum ~ I’m a detective!” Chiaki was proud.

“It doesn’t have reasoning at all.” Meijia vomited.

“The detective’s reasoning is not understandable by ordinary people!”

“This is the legend, even if there is no clue, you can see the truth, is the eye of the ultimate detective !?” Haruhisa face was grim.

“Yes, so you lose, sad young man ~” Chiaki showed pity.

“No … I haven’t lost, and there is hope, I will seize the last light of hope!” Haruji said firmly, holding a large hand, exuding invisible momentum, “I saw … your card …… It’s a peach color, a number below 5! “

“Why … what !?” Chiaki was suddenly shocked, “You actually saw … this is impossible … correct.”

“Hehe ~ God of hope is on my side, I will not lose!” Haruhi revived.

However, I lost.

Qing Si sang a song “Snow Bliss”, which won applause from everyone, making the atmosphere alive.

Lingyang vs Meijia in the second game.

The result is a beautiful win.

Ling Yang is a little shy, but she also sang the anime op “Dream Beyond” of “Honey Juice”.

The singing is not good, but the lovely luoli’s shy singing is enough to move.

Both Haruji and Chiaki want to record on their mobile phones, but unfortunately Ling Yang refuses to let them.

Qingji vs Xiaoshi in the third game.

Haruji wants to win, and everyone else wants him to win, because he really wants to hear and listen to Kagura poetry!

“Come on! Brother Seiji ~” Ling Yang cheered with both hands.

“Haruji, if you win, I will give you special service afterwards ~” Chiaki winks.

“Don’t say anything special …” Mei Jia said.

“Oh, so much anticipated, Chuntian Jun.” Meiwang smiled.

“I will win!” Haruhiji blinked.

He’s the one who wants to hear little poems most, none!

Poem of Kagura: “………”

Feeling Yi Brother’s hope, her cheeks glowed a little ruddy.

As a result, Seiji lived up to expectations and won!

At this moment he had the urge to yell loudly in a victory gesture, but restrained.

Qian Qiu and others applaud him, and then look at Kagura.

The beautiful young girl with dark hair is flushed, exuding shyness, and is very touching.

Ling Yang’s eyes are bright, Qian Qiu and Mei Jia are stunned, and even Mei Wang is a little surprised.

So the scene is quiet.

Qing Si coughed.

“Little poem, you lost, so …”

Kagura nodded, then raised his chest and slowly opened his lips

“Mood swings with goldfish ~”

“I won’t go anywhere without you ~”

The song sounds, tender and gentle, and touches everyone’s heart at once!

“Swim quietly in the warm water ~”

“I can do anything for you ~”

The atmosphere in the car has changed, as if entering a different time and space, to a certain realm of fantasy and beauty.

“The light of the evening flashes like water ~”

“Take you far away ~”

Pleasant and soft voice, touching lyrics, beautiful tunes, perfectly combined.

“I’m a little goldfish ~”

“Surviving in your love ~”

Qingji and others were immersed in it and even forgot to admire it.

Sakura Miyuki’s “Goldfish” is not a famous song.

This song is 5 minutes and 33 seconds long. The whole song doesn’t have too much ups and downs. The style is quiet and lyrical. Many people sound too flat and procrastinating. But there are a few people who like it very much and feel that they can hear the mood.

Haruji is the latter.

When writing a novel, he occasionally listens to this song, and feels that it contains an unspeakable meaning, which can stimulate the imagination and feel a certain mood.

I didn’t expect the little poem to sing, and I didn’t expect to sing so well!

Listen, he forgot the version of Miyue singing! I think what Yimei is singing is what Goldfish really should be.

Mei Xue sings very well, but Xiao Shi is more suitable for this song, as if it is tailor-made for her.

“It’s time to sleep ~”

“Deeply deep deeply ~”

“I’m waiting for you at the moment of waking ~”

“Long, long, long ~”

“The bond between each other lasts forever ~”

** After that, the singing waned.

The car was quiet for a few seconds, then applause!

“Awesome! Sing well!” Ling Yang clapped her hands warmly.

“Sure enough, idol debut! Such a level, it will definitely become red!” Chiaki praised.

“It really sings well … it feels like going into a dream.” Mei Jia also sighed.

“I want to hear it again.” Meiwang applauded and smiled.

“It is better to have accompaniment.” Feng Wu also smiled.

“Very nice, little poem, I think you sing better than the original!” Haruhi praised from the heart.

The ruddy color on the girl’s face was more, and she shook her head shyly.

After the applause, the game continues.

“Sister Lingyang, I won’t show mercy ~”

“Me too, sister Chiaki!”

Qian Qiu and Ling Yang are duel, no matter which side they lose, it is worth looking forward to.

The car continues on the road in a lively atmosphere.

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